Primacy of the Holo-revisionist struggle, the Jews using their fictitious “gas chambers” to condemn the true right today: “We know where your ideas lead!”

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You will find below my translation of an excellent article by my comrade Vincent Reynouard (whom Margi and I met and stayed with for four days in Bruissels, Belgium in 2007), which was published in the French weekly Rivarol in its newest issue, celebrating magnificently 70 years of this superb weekly.

In the 1990s, my 1990 victory in the GOPpriomary for the US Congress, Sixth District of Tennessee, was electronically canceled by electoral fraud just as happened to Donald Trump in November 2020.

“He says he’s ‘just ‘or helping whites’ –but is he really OMG-OMG a Nazi?”


This massive theft did discouraged me for a moment, so I did not do a lot for our movement between 1990-2005. What good is beng an candidate and running hard to win when your defeat has been arranged in advance by the Deep State?

So I made it my duty to reflect on the spiritual problem that Reynouard evokes below – the grave mental illness of the great majority of white people, which makes them fatally capable of denying all the facts and all the realities we present to them – while we take a ton of time up, and risk our career and relationships to enlighten them.

Even a racial catastrophe that would wipe out all of us out as whites can be blindly denied. So they remain standing on the railroad tracks in deliberate ignorance of the approaching peril.

Incredible, yes! But we nationalists experience it every day as soon as we try to “convert” people to the truth.

How much effort is needed, sometimes entire months, to “seduce” them!

Then most “converts” will remain timid, stingy, discouraged and inactive in the face of the imperative duty to act.

After all our efforts, we only find that we have “succeeded” in making them depressed! Have they been changed into activists? But no, not at all! The sad truth: in a way we just made their lives worse.🙁

“White people are disappearing, I see it now, but there is nothing we can do about it….” A silly thought — and once again, the opposite of reality. If 99% hate the government, how are the 99% doomed and not the government????

So my mission is above all spiritual: we have to change people and thoroughly. Because it is their own egoic mind which turns out to be the main ally of Jewry.

It is their own mind that makes them passive or active collaborators in their own genocide.

“I hate arresting these people, but I can’t afford to be fired or my wife will yell at me, divorce me and her lawyer clean me out.”

The problem clearly lies within us. This shitty Jew, who has become perceptive about us and highly experienced over the past three thousand years, knows how to exploit it!

The enemy is us if we stay unchanged!

Our mind must learn to obey our interests, and our soul! We must stop being cattle (goym)!

We must become the superman, or DIE!


RIVAROL has long understood the importance of revisionism. Created on January 18, 1951, RIVAROL is now celebrating its 70th anniversary. After the disappearance of Minute and National-Hebdo, it is the last national opposition weekly sold on French newsstands. On December 18, its Youtube channel was closed. As for its editor, Jérôme Bourbon [with a wife and eight kids; he is, btw, a Traditional Catholic], the courts regularly impose fairly heavy fines on him. In the end, we fear he will get prison and that his newspaper will be banned.

– by the revisionist Vincent Reynouard

But that does not intimidate Jérôme Bourbon. Several years ago, during a private discussion, he confided to me:

“I prefer to write what I think at the risk of being forced, one day, to stop in the face of state repression, rather than be permanently censoring myself. When you run a newspaper of real opposition, you have a duty to write the truth.”

I applaud this.

If RIVAROL is not yet banned, it is because, for the time being, to be honest, it does not represent any real political danger [to the Deep State].

This weekly certainly embodies some facets of the viewsof the true right, that is to say the nationalist right, respectful of our traditions and the natural order of life. However, the great majority of the French people reject this political current.

The 2002 presidential election demonstrated this. In the second round, eight out of ten voters preferred the known arch-liar Jacques Chirac to the president of the National Front [Jean-Marie Le Pen]. Shortly after the announcement of the results, a close friend of Jean-Marie Le Pen, Martine Lehideux, expressed her incomprehension:

Jean-Marie Le Pen (for whom I was the interpreter in 1985 in Washington), Marie-France Stirbois and Martine Lehideux (holding an umbrella) in 2001 

“As for me,” she said, “I am totally surprised [at us getting just 18%], because the French people keep saying that these problems are serious that we addressed: crime, unemployment, and the [black/muslim] immigration-invasion).


“I am a Muslim Frenchwoman. If this bothers you, I invite you to to leave MY country.”


After an almost all-black French soccer team won the World Cup: “At least we are world champions.”

And now the people ask for more  of these prioblems. They want five MORE years of Jacques Chirac, and then these problems will get even worse.

Bataclan night club: 130 white teens slaughtered by ISIS

Mohammed Bouhlel ran over 87 people on the French national holiday in Nice  

So, I do not understand the French people to whom we offered hope and change, and look — the preference for helping the French nation [not foreigners]  is even enshrined in our Constitution!”(1).

In truth, there was nothing surprising about this crushing defeat. Subjected to propaganda based on “the Holocaust”, the people parroted right back what they were told:

“The extreme right — we know where that leads.”

Witness what an  anti-Le Pen demonstrator said on the evening of April 21, 2002:

“I am ashamed [to be French] because fifty years after a genocide, this Le Pen makes it to the second round. His words are completely… fascist! ” (2).

Based on a simple mechanism that I have unveiled (the analogy-deduction) this propaganda, based on “the Holocaust,” is proving to be very effective (3).

In the name of: “Never again! », they arouse in the people the automatic and categorical rejection of the true right. 

Let us remember a Vincent Lindon who, shortly before the second round, said:

“It is no longer a question of thinking it over, but of acting — driven by a Pavlovian reflex.  If Le Pen’s opponent were Joe Blow, we would have to vote even for Joe Blow. “(4).

Because thelogic is that Le Pen is Hitler, and Hitler — well! We sure know where that leads.

To counter this political propaganda, two options present themselves.

The first is to attempt an enterprise of “de-demonization”. Marine Le Pen [the daughter of Jean-Marie, who even had her “extremist” father thrown out of his own party that he had founded and built up!] embodies this strategy which has been adopted by a large part of the watered-down nationalist right.


But Marine likes kittens, and forces a smile, so it is all good. 😉

*** JdN: No filth is too much for the jews, and there is no bribe that some goyim will not take

Jean-Marie’s first wife, the mother of the treacherous Marine, left him, posed nude for the French version of Playboy, and gave an interview about what a horrible beast her ex-husband was….. Maybe I will get something similar from MY “loved ones.” …LOL!  Money talks in the Kali Yuga. Honor, loyalty, gratitude and decency are such patriarchal relics.


Well, it is better than Michelle Obama posing nude. 😉


In terms of history, the watchword for the diluted rightwingers is as follows: Wemust refuse any media invitation to discuss the “Shoah”. The justification put forward is always the same: This subjects from another era of history time would only create controversy and take us away from the real, here-and-now concerns of the French voters. (5).

The trouble is, if said ideology led to a horrible tyranny and the planned mass-murder of millions of innocent people, then, by virtue of the same logic, a return of that ideology to power would lead to the same abominations all over again!

This is the message delivered especially to our young people.

In this brochure intended for young people and entitled: “Tell me about the deportation in the Nazi camps,” the President of the “Foundation for the Memory of the Deportation” wrote:

“It is important that every human being, and not only those who have returned from horror camps, know what happened there and think about it, as a knowledge of the past is necessary for building a better future. Learning to detect the ideas and facts which are the sign of the rebirth of evil usually helps to avoid its return ”(6).

Consequently, far from belonging to a long bygone past, the Holocaust subjecton the contrary, remains very current.

Hence this “duty of Memory” cultivated by our societies, in order to prevent the “return of horrors”. The slogan engraved in the minds of young people is as follows:

“Those who ignore the past are doomed to relive it.”

In such a climate, the only way to de-demonize oneself is to clearly condemn National Socialism.

This is exactly what Marine Le Pen does when she writes:

“I have never felt and will never feel anything in common with an ideology in the name of which we sent women and children to a certain death [… ]. […] Deporting women, old people and children with the aim of exterminating them […] demonstrates, without any discussion, the absolute barbarism of that political system. “

In writing this, Marine Le Pen is applying this strategy.

The author of a book published in 1999 and entitled: The Voices of Memory. Echo of the concentration camps put this out:

“We owe it to our friends who were brutally murdered by the Nazi regime to warn the young people of today against the perils which are mounting, against the fascism which is creeping out from under its rock again  … seeking to gain the upper hand, so that racism and the exclusion of others become commonplace ”(7).

Note the shift: from the “Nazi regime”, we move to “fascism,” then to “racism” and even “exclusion”. [Banning illegal immigration is like gas chambers.]

*** JdN: If you are against gay marriage, you are a Nazi — and “the Nazis scapegoated the jews for the Germans’ problems and gassed six million of them in ovens.”

Leftist cartoon against a huge white Christian demonstration in 2012 against the socialists’s gay marriage law — they’re just violent, prehistoric Nazis carrying clubs and medieval  attle axes. The monsters spout the actual Catholic protest slogan ‘Marriage means “one dad and one mom” ‘ The square-jawed Nazi wife even has stubble on her forearms….

What the demonstrators really looked like — mostly peaceful, married Catholic couples!




Look at these hardened thugs….



In other words, it is no longer just National Socialism, it is anyone preaching any doctrine of law, order, and traditions who will be targeted.

As early as 1948, [nationalist writer] Maurice Bardèche understood this. In his Nuremberg or the Promised Land, [dealing with the “Nuremberg War CrimesTrials”] he warned:

“The condemnation of the National Socialist Party has implications far greater than it seems. […] It is not only the Germans, it is all of us who are legally dispossessed.

No one, henceforth, has the right to sit down in his own field and say: ‘this land is mine.’ No one has the right to stand up in his own city any longer and say: we are the original inhabitants;  we have built the houses in this town, and whoever does not want to obey our laws can get out!”(p. 55) .

Bardèche had therefore warned that, beyond defaming National Socialism, the trials and death sentences at Nuremberg would strike at all nationalist ideologies.

This is why, following the logic of going with the winners of WWII, Marine Le Pen continues to pledge allegiance to political correctness, and to the point of no longer representing, even from a distance, the radical right. Her purged party has become a pale copy of the radical socialism of a century ago. She militates for “clean” pollitics, for the republic, for strict respect for secularism [“separation of church and state”], for order on the classroom, for honor  to be paid to the national flag, etc.

In this same vein, Marine Le Pen invokes General de Gaulle (in June 2020, paying tribute to him in a speech delivered on the Ile de Sein). She and her family want to return (in part) to the France of the 1950s, that of Amélie Poulain.

They do not realize that it was this Gaullist France, resulting from the so-called “Liberation”  of 1944, which gave us the leftist takeover of May-68 and all the disgusting mess that has followed.

Take the example of gay rights. Tony Anatrella points out:

“In the 1950s, we started to devalue the image of the father, then in the 1970s, it was the image of the male that was devalued at the same time as we idealized the woman,
and since 1980s, it is the image of mono-sexuality and sexual indistinction which imposed itself to the point of triggeirng new laws ”(8).

On this point, the National Gathering [“Rassemblement national,” the new name for the National Front] cannot resist the wave: Jordan Bardella, vice-president of the RN, has just declared that Marine Le Pen would not abrogate the homosexual “marriage” law if she is elected as president in 2022 [defeating Macron] because gay marriage is now accepted, and previously the RN had voted for an improved gay-couples law anyway that amounts to an equivalent (9) to the Taubira law [allowing gay marriage].

So, of course, electorally, this strategy can sort-of pay off. Marine Le Pen IS doing better than her father. [He got 18%; she got 32%.] But that is not enough to secure a victory.

The polls announced it. Against Emmanuel Macron in the second round, Marine Le Pen lost by more than ten points (10). And even if she had won, you cannot come to terms with impunity with this System, its anti-values and its lies. I say it today: Were her National Gathering to get power AFTER having pledged allegiance to “politically correctness”, her government could not possibly bring about any real tranformation.


Already, she does not dare to repudiate the European Convention on Human Rights. Bound by its articles and by many others, constantly monitored by foreigners and by the supranational institutions set up after 1945, afraid, finally, of ​​being condemned, sanctioned or boycotted, her government would have to obey Big Brother. In short, she could not stop the phenomenon of decomposition from continuing [JdN: no more than Trump could] that began long before the Second World War, even before the First.

In a prophetic book published in 1889 [the year of Hitler’s birth], [the great, bestselling antisemitic writer] Édouard Drumont warned:

“There is no longer a nation, and there cannot be one, without the feeling of being a race, with fixed institutions and traditions; but the [Jews want]  atomized beings […]; they float around like impalpable dust in the atmosphere; a gust of wind lifts them up: they whirl towards the sky; the wind stops: they float back down onto the ground; the rain falls: they form a stagnant mud ”(11).


It was to save his nation from this decomposition and to rebuild it that Hitler rediscovered National Socialism (12). I wish to recall with pride that national socialism [in the sense of overcoming marxism and class divisions, and making everyone share in the benefits of the nation] had developed first in France, and this was twenty years before Hitler.

For Europe, nhowever, Hitler was the last hope in the face of globalist forces. The globalists were mistaken, though, for at first they believed that their economic boycott of Germany, orchestrated by powerful Jewish organizations, would precipitate Hitler’s downfall. Their hopes were dashed. Not only did the new German regime resist them, but its vast project of l recovery in every area was an unprecedented success. For the globalists, this was too much. It had to be stopped.

From 1938 on, they were determined to get a war going to crush the Third Reich.

However, the first attempts failed, because the peace party was still strong enough. But it finally gave in. At the end of August 1939, Hitler had drawn up sixteen reasonable and conciliatory proposals for the resolution of the German-Polish problems (relating to Danzig and the Polish Corridor) (13).

But the globalists maneuvered to ensure that Poland stubbornly rejected everything and thus an armed conflict broke out (14). On September 3, they declared war on Germany. Four days later, the American press announced that France and England were planning a long war to end Hitlerism (15).

That was an admission that Poland had only been a pretext. This fact came to light when, on September 17, the USSR in turn also invaded Poland. This time, the Allies were
satisfied with economic sanctions of no real significance. On June 11, 1940, Churchill finally took off the mask: in the presence of Marshal Pétain, he confidently assured that the real aim of the war was the destruction of National Socialism.

Poland was no longer even discussed (16). In 1945, moreover, Roosevelt and Churchill abandoned it to Stalin, who did not have the reputation of respecting the independence of the his satellite countries.

At that time, the Reich was nothing more than a heap of ruins riddled with corpses. But for the Allies, their purely military victory was insufficient. It was also necessary to crush the Reich on the ideological battlefield. This is why the victors organized a formidable propaganda around the concentration camps.

Shamelessly, they took up the most shameless canards of Soviet propaganda, starting with crazy figures (such as 4 million dead in Auschwitz, 1.5 million in Majdanek…). Then, armed with these slanderous accusations, they dragged the defeated government Cabinet ministers and generals before a tribunal created for this occasion. This court would not ask for proof of the Holocuast; it was a fact of public notoriety: it would be taken for granted (17).

This is how they laid the foundations of their false history. Since then, the revisionists have exposed their lies. The credit goes mainly to Professor Robert Faurisson. Although a literary  expert by academic training, it was he who first posed the problem in the technical field of the gas chambers.

Subsequently, an American technician, Fred Leuchter, and a German chemist, Germar Rudolf,confirmed his conclusions. Other researchers like Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, have followed suit.

This [fact-based] revisionism has made possible the second [and far better] strategy, which is intended to counter the political [atrocity] propaganda orchestrated today by the globalists. It consists in denouncing the lies [about the “Holocaust” and German war-guilt] coming out of the Nuremberg trials.

We now denounce them to conclude:

“No, nationalism has not led to the horrible things you claim. “

In 1948, Bardèche warned that after Nuremberg, a negative judicial precedent would weigh heavily on any national-rebirth movement.

But by  washing National Socialism clean of the globalists’ calumnies, the way is open again to the possibility of a national renaissance.

Some will object to me that this strategy has no chance of working. I will answer them by pointing to the globalists and their evident fear of our potential.

They are not mistaken; we can make our comeback, and so they hasten to satisfy the Jewish associations who demand legal measures be passed to prevent the public expression of revisionist theses.

In Europe, thus, they have passed laws: they punish historians and researchers with fines and imprisonment who challenge their imposed version of history.

*** JdN Our dear friend Hervé Ryssen, a graduateof the Sorbonne has been stuck since September in a lousy, rough prison with a group cell with murderers and rapists –no “minimum-security” tennis prison for those who denounce the jewish hydra

with a friend… Hervé is a beautiful human being in every way.


This judicial repression is accompanied by all-out social persecution: a published revisionist sympathizer will be ostracized and will not be able to keep any serious career he had going. This repressive climate is enough to shut many a mouth.

Even within the national right, few are those who dare openly defend our revisionist theses. So, of course, I do not believe that revisionism will triumph among the masses thanks to its factua,logical, technical arguments.

But when the System collapses, the people will have to turn to something else. As in the 1930s, they will have the choice between a type of modern communism (egalitarianism in conditions of scarcity) or social nationism (a hierarchical society with an abundance of safety, prosperity and national happiness).

If National Socialism cannot be cleared of the accusations against it, then the peoples will turn to a high-gloss new version of the old, brutal communism.

But if their confidence in the defunct System has collapsed, then the masses will be ready to question what they have been taught, including about National Socialism. That is why I think that on this day of the collapse, everything will be possible.

On condition, however, that revisionism and revisionists has not already disappeared into oblivion.

Hence the interest in ensuring its and our survival, so that our truthful voice is not lost.

RIVAROL weekly understands what is at stake. So it gives the floor to the revisionists. I thank these people and I wish this weekly a long life, for France, for Europe, and for all the white world.


His daughter Amélie 13 years ago (his wife left him and took the kids; so did his second wife) 

1. See Le Soir, May 6, 2002, p. 4.
2. TF1, April 21, 2002 in the evening.
3. See V. Reynouard, The reasons for the electoral failure of J.-M. Le Pen and the FN (2002), pp. 79 and following.
4. See Liberation, April 26, 2002, p. 19.
5.Voie Marine Le Pen, A contre-flots, pp. 255 and 256.

6. Ibid., Pp. 213-214.
7. See Violette Maurice and Marielle Larriaga,
Les Voix de la Mémoire, p. 13.
8. See Tony Anatrella, Marriage of all kinds. Chronicle of an announced cultural regression, p. 113.

9.See point 87 of its 144 presidential commitments (Navy 2017).
10. Source:
11. See Édouard Drumont, La fin d’un monde (1889), p. 253.
12. See Pierre Biétry, Socialism and the Yellow (1906), p. 99.
13. See The German White Book, volume 2 (1939), pp. 315 and 316.
14. See Vincent Reynouard, The “liberating” crimes against peace, part three.
15. See The Daily Times, September 7, 1939, p. 1.

16. See the minutes of the meeting of the Supreme Council of June 11, 1940. Reproduced in Weygand, Mémoires, Recallé au service, t. III, p. 596.
17. See the Statute of the Nuremberg Tribunal, art. 19 (in TMI, vol. I, p. 17)



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  1. Marine Le Pen’s boyfriend is Jewish, so only attacks on Muslims and immigrants are permissable. No criticism of Israel or jews . Even questioning Israeli/ Jewish actions deems you a racist fascist nazi . This only effects the dim witted .

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