Jewish professor brags ‘we run porn industry, use it to HARM Aryans, Christians and their families’

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In jewish porn, the White female loves submitting to a masterful black male, while scorning the white wusses. What is the message here?  

Some of you who’ve stumbled upon this article after seeing it shared via Gab or on your travels around the net may have a hard time accepting its thesis, but I can assure you, it’s 100% factual.
Unlike other websites published by the likes of Alex Jones that trade in unfounded conspiracy theories aimed at running cover for their financial backers (remember comically, albeit dangerously, that Jones actually claimed that Hollywood was run by Muslims), we don’t.
Or somehow it’s the “Nazis” who run the New World Order… 😉

And it’s not like we are unhinged haters either.
While many in our circles blame Jews when the sun fails to show for their 4th of July cook-out, we only do so when it’s justified to do so and we have the evidence to back it up!.
Therefore, I can assure you that this article is rooted in the incontrovertible truth that although Jews only make up less than 2% of America’s population, they produce the vast majority of the nation’s pornography.
I can also assure you that besides using porn as a means to get rich, many smut producers make films in order to  HARM the people that consume them.
In case THAT part of my thesis seems too conspiratorial for your sensibilities, I’ll also provide you with an article I found in The Jewish Quarterly, written by a well-known Jewish historian and professor – who spends more of his time battling against imagined anti-Semitism rather than researching history – boasting about said control, reveling in anti-gentile hatred, and glaoting how pornography benefits on the Jewish people.
Here’s a snippet.

“We (Jews) run porn and we use it as a weapon against gentiles. Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christians and authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.”

Lovely (sarcasm), eh? And I’m not talking about Abram’s disjointed writing style…. This is how a large percentage of these people see the inhabitants of their host nations.

Bottom line: When one looks at the mountain of evidence laid out in this article, the conclusion MUST be drawn that Jews as a group utilize pornography, as they do with subversion in general, to prey upon the weaknesses of their enemies, advance their own interests, and exact revenge against their hosts for imagined anti-Semitism.
Abrams admits as much himself.
Defending ourselves against that, and harboring ill will in our hearts after learning as much, can’t be wrong, can it?
W.E.B DuBois, a black writer that’s often referred to as the father of African American studies – cited on both the Left and the Right (Rand Paul just quoted him in a speech he gave last week in the Senate, condemning Joe Biden’s move to allow transgender high-school girls to compete on girls’ sports teams), on being asked about the difference between American anti-black racism and anti-Semitism in pre-WW2 Germany – said that ” the latter is based on reasoned prejudice while the American hatred of the black man is not.”
Although I disagree with DuBois that our historic aversion to blacks is entirely unreasonable, I wholeheartedly agree with his position that the German aversion to Jews was anything but!
The term “anti-Semitism” which DuBois was hired to research while traveling to Germany by his American Jewish financial backers (and later on in this article I will illustrate how he turned on them after falling in love with Germany and its people during his stay there) is often bandied about, even when a generalized criticism is appropriate and based on behavior and fact and NOT racism, as it is in this instance.
And one of the things that bothered Germans most about the Jews living in their midst at that time was their promotion of pornography, as well as art, media and early 20th century German pop culture that promoted divorce, adultery and homosexuality.
Although these topics may seem tame by today’s standards, at the time these subjects were all quite taboo – until Germany’s Jewish critical theorists and media elite sunk their collective teeth into them, that is.
And, as Jews were the leading voices pushing the normalization of adultery in 1920s Germany, they are now at the forefront of the contemporary push to both “normalize” the last remaining absolute sexual taboos (bestiality and pedophilia) and to create a Western obsession with pornography.
Over the next few paragraphs I will prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, this to be the case.
People interested in understanding to what extent this is happening, and how pornography is being used against our societies and the weak-willed impressionable people that live in them, should read the remainder of this post. If however the truth is too hard to accept, then feel free to visit for your daily dose of conservative media…. 😉
In the middle — even East Indian women (like Nikki Halley) and her son are taller than Ben
So, just how deeply does Jewish involvement in pornography run?
Let’s just say that their stranglehold on the media, Hollywood TV & film industries pales in comparison.
Jewish ideological hatred of Western civilization provides them – a people with a penchant for business and insatiable appetite for control – with an added incentive: sticking it to oppressive goyim while acting out perverse fantasies on women and children of European origin FOR MONEY.
What could be better?
Not only can pornographers profiteer from their industry, they can subvert the people they loathe in the process.
According to Jewish supremacist, university lecturer, & porn historian (yeah, he actually refers to himself as the porn professor), Nathan Abrams,

“Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’”.

Sure sounds a bit like the man’s proud of his people’s contribution to our decline, doesn’t it?
Or would my quoting his actual words verbatim still amount to anti-Semitism?
As a matter of fact, didn’t US Vice President, Joe Biden, make the claim that Jews were also behind the bulk of the nation’s – and with it, the world’s, gay rights initiatives?
Biden stated to an audience of Jews that, “I bet you 85 percent of those changes (pro-gay legislation), whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.”
Once again, these are the exact words of a Jewish professor and the current US President, not mine.
Back to porn.
In his article “Triple Exthnics” one can easily find in the Jewish Quarterly’s archives, Abrams elaborates by writing that pornography enables Jewish directors the ability to pair Jewish leading men, raised in matriarchal morally bankrupt secular households, with “females from Roman Catholic day schools”.


Abrams writes that, “The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic Shiksa.”
Sounds a bit like the man’s bragging, no?
To those still oblivious to what Abrams and his ilk think of us: Shiksa is a vitriolic pejorative used by Jews, both male and female, to denigrate Gentile women.
The term shiksa wouldn’t be used on the likes of liberal Gentile hags like Ariana Huffington or Michele Obama; it’s left for young desirable women of European origin they’d love to defile, abuse, then discard.
Goyim is to cattle, as shiksa is to young attractive white “slut”.
Still, I’m highly doubtful Shiksa Walks will be coming to a town near you anytime soon.
Misogyny and conspicuous contempt for the fairer sex – behaviors supposedly only folks with white privilege can exhibit (think how the media treated the Duke university Lacrosse team) – are industry staples.
Titles like “Chocolate Cocks”, “Black Cocks in White Asses” & “Big Black Dicks Rape White Pussies”, produced and directed by Brooklyn Jew and porn mogul Adam Glasser (born, yes, as Seymore Butts) – and others, are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.


There are a plethora of films depicting black male on white female violations in the industry’s immense catalog of porn. Remarkably, this truly insidious genre of film dwarfs all others. The 80’s Jewish under-aged Catholic schoolgirl fantasy (that typically showcased Jewish actors), which was tame by comparison, has morphed into one of black men defiling and abusing white women.
I can’t help but wonder if the feral South African brutes that raped and killed innocent Hannah Cornelius after a night on the town in Cape Town with a male friend

40% of South Africa’s women WILL be raped, 47% black men polled say rape JUSTIFIED. Of the 10,000+ annual rapes ONLY TWO were white on black. Remembering Hannah Cornelius

….or that Somali who had forcible sex with a dead Swedish woman a few years back in a Stockholm mall parking garage were influenced by any of these films?
Porn apologists will argue, well, what if that’s what consumers want? Can you blame the producers for satisfying market demand? After all, it is a business!
Ask yourself why white men would pay to watch aggressive black men violating women that look like their sisters, mothers and daughters? That they do says a lot of how much damage has been done.
Could it possibly be that white males have been intentionally conditioned into getting aroused by something so conspicuously heinous?
And if white males were truly interested in interracial relations, why in contrast are there so few titles featuring white men romancing black women?
The answer’s as clear – it’s subversion, by design and for profit.

And when I refer to interracial abuse porn, I’m not talking about romantic sex between a White man and an Asian girl, or even a White or Asian man and a Black woman, but almost invariably a large, sexually aggressive Black male and small, submissive White female. Although liberals seem to think interracial porn is brilliant, this genre of porn is NOT meant to romanticize or show love between people from different racial backgrounds. It is used to depict abuse, violence and pain and glorify the nature of the act and races involved in it, rather than the sex itself.
And it’s not just being directed at black males. Based on the statistics we unearthed, white males are quite remarkably also interested in witnessing this genre of porn, as well. As per a study released by; a porn star named Mandingo was the most downloaded porn actor in the US and Russia! He is black, while those countries are predominantly white. In fact interracial porn is the most popular genre of porn in the US and South Africa, followed by anal sex. (In Russia, anal sex is followed by interracial pornography.)
And ask yourself why anyone would want to see someone as vile as Ron Jeremy (Jewish pornstar currently awaiting trial in prison for more than a dozen rapes and GLORIFIED by Abrams in his article) man-handling gentile women?
*** Nice jewish boy:

Ron Jeremy

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Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy 2009.jpg

Jeremy in 2009
Ronald Jeremy Hyatt[1]

March 12, 1953 (age 67)[2]

Nationality American
Other names
  • R. J.
  • David Elliot
  • Big Daddy
  • The Hedgehog
  • Ronnie
Occupation Pornographic actor, stand-up comedian, actor
Years active 1979–2018
Height 5 ft 6 in (1.68 m)

Ronald Jeremy Hyatt (born March 12, 1953) is an American former pornographic actor, filmmaker, actor, and stand-up comedian.[3][1]

Nicknamed “The Hedgehog”, Jeremy was ranked by AVN at No. 1 in their “50 Top Porn Stars of All Time” list.[4] Jeremy has also made a number of non-pornographic media appearances, and director Scott J. Gill filmed a documentary about him and his legacy, Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy, which was released in 2001.

More than a dozen women have publicly accused Jeremy of sexual assault over the years. Several of the allegations relate to his appearances at fan conventions, alleging that he would grope and insert his fingers into attendees without their consent. In June 2020, Jeremy was charged with four counts of rape and sexual assault involving four women and in August 2020, he was charged with another 20 counts of either rape or sexual assault over a span of 16 years from 2004 to 2020 that involved 12 women and a 15-year-old girl.[5] In total, Jeremy faces a potential 250-year prison sentence if found guilty.[6]

Early life

Ronald Jeremy Hyatt was born in Queens, New York, to a middle-class Jewish family from Russia and Poland.[7][2] His father, Arnold (born 1918),[8] was a physicist, and his mother a book editor[9] who served in the O.S.S. during World War II, as she spoke fluent German and French.[10]


Pornographers and porn apologists will also tell you that it’s a gentile fantasy to see unattractive men bedding attractive women, but is it?
I thought gentile men found entertainment in seeing men like Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson and Charlton Heston getting the girl – ‘getting’ meaning wooing and winning, not “schtupping” with grotesque men like Jeremy.
The idea that gentiles would want to see men as loathsome as Ron (born Hyatt) Jeremy score with women that look like their sister, is as ludicrous as it is abhorrent!
But, you don’t need me convincing you….
I’ll leave that to the experts on the subject; the Jewish “porn historian” and writer deeply proud of his people’s involvement in the industry.
And before I publish Professor Abram’s poorly written, celebratory and self-gratulatory post on porn, I’ll leave you with something esteemed German Studies professor, Kenneth Barkin, wrote about the aforementioned W.E.B. DuBois I referenced at the beginning of this piece.

“W. E. B. Du Bois’ lifelong affection for Imperial Germany, where he studied Political Economy from 1892 to 1894, remains a puzzle to historians, who widely view fin-de-siècle Germany as marked by militarism, anti-Semitism, and racism. How could an educated, sensitive African American spend two of his most “liberating” years in the nationalistic atmosphere of the Kaiser’s Berlin? Two hypotheses are presented here. On the German side, attitudes toward Jews and Africans were in fact different, and Du Bois himself, who was an impeccable dresser, adopted the gloves, cane, silk ties, and hats of the elites, which led Germans to respond to him very differently than Americans.”

Makes ya think, no?

Article Notes – The Times of Israel wrote that, An Egyptian preacher informed his followers that

“the Jews are responsible for producing the Internet’s endless trove of pornography as part of a conspiracy to ‘invade the hearts and minds’ of Muslims and weaken them.”

In a sermon broadcast by Egypt’s Tahrir TV and translated by MEMRI for the channel’s international audience, Egyptian cleric Abd Al-Fattah Abu Zayd told his “followers that ‘abominable elders of Zion’ realized that ‘armed force would be futile against those Muslims, because they love death as much as we love life.’ Instead, he charged, the Jews decided to employ ‘soft power’ against Muslims through the corrupting vices of ‘urges, sex, women and 4.2 million porn websites’ across the Internet”.
When someone entirely alien to me, with whom I have nothing in common, believes precisely what I do – relying on evidence available to him – I tend to think there’s probably something there 😉
Remember the Jews have used porn as a weapon against the Palestinians for years.
Here’s the Abrams’ article in its entirety. Grab a bucket and some mouthwash as this fiend’s chutzpah is truly nauseating. Humility has never been a strong suit of the Jewish people.


******************* JdN As is my wont, I added photos.

TRIPLE EXTHNICS: Jewish Quarterly: Vol 51, No 4

Writer Nathan Abrams
A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.
Smut peddlers
Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotica dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant Jews of German origin. According to Jay A. Gertzman, author of Bookleggers and Smuthounds:The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), ‘Jews were prominent in the distribution of gallantiana [fiction on erotic themes and books of dirty jokes and ballads], avant-garde sexually explicit novels, sex pulps, sexology, and flagitious materials’.
In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. Born in 1924, Sturman grew up in Cleveland’s East Side. Initially, he sold comics and magazines, but when he realized sex magazines produced twenty times the revenue of comic books, he moved exclusively into porn, eventually producing his own titles and setting up retail stores.
By the end of the 1960s, Sturman ranked at the top of adult magazine distributors and by the mid-70s he owned over 200 adult bookstores. Sturman also introduced updated versions of the traditional peepshow booth (typically a dark room with a small colour TV on which the viewer can view X-rated videos). It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. Eventually he was convicted of tax evasion and other crimes and died, disgraced, in prison in 1997. His son, David, continued running the family business.
The contemporary incarnation of Sturman is 43-year-old Jewish Clevelander Steven Hirsch, who has been described as ‘the Donald Trump of porno’. The link between the two is Steve’s father, Fred, who was a stockbroker-cum-lieutenant to Sturman.
Today Hirsch runs the Vivid Entertainment Group, which has been called the Microsoft of the porn world, the top producer of ‘adult’ films in the US. His specialty was to import mainstream marketing techniques into the porn business. Indeed, Vivid parallels the Hollywood studio system of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly in its exclusive contracts to porn stars who are hired and moulded by Hirsch. Vivid was the subject of a behind-the-scenes reality TV show recently broadcast on Britains “prestigious” Channel 4.
Nice Jewish girls and boys
Jews accounted for most of the leading male performers as well as a sizeable number of female stars in porn movies of the 1970s and ‘80s. The doyen of the Hebrew studs is Ron Jeremy. Known in the trade as ‘the Hedgehog’, Jeremy is one of America’s biggest porn stars. The 51-year-old Jeremy was raised in an upper-middle-class Jewish family in Flushing, Queens, and has since appeared in more than 1,600 adult movies, as well as directing over 100.
Jeremy has achieved iconic status in America, a hero to males of all ages, Jewish and gentile alike – he’s the nebbischy, fat, hairy, ugly guy who gets to bed dozens of beautiful women.
He presents an image of a modern-day King David, a Jewish superstud who supersedes the traditional heroes of Jewish lore. No sallow Talmud scholar he. His stature was recently cemented with the release of a porno-mentary about his life, “Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy.”
As probably the most famous Jewish male porn star, Jeremy has done wonders for the psyche of Jewish men in America. Jeremy has also just released a compilation CD, “Bang-A-Long-With Ron Jeremy.” For £7.99 (including delivery), the lucky listener gets to enjoy Jeremy’s hand-picked favourite porno grooves along with narration by ‘the legend’ himself. As the publicity blurb gushes, ‘Out of the brown paper wrappings and into the mainstream’.
Seymore Butts, aka Adam Glasser, is everything that Jeremy is not: young, handsome and toned. Glasser, a 39-year-old New York Jew, opened a gym in 1991 in Los Angeles. When no one joined, he borrowed a video camera for 24 hours, went to a nearby strip club, recruited a woman, then headed back to his gym and started shooting. Although the movie stank, with a bit of chutzpah and a few business cards he wangled a deal with a manufacturer and started cranking out films.
Within a few years, ‘Seymore Butts’ – his nom de porn which is simultaneously his sales pitch – became one of the largest franchises in the adult-film business. As the king of the gonzo genre (marked by handheld cameras, the illusion of spontaneity and a low-tech aesthetic meant to suggest reality), he is today probably the most famous Jewish porn mogul.
Seymore Inc., his production company, releases about 36 films annually, most of them shot for less than $15,000, each of them grossing more than 10 times that sum. Glasser employs 12 people, including his mother and cousin Stevie as respectively genial company accountant (and matchmaker for her single son) and lovable but roguish general gopher. Glasser currently even has his own reality TV show (also broadcast on Channel 4), a ten-episode docu-soap called “Family Business,” whose opening credits show Glasser’s barmitzvah photo.
In search of a buck
Jews became involved in the porn industry for much the same reasons that their co-religionists became involved in Hollywood. They were attracted to an industry primarily because it admitted them. Its newness meant that restrictive barriers had not yet been erected, as they had in so many other areas of American life.
In porn, there was no discrimination against Jews. During the early part of the twentieth century, an entrepreneur did not require large sums of money to make a start in the film business; cinema was considered a passing fad. In the porn business, it was similarly straightforward to get going. To show ‘stag’ movies or loops, as they were known, all one needed was a projector, screen and a few chairs. Not tied up with the status quo and with nothing to lose by innovation, Jews were open to new ways of doing business. Gertzman explains that

“Jews, when they found themselves excluded from a field of endeavour, turned to a profession in which they sensed they could eventually thrive by cooperating with colleagues in a community of effort . . . Jews have for a very long time cultivated the temperament and talents of middlemen, and they are proud of these abilities”.

The adult entertainment business required something that Jews possessed in abundance: chutzpah. Early Jewish pornographers were marketing geniuses and ambitious entrepreneurs whose toughness, intelligence and boundless self-confidence were responsible for their successes.
Of course, the large number of Jews in porn were mainly motivated by the desire to make profits. Just as their counterparts in Hollywood provided a dream factory for Americans, a blank screen upon which the Jewish moguls’ visions of America could be created and projected, so the porn-moguls displayed a talent for understanding public tastes. What better way to provide the stuff of dreams and fantasies than through the adult-entertainment industry? Performers did porn for the money. As [longtime, now retired] ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman commented,
‘Those Jews who enter the pornography industry have done so as individuals pursuing the American dream.’
Secular Sex
Like their mainstream counterparts, Jews who enter porn do not usually do so as representatives of their religious group. Most of the performers and pornographers are Jewish culturally but not religiously. Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew – he was a generous donator to Jewish charities – and performer Richard Pacheco once interviewed to be a rabbinical student.
Very few, if any, porn films have overtly Jewish themes, although Jeremy once tried to get several Jewish porn stars together to make a kosher porn film. The exception is “Debbie Duz Dishes,” in which Nina Hartley plays a sexually insatiable Jewish housewife who enjoys sex with anyone who rings the doorbell. It has sold very well, spawned a couple of sequels and is currently very hard to buy – perhaps indicating a new niche to exploit.
Indeed, according to an editorial on the World Union of Jewish Students website, “there are thousands of people searching for Jewish porn. After things like Jewish calendar, Jewish singles, Jewish dating, and Jewish festivals comes ‘Jewish porn’ in the list of top search keywords that provide”.
Sexual rebels
Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? There is surely an element of rebellion in Jewish X-rated involvement. Its very taboo and forbidden nature serves to make it attractive. As I written in these pages before, treyf signifies ‘the whole world of forbidden sexuality, the sexuality of the goyim, and there all the delights are imagined to lie . . .’ (‘Reel Kashrut: Jewish food in film’, JQ 189 [Spring 2003]).
According to one anonymous industry insider quoted by E. Michael Jones in the magazine Culture Wars (May 2003),

‘the leading male performers through the 1980s came from secular Jewish upbringings and the females from Roman Catholic day schools’.

The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa.
Furthermore, as Orthodox Jew and porn gossipmonger Luke Ford explains on his website ( ‘Porn is just one expression of [the] rebellion against standards, against the disciplined life of obedience to Torah that marks a Jew living Judaism.’ It is also a revolt against (often middle-class) parents who wish their children to be lawyers, doctors and accountants. As performer Bobby Astyr put it on the same website, ‘It’s an “up yours” to the uncles with the pinky rings who got down on me as a kid for wanting to be musician.’
As religious influences waned and were replaced by secular ones, free-thinking Jews, especially those from California’s Bay Area, viewed sex as a means of personal and political liberation. America provided the freest society Jews have ever known, as manifested by the growth of the adult industry. Those Jewish women who have sex onscreen certainly stand in sharp contradiction to the stereotype of the ‘Jewish American Princess’. They (and I’m speculating here) may have seen themselves as fulfilling the promise of liberation, emancipating themselves from what feminist Betty Friedan in 1963 called the ‘comfortable concentration camp’ of the household as they set out into the Promised Land of the porno sets of Southern California. It signified their economic and social freedom: they were free to choose to enter, rather than coerced into it by economic and other circumstances. Once they had lain down, they could stand on their own two feet, particularly as female performers typically earn twice as much as their male counterparts.
Sexual revolutionaries
Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having ‘to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an “up yours” to these people’.
Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on,
‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’
Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Porn is no longer of the ‘what the Butler saw’ voyeuristic type; instead, it is driven to new extremes of portrayal that stretch the boundaries of the porn aesthetic. As new sexual positions are portrayed, the desire to shock (as well as entertain) seems clear.
It is a case of the traditional revolutionary/radical drive of immigrant Jews in America being channelled into sexual rather than leftist politics. Just as Jews have been disproportionately represented in radical movements over the years, so they are also disproportionately represented in the porn industry. Jews in America have been sexual revolutionaries. A large amount of the material on sexual liberation was written by Jews. Those at the forefront of the movement which forced America to adopt a more liberal view of sex were Jewish. Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. Reich’s central preoccupations were work, love and sex, while Marcuse prophesied that a socialist utopia would free individuals to achieve sexual satisfaction. Goodman wrote of the ‘beautiful cultural consequences’ that would follow from legalizing pornography: it would ‘ennoble all our art’ and ‘humanize sexuality’. Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx (
“Before I got my first part in an adult film, I went down to an audition for an X-rated film with my hair down to my ass, a copy of Wilhelm Reich’s Sexual Revolution under my arm and yelling about work, ‘love and sex’.”
As Rabbi Samuel H. Dresner put it (E. Michael Jones, ‘Rabbi Dresner’s Dilemma: Torah v. Ethnos’ Culture Wars, May 2003), ‘Jewish rebellion has broken out on several levels’, one being ‘the prominent role of Jews as advocates to sexual experimentation’. Overall, then, porn performers are a group of people who praise rebellion, self-fulfilment and promiscuity.
What are we ashamed of?
This brief overview and analysis of the role and motivations behind pornographers and performers is intended to shed light on a neglected topic in American Jewish popular culture. Little has been written about it. Books such as Howard M. Sachar’s A History of the Jews in America (New York: Knopf, 1992) simply ignore the topic.
And you can bet that the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Jews in the United States did not include any celebrations of Jewish innovation in this field. Even the usually tolerant Time Out New York has been too prim to deal with it, although the more iconoclastic Heeb plans an issue on it.
In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.
Nathan Abrams is a Lecturer in Modern American History at the University of Aberdeen. He has just completed a book on American Neo-conservatism and Judaism. Consider what type of person would use pornography as a weapon.

…..Afterword (humor)


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Inside — loops for your trouser belt


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Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




–1 January 2020 $75 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


  1. That was pretty well written… Excellent, but needs more data for a nbrs man like me. Thanks. Pce. BTW John I gonna send u monies. Pce again

  2. Another factual article on jewish involvement in something nasty, and make money from it. Wars for profit from arms of access to a nations natural resources . To the slave and drug trade they’re involved .Power and money suffering and death. Followed but denial .and shouts of “Anti semitism, 6 million “

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