Black shoots white former model 18 times in the face and body; the chick who wanted my autograph

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But I hear Rebecca Landrith had it coming to her; being white, no doubt she whipped regularly all of her 300 black slaves on her vast Southern tobacco plantation.

Model shot 18 times is found dead on a highway. A note in her pocket leads cops to her killer: Reports

She was born in Alexandria, Virginia, home of Robert E. Lee, where I lived for 15 years.

It was jews who put it into her naive, white-female head to travel around with this feral negro.

Lee’s house in Alexandria




……..See also

Drunken black motorist shoots two ridiculously lenient white cops; black female teachers fight


What should I retract from this February 1979 interview after I did an NS demonstration in full uniform on the campus of my university in full view of my professors and fellow students?


People were just a bit afraid of me because of the Nazi reputation and the swastika.

One girl student in the Lauinger Library (the modern, concrete building lower-right with the boxy windows)….

…..came up to me, timidly but smiling….

…and she asked me sweetly for an autograph, which I gave her, right above this article in The Hoya, saying:

“I figure this signature could be worth something because some day you might be a famous person!” 🙂

You could say that. In fact, I already was. 😉 And here I was now in the land of chewing gum, beer and burgers on the brain . 🙂

Why am I fearless?

Because I know my soul cannot die. And do you know that about YOU?


Ian Stevenson MD on the science of reincarnation research cases; truths in the movie “Ghost”


Especially important blogs





    • I do feel some compassion because women are made to be conformist, naive and compassionate by their female hormones.

      Here in Ontonagon, 99% of the people who refuse to wear the mask are men. Men (I am of course generalizing) are more immune to “sob stories” and have a better “bullshit meter.” 😉

      There was a reason the Founding Fathers did not give women the vote — emotionalism and naiveté.

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