The “WAR ON WHITES” in a dangerous new phase; only John can lead us to salvation; wonderfully detailed letter I received about the predicament we are in that EVERYONE needs to read 

Spread the love
by a concerned patriot and proud supporter of John de Nugent
John, I  am angry, so much so I felt compelled to write to you today to ask you for your guidance in our darkest hour.
You, a fiercely proud white man, KNOW what is at stake in the years to come and how we need to come together as a people to confront the gravest of dangers facing our people.
Over the past two months I have watched as mainstream television and the legacy print media have literally begun using the term “whiteness” in their broadcasts.
And it has not been used, as one would expect, in a positive manner — rather as a weapon of war against our people.
Still, even as someone who is realistic and understands what is at stake here, it’s shocking to me to even contemplate that we have to live in a country that WE built, and at the same time be abused because of the color of our skin.
Whiteness, a term once used to describe teeth cleaned by Colgate (I have no doubt woke-ass Colgate-Palmolive removed the term from their packaging – one wouldn’t want white teeth now, would one?!!) and clean bed linen, now refers to ALL of the evil that plagues our planet.
Racism, global warming, deforestation and Tom Brady, to name but a few….
Things have gotten SO out of hand our masters even offer courses in it! Several universities offer FULL degrees in it!!
As per Wikipedia, Whiteness studies refers to the “study of the structures that produce white privilege, the examination of what whiteness is when analyzed as a race, a culture, and a source of systemic racism, and the exploration of other social phenomena generated by the societal compositions, perceptions and group behaviors of white people. An interdisciplinary arena of inquiry that has developed beginning in the United States from white trash studies and critical race studies, particularly since the late 20th century.[4] It is focused on what proponents describe as the cultural, historical and sociological aspects of people identified as white, and the social construction of “whiteness” as an ideology tied to social status.”
An article in the National Review this week, “‘Whiteness’ Studies Started in Academy, Corrupted Political Discourse”, and discussed on scores of mainstream media sites, discusses at length the origins of “Whiteness” and how the elite are even blaming “whiteness” for the predominantly peaceful Capitol protests!
So, let me get this straight – as a white person whose ancestors have brought progress and civilization (as well as led the charge to end slavery across the world) to the far corners of the universe (space travel and exploration are ours too), I’m supposed to feel ashamed that the color of my skin is white and that I should just sit back and allow myself to get blamed for the Capitol protests, COVID-19, etc.?
That seems to be what the Left, and in the United States, the Democratic Party, seem to be saying.
It’s what whites and more worryingly, non-whites – who now HATE us at unfathomable levels – are being TOLD by their teachers, parents, go-to news sources and controllers in Tinsel Town (Hollywood).
Things have gotten SO out of hand that it’s now required reading in many public high schools!
Meanwhile, hate crimes against whites are at an all time high, and no one cares.
In fact, the only group that is literally targeted with WIDESPREAD VIOLENCE because of their skin color are White Americans.
The fact that the “knock-out game” – where whites are targeted with sucker punches by blacks – and “polar bear hunting” exist, but games like “pickaninny piñata” do not, tells me that perpetration of violence against whites IS being sanctioned by the elite, while ANY sorts of interracial violence – whether it’s warranted or not – against blacks (think non-white George Zimmerman’s ordeal) ISN’T.

America was once the greatest white nation on earth, where strong white figures of Anglo Saxon origin – whether it be on the gridiron, silver screen, church or the head of the table – were revered, not reviled.

So, how did we even get here?
Our failure to see we’ve been under attack for generations has left us on the brink of defeat, with you, the only man that can lead us to victory.
In the nation’s schools and universities, where left-leaning teachers and professors have been brandishing the race card like a weapon of war to be used against the white race for decades now, the rot is so deep that the goyim are not only indoctrinated by the poison, but are buying and selling it wholesale!
In order to make us Whites bend to the will of our oppressors and accept their policies and agenda, they knew they needed to teach our children to hate us – and the rest will fall like dominoes.
Whites are daily being degraded by the Left on television, on the streets and by the beasts prowling the halls of our nation’s Capitol, with the latest attack –  something so putrid it inspired me to write this letter – coming from that monster Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House.
After the January 6th “attack” (hyperbolic comedy, I know) on the Capitol, the demonic witch had the nerve to claim that rioters “have chosen their whiteness over democracy. That is what this is all about”.
Firstly, whether one agrees with the methods used by the protesters or not, even believes the events on January 6th were the result of an authentic and organic act, it had nothing at all to do with “whiteness” and EVERYTHING to do with democracy.
I can say that as I saw loads of non-whites on hand. There were literally hundreds – although most were cropped from footage the media shared on the day and since.
In fact, a larger percentage of the protesters were non-white at the Capitol than one would see at an NFL football or Major League Baseball game… or at any swim meet, a Starbucks, a Whole Foods or Baskin Robbins (rich hipster hangouts), on a ski-slope, at a nice restaurant – shoot, even an authentic Queens pizzeria, at a Broadway musical or in any of the swanky LA or DC neighborhoods responsible for the people pushing anti-white hatred.
Besides, even if EVERYONE on the day was, in fact, white, imagine if I stated that blacks who chose to loot while protesting, fell victim to their “blackness”?
Although one can easily argue that to be the case, you’ll be hard-pressed anywhere to the West of Czechia or North of Calabria where you’d even be ALLOWED to harbor such sentiments.
Whiteness is even now being blamed for “having an effect on minorities by creating COVID-19’s disproportianate impact on them”. That’s language directly out of the National Review article I mentioned above.
Although I am opposed to the vaccine, the very fact that the street-level Kool-Aid drinking policy makers who believe the vaccine has been produced to help people, think that ghettos should be prioritized with the vaccine roll-out instead of care and nursing homes, tells me all I need to know.
Apparently, so-called racial justice should be to the detriment of the elderly and infirm, esp. if white !!
It makes sense though, from their standpoint. As “older populations are whiter,” they don’t deserve the vaccine, so in effect it’s simply better to let them die!
That actual policy makers are, though, getting away with this sort of policy logic is what perturbs me….
Think about that. These people – whose salaries are paid by us – who believe that the vaccine saves lives and know that the elderly are most susceptible to COVID-19, want to send vaccines earmarked for society’s most vulnerable instead to society’s most predatory.
I read that in the UK they have already vaccinated 1/4 of the population — 16 million — and the program was devised in tiers — the first one being for health-care workers and careers.
The next tier to be vaccinated was for people over the age of 80, then 70+. It is now already down to 60 plus, with the promise of everyone in the UK by end of July.
Although Britain is a mess, there was no mention of vaccines being prioritized for TV stars and blacks, as is the case at home here in the States.
The UK, with a relatively conservative government, at least knows their priorities and adheres to decency. Biden and his band of crooks know who butters their bread and will pander to these people, even when its blatantly anti-white. If it’s good for votes (or vote rigging), it’s good for the Democrats.
Not that I mind in this instance. .
Vaccinate (or should I say sterilize?) them all!!
These same progressives denounce the education system for promoting a “monolithic, European perspective” that “upholds Whiteness”.
Yeah, the same system that created our cities and honored institutions, our industries that created jobs for ordinary people, and the damn universities that pay their inflated salaries!
They go on to dismiss “old-fashioned” standards of journalism because “the views and inclinations of whiteness are accepted as the objective neutral”.
This, though, has hit them where it hurts with most legacy print outlets slowly going the way of the Dodo. If it weren’t for the endowments they receive from various globalist and Zionist foundations and the government, they’d have long gone extinct.
Thankfully, many of the world’s best mainstream newspapers are still around today – some created well over 100 years ago. England’s Daily Telegraph, as well as most people’s go-to mainstream news source – the Daily Mail.
Their next line of attack is on the disturbing influence of whiteness in the areas of religion, law, sports and entertainment.
According to the Left, Whiteness is the root of all the problems in the US and this has to be fixed — so everything from poverty and COVID to swimming, ice hockey and tennis must be racialized to root the white influence out.
So, who is responsible for this RACIST evil?
Look no farther than the supremacists who arrived in our lands from the Frankfurt School and “the people that shall dwell alone” in general – a Kevin MacDonald reference – for your answer.
These people, reared in a Culture of Critique “fled” Germany and landed in New York, where they set up shop first at Columbia University and across  the region’s City College public university system.
They then branched out into the nation’s public universities and eventually to Hollywood, where Jewish moguls were at first reluctant to replace films like Jimmy Stewart’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Miracle on 34th Street” with conspicuously evil shows like “A Modern Family” and “Game of Thrones”, but ultimately succumbed due to their own Marxist roots and the fact the nation at this stage was already ripe with rot and eager to spend even money for films that promote vice.
At the end of the day, sex, violence and filth “sell.”
Still, it is fair to say that everything that is wrong in our society was nurtured and spread outward from our malignant universities and then spilled over into the mainstream public arena.
In fact, although most people believe that “whiteness studies” and anti-white is a recent phenomenon – because it’s only now SO blatant it’s impossible for all but the thickest and most evil people in our society to see or admit it exists, it has been around for generations.
The Frankfurt School blamed Western Christian society, the traditional family and Christian values and traditions – not to be confused with Fox News and Ben Shapiro’s “Judeo-Christian value systems” – for anti-Semitism and Capitalism.
Then, about thirty years, ago two books were published that provided the basis for the “theory of Whiteness”.
One was Alexander Saxton’s ‘The rise and Fall of the White Republic: Class Politics and Mass Culture in 19th century America ‘(1990) and the other David Roediger’s ‘The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class’ (1991).
Both were written with the intention of tackling the “problem” of “Whiteness,” and their texts provided the food for the academic world’s topic of debate.
As per Wikipedia,

Roediger’s book, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class, was published in 1991. Along with Alexander Saxton’s Rise and Fall of the White Republic (1990) and Toni Morrison‘s Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination (1992), this work is often cited as the starting point of contemporary whiteness studies.

Theodore W. Allen‘s “Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race” (1975), a pamphlet that later was expanded into his seminal two-volume work The Invention of the White Race, Vol. 1: Racial Oppression and Social Control (1994, 2012) and The Invention of the White Race, Vol. 2: “The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America” (1997, 2012); has also been influential in this field.

The argument was also in some regards anticipated by Abram Lincoln Harris‘ radical scholarship in the 1920s. Allen later wrote of Roediger’s work:

“…because of its almost universal acceptance for use in colleges and universities, [it] has served as the single most effective instrument in the socially necessary consciousness-raising function of objectifying ‘whiteness,’ and in popularizing the ‘race-as-a-social-construct’ thesis.

As one who has been the beneficiary of kind, supportive comments from him for my own efforts in this field of historical investigation, I undertake this critical essay with no other purpose than furthering our common aim of the disestablishment of white identity, and the overthrow of white supremacism in general.”

In the work, Roediger argued that “whiteness” is a historical phenomenon in the United States, as many different ethnicities now considered “white” were not initially perceived as such here.

The Irish, for example, as Roman Catholics and from rural areas, were not considered “white” – meaning accepted as members of the Anglo-American Protestant majority society – until they began to distinguish themselves from black slaves and freedmen; from the New York Draft Riots of 1863, to riots in Philadelphia against black voting, and the Chicago Race Riot of 1919, ethnic Irish were prominent in violent confrontations against black Americans, with whom they competed for jobs, physical territory and political power.

Roediger believes their struggle reflects the emergence of the modern theory of color consciousness, through which notions of “nations” and “races” were increasingly linked to color as the primary category of human difference.

Roediger claims that the social construction of the concept of a white race in the United States was a conscious effort by slave owners to gain distance from those they enslaved, who were generally non-European and non-Christian.

In addition, white working peoples gained distance from their Southern proletarian complements, the slaves. By the 18th century, he says, “white” had become well-established as a racial term in the United States; by the end of the 19th, it had become an all-encompassing one.


Crap? Yes, but effective crap that is being bought by the brightest minds this country has. Therein lies the danger….
Although both Roediger and Saxton had been schooled with Frankfurt School techniques, both were as Goyish as you and me.
Mission accomplished.

Already towards the end of the Reagan/Bush era, the main discourse among academic Leftists was, in fact, the “problem” of “whiteness”.

They could not fathom the phenomenon of working-class whites failing to support socialism and needed an out.
As demographics were changing (non-whites were being brought into our country in record numbers) they needed a new path forward
The class war became the race war!

There was a growing trend among the working class to support the Republican Party and this had disturbed many in academia and Hollywood. So instead of trying to recruit from our ranks, they divided us by “gender”, recruited our kids, and ATTACKED!
In Saxton’s book, he promoted the theory that America had grown and developed by creating a “white republic” that employed racism to strengthen and legitimize industrial capitalism, and that in order to overthrow this “white republic” non-whites needed to team up to take down the white enemy.
Add liberal women, liberal gays +and by I means all are), the disabled and the very worst scum within our very own people, and you had a pretty formidable voting block.
Worst-case scenario: They get the numbers to run the State, control the elections, and side-swipe democracy.
These two landmark books listed above inspired an avalanche of courses in “Whiteness studies” and flooded the leftist-dominated American education system – both public and private – which we see with horror today.
As a result, our students have been well and truly brain-washed over a span of thirty years, and now we have an incipient 0race war on our hands.
The question now, John, is, what are we going to do about it?
I believe that you have the answer and can lead us to victory.
[End letter]
….My reply
Thank you for this article, as shocking as it is enlightening.
Regarding this author, David Roediger, says Wikipedia, is an open communist, thus an adherent of a philosophy which is utterly discredited except for its talent for mass murder and for people seeking to escape it!
This goy psychopath, who like very German-Amerucan, not Jewish, says Wiki, “writes from a Marxist theoretical framework.”
These human devil’s want to have it both ways: race is not real, but whites are evil!
The Holocaust,of course, is sooooo  real, but white genocide? That’s okay!
Don’t judge a man by the color of his skin, unless it is white!
All this reminds me of my. articles and podcasts with Simon Roche of the Boer survival organization in South Africa called “Suidlandwrs.”
He told me about an American professor who is an expert in genocide.
He said the last steps before genocide can be carried out are disarming, impoverishing, and demonizing them.
He says the white South Africans are therefore in the verge of being genocided now.
The one and only answer is action based on a religion that teaches to have no fear of death, but instead to fear the karma of being a coward.
We must take this country back, no matter what the cost. We have no choice.
And this time we will have a white religion rhat puts steel in our eye.
We will be nice to the nice, and treat enemies as enemies.

…..Recent donations

— 22 February 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from W in Wisconsin

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 3o January  2021:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

— 21 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 20 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from R in Louisiana

I know what you do is hard work that takes a lot of bravery, creativity, concentration, dedication, focus and brain power. Good tidings to the health of Margi, and to you as well, sir!

— 16 February 2021

–15 February 2021 $10 via Amazon gift card from S in Texas

–13 February 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 February 2021 20 euros, cash, and a nice ltr from S in Germany

–10 February 2021 100 Euros via PayPal from C in Austria

–9 February 2021 $100 cash and ltr re Battle of the Bulge from B in Florida


–8 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 6 February 2021 $600 donation by check from P in Florida (actually, it was the forgiveness of $600 on a $1,000 loan by a former Marine Corps officer to support my work)

–5 February 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–30 January 2021 gift of a “Frame Lock” pistol holster (, “Made in USA”) from M in Texas, which I now use to open-carry my .40 Smith & Wesson

Inside — loops for your trouser belt


Ready for attacks by BLM, Antifa, local thugs or anyone else who lusts to harm me and my loved ones 


–30 January 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card and letter from R in San Francisco, California

–29 January 2021 100 Euros ( = US$100) from M in France

–28 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–27 January 20201 $233 via PayPal from T in Australia

–23 January 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–21 January 2021 $40 and as ltr from N in Tennessee

–20 January 2021 100 euros from M in France


–14 January 2021 100 euros from M in France

–14 January 2021 $5 via Amazon gift card from S (a belated birthday gift on the sixth-month anniversary of my 66th birthday)

Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–13 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachussetts


  1. People should be aware that all this demented craziness has a demonic component.
    Why is it so conspicuously directed against whites i can’t see clearly.
    Perhaps whites have a glorious cosmic destiny awaiting for them, if they only stopped sinning (understand sin in a more ample way).
    The sins of white man make the jews stronger and stronger.
    If jews were fish, a corrupted and sinful society would be their water.
    That’s why they corrupt – in order to desttoy.

  2. People (all people of all races) tend to think that by being sinful they are being liberated and free of manipulation, that they are somehow enlightened, wise.

    How wrong they are!

    Every spiritual text tell us that “sin” enslaves.

    (Mostly to the jews i would add)

  3. What I will say next will not be very popular to most “WN”:
    “As long as you find it fashionable to cheat everywhere including to your spouse, to lie, to steal directly or indirectly from others (“the things taken by force from the humble were found in your homes” – God in the Bible), to be dishonest, to abort or abandon children, to murder even your fellow whites in wars and be proud of it, to think you are wise and know all and are always right, to be greedy, to be insensitive to your brethren’s needs, to be self centered, to think that God doesn’t exist to help you, to be materialistic and think the spiritual word doesn’t exist and that the most important thing is money and more money or an ever bigger car, to love jews blindly, to be a false christian that adores jews etc, etc, i am sorry to tell you…you will be food for the fish (jews).
    You will not deserve to be part of a better world, no matter how much you may vawe around flags with swastikas.”
    These are all sins and spiritual texts all speak strongly of sin as being very enslaving.
    The Bible is still tougher on this and says that the salary of sin is death….your death.
    Seems truthful in view of actual circumstances and developments!
    And also that without repentance there is no healing. – If you don’t repent…forget it!- the war on whites will succeed.

  4. Folgendes ist eventuell auch für Sie recht interessant, hochgeehrter Herr John DeNugent:

    Nur die Rückkehr zu unseren wahren Wurzeln kann uns jene Kraft geben, die wir brauchen:

    Odin, Tuisto und die Götterwelt der Gemanen

    Ernst Krause Tuisko Land Der Arischen Stämme Und Götter:

    G. Daumer Der Feuer Und Molochdienst Der Alten Hebraeer ( 1842, 331 S., Scan Text, Fraktur)

    Friedrich Delitzsch – Bibel und Babel: Eine kulturgeschichtliche Skizze

    Atlantis, Edda und Bibel

    Viele Werke auch hier:

    Wen sowas interessiert der kann sich auch mal mit dem angeblichen Judenstern auseinandersetzen. Das ursprüngliche Symbol ist ein indogermanisch-arisches das Shatkona:

    Im alten Indien, welches vor mehreren tausend Jahren von den Ariern (die Edlen/Adel) erobert wurde, existiert demzufolge auch noch das Shatkona/Judenstern und die Swastika in trauter Eintracht nebeneinander. Das Shatkona zeigt die Verbindung von Himmel/Gott (Dreieck nach unten) mit der Erde/Mensch (Dreieck nach oben). Der Mensch als Wesen aus der Erde (irdisch = erdisch) mit einem göttlichen Funken.

    Die Swastika ist ein Symbol fuer die Ewigkeit und damit für Gott selbst. Deswegen kann es auch nicht verwundern, wenn es in Armenien Symbole gibt, die aus Shatkona/Judenstern und Swastika in der Mitte zusammen bestehen. Ein Symbol für die Ewigkeit Gottes. Deswegen ist die Swastika bei den Hindus und auch bei den alten Germanen immer mit Gott/den Göttern assoziiert

    Die Juden haben dieses ursprünglich indogermanische Symbol (Shatkona) ganz einfach nach dem 30jährigen Krieg als ihr eigenes ausgegeben (nach der Belagerung der Stadt Prag).

    Ein weiterer interessanter Fakt: Gott kommt von Godan. Godan ist der gotische (germanischer Volksstamm) Name für Wotan/Odin.

    Die Zahl 1 im russischen (indogermanische Sprache) lautet übrigens: один – Odin.
    Odin der Erste.

    der Zweite: Zwei – Twa – Two – Ziu

    Ziu (indogermanisch mit Zeus verwandt) wird im lauf der Zeit zu Tiwaz, dann Tuisto.
    Tuisto wird zu Teutz. Teutz wird im Lauf der Jahrhunderte zu Teutsch.
    Teutsch wird zu Deutsch.

    Die Deutschen führen daher ihre Herkunft direkt auf Odin zurück, da in einer Version der nordischen überlieferung der Gott Tiwaz der Sohn von Odin ist.

    Es ist natürlich insgesamt ein wenig kompliziert, da so viele Jahrtausende vergangen sind und es auch Forscher gibt, die sagen, das einst Ziu der Hauptgott der germanischen Stämme war.

    Odin = 1 (Eins)
    Ziu = 2 (Zwei)

    Man kann also mit ein wenig Selbstbewustsein folgendes sagen: das das wirklich auserwählte Volk, das Volk der Deutschen ist, da es von Gott abstammt.

    In der Edda steht, dass Odin (Godan/Gott) einem Eschenstamm (Symbol für den Weltenbaum = DNS) seinen Atem (Odem = Odin) einhaucht und ihm damit das Leben spendet und so die ersten Menschen zeugt. Der deutsche Mensch als Wesen aus der Erde (ausgehend von dem sagenhaften Stammvater Tuisto) mit einem göttlichen (Lebens)Funken (Seele).

    Der römische Geschichtsschreiber Tacitus schreibt in seiner Germania von der Götterwelt der Germanen:
    „Als Stammväter und Begründer ihrer Völkerschaft verherrlichen sie [die Germanen] in alten Liedern – der einzigen Art historischer Überlieferung, die es bei ihnen gibt – Tuisto, einen der Erde entsprossenen Gott, und seinen Sohn Mannus.“
    – Tacitus: Germania 2,2

    Vielleicht erklärt das auch unsere hohe Schöpferkraft und Erfindungsgabe.
    Fakt ist, wir müssen alles tun, damit wir nicht aussterben oder besser gesagt ausgerottet werden.

    “Mit der Wiederentdeckung der Germania im 16. Jahrhundert wurde auch Tuisto, ab jetzt mit vielen Schreibvarianten Thuiskon genannt, wiederentdeckt. Er fungierte fortan als Stammvater der deutschen Nation und wurde als solcher in unzähligen Werken zeitgenössischer Schriftsteller und Dichter verewigt.”

    Die Germania des Tacitus:

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