The COSMIC WAR against human civilization

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The jews hate me running this cartoon. 😉


Like most memes, it is impossible to determine who originally created it. In one instance, it was posted by a white supremacist named John de Nugent with the title “Illuminatus Jew Dumb American Burger” in its URL. 

In the original version of the meme, the first figure in the “food chain” is an obese walrus in an American flag T-shirt tempted by a hamburger dangled in front of him. Behind the man is an Orthodox Jew motivated by money, controlled by the same Illuminati figure featured in the cartoon that Netanyahu posted, with the same giant lizard looming over them all.

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes de Nugent as “a prolific writer who has worked with numerous hate groups including the neo-Nazi National Alliance and the Holocaust-denying Barnes Review. De Nugent has run for elected office, and has even vowed to one day become president. While maintaining racist views about numerous racial and ethnic groups, de Nugent is particularly anti-Semitic, believing that the Jews are, along with nefarious space aliens, intent on exterminating the Aryan race.”






 The COSMIC WAR against human civilization

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Image: Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization

(Natural News) The war against humanity isn’t merely a globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans. Far beyond that, there is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence.

In today’s Situation Update, we begin by covering the Pentagon’s confirmation that wreckage from crashed UFOs has long been tested for its exotic physical properties, with results no doubt being used to accelerate human development of exotic technologies.

Aside from shape-shifting materials, were other components also acquired from crash sites? Many of today’s most powerful technologies — quantum computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and faster-than-light communications may be derivatives of technology originally discovered at crash sites.

Adding to the mystery, NASA just announced they’ve landed a helicopter on Mars. Known as Ingenuity, the helicopter is now “reporting” from the Red Planet and, we are told, is flying around there. (See article here.)

The obvious problem with this news, of course, is that Mars has virtually no atmosphere according to official NASA figures, which state the Mars atmosphere is 0.6% the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere. Notably, helicopters can’t fly in a near-vacuum, even in the lower Mars gravity (which is 38% of Earth’s gravity, roughly).

So either NASA is completely lying to us about a helicopter on Mars, or Mars actually has a much thicker atmosphere than 0.6%. For a helicopter to be able to fly around on Mars, the atmosphere would have to be thick enough to breathe, assuming the atmospheric chemistry were compatible with whatever being was engaged in respiration.

When Elon Musk is talking about colonies on Mars, is he talking about future colonies, or existing colonies?

From there, today’s podcast ventures into quantum computing and the possibility that such systems may be “alien tech,” now used to help predict future events that can be numerically well-defined. We also cover Artificial Intelligence and why non-Earth civilizations would naturally use AI probes to venture across the Milky Way in search of habitable planets (with Earth being one of them). Faster-Than-Light warp drive technology is also covered, allowing occupants to travel at multiples of the speed of light without violating the laws of physics, all by bending spacetime with powerful gravity projection technology (that no doubt existed on some of the crashed craft).

Finally, we discuss why exotic technology and knowledge is deliberately withheld from humankind so that the everyday people of Earth never gain enough technology or information to challenge the power structure of the controlling elite. Those same elitists are working to exterminate most of the human race, even as they are attempting to colonize Mars, followed by the colonization of habitable planets in other star systems. Getting there, however, requires FTL drive systems and the ability to harvest and deploy enormous amounts of energy that can only be acquired from stars or magnetars.

If you’ve been wondering why so many powerful, connected people seem to be determined to exterminate the human race, today’s podcast answers those questions with jaw-dropping information about the cosmic war to rid Earth of human existence.

Listen here:

Tomorrow we return to more Earthbound topics such as the coming economic collapse, which is also being deliberately engineered to achieve mass extermination of the human race.

Catch each day’s new podcast at:


  1. Many years ago, I read a book called The Day after Roswell by retired colonel Phillip Corso.

    In it, he explained how the US military seeded American companies with technology from the downed saucer which crashed at Roswell, and how it was back-engineered, and all the astonishing advances made in technology came directly from this crash.

    Now regarding the planet Mars, yes they have not been telling the truth about this mysterious world-

    I’ve read over twenty books by different authors regarding the once thriving civilisation that existed on this planet, which ended with a global catastrophe which effectively killed the planet.

    There was a book I read called Life and Death on Mars, which was written by a former NASA scientist, in which he shows that there is a certain radioactive isotope in the Martian atmosphere that could only be there as a result of a massive nuclear war fought on this planet.

    He theorised that some outside force detonated over one million hydrogen bombs on this doomed and tragic world.

    • Thanks for this comment and all your extensive reading on this.

      It is simply ludicrous to explain all the goings-on on this planet as merely us earthlings doing our thing.

      Other and VERY powerful species, both advanced human and humanoid, are following their own agendas.

      Mars clearly was hit with some sort of awesome weapon, hence the terrible scar seen on every photo of one side of the planet:

      Asteroids or comets would create round craters, such as we see on both earth and the moon. This was a death weapon that earth fired to wipe out the Martian enemy.

      But earth too has taken it on the chin!

  2. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”Hierarchy of power and group-specific manipulation technique summarized in a simple and ingenious graphic: Genetics -> Grays, Power Striving -> Illuminati String Pullers, Materialistic Wealth -> Jews, Consumer Products -> Hedonistic “Average Joe”; Harold A. Covington sometimes said that a large part of Americans are “consumer animals.” 🙂

    It is tempting to write extensive comments on, because it is really only here that one can join in the discussion in this holistic topic complexity and topic depth. And concerning the political cartoons: There is also a lot of great stuff coming out of the USA, the “Happy Merchant” has made it far in the world, in countless variations, just start a picture search[1] or read the description of “The Happy Merchant” on the ADL page.[2] 🙂

    Humor must not be missed out, and it doesn’t on your site. The Happy Merchant even caused a big stir in the food industry in 2008 when it appeared on a food package (sunflower seeds),[3] Altermedia Germany reported at the time. And for all the superficial condemnation of completely justified criticism of materialistic greed presented in a cartoon: there is also an implicit recognition and nobilitation for propagandistic masterpieces of the opponent when graphics and image montages are discussed so extensively in the Jewish community, including that in Israel. Besides, it is free advertising for[4] 🙂



    [3] “‘Anti-Semitic’ sunflower seed bags sold in Brooklyn”,,7340,L-3636622,00.html

    [4] “[…] In one instance, it was posted by a white supremacist named John de Nugent with the title “Illuminatus Jew Dumb American Burger” in its URL.  […]”


    In German:

    “Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte.” Herrschaftshierarchie und gruppenspezifische Manipulationstechnik in einer schlichten und genialen Grafik zusammengefaßt: Genetik -> Grays, Machtstreben -> Illuminatistrippenzieher, Materialistischer Reichtum -> Juden, Konsumprodukte -> hedonistischer “Average Joe”; Harold A. Covington sagte als, daß ein Großteil der Amerikaner “Consumer Animals” seien. 🙂

    Es ist verführerisch, auf ausführliche Kommentare zu schreiben, weil man eigentlich nur hier in dieser ganzheitlichen Themenkomplexität und Thementiefe mitdiskutieren kann. Und bezüglich der politischen Karikaturen: Da kommt auch viel Großartiges aus den USA, der “Happy Merchant” hat es jedenfalls weit gebracht in der Welt, in unzähligen Variationen, man starte einfach mal eine Bildersuche[1] oder lese die Beschreibung zu “The Happy Merchant” auf der ADL-Seite.[2] 🙂

    Humor darf nicht zu kurz kommen, und das tut er nicht auf Ihrer Seite. Der Happy Merchant sorgte 2008 sogar in der Lebensmittelbranche für großen Wirbel, als er auf einer Lebensmittelpackung (Sonnenblumenkerne) erschien,[3] Altermedia Deutschland berichtete damals. Und bei aller oberflächlichen Verdammung von völlig berechtigter, in Karikaturen präsentierter Kritik an materialistischer Gier: Es schwingt schon auch eine stillschweigende Anerkennung und Adelung für propagandistische Meisterwerke des Gegners mit, wenn Grafiken und Bildmontagen so ausführlich in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft, einschließlich der in Israel, diskutiert werden. Außerdem ist es kostenlose Werbung für[4] 🙂



    [3] “‘Anti-Semitic’ sunflower seed bags sold in Brooklyn”,,7340,L-3636622,00.html

    [4] “[…] In one instance, it was posted by a white supremacist named John de Nugent with the title “Illuminatus Jew Dumb American Burger” in its URL.  […]”

  3. A recent UFO sighting:

    Very good point from Mike Adams about the very thin Martian atmosphere, and the impossibility of flying a helicopter in such a thin atmosphere. Mars does have a very thin atmosphere, because it has almost no protective magnetic field like Earth, which allows destructive cosmic radiation and solar radiation to reduce the Mars’ atmospheric Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc. to almost nothing. So, yes – Mars does have a very thin atmosphere, and yes, flying a helicopter in such a thin atmosphere would be impossible. Therefore, NASA is lying, and the entire mission is FAKE, existing only on their computer screens and fake telemetry readings.

    This bit of information reinforces my belief that NASA is a totally fake disinformation agency, NOT a space agency. They clearly faked the Apollo Moon landings, and they are almost certainly faking all of these unmanned Mars landings, as well. Although with today’s advanced CGI capabilities, it’s much harder to spot the fakery than it was with the Apollo missions, which had many glaring mistakes, like shadows on the Moon pointing in two different directions, indicating two light sources, etc.

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