Excellent French info on effects of Covid “vaccine” in Israel suggest Corona truly is JUST THE FLU!

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Vaccine in Israel: success or failure?

The supposedly so krauty 😉 sieg-heil salute was literally just “the Roman salute.”

Yours truly playing with a Roman haircut, but Margi likes the Marine cut instead with a part.

Btw, Margi is now eating again! 🙂 🙂  It is all still purée, still blended up, but she is eating by mouth again, not just by feeding tube. And she is drinking a kind of lactose-free milk, and, now that she can again savor food, is up to 93 pounds. Me-like-woman-with-curves-again 😉

Margi and me, with a US-Marines/Wehrmacht cut, with some little pond behind us… oh yeah, Lake Supremacist 😉

Anyway, what the Third Reich was, was making Germany into the New Rome!

The House of German Art — 100% Greco-Roman

As for the French article below, everything in it suggests that Covid is truly just influenza, the flu, and therefore it automatically declines after a while whether you get vaccinated or not, just by winter ending.

The real danger, if you are under 70 and fairly healthy, comes from the vaccine itself (sterilization and other side effects), and from the lockdowns, causing economic crisis and emotional loneliness, isolation, depression and suicide!

Here are the facts — I’m waiting for your reaction!

Dear friend of Health,

For a few weeks now, our dear media have been telling us about the marvelous wonders going on with the mass vaccinations in Israel.

On February 15, for example:

“Covid-19: the Pfizer vaccine 94% effective, acc. to Israeli study”

Or even more recently, February 20:


In this last “study”, we even trumpet, hold on tight:

”  A vaccine 98.9% effective in preventing death  ”

If that were true, that would be great!

But you know me, I do not stop at the headlines.

Especially when these headlines are based on studies done by people with blatant conflicts of interest: the Israeli authorities and Pfizer:

  • For Pfizer, if the Israeli experience is disappointing, it is a shortfall of at least 15 billion euros (its vaccine turnover expected for 2021)!
  • For the Israeli authorities, a few weeks before the elections, it is crucial to show that the vaccination plan is a resounding success, rather than a failure.

Let us never forget this capital truth from demographer Alfred Sauvy:

”  The figures are fragile beings who, by dint of being tortured, end up confessing everything we want them to say  “.

So let’s look at the facts, calmly.

Look at these graphics – do you see resounding success?

If the vaccine was really this spectacularly effective, it should look like a nose in the middle of the face.

I remind you that Israel is the country that has vaccinated the most widely, by far.

Generalized vaccination began in mid-December, more than 2 months ago.

Today, about 90% of those over 70 have been fully immunized, with 2 doses.

So almost all of those over 70 are supposed to be “protected” (for over a month for most).

This is important, because I remind you that 90% of the deaths from Covid-19 are over 70 years old.

So :

  • If 90% of those over 70 are vaccinated;
  • If 90% of those over 70 are vaccinated;
  • well we should see a drastic drop in the death toll!

If the vaccine was effective, there should be virtually no more deaths in Israel.

It’s mathematical: with a vaccine that is supposedly 98% effective against mortality, there should be around 80% fewer deaths (98% x 90% x 90%).

Now – and I appeal to your sagacity – tell me if you see this drastic drop in the number of deaths in Israel.

Here curve dead of Covid-19 in Israel from the 1 st December (remember that vaccination began on 19 December)

Note first that, for a month and a half after the start of the vaccination, the mortality has not stopped increasing, despite strict confinement throughout the month of January.

Then, in early February, mortality finally began to decline sharply.

But is this decrease due to vaccines?

Or to the natural dynamics of the epidemic?

To be sure, let’s look at the development in countries that have not or little vaccinated, over the same period.

Here is the evolution of the death toll in South Africa (you know, this country where the South African variant “terrrrrible” reigns):

Here, mortality drops in about the same way, at the same time.

Here is Portugal , which vaccinated 10 times less than Israel:

Or Sweden , which has never confined (and very little vaccinated):

See how similar the curves are?

There is no obvious difference between Israel and those countries which have not or little vaccinated!

And what about Israel’s neighbors?

Here is the mortality curve in PALESTINE (without vaccine), just next to Israel:

And in LEBANON (without vaccine either):

In Lebanon as in Israel, mortality increased in January… to decline in February.

It is therefore very difficult to say that vaccines are the cause of the decline in mortality in Israel.

What is happening in the United Arab Emirates is even more disturbing.

The Emirates are the second country in the world to have massively vaccinated its population, far ahead of the United Kingdom (which is on the third step of the vaccination “podium”):

The Emirates have already administered 5 million doses, for 10 million inhabitants.

And the result on mortality is … how to say:

Mortality has not stopped increasing since the launch of the vaccination program (January 5)!

Same strange phenomenon in Gibraltar, a small British territory which vaccinated even more massively than Israel: while there were only 10 Covid deaths in total in 2020, Gibraltar deplored 44 Covid deaths in two weeks, in the midst of the vaccination campaign [1].

Here is my conclusion – and you?

Warning: I am not saying these curves are proof, one way or another.

I’m just saying three things:

First, it should be obvious to everyone that the decline in mortality in Israel is not necessarily vaccine-related – just look at all the unvaccinated countries where mortality is declining at the same time and at the same rate .

Second, on the contrary, it is very strange that we do not observe a drastic drop in mortality in Israel – if the vaccine was as effective as it is claimed, it should be clearly visible. However, this is absolutely not the case.

Third, we must therefore remain very careful about the headlines, which trumpet the effectiveness of the vaccine on the basis of questionable statistical calculations, made by people who have every interest in telling you that it works.

Again, I’m not saying the vaccine doesn’t work at all. He must necessarily walk a little!

Even though I have limited confidence in the clinical trials carried out [2], I cannot imagine that we can go from 90% of declared efficacy to 0%!

What I am saying is that the effectiveness of mass vaccination on mortality is not at all obvious at this stage.

This was to be expected [3], because it has long been known that no vaccine works on the most fragile people over the age of 75, and therefore those most at risk of dying from Covid-19.

If you add the following to this:

  • These vaccines cause 10 times more adverse effects than the flu vaccine [4] – and in rare cases, they seem to kill frail people: is it a coincidence that the dean of Saône et Loire (110 years) [ 5] and the oldest Bretons (108 years old) [6], both in good shape, died within 5 days of their vaccination?
  • The variants will inevitably make the vaccines ineffective [7]  : the current vaccines do not even protect against the South African variant, and new variants escaping the vaccines will necessarily appear under the effect of mass vaccination.

So, does it still make sense to be vaccinated, knowing that:

  • With collective immunity, the epidemic will have largely disappeared at the end of winter, and the risk of being infected will therefore now be very low;
  • With good vitamin D levels, and taking ivermectin at the first symptoms, the likelihood of surviving infection is close to 100%, even for those at risk?

What do you think ?

Thank you for telling me, commenting on this article  !


Xavier Bazin

PS: I always prefer to look at the mortality figures, because they are more relevant and less biased than the contamination rates.

But if we look at the number of positive cases per inhabitants, the situation is not glorious either for Israel, compared to the other countries already mentioned.

Will you be able to recognize, at a glance, which curve is that of Israel, which massively vaccinated?

Could this be one of the two curves which make a very clear peak, followed by a sudden drop in contamination?

Well no.

These curves are those of Ireland and Portugal.

The Israeli curve, in red, looks more like that of its Lebanese neighbor, which has not vaccinated:

And if you’re still in doubt, look at the hospitalization curve .

Again, when we compare Israel to countries of comparable size, we do not see a big difference in the evolution of the number of hospitalizations:

Again, if the vaccine worked at 90%, this should show clearly on the case, hospitalization and death curve!

However, it is not the case.

But maybe I am having trouble? Tell me what you think, in the comments .



JEAN-FRANCOIS HAMON24 February 2021 – 12 h 02 min

already convinced, your words only confirm what I think of these bogus vaccines


VELLAS24 February 2021 – 12 h 01 min

Thank you for this IMPLACABLE demonstration !!!!!!!!! One would have to be either dishonest or totally blind (or stupid, who knows…) not to understand what that implies…


DOMINIQUE BELLECOMBE24 February 2021 – 11 h 58 min

I completely agree with you because yesterday I did a thorough research because my husband was wondering if he should get the vaccine.
I drew exactly the same conclusions as you, and he decided to wait.


CHAIZE24 February 2021 – 11 h 57 min

Thank you for all this information which confirms my decision not to be vaccinated.
Fortunately, you have the courage to write these facts down, because when I talk about it, I am treated as a conspirator…. Thank you again, we really need you !!


LABAT24 February 2021 – 11 h 56 min

Hello Sir
Thank you for this relevant analysis which allows me to take even more distance in the face of all this media consensus
Without wishing to show negationism or conspiracy I like to say that we must know how to keep reason. To wait and see seems to me a good precaution.
You bring the proof
Jacky Labat


MANGO24 February 2021 – 11 h 46 min

A vaccine made in haste, without or little testing, which ignores side effects, prevention by treatment voluntarily abandoned as if we had the holy grail, the results you indicate are not surprising. Thank you for your clear and very well documented article. We are installing a fear on the availability of the vaccine, so that the majority go through vaccination. Today we can perceive the power of laboratories and all its cogs. Yet the invoice will be presented to Social Security, which in fact holds our social contributions. Is she still so social? Solange MANGIN


MARY BAYLE24 February 2021 – 11 h 41 min

Your analysis is absolutely consistent with what I think of the situation from the start!


RÉGINE BERTE24 February 2021 – 11 h 34 min

Hello, no, you are not crazy, I also think that the vaccine is not used much. Personally, I am not keen on getting vaccinated, despite the pressure from my relatives. I fear the side effects are worse than the Covid itself.
As you demonstrate so well, the curves of Israel and other countries fluctuate almost in the same way. So, I think that by scrupulously respecting the barrier gestures, we are both safe and undergoing an uncertain vaccine.
Unfortunately, anyone who is not vaccinated will be rejected from many places: airports, train stations, restaurants, cinemas and other gatherings…. Isn’t that some kind of obligation ?? I am disgusted! Yours truly.


MONIQUE ELENA24 February 2021 – 11 h 34 min

I completely agree with you. Besides, I have not been vaccinated (I am 76 years old and my husband is 80 years old) I use vitamin D3 at 4000 IU per day, vitamin C, quercetin, and possibly the essential oils of ravintsara, noble laurel, tee trea… in prevention. There are far too many unknowns about vaccines. Why in the media there is never a “great professor of medicine” who does not talk about the VAED after vaccination when the Academy of Medicine wrote an article on the 11th. January who is talking about it. And what do you think of this “vaccine passport” that some would like to impose while Pfizzer said that his vaccine does not protect against transmission of the virus by a vaccinated person and its spread. All this is sad


KNIGHT24 February 2021 – 11 h 33 min

Excellent analysis. We should only be interested in mortality! The count of asymptomatic “positives” is irrelevant.
The relationship between the metabolic syndrome (obesity + diabetes) and death should be at the center of the studies.
In the end, it is urgent to fight against “junk food”.
G. Chevalier, retired doctor


HELLER24 February 2021 – 11 h 33 min

Completely agree with your note on Israel – the British England journal published information from the CLALIT Research Institute (Study on Decreased Corona Infection Due to Vaccine dated January 13, 2021): only 33% of cases
compared to the efficacy of at least 52% reported in clinical trials – moreover that does not include people over 60 years old – moreover in clinical trials of Pfitzer, the elderly were very poorly represented !!
I had also noticed that the% coverage fluctuates from day to day but there are soon elections in Israel, which explains a lot. The contract concluded with Pfitzer by NETANYAHU includes the sending of all post vaccination data for each inhabitant – Phase IV of the trials is carried out in Israel…. This vaccination campaign is tinged with political issues for NETANYAHU – where SCIENCE and the world are going… .. what is sad about all this is that people who do not have access to “real” information let themselves be left behind. handle… thanks for your letters. I wish you a good day. Best regards to you.


BEE24 February 2021 – 11 h 31 min

very good comparative study
are you going to do the same study on the United Kingdom which has carried out several experiments and which detractors of Europe praise?
Have there been any follow-up studies between vaccinations (1st 2nd dose) on the vaccinated?
In my personal case, 4 weeks after the first messenger arn injection, I did a complete blood
analysis : best analysis for 5 years: lymphocytes, vitamin D… have come up to standard!
To your knowledge, is there a cause and effect relationship?
NB I have no comorbidity


CHANTAL BINET24 February 2021 – 11 h 30 min

100% agree, I really hope the whole population will wake up and stop trusting all these incompetent people running a lot of countries.


GREGORY24 February 2021 – 11 h 28 min

Hello doctor … and thank you for your foresight

Totally agree with you …
and what do you think of this



JJ Gregory


PLACIDI STONE24 February 2021 – 11 h 27 min

If we analyze only the graphs presented and if they are an exact reflection of reality, we are forced to conclude that we are taken for brainless idiots … or they are the ones leading us and force us who do not have this natural faculty to think about all the future consequences (history will judge)


STEFANE24 February 2021 – 11 h 27 min

Hello, and thank you for your editorial on vaccines / Israel;
I fully share your point of view:
– The covid virus is a seasonal virus, like that of the flu; although it is – and is – much more contagious. And the decrease in mortality is linked to the dynamics of the epidemic. We must expect a decrease, in my opinion significant, in the rates of contamination and mortality when the good weather returns.
-Also, a comeback during the winter season. And probably with each year one (or more) new virus, like influenza, and requiring new vaccines (insofar as they are effective) In this regard, they do not need to be 90% or more; like many other vaccines. Especially since, as you point out, many cases have been reported of people seriously affected as a result of the side effects of certain vaccines. Vaccines are useful and certainly essential for our nursing friends, but we might as well seek the best efficacy / side effects ratio for those who wish to be vaccinated; and as far as I’m concerned, it seems to me that the Johnson and Johnson types of vaccines are part of this logic (They are more cheaper and easier to use)
– Also agree on vitamin D, which has proven itself, and on research into the use of alternative products such as ivermectin, cofloctol or others…
In conclusion, I would like to stress the fact that we hear every day say that our health system is under strain; reason and main cause of restrictive measures such as confinement. But why aren’t there more resuscitation beds? equipment and personnel problem. It was announced at the start of the crisis to increase the reception capacity in this area (which financially would not represent much, compared to the aid to which the government is forced to support the economy)
Personal protection, barrier gestures, wearing a mask … is still the best way to fight against viruses (moreover this year, have we not noticed much less cases of influenza?) The government to enforce them ( for example by sanctioning companies which let people without masks enter or circulate in the spaces they manage)
Let’s protect ourselves!

– the mortality rates are more relevant than the contamination rates: certainly. And also to highlight the scales used for the establishment of the curves (linear or logarithmic, the latter being useful and / or sometimes used to guide the judgment of the reader).


GOOD-NATURED24 February 2021 – 11 h 25 min

How long after vaccination can we say that there is a start of protection?


CLAUDINE GAU24 February 2021 – 11 h 24 min

I am 88 years old. I am skeptical about the vaccine but I will soon have to take public transport (SNCF). So I’m going to get vaccinated. Perhaps to reassure me, but without conviction. And I hope to get out of it unscathed! ! !


NADINE CHOLLEY24 February 2021 – 11 h 18 min

Totally agree with you


KEREBEL24 February 2021 – 11 h 16 min

All your conclusions are cold in the back… How the rulers of the entire planet can they be under the yoke of BIG Pharma… How much longer will they impose catastrophic measures for health while simple measures of drug treatment and prevention could have been enough to control this pandemic … Too many people have suffered and still suffer from their ignominy, will there be any accountability?


WATINE24 February 2021 – 11 h 13 min

Thank you for this valuable information.
The risk benefit for those under 75 does not in any way justify being inoculated with a molecule in the experimental phase, the long-term effects of which we do not know at all.
Moreover, as long as contamination is still possible, why impose a vaccine against a community?
It does not mean anything .
For example, children are required to have a vaccine when they return to kindergarten or school BECAUSE OF CONTAGION RISKS.
The obligation comes from this logic of non-contamination of a community… but without that, the obligation has NO REASON TO BE IMPOSED ON US!


CHRISTMAS24 February 2021 – 11 h 12 min

I fully agree with you! This vaccine mainly reports to Big Pharma.
I quickly stopped listening and watching television and those fearful “doers” who had the head of the job!
Sorry to learn that our 2 centenarians have received the vaccine and are no longer in this world …
No vaccine for me who is 81 years old; I have been taking vitamin D prescribed by a “real” doctor for a long time.


  1. https://photos.app.goo.gl/%5B%5D
    In realtà non so se esiste questa dichiarazione…se è vera o cosa.La storia degli Annunaki è molto strana perché in realtà si sono suddivisi in due fazioni,quella di ANU che collabora con i Rettiliani e quella di Enki, più vicina all’umanità.
    Se è vera questa dichiarazione è molto forte e so che non riusciranno nel loro intento.
    “C’è il Sole qui,sembra primavera!
    Sono in giro senza mascherina,non riesco a portarla,ho bisogno di respirare e di camminare tanto.
    Sto crollando, ma non per il Covid o per la paura di qualcosa.
    Sento proprio la luce addosso,è tutto molto amplificato.
    Ho come la sensazione di provare costantemente Amore.
    Mi sento un’aliena in mezzo a tante persone con la maschera e percepisco tantissima energia.Sento che mi fa perdere le forze e con le forze tutte le mie certezze e la falsità della mia Mente.Sento che ho bisogno di piangere ma non posso perché poi dovrei dare spiegazioni e non voglio attirare l’attenzione di nessuno.Devo resistere.Ma so che prima o poi crollerò…

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