The Irlmaier prophecy

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A 2013 Trump tweet against the Obama-BIDEN administration (which is now back in power, that whole crew) 

I read this prophecy in German 41 years ago.

Interesting…. but free will and united action can prevent this still. But, failing that, something like this can indeed happen.

My then father-in-law in Austria was into Irlmaier, and also other prophecies, such as the Vatican being burned by a mob (whether leftists, freemasons, jews, muslims or a big mix of them all). I

I can easily imagine that happening. The Church is viewed today all across the ideological spectrum as a bastion of monstrous pedophiles!

As the great German rocket scientist Hermann Oberth said, the problem with such prophecies things is they go through the filter of the brain of the person having the vision, in this case a Catholic Bavarian.

Oberth (front row) and Wernher von Bruan with Air Force and NASA personnel in the 1950s (My English-born grandfather met von Braun as a federal auditor while auditing the early US public space program, then headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama)


Still,  such things can be partially true.

In the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, a very antisemitic book denouncing “the synagogue of Satan” and composed probably around AD 100, it is said that a wicked worldwide beast will bear the number 666.

Now, that is kinda interesting. I discovered this in 2012:

AND the Revelation predicted 1,900 years ago that unless one worships this beast, one can no longer buy or sell anything. So you go bankrupt, lose your home, become homeless, and starve, and then are arrested for vagrancy and taken to a camp.

(The Soviets did this in the 1930s, revoking your Soviet citizenship, whereupon you had no right to do anything.)

This might suggest a cashless society and an embedded cash chip which the regime can simply turn off.



According to Alois Irlmaier there will be a large battle in the future, a big war .. Let’s call It World War III will start the moment that we think there is “peace” in the Middle-East, So it can be at any moment, then it will occur, a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean. The actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third highranked. They were paid by other people. The third murder occurred. Then the war starts. One of the murderer is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with brightcoloured hair.

I think, it will be at the Balkans, but cannot say it exactly. The year before the war will be a fruitful year with much fruit and grain. After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors.

Quite black an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks. It comes from the golden city. The first worm begins at the blue Water in the northwest and goes to the Swiss borders. As far as Regensburg no more bridges crossing the Donau exist, they do not come from the south of the blue water. Then impact is on impact. Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and moved forward to Italy. Thereafter three armored wedges immediately advance with lightning speed in the north of the Danube over Germany towards the Rhine – without preliminary warning.

This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars will clog the roads, if they would have stayed at home or would not have used the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on highspeed-motorways and other fast-motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see any Danube-bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air.

I see three spearheads coming: the below spearhead comes along over the forest, but then pulls up itself northwestly alongside the Danube. The line is for instance Prague, Bavarian forest and northwest. The blue water is the southern boundary. The second spearhead goes from east to west over Saxonia, the third from northeast to southwest. Now I see the earth like a ball before me, on which the lines of the airplanes step out (project), which do now fly up like swarms of white pigeons from the sand.

The Russian does not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhrdistrict, where the many furnaces and fire-places are. The second spear comes westwards over Saxonia towards the Ruhrdistrict, exactly like the third, which goes from northeast westwards over Berlin. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhrdistrict. Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water.

However the yellow dragon invade in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not far. I see the earth like a ball before me, on whom now the white pigeons fly near, a very large number coming up from the sand. And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins. Like a yellow line it goes up to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in these tanks became quite black. Where it falls down, everything will be dead, no tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. The houses still exist. I don’t know, what it is and so I cannot tell it. It is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. The ones, who are on the one side cannot go over to the other side.

Then everything at the spearheads breaks down. They all must go to the north. What they have with them, they throw away. Nobody will come back anymore. The airplanes drop a yellow powder between the Black Sea and the North Sea. Thus a death strip is created, straight from the Black Sea to the North Sea, as wide as half Bavaria. In this zone no more grass can grow, let alone humans live. The Russian supply is interrupted. Swarms of pigeons ascend from the sand. Two herds achieve the combat area from the west to southwest. The squadrons turn towards the north and cut off the course of the third army. From the east there are many caterpillars. But in the caterpillars everybody is allready dead, although the vehicles keep rolling on, in order to gradually stop automatic.

Here, the pilots also throw off their small black boxes. They do explode, before they touch the soil, and spread a yellow or green smoke or dust. What comes in contact with this becomes dead, whether it is a human, an animal or a plant. For one year no organism is allowed to enter this area, otherwise it will expose itself to the largest mortal danger. At the Rhine the attack is finally repelled. From the three spearheads no soldier will come home anymore.

These boxes are satanic. When they explode, a yellow and green dust or smoke arises, everything that comes in contact to it, is dead, it is a human, an animal or a plant. The humans become quite black and the meat fall off their bones, so sharply is the poison. By a natural catastrophe or something similar the Russians suddenly evade to the north. Around Cologne the last battle has started. At the Rhine I see a half-moon, which wants to devour everything. The horns of the sickle want to close.

What this means, I do not know. Then they are flying to the north. In the center there is a mark, there lives nothing anymore, no human, no animal, no grass. They fly to the quite north, where the third spearhead had come in, and do cut off everything. So they will all be murdered, nobody from these three armies will come back home anymore. But then I see someone flying, coming from the east, who drops something into the large water, so that something strange will happen.

The water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down, then everything is inundated (flooded). There is an earthquake and the half of the big island will sink. The whole action will not last long, I see three lines – three days, three weeks, three months, I don’t know exactly, but it won’t last long! A single airplane, which comes from the east, throws something into the large water. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. Everything is inundated.

There is an earthquake. The southern part of England slips into the water. Three large cities will be ruined: one will be destroyed by the water, the second is located so high in the Sea, that you can only see the church tower and the third falls in. One part of England disappears, when the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. The countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily, the sea is very unrest, the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would cook/boil in the underground. Islands disappear, and the climate changes. A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know.

The January will be so warm at some time that the mosquitos will dance. It can be that we already come into a time, when there won’t be a normal winter at all, like we do know him now. During the war the big darkness comes, which lasts 72 hours. It will become dark at a day during the war. Then a hail impact, consting of lightning and thunder, breaks out and an earthquake vibrates the earth. Please do not go out of the house at that time. The lights do not burn, except candle light, the current stops. Who inhales the dust, gets a cramp and dies. Do not open the windows, cover it completely with black paper. All open-standing water become poisonous and also all open-standing meals, which are not in locked doses. Also no meals in glasses, because they would not cover it up completely. Outside the death by dust goes around, many humans die. After 72 hours everything is over. But again: Do not go out of the house, do not look out of the windows, and keep the candle light burning. And pray.

Overnight there will die more humans than in the two world wars before. Do not open a window during during the 72 hours. The rivers will have so few water that you can easily pass them. The cattle falls, the grass becomes yellow and dry, the dead humans will become quite yellow and black. The wind drives the clouds of death off to the east. The city with the iron tower becomes the victim of the own people. They ignite everything. Revolution is, and everything is going wildly. The islands before the coast sink, because the water is quite wild. I see large holes in the sea, which will be filled, when the enormous waves return. The beautiful city at the blue sea sinks almost completely in the sea and in the dirt and sand, which the sea ejects. I see three cities sinking in the south, in the northwest and in the west. The large city with the high iron tower is on fire. But this has been done by the own people, not by those, which came from the east. And I can exactly see that the city is made equal to the ground. And in Italy it is going wildly too. They kill many people there and the Pope flees, but many clergymen will be killed, many churches collapse.

In Russia a revolution breaks out and a civil war. The corpses are so much that you cannot remove them off the roads anymore. The cross comes to honours anew. The Russian people believe in God anew. The large ones among the party leaders commit suicide and in the blood the great gulity is washed off. I see a red mass, mixed with yellow faces, it is a general riot and horrable killing.

Then they sing the Easter song and burn candles in front of sacral pictures. By the prayer of the Christianity the monster of hell dies; also the young people believe anew in the intercession of the God’s mother. After the victory an emperor is crowned by the fleeing Pope.

How long all this lasts, I do not know. I see three nines. The third nine brings the peace. If everything is over, a part of the inhabitants have died, and the people are frightened of God anew. The laws, which bring death to the children, become invalid after the clearing. Then peace will be. A good time. I see three crowns flashing, and a gaunt old man will be our King. Also the very old crown in the south comes to honours again. The Pope, who had not to flee across the water for a long period of time, returns. When the flowers bloom on the meadows, he will return and mourn for his murdered brothers. After these events a long, lucky time comes. Those, who will experience it, will be very happy and can praise themselves lucky. But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began.


  1. Hallo Kamerad,

    ich habe mich viel mit Irlmaier beschäftigt und war schon oft an seinem Grab.
    Dort hat mich mal eine alte Frau angesprochen.
    Sie erzählte mir, sie kommt aus der Gegend und ihr Vater kannte Irlmaier persönlich.
    Eines Tages sprach Irlmaier ihren Vater an…. Kurzum Irlmaier sagte ihm, seine Frau (somit die Mutter der Frau die mich Ansprach) wird in einem Jahr nicht mehr leben.
    Man fand die Aussage Irlmaiers absurd denn die betreffende Frau war bester Gesundheit etc.
    Jedoch fast auf den Tag genau 1 Jahr nach dieser Aussage Irlmaiers starb sie….
    An Krebs, den man erst kurze Zeit vor ihrem Tod diagnostizierte.

    • Danke.

      Ja, und 1947 wurde er von einer Anklage wegen Wahrsagerei-Schwindels von einem Gericht freigesprochen. 🙂

      Aber durch den freien Willen können wir — gemeinsam — die Erfüllung seiner Horrorvision vermeiden! 🙂

  2. The first ever English translation of Hermann Wieland’s epic retelling of the esoteric history of Atlantis and the truth about ancient Aryan religion.
    Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925)

    A german scholar reveals after decades of research, that Atlantis was the Doggerland Sandbank in the North Sea/Helgoland:

    Who is interested in such things can also have a look at the alleged Jewish star. The original symbol is an Indo-European-Aryan the Shatkona:

    In ancient India, which was conquered by the Aryans (the nobles) several thousand years ago, the Shatkona/Jewish Star and the Swastika still exist side by side in harmony. The Shatkona shows the connection of heaven/God (triangle downwards) with the earth/human being (triangle upwards). The human being as a being from the earth (earthy = earthy) with a divine spark.

    The swastika is a symbol for eternity and therefore for God himself. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Armenia there are symbols consisting of Shatkona/Jewish star and swastika in the center together. A symbol of the eternity of God. That is why the swastika is always associated with God/Gods among Hindus and also among ancient Germanic peoples

    The Jews simply passed off this originally Indo-Germanic symbol (Shatkona) as their own after the 30 Years War (after the siege of the city of Prague).

    Another interesting fact: God comes from Godan. Godan is the Gothic (Germanic tribe) name for Wotan/Odin.

    By the way, the number 1 in Russian (Indo-European language) is: один – Odin.
    Odin the First.

    The Second: Two – Twa – Two – Ziu

    Ziu (Indo-Germanic related to Zeus) in the course of time becomes Tiwaz, then Tuisto.
    Tuisto becomes Teutz. Teutz becomes Teutsch over the centuries.
    Teutsch becomes Deutsch (German).

    The Germans therefore trace their origin directly back to Odin, since in one version of Norse lore the god Tiwaz is the son of Odin.

    It is of course altogether a little complicated, since so many millennia have passed and there are also researchers who say that once Ziu was the main god of the Germanic tribes.

    Odin = 1 (One)
    Ziu = 2 (Two)

    So, with a little bit of self-confidence we can say the following: that the really chosen people is the people of the Germans, because they are descended from God.

    In the Edda it is written that Odin (Godan/God) breathes his breath (Odem = Odin) into an ash tree trunk (symbol for the world tree = DNA) and thus gives it life and thus begets the first humans. The German man as a being from the earth (starting from the legendary progenitor Tuisto) with a divine (life) spark (soul).

    The Roman historian Tacitus writes in his Germania about the world of gods of the Germanic peoples:

    “As progenitors and founders of their nationhood, they [the Teutons] glorify Tuisto, a god sprung from the earth, and his son Mannus in ancient songs – the only kind of historical tradition that exists among them.”

    – Tacitus: Germania 2,2

    Perhaps this explains our high creative power and inventiveness.

    The fact is, we have to do everything so that we do not become extinct, or better said, exterminated.

    “With the rediscovery of Germania in the 16th century, Tuisto, from now on called Thuiskon with many spelling variants, was also rediscovered. He henceforth functioned as the progenitor of the German nation and was immortalized as such in countless works by contemporary writers and poets.”

    World Literature:

    Tacitus’ Germania:

    Honour your ancestors:

    • To Honour:
      It is also interesting to know that the Bible speaks of “beasts of the field” as intelligent beings.
      These beasts of the field are, according to certain thought directions, related to the serpent and to jews.
      Therefore the true animals in human form would be the jews.
      Jews have approptiated themselves of many things Aryan putting them as jewish.
      They even have an urge to mix with whites in order to get at their genes.
      This seems to me a logical pursuit by the beasts of the field.

  3. There are two groups in the jewish world, the eastern and the western who act in cooperation toward their universal government.
    While the natural dynamics of nations (even if there weren’t any jews around) is one of aggression and conquest, if we take into account the first statement above, not always an enmity between nations is authentic.
    Thus we have the ww2 and the most strange cold war cooperation between the usa and the soviet union.
    They all dance to the tune of the same master.
    The invasions seen by Irlmaier may in fact be a coordinated final pounce to become masters of the world (and of the universe as their unlimited and absurd arrogance demands).
    The only thing not 100% clear in Irlmaier’s narrative is the role of the usa which would seem to have broken out of the spell and takes vengeance.

      • Thanks, but how do we know the “Star of David” was this star?

        The Aryans of India also used the hexagram, calling it the shatkona, or the symbol of the Anahata chakra.

        It has been historically used in religious and cultural contexts and as decorative motifs later in Judaism and occultism. The symbol was adopted from the Hindu by the Jews from the spiritual symbol Anahata.[citation needed] The symbol was used merely as a decorative motif in medieval Christian churches many centuries before its first known use in a Jewish synagogue.[1] It was first used as a religious symbol by Arabs in the medieval period, known as the Seal of Solomon, depicted as either a hexagram or pentagram, and which was later adopted by Jewish Kabbalists.[2][3]

        With me, comrade, and I have a science degree from Georgetown, everything must be proved. You cannot “wing it” with some five-minute research.

        A Jainist hexagram from India

  4. To Mr. Bronstein’s quick research i want to add that many years ago a pastor whose religious line i couldn’t understand well and who called himself “Cohen Reckart”, published a lenghty article about the “Star of Remphan” as something evil and foreign to israelites and the illustration of that star was identical to the “Star of David” which as we know is now accepted as national symbol of the modern state of Israel.
    Unfortunately the link to Mr Cohen Reckart’s article is lost for me but the purpose at this moment is only to comment on the physical aspect of the “Star of Remphan” – identical to the “Star of David” according to the mentioned source.

  5. Indeed.
    Unfortunately for us all, history is not an exact science and sometimes certain uncomfortable bits that don’t seem to fit anywhere float up to cause us headaches.
    In early times there was no or almost no recording, no library net, destruction of the scarce sources available by time or arson, appropriation of other’s history, deliberatevfalsification of history by the victors of the moment, etc. In more modern times, history doesn’t seem to fare much better, in fact according to several european researchers, the middle ages were authentic golden years for tampering with history.
    This thing with the stars i know since many years ago and don’t have a satisfactory answer. I mentioned it only for honesty’s sake.

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