In Bavaria, Germany the governor, a Markus Söder, has posed seven times for taking the Covid vaccine! You can be sure he never took it even once for real! That poisonous, sterilizing toxin is just for the little people!
A furious Italian comrade and mother of schoolboys wrote me:
Look, John! Here we go again!
[Her region was just declared by NWO technocrats to once again be a dangerous “red zone” — meaning once more the immediate, total closure of the schools]
They just wrote this on the web page that I have been following for some time.
By now I know that we are at the point of no return; those who have awakened will continue to work against the half-truths and illusions, while the others will continue to deny the horrid Reality.
It has been a year that they have been mocking us with these masks, closures and social distancing.
Everything is coming out, tons of scandals [sudden deaths, paralyses, shaking fits, etc.] and yet people don’t care and keep on getting vaccinated.
At least if they had doubts! But no, nothing 🙁
I believe this:
“People need a huge slap in the face with a huge truth — and all in one shot.”
These half-truths that gradually leak out and circulate a bit do not help anyone; they are weak, have no effect and no feedback.
It all is passed off as a “conspiracy theory”…
I have come to understand everything about the history of Germany, and you have been my guiding light. I have come to understand the existence of Imperial Germany, the Hollow Earth and Aghartha or Asgard.
This has meant a lot to me as a human being and keeps me on my feet to fight on.
I know that my Life has a purpose, a goal to reach and I know what to fight for.
But how is it possible that humanity is yet sleeping ???? … They piss me off because they accept everything without saying a word. The Covid variants ???? But come on …
They look like men made of stone — brainless !!!! I would slap them all to wake them up suddenly.
Excuse me if I vent like this … but my children are suffering, right now, that we cannot go out walking together, be out under the warm Italian sun and enjoy these beautiful spring days.
When will it all end…?
….. My reply
The good news is the people WILL get a huge slap in the face, with a huge truth — and all in one shot.”
🙂 🙂
My feel is that at this moment the epicenter of the covid19 evil and madness is in Germany.
Now the commerzbank is planning for 2022 to block all accounts without vaccination pass, a move approved by ALL political parties and seen as “exemplary” for all other banks to follow.
Wow. I knew this was coming. People will end up being forced to take this horrid thing.
“Ma qui di nuovo i simboli si intrecciano potenti con la realtà di tutti i giorni.Le Virtù rimangono immutate, Forza , Coraggio e Vittoria sono ancora gli incitamenti alla nostra stirpe oppressa da una tirannide oscura e “strisciante”. L’energia è sempre quella sottile e profonda che emana dall’alloro. Le armi non più spade e scudi quanto l’impegno nel mondo circostante,volto a portare verità e giustizia laddove menzogna e viltà si annidano.Dal mese di “Marzo”, come detto, iniziava l’anno sacro a Roma. L’augurio e il presagio è che da questo mese si diffondano energie di “rinascita”.
(E….noi combatteremo per riportare la Verità sul trono,perché so che Marzo è il mese della Giustizia totale sugli Esseri striscianti).
A proposito….da zona rossa è passato magicamente a zona gialla per non bloccare SanRemo.
Ma guarda perché:
È sempre più evidente ormai.