Red China and jewry wage war together on White America

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Utterly FAKED Red-Chinese Covid death from January 2020. I can say from experience that if you truly lose consciousness while on your feet, you do not put your hands out to cushion your fall. You fall painfully on your face/nose/chin, etc. But as this screenshot from 0:42 of the video below shows, this Chinese crisis actor does a lousy job, like most of his profession, in faking passing out or sudden death.


A very smart and assiduous comrade wrote:

China and Africa have practically no COVID-19 cases or deaths. Hmmm… Seems that the COVID-19 hoax is aimed primarily at White Europeans worldwide. Is it a cohencidence that China is investing heavily in Africa to take over its mineral resources?:

I will never forget the comical face-first pratfalls performed by Chinese crisis actors in the streets of Wuhan when this COVID-19 hoax first started.

Note in the video below how the Chinese man standing on the street corner instinctively raises his arms as he falls [0:41-42], so he doesn’t smash his face on the ground – fake as hell:

I replied:

Yes, the early Chinese videos prove conclusively that Corona-phobia is a Red Chinese project.

And it is also proven that it is the jews who also are pushing it, and also the faux vaccines with mRNA.

And with the jews’ total financial control as Big Donors of the Demoncrap Party, every blue-run state has the harsh Covid lockdowns that are bankrupting the white working and middle class.

Ergo, what we have here is a jewish-Chinese Covid-hoax alliance in order to take down not just Trump, not just America, but the entire white world.

He replied:

Yes – the Jews created communist China, and almost certainly still control it. This is also why Israel serves as a conduit to China for all of America’s military high technologies. The Jews have been building up both Russia and China for years to take down America’s military in a nuclear first strike:

Funny how The Epoch Times, which claims to be a fiercely anti-communist China newspaper, never mentions these facts about the Jewish origins of communist China, and also has many Jewish “conservative” writers on staff. Although most of The Epoch Times’ content is very good, I’m convinced that like most other newspapers, they are controlled by the CIA. They often print “leaked” Chinese communist documents that only an intelligence agency would have access to, through their agents on the ground.

In the March 31 – April 6, 2021 edition of The Epoch Times, a front-page article titled “CCP Adviser Revealed Detailed Plan to Defeat United States,” stated that Jin Canrong, a professor and CCP adviser,

gave a speech “uncovered” by The Epoch Times, in which he said that in the past 30 years, China has bought 46 percent of its technology from Germany, because the United States doesn’t sell technology to China.

Jin Canrong later said that the primary goal of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was to team up with the industrial power Germany, thus displacing America as the world’s industrial superpower.

I thought it was pretty suspicious that Germany was portrayed as being in cahoots with communist China, and I smelled Jewish propaganda in this. It may be true that over the past 30 years (since 1991), China has bought 46 percent of its technology from Germany, most likely non-military technologies like maglev trains, building construction equipment, etc., but the article conveniently doesn’t say from whom China bought the other 54 percent of its technology!

Since the United States doesn’t sell technology to China, why does China have carbon-copies of all of our most advanced fighter jets, missiles, tanks, helicopters, ships, etc.? It’s because Israel serves as the Jews’ conduit to China for American technology:

Even the Jew York Times admits this:

Even Israeli papers admit this:

But The Epoch Times has never mentioned these mainstream news reports about Israel selling American high-tech to China. For The Epoch Times, communist China just “magically” obtained all this technology, out of thin air. Just like the communist Chinese regime itself “magically” appeared out of thin air, with no Jewish involvement in its creation. More evidence that The Epoch Times is a CIA-controlled, and thus, Jew-controlled, newspaper. They are doing selective reporting, while ignoring the Jewish root cause of the communist China problem.

Jewish conehead physicist wins an award from his fellow Jews. LOL – he’d better be smart with a head like that:

His relatives:


Especially important blogs


…..Recent donations

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 3o January  2021:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.


— 5 April 2021 100 dollars and card from P in Florida

— 2 April 2021 200 Euros via PayPal from M in Germany

— 28 March 2021 100 euros, Boston postcard, card, meme from M in France

On the card:

Hello, John, and hello, Margi,

I hope you are doing fine, and Margi is recovering step-by-step.

For fun I enclose for you a postcard from Boston. I spent a couple of days in the  summer of 2008 visiting this city. I really liked the atmosphere of the old section. There is definitely a soul in those ancient buildings, not like the modern ones.

Bobby Fischer:

“They hate nature and the natural order, because it’s pure and beautiful, and also because it’s bigger  and stronger than they are — and they feel that they cannot fully control it.


Nature’s beauty and harmony stand in stark contrast to their squalor and ugliness.”

Sincerely, M

— 20 March 2021 100 euros, photos of Paris and a flyer on the Biderman list of coercive compliance techniques and the Covid lockdown measures, sent by M in France

— 19 March 2021 200 euros and cards from M in France, lit up like the sun by a “Fighter Flare”  prepper super-flashlight sent previously by M, plus his postcard from a trip to Freemantle, western Australia!  Un grand merci, monsieur!


–18 March 2021 Australian 50 dollars and ltr from T in Australia


— 17 March 20201 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 15 March 2021 $250 loan forgiven by P in Florida (I was literally borrowing money to keep the site going) and a $20 donation

–14 March 2021 three Fighter Flare prepper flashlights worth $180 from M in France! These things are great!

This is a combination of a super-bright flashlight;

an electronic flare if your car breaks down;

an accurate compass;

a rope (or seatbelt) cutter to  release you after a crash if wedged into your smashed-up car;

a special glass-breaking hammer to break autoglass (to get in or get yourself if trapped);

and solar panels to recharge your smartphone!


Compass on the bottom

Window hammer on the left and seatbelt cutter on the right


Recharge it in sunlight –perfect if out in the woods or at a sunlit window; a dot lights up very brightly when it is actually recharging


Recharging my cellphome FROM the Fighter Flare; the round steel thing is a very powerful magnet



— 13 March 2021 book on Atlantis, 20 euros, a $25 silver coin and ltr from C in Germany

— 12 March 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 8 March 2021 $310 and ltr re Gematria from F in Georgia

— 6 March 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida



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