Ben Franklin on reincarnation; spiritual reading

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Benjamin Franklin, one of the most distinguished of America’s Founding Fathers, was a strong believer in reincarnation as well as a self-made billionaire, scientist, publisher, inventor and leader in the victorious American independence struggle.

Franklin on reincarnation:

When I see nothing annihilated and not a drop of water wasted, I cannot suspect the annihilation of souls, or believe that God will suffer the daily waste of millions of minds ready made that now exist, and put Himself in the continual trouble of making new ones.

 Thus, finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist; and, with all the inconveniences human life is liable to,  I shall not object to a new edition of mine, hoping, however, that the errata of the last may be corrected.” 

An American professor who knew before he was born that he would help Germany:


Very soon, I will seek to effect a spiritual revolution in this country. It is a spiritually sick country when a Donald Trump wins in a landslide, but the jews steal it, and Whites, while owning 700 million guns, just sit there and moan and groan, unlike their fierce and brave ancestors!

Thomas Jeffferson:

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.


…..Spiritual reading

April 5

Extend and expand what you did yesterday. But forget about discriminating and directing your connections. Go out into the world and go about your business. However, today you can do it with your heart hanging out, your essence exposed.

Don’t be shy and don’t veil yourself at all. There is absolutely nothing about your Self which is less than perfect. You are divine and you need–we all need for
all of you—to let it be visible. Do you not think that it would be good to have more of the divine in your world?

Do you not think that your outrageously beautiful planet would be doubly or triply beautiful if it were populated by beings who were transparent vessels of love and goodness? Who better than you, dear one? Who better than you?

It takes a certain courage, and yet we ask you to think on it. You know that your essence is truly unassailable. The part of you who is God is never wrong, is never gauche, is never awkward, never hurts or harms. Why in the world would you want to hide this glorious aspect of who you are, hide it behind your mind, your
personality, your worldly accomplishments?

Why would you want to shove to the back that part of you which is all bright and always right in favor of the often stumbling, fearful and dull parts of your being?

And yet you do. You are all playing at being people and for some reason we cannot fathom, choose again and again to stay small and in disguise. Yes, of course it is about what you are learning. But you—all of you—you know better by now. Don’t you?

It is something like a collective madness that keeps you in that which restricts and limits and lowers. And it is powerful. We know that. But it is our job to remind, and exhort and cajole and if necessary, chastise you to keep you returning to reality. We mean, of course, the reality of your divine nature.

So today, look on your sojourn on Earth with different eyes. Walk through your day with as much consciousness as you can muster, consistently all day long, of who you are. Let it out. Let it be seen. Stop hiding your great beauty. How to do this?

Our best advice is surrender. The spark of God you carry is stronger than any other part of you, although fear often gives it a run for its money. When you stop
struggling to suppress that glory, it will rise of its own accord and fill you.


If you feel self-conscious, remember that you are inhabiting the only aspect of yourself which cannot fail. And determine that you will look for the same in everyone whose path crosses yours. You will probably notice that the more you are centered in your highest nature, the easier it is to see that of others.

You may encounter reactions you don’t like. And you may well not. But don’t forget to stay in your center. That is where the fear you might find in others can be transmuted. Take care not to drop down into habitual fear and reactivity yourself. Stay in your divinity and no one can harm you.

We love you and see so clearly the bright lights you cradle and enfold within yourselves. Each day we are heartened to see more and more of it emerge, even as the world around you dims. So please, let it shine today. Don’t stint, don’t hold back. Be all that you are.

Many blessings and endless gratitude to you all. — E. West


…..Baby otter rolls down the dock






    Anche lui è volato via oggi.
    Era destino per come è andata.
    Era il cane di famiglia,di [] e guardia del corpo di [].
    Non ti dico come stanno male.
    Ti seguiva, non voleva stare solo,ti guardava come un bambino perché voleva essere accarezzato,ma non amava tanto il gioco.
    Ero io a stimolarlo ogni tanto per questo.Gli ultimi tempi voleva giocare davvero.Mi sembra un incubo.
    Ci mancava anche lui 🙁 🙁
    Che tristezza incredibile.

    • Transl:

      He left us today. 🙁

      It was meant to be the way he went.
      He was [] family dog and []’s bodyguard.

      I’m not telling you how they’re sick.

      He followed you around, and never wanted to be alone. He looked at you like a kid because he wanted to be caressed, but he didn’t playing very much.

      I was the one who stimulated him every now and then for this. Lately he really wanted to play. Seems like a nightmare to me that he is gone.

      We also missed him What an incredible sadness.


      Aww, that IS sad. 🙁

      Margi has a cat that we love too, “Princess,” a very nice and considerate cat, here eating some oat grass for good digestion, and when she passes on, we also will be sad.

      Well, two things about that:

      One, I agreed with General Patton:

      So many dogs and cats lead good lives, and bring love and support to their owners. They get good karma.

      Then many of them incarnate as humans, as “young souls,” of course, and you can see amongst earthlings, in their new, human personalities, a good nature. Those who rose from the dog level are often loving, loyal, and willing to follow orders. Dogs can be very noble, and serve loyally.

      The husband of one of my former wives loves cats, he looks like a cat, and he acts like one: He is always cleaning, is neat, charming yet stand-offish, and very mysterious. 🙂

      This doggie you lost may be reborn as a little boy or girl within a year, right in your town. 🙂

      A proposito, spero di non aver ferito i tuoi sentimenti nei confronti di Mussolini. 🙁 I suoi soldati fascisti combatterono molto bene, ed era anche un grande uomo, tranne che per la sua mente egoica. Ogni essere umano deve affrontare le sue debolezze, e nella sua intervita penso che l’abbia fatto. 🙂

      • Ma no…mi feriscono quando parlano male di te e della tua vita precedente.
        È dura per mia madre 🙁 infatti mi ha chiamato mio padre disperato.
        Io spero che resti vicino a mia madre per sempre,anche se era il cane di mia sorella,ma lei non poteva accudirlo per lavoro.Ora c’è solo Mia,il setter inglese femmina con il pelo bianchissimo e rosso 🙂 nuova arrivata.

        • Questa foto dopo l’incidente.
          MIA aveva già capito che non stava per niente bene e si è messa lì.
          Mia sorella mi ha raccontato qualcosa:
          “Ha visto anche lei uno strano uccellino,istintivamente lo ha chiamato con il nome del cane e lui ha girato la testa come faceva di solito Giò.
          Me lo ha raccontato quasi spaventata.
          Ma era felice 🙂
          Mia madre non ci crede..e vabbè,deve crederci lei e penso che ci saranno altre occasioni.

  2. Si chiamava Giò, diminuitivo di Gioia perché inizialmente mia sorella voleva un cucciolo femmina ma avevano solo lui.
    Ma a me sembra il diminuitivo di Giovanni..normalmente usano Giò come nome abbreviato.
    Che ti devo dire…mi devo fare una corazza per il futuro.
    È fuggito da casa in modo strano come se cercasse la morte.
    Sotto la ruota del panettiere che viene spesso a casa e con un arresto cardiaco.Non è morto sul colpo.
    Il veterinario ha tentato di salvarlo.

    • Transl
      It was called Giò, diminutive of Gioia because initially [] wanted a female puppy but they only had him.
      But it seems to me the diminutive of Giovanni .. normally they use Giò as an abbreviated name.
      What do I have to tell you… I have to armor myself for the future.
      He ran away from home in a strange way as if he were seeking death.
      Under the wheel of the baker he came home and with a cardiac arrest, but did not die right away.
      The vet tried to save him.

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