Brooklyn buzzed by triangular UFO; US Navy destroyer buzzed by “silver blimp” and “sphere”

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The triangles (this one looks green because of a night-vision camera) are actually US secret craft.

Mustn’t let the goyim know we have had zero-gravity energy for decades, and that we have not needed gasoline engines for generations, nor were the concomitant $50 a week needed  to fill the gas tank for the benefit of crypto-jew trillionaire Rockefeller.

In fact, we could have been using flying cars like in the old “Jetsons” cartoon for sixty years.

My mother visited the 1939 New York World’s Fair, and learned there that we would have flying cars within twenty years, and robots would do the cooking and the housework.
She sighted: “So what happened to all that?”

I have been saying we are not alone right here at for eleven years now, and I was ridiculed, believe me,  back in 2010, though I presented only facts and eyewitness testimonies.

I have also said, as in Mein Kampf, that Aryans founded most if not all civilizatitns.

However, I have gone further: the founders were Nordics (highly evolved human ETs) or their starseeds.

A starseed is a higher human from a better planet than ours….

… but he or she chooses to incarnate as an earthling with regular human parents, because earthlings learn far, far better from “one of their own.”

On the other hand, a Nordic alien who lands in  spacecraft is simply worshiped as a god and earthlings want to freeload, like relatives of a person who wins $50 million in the Powerball lottery and suddenly get all friendly. 😉

Their attitude is one of entitlement, and they expect the “god” to do everything for them. “You’re a god. Hey, man, why not do some miracles for us?”

“Hey, Jesus, show us a miracle!”

It is a total welfare-queen mentality, and does NOT change most hearts at all.

Once Jesus, a starseed, started doing godlike miracles, a tiny number only became disciples. Others just wanted to see some crazy stuff, so to speak while they ate their popcorn, like King Herod Antipas of Galilee. When Roman governor Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to Herod for trial because Jesus was from Galilee, Herod was afraid of the chief priests and Sanhedrin. Rather than seeking any spiritual truths from Jesus, Herod simply wanted him to perform a miracle for his entertainment.

Jesus would not comply. So Herod and his soldiers mocked Jesus. Then, instead of freeing this innocent man, Herod sent him back to Pilate, who had the authority to have Jesus crucified. Herod’s treachery improved his relationship with the chief priests and Sanhedrin and started a friendship with Pilate from that day forward.

After emperor Tiberius died and was replaced by Caligula, Herod fell out of favor. He and his wife Herodias were exiled to Gaul (ancient France).
So whether you are a Nordic alien or a starseed, doing miracles does not change hardly anyone. It’s like “wow” and then is forgotten.
People expected Jesus to do everything for them, such as cure them of diseases and banish evil. They still do! (Better idea — humans get their act together and clean up their own mess.)

The agents of the High Priest said Jesus was an evil sorcerer doing magic by the power He had gotten from Satan! This understandably infuriated Jesus.


I have often run photos about Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, a bearded blond man who brought civilization to Mexico.


He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas — and Bochica in Colombia. (Note the beard and European features! Note the Indo man, lower left, kneeling and worshiping him, and he is beardless like most Indians and other mongoloids.)

Or look at Hitler. Performed miracle after miracle in every area, creating the only happy country on earth, and now is defamed and loathed.

Really, the problem is us — our own egoic minds.

I am not talking about being idealistic.

I am talking about shutting your mental chatter down.

Telling your mind to obey you and think  only when spoken to.


…..See also

Secret government space program: Jesse Ventura on RT interviews Steven Greer on UFO coverup; huge economic reasons for Establishment silence


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