Muslim rapes continue in England; press interest wanes; “comments closed”; my announcement regarding rapists, pedophiles and microwaves

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The hacking attacks on my site continue.

Child rape case sees seven men appear in court after investigation into abuse of 10 girls aged between 12 and 16

  • Seven men have appeared in court after an investigation into abuse of ten girls
  • The girls, aged between 12 and 16, were allegedly abused between 2011 and 2017
  • Men appeared during a series of hearings at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court 
  • All defendants were bailed to appear at Worcester Crown Court on December 1 


One of the muslim (Pakistani) rapists of white British girls gives the Daily Mail news photographer the finger:


Note the end of the article:


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I’m sorry, too, that we cannot hang f—king white traitors yet.

Now, where is the follow-up to this autumn 2020 story?

It is now spring 2021, seven months later!

This cartoon is as true as ever:

It is impossible t0 be radical enough in such cases.

When I have the power, we will erect a cabin-sized microwave oven, and slow-cook these monsters for ten minutes while they scream, then turn it up to high and kill them.

Speaking as a survivor, I can assure you that a child suffers life-long emotional damage. Right here in Ontonagon, I know two women who were molested as kids. One is still completely messed up and attempted suicide a month ago.

I had nightmares until I was 49 and finally got counseling.

I spoke to another young woman just yesterday who had been molested. She has become a fervent Christian to cope with her grief.

The good thing about the death penalty is IT IS THE BEST DETERRENT. Think about it: all pedophiles/hebephiles are atheists by definition.

You cannot REALLY believe in God, or in divine justice for you after death, and yet do such things to an innocent child.

All pedophiles must believe that No One On High is watching or seeing their terrrible crime, and that they will never “face the music” when they die.

What they fear instead is death. For atheists, death is a terrible thing: the eternal end.

The fat, boozing bastard who destroyed the British Empire, Winston Churchill, and enabled communism to win WWII and then spread all over the world, once said:

“Death I imagine as a silky black coolness.”

No, it’s not. You are fully conscious, look down at your dead body, leave it and rise upward, and a tunnel of light appears.


This is really worth a read:

EXCELLENT resource on NDEs (“Near Death Experiences”)

In an excellent book of Near Death Experiences, written by a former engineer and atheist, he has recorded memories of wicked souls who at death (a NDE) did not go to a beautiful temporary heaven, like the majority,

…..but instead to a thug world where everyone is just like them: a world chock-full of rapists, thieves, liars, murderers and godless atheists.

There is no prey there — everyone is a fellow predator, just like you, so you had better watch your back every second.

It is not fun, to say the least, and you stay there until your heart becomes sincerely disgusted with your path in life.

When your heart itself feels a great anguish, a stark inner upheaval, and you want to leave because it is all so wicked, and you now reject it from the very bottom of your heart, then only may you leave.

Understand that the angels see your aura; they see your chakras like  an x-ray; and they know perfectly well if you are sincere and remorseful or just suffering what you deserve.

Are you sorry you did it, or sorry you got caught?

Your own heart is your fate. 

Illustration by Carl Jung himself from his Red Book


For the sake of white society, we need the death penalty for all rapists and child molesters, the only deterrent.

And we need the man-sized microwave so they dread their manner of dying.

No cool, silky blackness, Winston.

First, you die slowly and horribly, with photos of your victims on the sides of the microwave, and  then you go to hell until you are brimming with deep remorse.


Now as for rape of an adult, there are two kinds, both reprehensible:

  1.  an impulsive rape after a man gets liquored up and then bitter and violent because the date does not end up as he wanted, that is,  in intercourse, so he commits date rape.
  2. Then there is the serial rapist who plans out his crimes, devastating so many, many lives.

For the impulsive rapist, he gets the giant microwave for a few minutes of agony, but not to the point of death.

Let him scream. Let him never forget the pain.

In the old days, we did not have prisons. We had corporal punishment, and then you went back to work. In the Royal Navy, disobedient or negligent sailors were whipped, not locked up, doing nothing, while there was work to do!

The Romans also whipped criminals. (Here, a scene from “The Passion” by Mel Gibson; Jesus is being unjustly scourged.)

But for the premeditated rapist, he is in the same category as the child molester.

Cook him to death.

Discipline one; educate a hundred.

Sean Penn plays a rapist murderer who gets what he deserves in “Dead Man Walking” — sure, NOW he’s all “sorry.”


The parents of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom hear testimony on how their children died, and I assure you that when I attain the power, these five savage negroes (and all scum of any race) will be snatched out of prison and die the death:


The religion Virtus will, however, lead gradually to a totally crime-free society. The egoic mind will be banished. Wicked thoughts will not enter our heads. And the older generation will also die out that had their minds out of control.

Women and children will be cherished — and vigilantly protected.



And under NS, there were jobs aplenty anyway, not misery; nobody had to steal to put food on the table.

And drunks — a source of so very many social problems — got a terrifying visit from the SS, just as our late friend Fritz Stallmach told us from a case he knew in his home city of Zschornewitz. (He was raised communist, but saw that Hitler helped the workers tremendously.)

“It  is payday, Fritz. Go straight home, give your wife and children all your pay, except just enough for two beers and a tip. Will you do that, and from now on — or do we take you immediately to a concentration camp for a few months?”


In the book which I still seek from a British trade-union official who spent a year in NS Germany, he says:

A woman could walk alone at three in the morning along the foggy docks of Hamburg without any fear.


The day will come when earth finally joins for good all the higher planets, and the internal and external jews are no more on this planet.




But our social nationism is a balance of yin and yang.


No matter what crime you have committed, if you repent, join us, and take up arms against crime and evil, you will be welcomed and not harmed.

But woe if you do not turn yourself in, confess, and actively fight against your former friends. Woe then if we catch you in a state of sin.

As Christ said,

“It would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck

and you be cast into the deep blue sea

than to harm the little ones.”


    • I believe our community must send a drastic signal that harming children, and then, just slightly less evil, adult women, is an absolute taboo, a line not to cross.

      People live in mental hell for years from this abuse!

      Pedophiles and serial rapists can always go to the authorities for help with their wicked urges.

      The promise to cook them alive if they give in to these urges is the overwhelming incentive which they need. We must get their attention in an unforgettable way. So I would make certain people watch the execution.

      A British comrade wrote me:

      Thanks for the article, JdN. I strongly believe in uniting all our white kith and kin, excluding lefties. The enemy is the jew and bankers and their agendas. I send you info so people can see the attacks on Whites by the usual suspects across the globe. Hopefully it will unite all Whites to fight.

      PS I love the public execution by microwave — LOL!

      I replied:

      Thanks so much, British brother.

      When the huge Jerry Sandusky pedo case erupted in Pennsylvania, I could see white men in the bars almost foaming at the mouth. They absolutely would have grabbed a rope and Sandusky — and strung him up right then and there.

      So even with Low-T, white men stil have some residual healthy and fierce instincts.

      Did you ever see my VIP-pedo video?

        • Interesting. The FBI ran QAnon, totally controlled opposition and very dangerous. The worst thing was getting the Peepul to delude themselves that Trump had some magic plan to turn it all around.

          • Se ci penso ancora…
            I creduloni mi fanno arrabbiare peggio degli Antifa.
            Quelli che discutono di Storia senza conoscerla davvero..peggio.
            Ora stanno facendo dei paragoni assurdi..
            Li prenderei a schiaffoni.
            Siamo svegliii e critichiamo i Covidioti LOL

          • Imagine if Trump had worked with Putin against jewry — we could have been on our way to national socialism by now!

          • Indeed, but Trump was always a vain egomaniac. After a while with no growth, guardian angels shrug and decide to leave us to our fate.

            When Trump starting pushing the catastrophic “Warp Speed” vaccine, I knew he had been abandoned by the gods.

            When that happens, you are on your own. Your angels still care about you, but their way to care is tough love: they let you flounder, thrash about, make a fool of yourself and fail.

            Then, in the interlife, they lovingly discuss with you what just happened.

            How COULD John Kennedy go to a Dallas run by his mortal enemies, Johnson

            and the mayor of Dallas, with the limousine’s bulletproof glass top down?????

            I was the object of eleven serious assassination attempts, and took many precautions, including last-minute changes of schedule and route, and being deliberately early or late.
            SS guards watched the crowd, and I also carried a .22 pistol at all times. Then as now, no surrender!

  1. Compare jewish tactics with reality:
    “Do not openly destroy the monuments to the ancient history of Russia, but also do not restore those monuments. Years will pass, and the monuments will collapse of their own accord. And hooligans and “lovers of the past” will take them away little by little, brick by brick. Pretend not to notice this because you are occupied with major tasks of the national economy. A nation without a history is like a child without parents. Such a nation can be moulded into whatever is required. One can impose upon such a nation one’s own philosophy and one’s own way of thinking. By this method, whole nations can be inevitably deprived of their particular individuality. First they will lose their history and traditions, and then we shall form them in our own image.”


    BLM is a jewish psyop:

  2. Remember Notre Dame fire?
    4chan quote: “It was done by kikes, as usual. Exactly 777 years after the great burning of 12,000 Talmuds who happened in front of the cathedral. And during their holyday of revenge against the gentiles.
    There were secret letters sent by influent rabbis back in the 1800’s already planning to burn down churches in retaliation from this act once they’d consider themselves untouchable and all powerful.”
    Does her necklace spell “Burning”?

    Mudshits loved it:

    Mudslim, or MuhhSad disguised as mudshit did it:
    Written in 1925, On Resistance to Evil by Force is one of the most important tracts composed by white émigré philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin. Responding to the pacifist pretentions of Count Leo Tolstoy, Ilyin mounts a tenacious defence of the Orthodox tradition of physical opposition to evil. As he explains, in the face of evil which can be contained by no other means, a forceful response is not only permissible, but becomes a knightly duty. Further, heroic courage consists not only in recognising this duty, but in bearing its heavy moral burden without fear. In his own time, Ilyin penned this guide for the exiled Russian White Army in its continued resistance against the godless Bolsheviks

    A number of Ilyin’s works[7][8] (including those written after the German defeat in 1945) advocated fascism.[9] Ilyin saw Hitler as a defender of civilization from Bolshevism and approved the way Hitler had, in his view, derived his antisemitism from the ideology of the Russian Whites.

    “We are disciples of God and teachers for ourselves.”
    ― Ivan Ilyin

    It’s better to be hanged for loyalty than be rewarded for betrayal.
    Vladimir Putin

    People are always teaching us democracy but the people who teach us democracy don’t want to learn it themselves.
    Vladimir Putin

    You can do a lot more with weapons and politeness than just politeness.
    Vladimir Putin

    Europeans are dying out. Don’t you understand that? And same-sex marriages don’t produce children. Do you want to survive by drawing migrants? But society cannot adapt so many migrants.
    Vladimir Putin

    I think every person should have some faith inside him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the inner state of the soul.
    Vladimir Putin

    A country in which the people are not healthy physically and psychologically, are poorly educated and illiterate, will never rise to the peaks of world civilization.
    Vladimir Putin

    I think: the powers like to talk about “freedom” in order to wash the population’s brains.
    Vladimir Putin

    Russia doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. It destroys them.
    Vladimir Putin

    Russia’s partners should understand it’s best not to mess with us.
    Vladimir Putin

    If it [a country] looks like a terrorist, if it acts like a terrorist, if it walks like a terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it’s a terrorist, right?
    Sergey Lavrov

    • Very good!

      However, regarding Notre Dame, and the burning of Talmuds and the modern fire, it was almost exactly 777 years.

      The Talmud burning, at least acc. to Wikipedia….. took place on 17 June 1242, and the modern fire on 15 April 2019, so 776 days and ten months later.

      But I agree it was suspicious.

  3. Ich hatte schon nach der Kölner Silvesternacht gesagt:

    Wer als Polizist, Richter oder Staatsanwalt solche Verbrechen deckt gehört an den Baum aufgeknüpft mit einem Schild um den Hals:

    “Ich bin ein Verbrecher, ich habe Kinderschänder gedeckt”

    Diese Methoden sind die Einzigen die helfen. Leider.

  4. An excerpt from David Irving’s latest release, “True Himmler”, in regards to your comments on those with drinking issues.

    “Very early on in the Party’s rule Himmler started locking up, for their own good, those who drank too heavily. One was Toni Lehner, of Munich, who had once been close to Hitler – his high Party pedigree was evidenced by a membership number in the low twenties. As a cure for alcoholism Hitler had ordered him committed to the concentration camp at Dachau. ‘The punishment was not ordered by the Führer to hurt you,’ Himmler wrote him on May 18, 1937, ‘but to retrieve you from a path to ruin.’ The man soon fell off the wagon, and Himmler consigned him to the more fearsome camps at Oranienburg and at Buchenwald. ‘And he always got on Himmler’s nerves”.

      • This part is worth sharing, which was just before the part I previously shared.

        “Himmler expected the utmost physical fitness of his men, but he also demanded the same of himself, although twenty years of desk work had not prospered his muscle-tone or figure. He did not tolerate the long-winded and verbose. Some said he was no orator, but we beg to disagree. He wrote brief notes, and spoke otherwise ex tempore.

        There was something of the Puritan in him. His meals were fast, wolfed down in ten minutes to leave more time for talk and work. His only luxury was one or two cups of real coffee and a cigar or two, particularly when he had guests, but he never smoked before midday. He would smoke a second cigar with the afternoon coffee, and a third after dinner, but limited himself pedantically to three. With his obsequious and customary politeness Adolf Eichmann would later tell an interrogator: ‘A small illustration which Herr Hauptmann [Captain Lees, the Israeli interrogator] might consider so unimportant as to be hardly worth mentioning – when someone was sent for by Himmler and happened to be a smoker, he would first go to the toilet in the special train to use the pummy-stone and lemon always available there. If there were the smallest traces of yellow nicotine stains on ones nails, Himmler would notice and might well take ones hand, stare at the stains and say “three months smoking ban” or maybe “six months’ smoking ban” and that was an order, and that was that.’ His guests might drink one or two glasses of wine or beer, but if they helped themselves to a third it was noted – alcoholism was one particular bête-noire. He was never seen drunk, until the last weeks of military disaster, and he never drank alcohol before noon. To Robert Ley, powerful head of the German Labour Front, the organised labour movement, he offered brotherly assistance. ‘Dr Ley drank to excess after Godesberg,’ recalled an army captain, referring to the 1938 high-level Anglo-German conference. ‘That was when he starting putting the drinks away. Himmler always had a couple of SS gents there in plain clothes who’d come in on the dot of eleven and sidle over to Ley’s table. “It’s that time, Herr Doktor,” they’d say, and Ley would get up and go up to his room without a murmur.’”

        • Great anecdotes, and thanks!

          Léon Degrelle also noticed Ley’s drinking……. How many fine men, fine families and fine careers were destroyed by excessive alcohol. How many rapes and one-night-stands with unwanted pregnancies! I see it in this town, kids born of such drunken interactions who then grow up with a single mom. Booze was their father! 🙁

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