Beloved Brit comedian died after 2014 film predicting a genocidal vaccine

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Aside from some obviously p.c. nonsense about “racism” which they had to throw in, this clip is spot-on. The positive cover story for genocide is “overpopulation; we lack the resources.”

Mayall died suddenly at his home in London on 9 June 2014 at the age of 56.


        • Thanks, but I have mixed feelings about some of the gods.

          Odin is actually killed by the Fenris wolf, is he not, or was it the Midgard snake?

          I seek to be, as Shakespeare said (Edward de Vere) “on the side of the angels.” 🙂

          • Yes, Odin is foretold to be killed by Fenrir, but Ragnarok is only a prediction and avoidable if we honour the Gods. I believe Angels are light elves, as described in the Edda there is both dark/bad and light/good elves and i believe you are guided by the light elves who are the sum of our ancestors.

          • I find Abrahamism to be gay male worship, as opposed to our heathen roots, which honours both our male and female Gods/ancestors.

            Our own holy trinity is (all)father, (all)mother, child/tribe as opposed to Abrahamism, where all three are males.

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