The French Waffen-SS; pot pourri

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One can always count on Brit Mark Felton, as in the video below, to both parrot shamelessly the propaganda of the All-Lies AND agree the Third Reich (and its non-German volunteers) fought magnificently.

(After all, the villain, like Darth Vader, must be redoubtable and interesting in order to make the heroes seem more heroic. 😉 )

Ah yes, the patriotic French under de Gaulle versus the French Nazi traitors… Well, this would not be happening if the “traitors” had won:

In any case, his facts are usually correct. The French Waffen-SS was incredibly skilled, brave and effective. It was they who defended the Reich government in Berlin to the last!

It was my great fortune to have minored in French at Georgetown (straight A’s) and to have married a Frenchwoman and also lived in France in 2004-05.

This is a short video about my ancestral Normandy:


Although the French, because of many ghastly, jew-caused, unnecessary wars, have changed racially into a darker people than before — having brought in Sicilians, Spaniards and others to replace their staggering war losses — still there is greatness in this proud and ancient nation.

The blondish French painter Horace Vernet (1789-1863) painted realistic war scenes; the French, 200 years ago, were a good mix of keltic, germanic and mediterranean stock, and had 50% blue eyes, according to the military recruit-training records of Napoleon’s army (from German racial researcher Hans F.K. Günther’s Racial History of the Indo-European Peoples.) 

His “Papal Troops Crushing Brigands”

The blue-eyed Marshal Philippe Pétain, victor at Verdun in WWI, ran a quasi-fascist government, called “The French State,” during WWII, which crushed both Freemasons and  jews.

“Work, Family, Fatherland”


And, let it be added, the French-speaking Belgians, the Walloons, who live right over the border from the northeastern part of France, were also fantastic Waffen-SS warriors. Their commander was the legendary Léon Degrelle.



….pot pourri

Too late, or is the wind changing?
–Little-Jew Israelis denounced Big Jews’ Pfizer Covid vaccine!
Israeli medical doctors, scientists, lawyers and business professionals:
Quotes (page 3) on the effect on the Israelis of the BionTech/Pfizer, a jewish-created mRNA gene therapy which 1) is merely called a “vaccine” and 2) it has only “EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION” from the American FDA:
  • 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel

  • 32% increase among young Israelis


  • risk of death after the second vaccination is even higher

  • “inconceivable gap between official Israeli media reports and what is actually happening”

The Big Jews like Netanyahu are Luciferians, satanists, and nihilists who worship only themselves. They are deliberately killing YOU Little Jews off with this long-term lethal mRNA “vaccine” while also trying to “depopulate” the world of millions of “goyim“!
Netanyahu smirks and IMO fakes getting the Pfizer shot with saline.
–USA NY Can it wake up white people to the reality of (((israhell)))? Or cleave Americans vs Islam for the benefit of ((()))?

— New York gays LGBTQI, etc….)  want all cops gones from their events. Of course, if something bad happens, they’ll blame the NYPD for not bieng there!
NYPD is not required to lead first response and security at NYC Pride events.
All aspects of first response and security that can be reallocated to trained private security, community leaders, and volunteers will be reviewed.
An increased budget for security and first response will allow NYC Pride to independently build a first response emergency plan using private security and provide safety volunteers with de-escalation training for first response when necessary.
NYPD will provide first response and security only when absolutely necessary as mandated by city officials. In these instances, NYC Pride will review foreseeable NYPD involvement and, in partnership with surrounding venue precincts, take steps to keep police officers at least one city block away from event perimeter areas where possible.
NYC Pride does not currently mention, spotlight, interview, or otherwise promote law enforcement across its social media
channels, digital content, Pride Guide, or any other owned media.
As such, NYC Pride will not allow NYPD to speak at its events or use any NYC Pride platform.

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