Duran: Russian super-sub could tsunami the eastern third of the US; site still in peril

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The biggest submarine on earth is the massive Russian “Belgorod.”

The Duran says it is being outfitted with a nuclear underwater drone that can cruise around very silently for years without refueling or surfacing, then detonate a 100-megaton bomb to swamp the entire east coast of the US, and/or the American west coast, with a tidal wave, AND Britain, and other countries.

I have been saying this for years, I might add.

The Good-old-USA, “God’s Country,” etc, today:
After the Sakharov H-BOMB tsunami waves flood the west coast to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains — and the East Coast to the spine of the Appalachian range: San Diego, L.A., San Francisco, Portland and Seattle also gone, likewise Miami, Atlanta, Richmond, Wash. D.C. (thank God at least for that 😉 ) , Philly, NYC (oy veh) and Boston. Of coure, many wokies, libtards, jews and Blacks will be gone.

Soviet-Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov, inventor of the Soviet H-Bomb, thought this tsunami bomb up 70 years ago.



The Soviet-Russian Tsar Bomb of 1961 was 50 megatons but easily could have produced 100 megatons. So the Russkies have had the know-how for 60 years.


Everything is pointing to the Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917 yet again.

The US gets Turkey to backstab Russia. They go at it; Russia crushes the Turks “in one day and night.” NATO goes to war for its member-state Turkey; Russia smashes NATO, too.

The US tactical-nukes the Russians; they retaliate, and it escalates to The Big One.

There is NO way the US would win a conventional war against the Russians, not now, so they will go nuclear:


Russia’s Terrifying Strategic Gamechanger: The Poseidon Nuclear Powered Underwater Drone

EU Parliament calls for regime change (overthrowing Putin) in Russia


Especially important blogs




I just sent $840 to my webmaster, webhost and website monitor.

We are broke ($18), and have no money for a vital drug Margi needs, but which the insurance is not paying for, for some reason.


Can you help immediately?

We are going without to keep the site up, but this is ridiculous.

I can unblind people.

So facts and the extreme danger finally penetrate their thick, thick skulls. 😉

Or get yourself ready to start paddling. 😉

Who is your enemy? Your mind is your enemy. Who is your friend? Your mind is your friend. Learn the ways of the mind. Tend your mind with care.








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