Is there such a thing as a “virus” — or is it sick cells disintegrating? Do we need vaccines against perhaps non-existent viruses?

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EVERY virus image you see these day is merely a graphic from computer software, with huge, nasty spikes attached, carefully designed to terrify you, and shut down all critical thinking.

Why? Because fear does that — for once very valid Stone Age reasons.

If this cave bear, Arctodurus Simus, is chasing you in Stone Age Europe in 20,000 BC, don’t think, just act. 😉

But the Jews know this fact about the human brain.

In a weird way, fear is like sex. Sex sends all your blood to that area of your body. Fear sends all your focus toward the threat.

That fact, plus how desperate people want to obey their wise and experienced “elders” — like Dr. Fauci and the supposedly kindly, soothing, experienced old Grandpa Joe….the old hand… though the man is actually a rapist, pedophile, incestuous monster, election stealer, and traitor working for Red China,

I am nearly through the 500-page book Virus-Mania.

It proves that Pasteur and Koch were both frauds who became rich from Big Pharma and faked their vaccine experiments.

The international team of MDs, PhDs, and top science writers who wrote Virus-Mania asked the CDC, the NIH, and top heath agencies in Germany, France, the UK and the US by letter, and got NO ANSWER AT ALL, the following questions:

1) What studies prove viruses (disease-causing nano-particles much smaller than bacteria and fungi) actually exist?

2) What studies prove vaccines kill viruses?

3) What studies prove vaccinated kids are healthier? (German kids get 40 jabs, Americans 72!)

Vaccines made Big Pharma $5 billion in 2000, $30 bio in 2010 and $60 bio last year.

You can buy a lot of politicians, scientists, medical journals and reporters for 60 billion dollars.

Or hire hitmen to literally kill top anti-vaxxers…if defamation, ridicule, lawsuits and yanking a doctor’s license do not do the trick.

And if the goal is depopulation, then vaccines are the perfect way to kill off 90% of the people — “peacefully.”

It will then be Covid “variant” after “variant,” lockdown after lockdown, bankruptcy after bankruptcy, until everyone is sterile and dying.

Except our child-molesting elites…

One of the Duran duo had a short video on this new “Covid variant” bullshit….

And now this is Andrew Kaufman MD with Samantha Bailey MD (a co-author of Virus-Mania) on the hunt for an actual virus:

My responsibility is to provide truth. I could not sleep at night if I were pushing crackpot antivirus theories, and viruses were real and vaccines were needed, and Big Pharma vaccines truly saved lives.

So I read this 500-page book.

Now, as with the Holocaust, I see just another Big Lie. And if the Jews pulled off THAT whopper, back in the 1940s, today with far more power due to Big Tech and white people more stupid than ever due to chemtrails and other neurochemicals, they can vaccinate us to death as well.
And with the Covid mRNA “vaccine” I see a not just a Big Lie, but a world-genocidal lie.


  1. I don’t have a background in biology and medicine by which to evaluate the claim that viruses don’t exist. But I feel it is un-Constitutional to require anyone to take a vaccine, especially for the Covid problem.

    There is something wrong with the “push” being made to vaccinate people when you consider the dangers exposed by Robert Kennedy Jr. It is also out of line with American history when wou consided that mandatory vaccines were rejected by the people during the deadly swine flu epidemic of 1918 in San Francisco, while Covid is not all that dangerous. There appears to be an ulterior motive involved here, and not a humane one.

    • Thanks for this comment.

      I guess the deplatforming of Robert Kennedy, Junior, bothers me the most.

      This man, likes all the Kennedys, is a sincere old-style, compassionate Irish-American liberal.

      The Jews killed his daddy. They knew he would dig and dig as president and confirm that Israel killed his brother.

      “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

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