A certain Mathilde Cohen denounces the “culinary whiteness” of French cuisine
Much of Professor Cohen’s published work has focused on various modes of denial of the right to vote in French and American legal cultures. She has written on whether and how public institutions motivate their decisions and are more or less representative of the public they serve. She is currently studying the way in which bodies coded as feminine are alternately empowered and disempowered by the precious materials they manufacture and consume, in particular human milk and placentas.
*** Here is a body coded as “feminine” – what a delirium of the fascists! This swan baby actually thinks, due to fascist brainwashing, that his mother is female!
In 2015, she received the Hessel Yntema Prize from the American Society of Comparative Law for “Most Outstanding” article by an academic under 40 that appeared in the previous year’s volume of the American Journal. of Comparative Law.
*** How the Jews return each other the elevator! in 1999 I wrote an article in German and English on the Jewish dominance of German high culture, and especially under the last kaiser.
One Jew writes an opera, another Jew puts it in his theater, a third Jew praises it to the skies in a newspaper belonging to Jew number four.
Suddenly every Jew with some talent is depicted as the bold new genius.
Take the example of the opera composer Giacomo Meyerbeer (a Berlin Jew born Jakob Beer, but his first name miraculously became Italian) was celebrated for decades by all Jews in Europe.
Today, this hook-nosed mediocrity is completely forgotten, with the exception of opera historians. So sad – but the NEW immortal geniuses of the tribe of Judah must be promoted to the marveling goyim!
As Thomas Watson, the crusading publisher and avenger of Mary Phagan, said:
In the 2020-21 academic year, Professor Cohen will be a “visiting member” of the so-called (((Laurance S. Rockefeller))) faculty at Princeton University.
*** Another Rockefeller, the late David (brother of the late Laurance) visited Lord Rothschild (on the left) – the banking trillionaire and the oil trillionaire
A graduate of the École normale supérieure and the Sorbonne in Paris, where she obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees in law and philosophy, Professor Cohen obtained her LL.M. and JSD as a Fulbright scholar at Columbia Law School. While at Columbia, she was appointed James Kent Scholar and was editor-in-chief of the Columbia Journal of European Law. Before joining UConn’s faculty in 2012, Professor Cohen was an associate lawyer at Columbia Law and a researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research.
Mathilde Cohen, The whiteness of French cuisine. Law, race and food culture in France, 39 French Politics, Culture & Society (forthcoming, 2021)
“Food whiteness in French culture”: Sciences of Po[litics] at the heart of a new controversy
[source: https://francais.rt.com/france/88228-blanchite-alimentaire-dans-la-culture-francaise-sciences-po-coeur-nouvelle-polemique]
Invited to Sciences Po Paris, a researcher accused French cuisine of reinforcing “whiteness as a dominant racial identity”. Faced with the outcry, the rue Saint-Guillaume school felt that it was simply a question of contributing to the debate.
Since June 22, a video stamped Sciences Po of a CNRS researcher professor at the University of Connecticut, Mathilde Cohen, has been circulating on social networks. This denounces “food whiteness” in French culture and considers in particular that French cuisine “reinforces whiteness as a dominant racial identity”.
The right-wing student union Uni, Sciences Po section, immediately deplored the promotion of this speech by the prestigious school, believing that “the racialists of Sciences Po continue their horrors and invent ‘food whitening'”.
“French cuisine, they say, is now racist and contributes to white supremacy… But what are we waiting for to finally enforce our traditions, and cut all taxpayer subsidies to these so-called ‘researchers’ ”? Adds the Uni on Twitter.
Several personalities also said they were shocked at the speech of the researcher, like the honorary member of the National Assembly Paul Giacobbi, who deplores “so much nonsense in so few words, a usurpation posing as” Political science””.
“The njext thing will be to concoct a speech on the” whiteness “of beef bourguignon … which otherwise is not obvious”, ironized the former member of the Left Radical Party.
The Parisian school tried on June 25 to put an end to the controversy on Twitter, believing that [Cohen’s remarks] was neither “a course, nor [part of] an [official] lecture, nor [is it] an official position of Sciences Po ”, adding that Mathilde Cohen’s arguments do not “involve” their establishment.
For the Institut d’études politiques de la rue Saint-Guillaume, the researcher simply presented her work “during a research seminar entitled“ The intensive doctoral week ””.
And to justify itself: “Sciences Po does not promote any particular theory or school of thought. Our university welcomes, within the framework of scientific debate, a plurality of contemporary approaches in the human and social sciences, while respecting the ethical framework of research.”
This doctoral week took place between June 14 and 18, in partnership with the Doctoral School of Law and Political Science of the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
Some dispute the scientific approach of such a video. Columnist Joseph Macé-Scaron actually reacted with skepticism to the answers provided by Sciences Po: “Are you serious? The video in question does indeed bear the “Sciences Po” logo and how does it feed the “scientific debate” that you speak of in your thread [Twitter thread]? ”
Are you serious?
The video in question does indeed bear the “SciencesPo” logo and how does it feed the “scientific debate” of which you speak in your thread? 🤔🙄 https://t.co/tLtyETzbL4 pic.twitter.com/P4LgUDrOFc– Mace-Scaron Joseph (@MaceScaron) June 26, 2021
Sciences Po Paris is not having its first controversy . Recently, Le Figaro Étudiant [the major old neo-con newspaper’s special issue for college students] revealed that its students had been encouraged to use inclusive writing [no fascistic gender words any more such as “he” or “she”!] in their exam papers in order to collect bonus points.
…..Recent donations
— 25 June 2021 50 euros via PP from M in France
–24 June 2021 $190 in cash and ltr from N in Georgia
–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France
–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.
–17 June 2021 200 euros, photos and card from M in France. (Lower-right: I always carry a sandwich in case I get hungry …)
— 16 June 2021 100 Australian dollars ( = $60 US) from Australian comrade P
He ends his kind letter:
Please send John a donation — whatever you can spare.
John is doing wonderful work on the vaccine issue.
He is trying to save lives!
— 11 June 2021 $20 and note from T in New York State
— 8 June 2021 US$500 and kind note from C in North Carolina (Internet/phone cut-off notice on pink paper on the right)
— 8 June 2021 100 euros from M in France
— 4 June 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois
These Amazon gifts pay for vital things I need or that keep Margi healthy so I can do my mission without a beloved spouse who is sick and dying on me, draining me in every way.
Among them, this incredible $40 book Virus Mania:
— 4 June 2021 100 euros ( = same in dollars) and Versailles pictures from M in France
–29 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada
–29 May 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida
— 28 May 2021 200 euros, photos and letters from the heroic M in France, who rightly quoted Mussolini to me: “If one cannot give his blood, at least one can give money.”
— 24 May 2021 150 euros from M in France
— 22 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada
–May 16, 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois
— 16 May 2021 $50 via PayPal from H in Denmark
Kronborg Castle, Helsingfors
.(Not the donor) This was Povl [ = Paul] Riis-Knudsen, a very, very brave Danish national socialist whom I met several times via Matt Koehl, the then leader of the NSWPP.
For generations jewry has owned or controlled the main newspapers in Scandinavia (as well as in Holland), successfully brainwashing Germany’s neighbors and blood kindred to hate themselves, their race, all their German cousins — and obviously Hitler and his national socialists.
Incredibly, Denmark let SEVEN THOUSAND little German children, evacuated from East Prussia in 1945 to escape the mass murderers of the Red Army, perish of hunger and a total lack of medical care in Danish barbed-wire death camps after the war. Inconceivable with such an otherwise highly civilized and decent nordic people!
Anyway, Povl was a true hero to stand up for NS in a country that the Jews had taught day and night to hate our sacred cause, the true cause of the Scandinavian peoples too who now are being overrun by Muslim savages!
A comrade urged me to not overglorify nordic genes. Believe me, I do not. To let little children perish over the course of months over a Holocaust that the Germans never committed — and over an occupation which was a military necessity but also extremely mild — was a staggering crime against humanity and little blond Germanic children by their fellow nordics.
If people say, well, the Jews brainwashed the Danes, well, from 1940-45, under German occupation, they had also gotten THE TRUTH! And they rejected it! This is truly a benighted planet…
— 15 May 2021 Five letters containing generous donations (100 euros x 4 plus 60 euros) arrive suddenly from M in France!
– May 14, 2021 check for $20 from M in Indiana (US)
— 11 May 2021 220 euros, letter, photos of the Paris Métro and of Freemantle in Australia
–28 April 2021 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida
— 26 April 2021 newest number of the Circle of Friends of Léon Degrelle from G in France
— 24 April 2021 $5 in cash plus letter about Covid and the Talmud from R in Florida
— 23 April 2021 100 euros, cars, meme on change, and Montmartre/Paris photos
— 23 April 2021 check for 50 dollars and ltr from K in California
— 13 April 2021 100 euros, Paris photos, meme and card from M in France
— 6 April 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Nevada
Do these mouthy jews or lefturds really believe the gob shite that falls from their lips ? Lol. Please pack up your shit and get a plane to Africa to live, if they reject white countries and culture. keep your mouths shut and piss off to Israel or will you complain that Israel is too white ?