I think I understand now what is going on with Covid, Russia and China

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A comrade and donor commented:

John, Mainland China’s media reports that women that have taken the vaccine will no longer be able to have children. Regarding infant milk formula, I’ll quote Chairman Leng Youbin that sales will drop sharply in the coming one and two years, since many women cannot bear children within six months of a Coronavirus vaccination, the mainland media reported.
So there we have it — the vaccine causes sterilisation. This is genocide by the United Nation’s own definition of it.


I replied:

Thanks, but I felt skeptical when I read this and did some investigation.

This article says that Leng Youbin, the head of a huge Chinese baby-formula company, did NOT say the vaccine would sterilize women, but that the FEAR of vaccine side-effects might cause young Chinese women to delay pregnancy for six months to even 1-2 years.



Lead Stories reached out to Deborah Chan, a lecturer of audio-visual translation at University College London to get a better understanding of what Leng Youbin said on June 8, 2021, when he addressed the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum. A video posted to the Chinese video site bilibili.com titled, “The Director of Feihe Youbin Leng: this year may see a free-fall in birth rate; many people fear that the vaccine may affect the foetus and postpone pregnancy.” The part in question begins forty five seconds in. Chan translated Youbin’s words this way:

… number 2, from last year we saw a rapid drop of birth rate… and in this year it could be a free fall-style drop. From the current vaccination trend, many young couples believe that the vaccines could have a [negative] effect on the foetus. Probably they won’t have babies within 6 months [of getting vaccinated].

Note also this:

China does NOT, I repeat, NOT use the same DANGEROUS mRNA vaxxes the jew-dominated West uses, nor does Russia use mRNA technology in its Sputnik V Covid vaccine.


On March 29, 2021, the Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention in China released a document on the National Health Commission website. It is called “Technical Guidelines for New Coronavirus Vaccination” and discusses the five vaccines made in China that were approved for use in China and for distribution to many countries around the world. These vaccines are different from the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines.
Three use inactivated viruses, one is an adenovirus vector vaccine, the last is a recombinant subunit vaccine.

I went to the (Chinese) National Health Commission’s website to read what their offical report says about the vaccines they are giving against Covid: http://www.nhc.gov.cn/xcs/yqfkdt/202103/c2febfd04fc5498f916b1be080905771.shtml

Here is the English translation:

Epidemic prevention and control trends

Your current location: Home > Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia > Pandemic Prevention and Control Trends

Technical Guidelines for New Coronavirus Vaccination (First Edition)
Release time: 2021-03-29 Source: Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention

At present, China has already approved the conditional listing or emergency use of new coronavirus vaccines from five manufacturing companies.

The results of the interim analysis of the phase III clinical trials of the three inactivated vaccines and adenovirus vector vaccines that were conditionally approved for marketing showed that the protective efficacy of the vaccines all reached the National Medical Products Administration “Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of New Coronavirus Vaccines (Trial)” The requirements also meet the index requirements recommended by the World Health Organization’s “New Coronavirus Vaccine Target Product Characteristics”. Surveillance data of suspected abnormal response to vaccination after large-scale vaccination in key populations during clinical trials and emergency use phases and earlier stages show that the new coronavirus vaccine is safe. The results of phase II clinical trials of the recombinant new coronavirus vaccine (CHO cells) approved for emergency use have shown good immunogenicity and safety .

Based on the clinical trial research data of China’s approved vaccines and the epidemiological characteristics of new coronary pneumonia , the New Coronavirus Vaccine Working Group of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention drafted this guide, which was reviewed and approved by the Expert Advisory Committee of the National Immunization Program.

This guide is used by health departments and disease control institutions at all levels to guide vaccination units to carry out new coronavirus vaccination.

1. Types of vaccines

(1) Inactivated vaccines.

The three new coronavirus inactivated vaccine products approved for listing with conditions are provided by Sinopharm China National Bio-Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. (Beijing Institute), Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. (Wuhan Institute) and Beijing Kexing Zhongwei Produced by Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Kexing Zhongwei). The principle is to use African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells for virus culture and amplification. The virus is inactivated by β-propiolactone, antigen components are retained to induce the body to produce an immune response, and aluminum hydroxide adjuvant is added to improve immunogenicity. .

(2) Adenovirus vector vaccine.

The adenovirus vector vaccine approved for marketing with conditions is a recombinant new coronavirus vaccine ( type 5 adenovirus vector) produced by Cansino Biotech Co., Ltd. (Cansino ). The principle is to recombine the spike glycoprotein (S protein) gene of the new coronavirus into the replication-deficient human type 5 adenovirus gene. The genetically recombined adenovirus expresses the new coronavirus S protein antigen in the body and induces the body to produce an immune response.

(3) Recombinant subunit vaccine.

The recombinant subunit vaccine approved for emergency use is the recombinant new coronavirus vaccine ( CHO cell) produced by Anhui Zhifeilongkoma Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Zhifeilongkoma ). The principle is to recombine the new coronavirus S protein receptor binding region (RBD) gene into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell genes, express in vitro to form RBD dimer, and add aluminum hydroxide adjuvant to improve immunogenicity .

2. Recommended immunization program

(1) Applicable objects.

People who are 18 years old and above.

(2) Times and intervals of inoculation doses.

1. New coronavirus inactivated vaccine (Vero cells)

Inoculate 2 doses; the recommended interval between the 2 doses is ≥ 3 weeks, and the second dose should be completed as soon as possible within 8 weeks.

2. Recombinant new coronavirus vaccine ( type 5 adenovirus vector)

Inoculate 1 dose.

3. Recombinant new coronavirus vaccine (CHO cell)

Inoculate 3 doses; the recommended interval between two adjacent doses is ≥4 weeks. The second dose should be completed within 8 weeks after the first dose , and the third dose should be completed within 6 months after the first dose .

(3) Vaccination route and location

Intramuscular injection in the deltoid muscle of the upper arm is recommended.

3. Other related matters

(1) Late planting and replanting.

For the two-dose or three-dose program, those who have not completed the vaccination according to the program are recommended to replant as soon as possible. The immunization program does not need to be restarted, just complete the corresponding doses.

For those who have completed 2 doses of inactivated new coronavirus vaccination within 14 days, one dose of inactivated vaccine should be supplemented as soon as possible three weeks after the second dose of vaccination . Pair 14-2 1 complete day two new crown inactivated virus vaccine, without the need to replant.

(2) Strengthen immunity.

Boost immunization is not recommended at this stage.

(3) Simultaneous vaccination with other vaccines.

It is not recommended to vaccinate with other vaccines at the same time. The interval between other vaccines and the new coronavirus vaccine should be greater than 14 days. When rabies vaccine, tetanus vaccine, and immune globulin need to be vaccinated due to animal injuries, trauma, etc., the interval between vaccination with the new coronavirus vaccine may not be considered.

(4) Replacement of different vaccine products.

At this stage, it is recommended to use the same vaccine product to complete the vaccination. In special circumstances such as the inability to continue the supply of vaccines and the recipients are vaccinated in different places, when the same vaccine product cannot be used to complete the vaccination, the same type of vaccine products from other manufacturers can be used to complete the vaccination.

(5) New coronavirus infection and antibody screening.

There is no need to carry out new coronavirus nucleic acid and antibody testing before vaccination; routine antibody testing is not recommended as a basis for immunization success after vaccination.

(6) Contraindications for vaccination.

The usual contraindications for vaccination include: ( 1) Those who are allergic to the active ingredients of the vaccine, any inactive ingredients, substances used in the production process, or those who have had allergies during previous vaccination of the same type of vaccine; ( 2) Have experienced serious vaccine Allergic reactions (such as acute allergic reactions, angioedema, dyspnea, etc.); (3) those with uncontrolled epilepsy and other severe neurological diseases (such as transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelination) Sheath diseases, etc.); (4) Patients with fever, or suffering from acute diseases, or acute attacks of chronic diseases, or patients with uncontrolled severe chronic diseases; ( 5 ) Pregnant women.

This guide will refer to the following vaccination recommendations for specific populations for some of the populations listed in the instructions that are contraindicated or used with caution.

4. Vaccination recommendations for specific populations

(1) People aged 60 and above.

People aged 60 and above are those at high risk of severe illness and death after being infected with the new coronavirus. At present, the number of phase III clinical trials of the 4 new coronavirus vaccines with conditional approval for marketing has been included in this population in a limited number, and there is no data on the protective efficacy of the vaccine in this population. However, data from phase I/II clinical studies show that this population is safe for vaccination. Compared with the population of 18-59 years old, the neutralizing antibody titer after vaccination is slightly lower, but the positive conversion rate of neutralizing antibody is similar, suggesting that the vaccine is 60% safe. People over the age of age will also have a certain protective effect, and vaccination is recommended.

(2) People under 18 years old.

At present, the existing vaccines have not yet obtained clinical trial data for this population, and it is not recommended for people under the age of 18 to be vaccinated.

(3) People with chronic diseases.

People with chronic diseases are those who are severely ill and at high risk of death after being infected with the new coronavirus. People with stable health conditions and well-controlled chronic diseases are not considered as contraindications for new coronavirus vaccination and are recommended to be vaccinated.

(4) Women of childbearing age and breastfeeding period.

If you get pregnant after vaccination or get the vaccine without knowing your pregnancy, based on the understanding of the safety of the above vaccines, it is not recommended to take special medical measures (such as termination of pregnancy) just because of the new coronavirus vaccine. It is recommended to do a pregnancy check and Follow up. For women who have a pregnancy plan, it is not necessary to delay the pregnancy plan just because of the new coronavirus vaccine.

Although there is currently no clinical research data on the impact of new coronavirus vaccines in breastfeeding women on breastfeeding infants, based on the understanding of the safety of the vaccine, it is recommended to vaccinate breastfeeding women (such as medical staff) who are at high risk of new coronavirus infections. . Considering the importance of breastfeeding to the nutrition and health of infants and young children, with reference to internationally accepted practices, breastfeeding women are advised to continue breastfeeding after being vaccinated against the new coronavirus.

(5) People with impaired immune function.

People with impaired immune function are those at high risk of severe illness and death after being infected with the new coronavirus. There is currently no data on the safety and effectiveness of the new coronavirus vaccine for the population (such as patients with malignant tumors, nephrotic syndrome, AIDS), and people infected with human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV). The immune response and protective effect of this group of people after vaccination may be reduced. For inactivated vaccines and recombinant subunit vaccines, based on the safety characteristics of previous vaccines of the same type, vaccination is recommended; for adenovirus vector vaccines, although the vector virus used is replication defective, there is no safety data for the use of the same type of vaccines. It is recommended that after being fully informed, the individual weighs the benefits outweigh the risks and vaccinates.

(6) Past patients or infected persons with new coronary disease.

Existing research data shows that there are rare cases of re-infection within 6 months after the new coronavirus infection . People who have been infected with the new crown pneumonia virus (patients or asymptomatic infections) can receive one dose after 6 months on the basis of full notification.

5. Other matters

With the approval of more new coronavirus vaccines, the continuous improvement of vaccine clinical research data, and the increase in monitoring and evaluation data after the vaccine is marketed, this guide will be updated in due course according to the needs of the epidemic prevention and control situation.

[End of document]


I am now more and more convinced that I have figured out what is going on.

An usual, what I have to say might seem shocking. 😉

But after 18 months of closely following this whole Corona/Covid thing, I have come to some drastic conclusions:

1) the jews, as we know, rule (and corupt and weaken) the West but do not run to any serious extent the East.

China and Russia have many dealings with jews, because jews do have gigantic financial and media power, but both Putin and his people, and Xi Jinping in China and his people, are thoroughly nationalistic patriots and are totally unwilling to let the jews trash THEIR countries and exterminate THEIR people.

I will recall this frank talk by a Chinese official:

It’s official — jews helping Communist China to take America down using Biden

2) the Chinese and Russians figured out that the jews were using the Coronavirus thing to 1) bring down Trump and 2) genocide much of the hated white West.

3) They also realized that this would cause their enemy, the very dangerous US/NATO/Five Eyes countries (the UK, Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand) to economically collapse, which in a way that is tragic (for us) but “GOOD” for Russia and China, because the jew-run West, as long as it stays somewhat strong, is a threat to THEM.

But the Covid vaccine can defeat them without a nuclear war.

In fact, the US is the main golem, the bully boy, the enforcer, of the will of jewry worldwide.

So China and Russia are saying nothing as the jews destroy their enemy, “the collective West,” as the Russian Foreign Ministry calls it.

Now, IF these major countries both said Corona was a hoax, this would defeat Western genocide.

So they do NOT say it is a hoax.

They just give their citizens the traditional anti-flu-type vaccines that will NOT genocide their own people, NOT in Russia and China!

And there you have it.

Russia and China, for their own reasons, saying nothing as the jews destroy the West, which, as long as it is jew-run, is also THEIR enemy.

Maybe America should instead decide to stop being jew-run, and become friends and trading partners with Russia and China, major nuclear powers, and no longer be the monstrous jews’ bodyguard.






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