ENGLISH The good in the old religion must go forth into the new

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=============incredibly powerful video back up


This video, now in high-definition, is so good the Jews at JewTube took it down quickly — but now it is back up!

My only addition to this video is that the Chinese will not stand for any Jewish domination. They have just enough psychopathy in their own culture to 1) see through the Jews with no naiveté at all, and 2) to understand how to use money and brute force against them. In the end, if the white race disappeared, which it will not because of the rise of the Eternal Solutreans, it would be the Chinese who ruled the planet, not the Jews.

The chinese see whites as high-prestige — and that we are IDIOTS to let Jews, Arabs, Turks, negroes and Mexicans push us around. They will eradicate them all if they gain world power. A Japanese friend of mine is friends with a Korean who was doing business in Mexico City. A Mexican asked him how he liked Mexico. The Korean replied:

“Mexico could be nice, but Mexican people are lazy. Koreans could make a great country here.”

Here is a video by Jews in Sweden, from one of two state-sponsored channels known as SVT (Sveriges Television), www.svt.se. I found it on this excellent Swedish blog (in English) and you can see the Eternal Jew is using sex and degeneracy in the exact same way in every country. I thank the Jews for making my cold nordic blood BOIL………..


Here is the translation of what these creatures are singing in Swedish, taken from this excellent blog by a Swedish lady comrade (http://peoplethatarewhiteunite.wordpress.com/):

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“Blanda upp” (“Blend up”) by Grotesco

If you have trouble with the integration
I have a little tip for you

To my sisters with blonde hair
Grab a black man between you thighs and just..
ooooohhhh time to mix, time to mix, time to mix.

I say, hey latina it is a new phase
back up humma humma nazi-Lars and just..
oooh, he’s entranced
the whole night he’s going to bang [or something]
oooh it’s time to mix, exstasy, yes where going to mix. We just..
ooooh it’s time to mix, time to mix, time to mix. We just..
ooooh it’s time to mix, all of Sweden, now it’s time to mix
ooooh it’s time to mix, time to mix, time to mix

You wanta piece, my brothers in Israel? Dip your balls, do it every night!
(Yalla yalla)
I’m getting laid!

You want more sisters in Afghanistan, when it’s getting dark the liberals are heading down town.
Time to mix, time to mix, time to mix.

[then the blonde sitting astraddle the negro]

(She is singing SWEDEN’S NATIONAL ANTHEM while sexing the negro!!!!!)

oooh it’s time to mix, exstasy yes where going to mix. we just..
ooooh it’s time to mix, time to mix, time to mix. we just..
ooooh it’s time to mix, whole sweden now its time to mix
ooooh it’s time to mix, time to mix, time to mix

Grab a black man between your thighs and just..
Grab a white man between your thighs and just..
Grab a red man between your thighs and just..
Grab a yellow man between your thighs and just..

Ooooohh, Sweden, now you know what you have to do..
You have to go home and like.. mmm.. mmm.. mmm.

Time to mix!



A comrade wrote me:

I read online in Eustace Mullins’s book on the Federal Reserve that the first big meeting to plan the Federal Reserve was held in November of 1910.

But the conspirators first got together in a private Pullman rail car in New Jersey on November 22nd of 1910 for their journey to Georgia.

You will note that JFK was assassinated on the 53rd anniversary of the bankers’ first planning meeting to create a privately owned Central Bank.

Paralleling this was the assassination of Martin Luther King, who was killed on the first anniversary of his anti-war speech at the Riverside Church in New York on April 4th, 1967.

Riverside Church…. ‘cuz it’s on the Hudson River….

It’s an imitation of Chartres Cathedral in France….

I have interpreted MLK’s murder as a message to us peons that we are not allowed to have a successful anti-war campaign.

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I replied:
All wars enrich Jews, strengthen central government, mislead Americans to call the president of the United States “the commander in chief” (whereas he is not the commander of the country at all, or of the government, but only of the federal military, not the states or their militias), and wars fulfill the sentiment of the founder of the infamous black-magic Kabbalah, the second-century rabbi Simon Bar Yochai, “Tob shebbe goyim harog!”:

“Even the best gentiles should die.”

As for dates, as you know, these nuts are obsessed with numerology and the Kennedy murder and Fed plotting dates of 11/22, in their deranged minds, equal 33…. 11 + 22 = 33.

And 33 is their number of ruling the world….

..and of their main temple, due north of the White House: http://www.scottishrite.org/where/hq.htmt

From this 33rd-degree Masonic Temple’s own website: Located at 1733 Sixteenth Street, NW in the District of Columbia, this monumental building in the nation’s capital has been the national headquarters of the Supreme Council since 1915.

A direct line runs from the roof of this building, depicted above, across MD, DE, and NJ over the Statue of Liberty in NY harbor, then over the New York Federal REserve building, then over a mysterious and completely non-functional “navigation beacon” (it is not plugged in to any power source) in the East River off Queen, New York City, and this same line then runs over the roof of the Skull and Bones HQ on the campus of Yale. It then crosses the Atlantic and ends up in Jerusalem. The same exact side angle, an apparent “death angle,” runs from the NY Fed to the World Trade Center, as the degree of the angle from the Alexandria, VA. masonic temple to the USS Maine memorial at Arlington Cemetery, indicating that all these mass murders of white Americans were related to Freemasonry. A death angle also leads in downtown Washington DC directly to Ford’s Theater, where President Lincoln was murdered, and to the site where President James Garfield, an enemy of Rothschild, was gunned down. A former Dupont research scientist, Robert Fischer, proved this to me using Google Earth.

The explicit Zionist project, Israel “from the river” (the Nile, in Egypt) to the river” (the Euphrates, in Iraq). It would control the region’s oil, the Suez Canal, the Persian Gulf, and the western Indian Ocean, and instantly be a near-superpower, and rule 100 million Arab slaves.

A masonic ritual, getting goyim to hate the anti-Jewish Jesus Christ of the New Testament and worship the vengeful tribal god Yahweh of the Old Testament. Bishop Marcion in the first century preached that the god of the Jews and the God of the Christians were two totally different deities, and that Yahweh was the hate-crazed, genocidal Satan himself.

Their extremely hyprocitical mission statement, contradicted by their every murder of their critics and the wars they start:



A comrade wrote me:

Dear John,

Something on your blog a few days ago really resonated in my heart. We have to get right with God to accomplish this mission. Because the Bible is completely adulterated via the Nicene Council, mistranslation, and forgery, and the fact that there really are no unrestricted Aryan research teams to find out, it may be impossible to know the true message of Christ.

Like yourself, I did study with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, but there were some points I couldn’t come to terms with. Firstly, someone got the idea that the Archangel Michael is Jesus, which is impossible to prove and there are counter-points against it. I am not really embarrassed to admit that my wife and I did join the Mormons a few years ago, and for many reasons stopped attending meetings shortly before I began corresponding with you.

The strength of both is that they have Jesus.

JdN: The real Jesus… — stomping his psychopathic Jewish enemies… Notice, even the birds are involved: dive-bombing a slippery Levantine trader.


JdN: His name should stand for all time as an heroic, untarnished beacon of light — and a fearful scourge against all psychopaths…

I was with the Essene Church of Christ and they have a totally realistic view of Jesus and a strong doctrine (founded in India’s Yogic Meditation etc. and Christ’s altruism) but you’re considered a lesser person and can’t be a real member if you eat meat at all. Also their leader is an anti-racist and is simply unaware of the threat of White extinction. LDS and JWs have the same race problem and arbitrary thou-shalt-nots (can’t drink coffee or beer or smoke or else face excommunication). Also a member of Catholic, JW, LDS or most any church will most likely prefer their child to marry a Mexican, Asian, semite, or negro as black as the night and reproduce nonwhite children than to marry a White person who has no real inclination towards religion or subscribes to a different one.

In the book Hunter Asasssin, which I read on Tom Metzger’s website, there was a really funny part where a racialist who had been raised in a fundamentalist background by the name of Solomon, concocted a plan and infiltrated the Jerry Falwell show. He did some “miracles” to get the dumbed-down white masses to listen to him. I do think it is possible. He put a tiny light bulb on his head, hidden by his thick hair, and had it go off by pressing a concealed button. He then feigned getting hit by an imaginary lightning bolt and did a Broadway award-winning performance that he was possessed by God or the Holy Spirit and said “THIS IS MY PROPHET. LISTEN TO HIS WORDS AND OBEY.” He then collapsed and rushed home before security could search him for the illumination device. He never used the device after that, but he didn’t have to. People listened. He got his own show, and started giving subtle racial messages from the Bible in his sermons.

Eventually he went too far and the Jews who control our television channels tried to pull the plug, but the public outcry was too great, and so they tried to have him murdered. I won’t spoil the book for you if you haven’t read it.

Anyway, I don’t think we can get rid of Jesus. We love Jesus. Jesus isn’t the problem, and Jesus may well be the solution as was implied on the “Killdozer” video on your blog (which I loved!


Whether Jesus was racially an Aryan or not is irrelevant to most people including myself, but one thing we can definitely prove is that he was not a believing or obedient Jew. He may have had some “Jewish” ancestry, but the goal of Judaism is the enslavement of all mankind (the Goyim) by Jews, while Christ’s goal is for us to love each other as brothers and sisters and to be happy.

JdN: This is a great boiling-down of the difference to an easy-to-understand contrast.

To create a Solutrean international tribe of White folk, we need Jesus. Why? I don’t know. In the Bible it says He was the first of creation and all things were created through him. Likewise, in the Vedas it says that Vishnu (or sometimes they call him Lord Narayana, the Lord of all) goes into a deep sleep and Brahma springs forth from his belly button and creates the universe. He loves us all because we are his children. I believe the Norse knew him as Baldur. If He did incarnate as a Semite (and not all of them are bad) it would have been to show us that He loves the pure-hearted, primitive childlike negro as much as He loves the pure-hearted, exalted Promethean Aryan.

God can appear in whatever form he chooses. You and I are not hateful racists. We just want our kind to survive and be happy because as men of our people we perceive the danger and if we don’t do something to stop the destruction of our civilization, culture and race, then nobody will.

I’m not sure what the next step is. You’re the leader. Before multiculturalism took, and the Jews in control of the EU began destroying our ancestral homelands with floods of non-white immigrants, I wasn’t worried for our kind. Sure, I saw the race mixers, but people would say, “If you don’t like it, you can always move to Europe.” Makes sense, but not anymore. There is no more pure ancestral homeland for whites. We can’t just get permission from Russia to take our best people and start a new province for whites somewhere in the vast Russian Steppes, because the same covertly hostile force which destroyed Atlantis, Shambala, the Guanches, and is destroying us now, will once again seek our enslavement or destruction. We have to break the Jewish stranglehold on our people which means we have to completely defeat the international Jews, communism, zionism and whatever other ism’s they’ve invented or will invent.
Heil JdN!
Sieg Heil!
Sincerely, Your Brother and Kamerad,

PS: You have the support and loyalty of both me and my wife. Let’s remember the words of our German brothers and sisters from the Third Reich: Wir ruhen und wir rasten nicht. Ade. Ade. Ade. Bis dass die Satanbrut zerbricht. Ade. Ade. Ade…. [Translation: We never rest nor repose, bye, bye, bye. Until we of Satan’s brood dispose, bye, bye, bye.]

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I replied:

Dear brother David,

I really enjoy your emails and have since the first one.

A few years back, some revisionist (maybe it was Dr Toeben if not another of our heroes; he just got a $53,000 fine from the court, sent in the mail to him without any notice or warning), or it could even be Vincent Reynouard over in France), realized something profound about the human process of adapting to some upsetting, debunking truth.

It is psychologically ineffective to just destroy the gas chamber myths. You cannot just say there were no gas chambers, because Hitler was a very active, energetic antisemite on a mission, and why did this German, when he had the power to do so, NOT kill the Jews?

You have to fill in the blanks you have created.

You have to say not just what Auschwitz was NOT, that is, NOT a death camp. You have to say what it WAS: a work camp! And so workers would be at least somewhat happy, healthy and productive, it was a place with hospitals, bordellos, gardens, plantations, orchestras, libraries, commissaries, a post office, a crematory, offices, swimminig pools, etc. It was a small city of 100,000 people. It made food, rubber for tires from the buna plant, and gasoline from coal!

In the same way one cannot just demolish Pauline Christianity and leave a horrible, bleeding gap in peoples’ lives. I remember the empty feeling I had in 1976 after breaking away from Jehovah’s Witnesses. They had been my Volksgemeinschaft, my folk community. Their doctrines gave me purpose.

In 1977 I became committed to the Marines as a kind of “cause” — defending FREEDOM….

The Solutrean motto is the firm but non-violent warning found on the Gadsden Flag during the War of Independence. It was designed by American patriot general and stateman Christopher Gadsden of South Carolina (1724-1805), called “The Sam Adams of the South.”

The “Don’t Tread on Me” flag also served as one of the first Marine Corps flags. (Neither the United States nor the Marines had any official logo in the early Revolution.) Gadsden was treacherously placed for 42 weeks in solitary confinement by the British in an attempt to break him (just as tyrants kept our Henrik Holappa in solitary for 12 weeks).

….and in 1978 I evolved to national socialism (though I always realized we needed a new version of it), and that is Solutrean social nationism.

I do believe that Jesus existed and was a divine being. Had he not existed, the Talmud would have simply stated that fact by way of welcome proof that the goyeem were meshugge. 😉

After all, the Talmud began to be written down after the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, when the Jews, now temple-less, became truly the people of the book, that is, of the Talmud book.

Paulianity will not wither and blow away until a satisfying substitute is born. As Thomas Carlyle, wrote in Hitler’s favorite book, Heroes and Hero Worship, of which I have an original copy from 1840s, “no great religion fades away until the good in it is transferred forward into the new religion.”

Carlyle’s masterpiece was Hitler’s favorite reading as a teenager in Vienna and he re-read it in the bunker in Berlin at the end, to steel himself to die heroically so national socialism could be reborn.

A Jew in a used-book store in Bethesda, Maryland sold me this 1840 original for $7.50.

And most of all, a religion makes you ready to die for your people to survive. You do not fear death if your religion is vibrant. You fear as a man only the consequences that await the soul of a coward and deserter, ETERNAL ANNIHILATION.


Another comrade read this and wrote me:

You see, John, that’s why you are the leader. You know what leaves holes in people’s minds and how to fill em up properly.

I replied:


I found online someone else who decided I was the ultimo líder, as Castro likes to be called. 😉 LOL! I found these of me on ThePhora.net….. Some people have WAY too much time on their hands. 😉

George Washingnugent

..as King George III, his opponent… 😉

And now Johnesus, doing His least-favorite thing….

A helpful comrade warned me about bible-thumpers:


John, not to be rude towards you, but I spent almost the first 20 years of my life in Bible-belt style christianity. And when you go large with your movement and start talking about an Aryan, anti-jew Jesus, you are going to be bible-beaten left and right from many preachers (leechers) of all stripes and sizes and their fundie legions. And the bible points of Jesus’ jewishness which I brought up to you are mild compared to what they pull out. And I bet you already know that. Many white Christians have a Bible and not a brain.

And your use of evolution in your points of Aryan social nationism is a swear word to many Christians. Who knows, but maybe you will sort the wheat from the chaff of white christians in this fashion.

I rerplied:

Good post, comrade, and I thank you for the good advice.

I know only too well how Bah-ble-belting Paulianity can deracinate and stupidify certain Whites. The South in recent decades has been conquered by TV judeolaters (in Greek, Jew-worshippers), in their slick mega-churches.

And after five years as a JW (although their doctrines are way off), I know my Bah-ble inside and out better than most Evangelicals, too. I can go head-to-head with any judeolatric Bible thumper and win with Christ’s own words — unless they wish to scrap the entire Book of John!

I am going to have a total conflict with the Christian Zionist LEADERS, and I expect to salvage 1/3rd of their FOLLOWERS.

That’s better than zero. And I hope to park another 1/3 in neutral toward me. Neutral is better than active hostility.

The most hate-filled look I have gotten in the last two years was from a Born-Again stewardess on Southwest Airlines in December 2007. As long as I criticized abortion, porn, banning Christmas and promoting homosexuality, she was in Seventh Heaven toward me, but as soon as I started PROVING the Jews and especially their wholly-owned Democrat Party and their ACLU were behind these movements, she flipped from very positive in a nano-second to a look of truly violent, red-demon-eyed hatred.

Oh, yes, for this woman, Christ’s UNREPENTANT torture-killers are still God’s people…..yessiree-bob. And yet how does God grant forgiveness to the unrepentant — whose Talmud “commandments of men” say Christ is being boiled alive in hell in liquid manure, and his mother Mary, the Jewish Talmud says, was a hair-dressing, black-magic-practicing whore????

I am ready for the battle, because many Christians are very good folks — and they understand “man does not live by bread alone.” And THAT is an insight even pagan or agnostic WNs need to learn. This racial struggle is about SOULS as much as bodies and our genes.

It is about fearing God and dishonor MORE than death.

The fear of God IS the beginning of wisdom. But I must first get people, including so-called Christians, to REALLY believe in God and the afterlife, and divine judgment, which my 56 years of life experience have told me THEY DO NOT, so they avoid the sins of omission and commission in this critical hour. We wil get right with God and we will follow in the path of heroism, love, self-sacrifice and service of Jesus Christ.

“No greater love hath any than he who laith down his life for his friends.”