Finn decries 1942 decision to conquer Stalingrad

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A Finn charged me with having made disastrous decisions regarding Stalingrad in my last life.

Your trouble now as back then in the ’40s is that you refuse to listen to anyone and take anyone’s advice. You think you are right and never can be mistaken. That was seen about Stalingrad… No general thought it was a good idea, but they were not listened to, but they were fired. How well did that end? Those Soviets ended up in Berlin. Very well done, and by then 3,5 million German soldiers dead. Thanks. Danke.

I replied:

I did stubbornly stick to my anti-Russian policy, a disastrous error.

…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism


And it was I who appointed Friedrich Paulus as commander of the German Sixth Army. He had brilliantly planned the victorious 1939 Blitzkrieg that was our three-week Polish campaign — but, yes, he then failed as a battlefield commander.

That too was my error.

But I disagree about the specific Stalingrad point. The real goal of my southeastern thrust was the vital oil fields of Baku, but we never could have taken and then kept Baku permanently — ending the war victoriously as this vast Soviet oil resource became ours and their war machine ground to a halt without fuel — with their enormous city of Stalingrad remaining as a huge Red bastion in our rear.

Wiki is correct (

The initial objectives in the region around Stalingrad were to destroy the industrial capacity of the city and to block the Volga River traffic connecting the Caucasus and Caspian Sea to central Russia. The Germans cut the pipeline from the oilfields when they captured Rostov on 23 July. The capture of Stalingrad would [also] make the delivery of [American] Lend Lease supplies via the Persian Corridor much more difficult. […]

It was assumed that the fall of the city would also firmly secure the northern and western flanks of the German armies as they advanced on Baku, with the aim of securing its strategic petroleum resources for Germany.

The other huge economic-industrial-materièl goal was Murmansk, the main Anglo-American supply port, but as you know, Finnish marshal Mannerheim did not cooperate. Had the Soviets lost both Murmansk and Baku, then we would have also taken Leningrad and ended the war. Moscow was never my goal, but that of the generals while I was sick in August 1941.

These were MY goals in our pre-emptive attack on the USSR, NOT the trophy city of Moscow (which Napoleon had taken to no avail): the port of Murmansk, the industrial city of Leningrad, Ukraine for its massive food production, and Baku for its oil.

Murmansk in northern Russia

Murmansk brought in incredible quantities of American arms, good and vehicles; Leningrad produced for the war;  Ukraine was the breadbasket of Soviet Russia; and Baku fueled the Soviet war machine.  If Germany takes these four objectives, the war is over.


As for the video, it is by an obvious jew, and it accuses me of repeatedly changing my mind, which is a rather novel accusation. 😉 I thought I was “stubborn”. 😉

But in each life we must indeed face our errors and grow. Only by embracing the truth can we forgive ourselves, knowing we have fully learned the lessons from defeat, sorrow and pain. But if we stay in denial, all that horrible suffering was for naught.

I had nine years to ponder why we lost.



I can take much of the credit for the rise of the Reich — but I also accept total responsibility for its defeat.


Horrible 🙁


Had I created a pan-Aryan and JEW-FIGHTING religion for all Whites THEN (not a Wehrmacht for little Germany, feisty but so outnumbered), we would have gotten the other Whites behind us. And so many Brits and Americans feared the communist threat that we were willing to destroy.

Having faced “the shadow in myself,” and having died in Berlin along with my truly wonderful men, now I can advance to a new and glorious light for ALL our nations:

NS 2.0, the new, honest, solid faith in ourselves.

A French comrade and donor sent me this huge insight:

If you do, then blessings will again flow to you.

I saw this blessing on the Russian social medium VK today 🙂


AND —– for the first time ever, I saw this blessing in, yes, a men’s room in Ontonagon 🙂 In vino et whiskyo veritas. 😉


Especially important blogs




On Agate Beach (Lake Superior) with a 6’2″ former Green Beret and supporter


— 14 August 2021 $400 Australian (US$295) by certified check and excellent letter re Covid from P in the Land Down Under


His letter and my large paperweight

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