The greatest naval defeat in US history, inflicted by NS German u-boats in 1942, was covered up by Rosenfeld, who relieved Navy captains of duty for saying the truth

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Note the body language. A superior can put his hands on the shoulder of his subordinate.

Pearl Harbor — arranged also by Rosenfeld — cost 2,700 innocent American lives, but FDR’s order to the Navy to prioritize sending weapons and supplies to Britain and the bolshevik USSR left the US east and Gulf coasts wide-open to German u-boats.

Rosenfeld even had all major Coast Guard ships, intended to protect American waters,  transfered over to the US Navy.

What resulted was a sickening slaughter of Americans, both civilians (such as the passengers on the ocean liner Robert E. Lee) and the men of the Merchant Marine.

Allied convoys generally did NOT stop to pick up sailors in the water, who became shark food.


ALL this was so the drunken sot ruling Britain and the bolshevik mass murderer in Russia could keep on attacking the one hope of humanity, our National Socialist German Reich.

“Sure, Uncle Joe has killed 20 million goyim. But you can’t make an omelette — or a socialist paradise — without breaking some eggs….”

Ukrainians killed in an NKVD prison in Lvov by Uncle Joe

As the Reich seized Lvov, all prisoners were raped/tortured — and then killed. Reds have absolutely NO honor or decency.

“How can I get more supplies to you, Uncle Joe?”

And so Germans sank American ships by the hundreds, killing their white U.S. brothers, who often were also themselves of German blood!

This Marine of German blood won the battle of Iwo Jima

This Texas German, the revered Admiral Chester Nimitz, ran the naval war in the Pacific 

This Kansas German-American (despicable as he was), Dwight Eisenhower, ran D-Day and the US Army’s gigantic attack on Germany with tremendous organization and skill.


German-American John Trump, uncle of the former president, an MIT professor, pored over the late Nicola Tesla’s inventions and papers to turn it all into weapons for use against Germany. The genius Tesla died nearly broke in 1943, living in a Manhattan apartment full of birds. The FBI seized everything before his corpse was even cold, and sent it up to John Trump in Boston.


Comments underneath this blog on VK:


Andrew Mcbride
Aye, what a waste of brother’s life’s! My Uncle Andrew died on HMS Hood, my name’s sake. Why do political elites believe that killing brothers is good? No more brother wars!

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Andrew, oh wow, he died on the Hood? Well, at least he went fast. Ka-boom.

Brian Crowson
Andrew, no more brother wars!

Brian Crowson antwortete John
John, three survivors. You know it was a gleeful moment for for Germans when the Hood was sunk, while being a horrible moment for the British, and then it was a gleeful moment for the British and a horrible moment for the Germans when the Bismarck was sunk, but that was merely the celebration of the sinking of the ships. I’m sure the sailors from each side realized those are brothers dying, though? There seems to be a naval tradition of the respect for one anothers’ sailors.

Jurgen Stamm
No more wars between whites!

Andrew Mcbride antwortete John
John, he sure did, John. An amazingly good shot from an amazing battle cruiser.

Andrew Mcbride antwortete Brian
Brian, absolutely right Brian. Naval war is different from land war. Land wars are about killed troops, whereas sea wars are about v




  1. According to Paul Craig Roberts president Rosenfeld moved our fleet of warships from San Diego to Hawaii for the deliberate purpose of rendering them vulnerable to attack, which attack would provide a pretext for our entry into the war.

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