The fall of Kabul, like Saigon in 1975, is a PR disaster for the multiracial, woke, JEW-run US “superpower”

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Betrayed pro-Western Afghanis ran alongside a US Air Force C5 Galaxy to get onboard and escape the wrath of the Taliban and the return of an islamist rule they loathe.

Famous, sad photo from the fall of Saigon after 57,000 American dead (and far more Vietnamese)– AND OF KABUL NOW

US Army soldier in Vietnam — all that blood, all those lives, all that money — wasted. Jews got rich. And, symbolically, the white race lost to wogs.

US Army soldier in Afghanistan — SAME STORY. All that blood, all those lives, all that money — wasted. Jews got rich. And, symbolically, the white race AGAIN lost to wogs.



Before the US, it defeated the USSR, the British Empire, and the more peaceful religion of Buddhism, with the Taliban infamously blowing up a famous Buddha statue despite worldwide protests.

Before that, the Afghans defeated Persians, Hindus, Mongols and Moghuls. In 1221 they actually killed a grandson of Genghis Khan!

The Duran duo on the fall of Kabul:

And doofball here has no idea what is going on, yet Caramela Harris is so despised (except as a practitioner of oral sex — yes, a mulatto Monica Lewinski 😉  ) that she cannot possibly replace him, and then do better

Let it be stated by the jew Joel Stein himself: it is the jews who have run this entire country for decades and thus they own this debacle.

As I said in Picker’s Table Talk, the US may prove to be “a mushroom civilization,” one that pops up fast, almost overnight, and then disappears relatively fast as well.

Why? America is blind — it has been BLINDED — to race reality and to the jews.

“Die Amerikaner sind große Kinder” — as the Germans say — “The Americans are big kids.” I love them all, but often in the way one loves children who need desperately to be protected.

White girl in Kansas City talks about being bullied and beaten by blacks for being white. In every area, America is declining at warp speed as race-conscious, disciplined and semi-NS China relentlessly rises.

Only national socialism can save us now.

Then the white race will again begin to win!

I grieve for the many white Americans who died for nothing in Afghanistan, or came back a wreck. Every veteran does.

English soldier grieves for the loss of his friend in WWI in “1917”



Kyle Carpenter got the Medal of Honor for jumping on a grenade in Afghanistan. He has been through 35 surgeries.

Even cynical David Letterman was at a loss for words.


Don’t be fooled. These guys can’t get a date and OFTEN end up committing suicide after $300,000 in surgeries at a veterans hospital. What girl wants a hook-man with no legs? 🙁 🙁 🙁


  1. All those pussy muslims running Just nuke the shit hole. Turn it to glass. Incinerate everything. Problem solved. All those rag heads will end up in Europe. Let Israel take a load in like europe has to.

  2. The withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan is a neoconservative plot to once more bolster the Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters in the region, covertly armed and financed by the CIA, to wage jihad in China. Like they did with ISIS in Libya and Syria.

    For China, the return of the Taliban poses more risk than it does opportunity

    “China is particularly concerned that Afghanistan would become a base for terrorists and extremists fighting for the independence for the largely Muslim region of Xinjiang — a priority issue Wang raised with Taliban leaders during their meeting last month. In response, the Taliban pledged that it would “never allow any force to use the Afghan territory to engage in acts detrimental to China.”

    But the security risks are not bound to China’s borders. In recent years, China has invested heavily in Central Asia through its Belt and Road trade and infrastructure program. A spillover effect of the Taliban’s rise to power on Islamist militants could potentially threaten Chinese economic and strategic interests in the wider region.”

    Beware Taliban promises, Afghanistan envoy to China warns

    “The withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, and a surge in fighting as Taliban insurgents gain territory, raise concerns for China, which worries that more instability in the region will disrupt its Belt and Road plan for infrastructure and energy links to the west and embolden separatists to destabilise its far western Xinjiang region.”

    • Thanks, comrade. I can see that scenario.

      If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

      The jews wanted a (((US))) colony in Afghanistan, but they are just fine also with Afghanistan becoming anew an islamist hot spot, especially if it can then disrupt western China.

      Then the American/NATO/EU etc. jewsmedia can weep crocodile tears over the poor, oppressed Uyghurs.

      ….while the (((US))) regime is literally genociding the white American folk with the Covid vaxx.

      And why would the Taliban NOT try to disrupt the Islam-suppressing Chinese and stir up the Uyghurs, who are their brothers in the muslim faith? In the eyes of the Taliban, they are just as stomped on as are their muslim brothers who are the Palestinians.

    Tutta una sceneggiata…
    Lui sta ridendo alla sua telecamera e dove sono le donne e i bambini? LOL
    I Talebani hanno conservato un cappellino rosso di Trump LOL
    Leggi 9011/11/9
    Numero 20 anni dall’attacco delle torri gemelle..
    Numero 20…
    La Cabala sta giocando….
    La Cabala del Babilonese(Deificato) ENLIL è diventata prevedibile 😉
    Ora i Talebani vogliono parlare con Trump 😉

  4. It was noted elsewhere, the number on the plane is “1109” which is another way of writing the date. Also that the many people running alongside the plane appear to be “acting out,” paid for media filming. Perhaps a pre-planned message? (((They))) taunt with warnings ahead of (((their))) false flag attacks? Nothing is ever what reality seems to be for public perception.

  5. Another meaningless, lost war for the U.S. – Afghanistan this time. Hate to say it, but the U.S. military is a paper tiger – we haven’t won a real war since WWII, and actually, the Soviet Red Army was primarily responsible for Germany’s defeat, albeit at a huge cost in lost Soviet soldiers’ lives, due to Stalin’s ruthless “no surrender” orders. If WWII had been solely between the U.S. and Germany, with the Soviet Union, Britain, and France staying neutral, we would have certainly lost WWII, too. If there is a war between the U.S. and Russia and/or China, we will almost certainly lose, and America will be invaded, divided and occupied by Russia and China, similar to the way the Allies divided and occupied Germany after WWII.

    • Thanks, as usual. 🙂

      Scenario: the Jews nuke Wash DC, take out the entire govt, and blame it on white supremacists and Putin

      A kosher-conservative Pentagon general takes over under martial law and round all WNs up.

      Solves so many of their problems.

      • Well, if the Jews blamed such a scenario on Putin, it would mean WWIII with Russia, so I don’t think they’ll risk that. And if they only blamed it on “white supremacists,” then they’d have to explain how such people got hold of portable nukes, which Russia, like the U.S. and likely China, keeps under strict military control, to prevent them from falling into terrorist hands. From what I’ve read, miniature nukes are technically very difficult to manufacture, and only superpowers like the U.S., Russia, and China have them, and keep them tightly controlled. So if the Jews use that scenario, they’d have to ultimately blame either Russia or China for it, meaning WWIII. They could possibly blame the “rogue state” North Korea for it, but as China’s puppet state, it would still mean ultimately blaming China for it, again meaning WWIII. So if Washington DC does get nuked by “terrorists” of any stripe, it will mean that WWIII with Russia and/or China will soon follow.

        • Yes, but this defamation and framing of other powerful countries has been the jews’ specialty for centuries. I think they cannot control their own impulses, in the way that all psychopaths (which is what the Jews fundamentally are) must advance to ever more dangerous and degraded thrills.

          First rape. Then rape, plus kill. Then rape, kill, and have sex with the corpse…. Ted Bundy confessed all this before he was executed. He got jaded and then needed ever more wicked thrills. So 30 beautiful white girls died. And he kept on until he slipped up and they caught him.

          Hans Schmidt said once to me:

          “The Jews will push their luck to the breaking point. They could be happy to be incredibly rich here in America, never persecuted, and basically running America.
          But no, they are not satisfied with this.
          They have to want to take over the whole world.
          And some day, this going too far will be their undoing.”

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