Takers of the graphene-oxide-based Covid vaccine will be “fertilizer” in 3-8 years

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The “Greatest Generation,” in Franklin Rosenfeld”s borrowed phrase, has a “rendez-vous with destiny.” Largely reincarnated right now, it has a karmic bill to pay for the deaths of 16 million innocent Germans, and it is now coming due.

Translation from the Italian of:


“Vaccinated with Graphene Oxide Have 3 to 10 Years of Life. The more injections the imbeciles receive, the worse their blood will be under the microscope and the sooner they will turn into fertilizer “

This is said by Dr. Mylo Canderian, who developed in 2015 the patent for graphene oxide to be used as a hematological biological weapon.

[He was born Milos Iskanderianos, Corfu, Greece, 1938. But I can find no info online on this person.]

Dr. Canderian is a “genocidal globalist” who follows Precept Ten of the Georgia Guidestones: “Don’t be a Cancer on Earth; Leave room for nature “.

Dr Canderian is a medical collaborator with the World Health Organization and is also very supportive of Klaus Schwab and the “Great Reset”, and the inauguration of a global digital currency which is a secondary goal of the WHO for 2022.  Doctor Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be suppressed as quickly as possible and he is confident that the “vaccine” will put an end to “human cancer on Earth”.

Dr. Canderian is an ardent supporter of the duty and obligation of Freemasonry to rid the world of the “plague of humanity”.

How can the “vaccinated” know for sure how long they will live once they have been injected?

Dr. Canderian talks about the “End of Cycle Formula”, explaining how easy it is to calculate it:

“The power of simplicity. There is a maximum cycle of ten years from injection to the end of the cycle. Any hematologist can see it in seconds under the microscope and even more easily under the electron microscope.

The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] by or with graphene oxide is the reciprocity of the end-of-cycle calculation. In other words, an “inoculate” [anyone who has been stabbed with the Eugenics Depopulation Experimental Use Permit lethal injection bioweapon] with a 20% deterioration of graphene oxide in the blood, unless other input criteria, will live for 8 years.

Someone with 70% graphene oxide deterioration will not live more than 3 years.

It’s all measurable through blood tests. 

The more injections and boosters the idiots receive, the worse their blood will be under the microscope and the sooner they will turn into fertilizer ” .

Dr Jane Ruby was recently   interviewed by Stew Peters on her podcast   and showed examples of what deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide, for those who don’t know, is the protein and prion component of the messenger RNA spike, which is at war with the heart, lungs, brain, and blood for oxygen. .

Graphene oxide is a sponge that deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including anaphylactic shock, blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.

Dr. Mylo Canderian’s point of view is much the same as that of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the CEO of Big Pharma: LET THEM ALL DIE!


See also: Vaccine deaths transformed into biological sludge and then disseminated on crops, as a form of fertilizer


  1. Here’s an article and video which says what I commented here earlier – that only a certain percentage of the COVID-19 injections contain the real poisons, the rest being harmless saline placebos:


    From the article:

    “LOS ANGELES — It is settled science at this point that so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” 1) do not stop the spread of COVID-19, 2) cause all the so-called variants, and 3) will eventually kill you within a year or two if you received the real injections and not a placebo. We’ve seen reports that upwards of 80% of the mRNA and viral vector DNA vials being administered to the general public now are placebos.”

    As I commented earlier, the Jews are doing this because the real COVID-19 kill shots are so deadly that it would immediately become very obvious to the public what was happening, if all of the shots contained the real poisons. So currently, only a certain percentage of them do, the rest being harmless placebos. This explains why only some people are getting horribly sick and/or dying, while the majority have no adverse reactions. As I commented earlier, basic human physiology does not differ that much between people, so the only way to explain these extreme differences in outcome is because only a certain percentage of people are getting the real kill shots. The Jews will likely increase this percentage as time goes on, while blaming the increased death rates on the unvaccinated.

  2. Sono senza parole ormai, siamo in guerra e dobbiamo affidarci alle nostre competenze:”come prima cosa devo chiamare un avvocato e mandare una lettera di diffida alla scuola dei miei figli per proteggerli da eventuali misure coercitive.Non rientrano nella fascia 12/18 anni ma sono comunque in pericolo. Siamo tutti preoccupati, per il lavoro, per i figli. A me fanno incazzare quelli che non fanno nulla. Ci sono ristoratori che si ribellano e altri no.[] è riuscita a falsificare un tampone per un matrimonio, avendo già un vecchio certificato del medico.

    Dobbiamo imparare dai truffatori al vertice.

  3. Would like to see where John gets his numbers from regarding amounts of placebos. With large numbers of people waiting for shots, is there some numbering system that equates serial numbers of the vials with whether or not they represent placebos or the real thing? Who decides which people get either placebo or the real thing?

  4. Ci sono,Alessandro mi ha fatto riflettere..
    Che uomo geniale.
    Lo chiamano il Grande Reset/Re Seth/Sith Order 😉
    La tempesta di Trump è associata a Baal,Tifone,Teshub,Enlil e al grande Dragone Titano dell’Apocalisse.
    Un tempo era il Grande DILUVIO anche se in chiave mitologica.
    Ora attendiamo il colpo di ENKI 😉
    Tutti hanno perso le speranze,per qualcuno,per se stessi.
    Io invece so che sei qui in carne e ossa 🙂 🙂
    Non so come andrà a finire,non sono una veggente,ma ho ancora una speranza e un CONTO in sospeso con questi Esseri..un tempo i Nubiani,nemici dei Faraoni,soprattutto di Akhenaton e la sua famiglia.
    So che ATON,era un Dio primordiale che si poteva associare alla società matriarcale.
    Qui parliamo di milioni di anni e la croce Ansata ha lo stesso valore.
    Quello che ci resta di quel tempo sono le piramidi…
    Le canalizzazioni mi hanno confermato l’esistenza di ATON.
    Solo Akhenaton e Gesù erano vicinissimi a quel tempo meraviglioso..e non è l’ATON Cattolico o meglio BAAL di questi tempi.
    Il vero ATON è la svastica nel Sole,i suoi raggi..la croce Ansata(Cielo e Terra).
    Poi abbiamo il Sole nero femminile.
    Purtroppo non abbiamo queste fonti per poter spiegare tutto nei dettagli.
    Peccato 🙁

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