Cohenvirus vaxxee with steel objects magnetically adhering to his skin
Now thist babe is TRULY woke — to reality!
The world will soon be divided between the damaged vaccinated and the undamaged unvaxxed
Vaccine pushers are trying to divide the world into vaxxed vs. unvaxxed by denying unvaccinated people access to society (via vaccine passports). But they’re in for a shock… and a twist. The real division that will unfold is between the damaged vaccinated people vs. the undamaged unvaccinated people.
Those who keep taking spike protein injections will soon come to realize their “vaccine passport” is actually a ticket to unrelenting human suffering as their brains, bodies and hearts start breaking down.
It won’t be long before millions of Americans are unable to function in society in any meaningful way. They will become the new disabled, damaged by spike protein injections and needing constant care.
Meanwhile, the unvaccinated will inherit the Earth and be able to function at seemingly “super power” levels in society, thanks to their normal, healthy functioning brains, hearts, reproductive organs and more.
Obviously, the jews do not want this at all.
Ths is what they want (scene from “The Time Machine” (1960) (I thank a German comrade for this):
There is a harrowing scene in the film version of “The Time Machine”, 1960: The organ pipes or sirens, like symbolic inoculation syringes, go up with a deafening siren sound, and the blond, Nordic people just run into the slaughter, hypnotized without will.
The scene is so gruesome because it can be applied 1:1 to the present situation. The manipulative, lying media are the death sirens of the underground powers, by which the white peoples march on signal off to their own destruction, nobody is responsive any more, all of them are hypnotized and follow orders for self-destruction (and they let their own children also be injected to death!):
“The Time Machine” (03:14 minutes, sirens sound from 0:18), Youtube channel”mbirdnyc”,
The psychological factor: Quite a few people would consider it a declaration of intellectual bankruptcy if they had to admit to themselves and others that the critics were right — and they wrong.
DEAD wrong.
In the fading materialistic age, people were trained and fixed to outside world instances from an early age. In the past it was the clergy: Among the older folks, probably everyone has experienced during the past decades in conversation (until the 1980s) what happens when one criticizes the Pope in the presence of a Pope believer, a devout Catholic:
It “clicks” and the brain (the critical mind) is freaked out: “Ther is no connection!” … You suddenly had a mental child standing in front of you, a human being who suddenly lost all ability to criticize; the mind control training was perfect.
Almost every human being wants a reassurance that there is a before and an after, that one lives on after physical death. Therefore this training worked, because one linked it with this strong and natural desire, with the hereafter, and even with “God’s voice”.
The dressage to obey the medical establishment and orthodox medicine was comparably comprehensive, from an early age. There, the critical mind of many went berserk, especially under regarding vaccination. Many people, despite the presence 1998-2015 of a virtually uncensored Internet, never in their lives abandoned the Establishment information sources. They never questioned the medical explanatory models (virus theory, vaccination theory, etc.).
After all their previous mockery, ridicule, contempt and demonization of dissenters, many vaccination victims would consider it an intellectual declaration of bankruptcy if they admitted to truthers:
“You were right with your warnings, and now here I am, a cripple, a physical wreck!”
And if they also had urged family members to be vaccinated and now have to see the devastating consequences for their loved ones, and have to realize that they guided their loved ones to destruction with their deadly recommendation …
However, this suppression is only possible for a certain time, then it is no longer possible.
We are now experiencing the end of orthodox medicine. This is now (with the exception of emergency medicine and surgery) forever crashed, burned and discredited. Now the already for centuries(!) withheld knowledge regarding the true intentions of vaccinations, etc.. will gradually make its way forward, and it will come out what has actually been implemented under the pretext of health care, and especially so now, in the final phase, when it will come out that not health but by long tradition the intentional causing, maintaining and extending of disease was and is the central business model.
The nursing sector is now also completely burned and discredited, and has lost all credibility, because it acted as a complicit accomplice in the greatest annihilation of human beings of all time. Instead of placing themselves protectively before the residents, nurses delivered them to the vaccination assassins and thus to certain death, intentionally, because they traditionally knew through observation of the elderly exactly what vaccinations cause. Nurses themselves only reluctantly and only under the greatest pressure will allow themselves to be vaccinated!
Some people have no problem admitting that they were wrong or were lied to or that they were the victim of a lie; they do not see their self-worth and reputation diminished as a result.
Others, however, would feel the greatest shame. It is similar in the area of history, e.g. with the victory parades of the Allies, which take place until this very ay and which are based on a hundred-percent falsification of history. There too (apart from the avant-garde) also no questioning may take place.
It was mentioned again and again that many are afraid of questioning what they learned because thereby their own world view would develop cracks, because automatically thereby, gradually, every area of their life would be put into question. Almost everything one has “learned” in school and through the media would be subjected to a revision.
The end would inevitably be a collapsed, shattered world view, the loss of what one always believed in and identified with, and total disillusionment regardng th authorities (apart from one’s own ideals, which may be as strong as ever).
It has been said that questioning the established scientific worldview is not infrequently also seen as an attack on one’s own identity and reputation.
The burying of our warning inner voice (inner self = guardian angel?) was only possible by the total dressage to regard only external things. The people are losing now fundamentally the confidence they had in once renowned institutions. The materialistic world view, including the childish world view of the kind, caring Parental State, is breaking down now — finally! A new horizon is opening up for a holistic, natural, brave new vision of reality.
La Nestle’ è diventata una multinazionale assassina.
Anche l’acqua è contaminata dal Grafene.
A note on the information front: There is a new, excellent interview with Andrew Kaufmann, by Russian Kate Sugak (Екатерина Сугак), in English.[1] All the major aspects (virus theory, infection theory, etc.) are discussed and illuminated, Catherine asks excellent questions, and Kaufmann is also a great didact. One of her videos presenting Stefan Lanka’s findings has already been translated into 21 languages.[2][3] There is action on the global enlightenment front, knowledge is now making its way around the world and there is no stopping it. 🙂
Description on Rumble: “Andrew Kaufman and Kate Sugak on pseudoscience of Virology, Germ Theory of disease, contagion vaccine shedding and more”, 55 minutes,
[1] At Odyssey: “Kate Sugak interviews Andrew Kaufman”, 55 Minutes,
Excerpt at 53:13 (my comma placement is not perfect), Sugak finds words of appreciation for the quality of Kaufman’s knowledge transfer, to which he replies: “Well Kate, you know these scientists have like a trick, that they create their own language, right, to make sure that no one else comes on their turf and takes their piece of the pie, and of course, they make it very complicated so it makes them sound smarter. But in reality, we’re all able to understand these experiments, they are not very sophisticated and you know we can just use our own common sense and reasoning, we forgotten how to do that but we all have the abilitity to do that; and so I am very lucky that I can translate, you know, these scientific principles in a way that people are acustomed to thinking. But I firmly believe, that everyone is capable of understanding these principles and even learning this bogus scientific language if they wanna spend the hours required to do that.”
To the article:
“Meanwhile, the unvaccinated will inherit the Earth and be able to function at seemingly “super power” levels in society, thanks to their normal, healthy functioning brains, hearts, reproductive organs and more.”
That is one of the saddest and most depressing statements I have ever read. Presumably, however, this is what will happen. Little by little, more and more structures of civilization will collapse, and it will no longer be possible to compensate for the loss of manpower. Surviving relatives will have to take care of family members who have been seriously injured by the vaccination, while still having been vaccinated themselves. We are currently experiencing the largest mass suicide in human history, the largest human extermination ever.
“[…] at seemingly “super power” levels in society […]”. You have to imagine that: Even unskilled native helpers will suddenly become an exceptionally sought-after workforce, as they will be among the remaining functioning (unvaccinated). With all tragedy and as (unintentionally) cynical as it may sound: The unvaccinated will not have to worry about a job anymore, there will be more than enough work waiting for them and also a great wealth of opportunities regarding the fields of activity.
One may not imagine what will come now: After the repression, there will be an unprecedented mass panic. In addition, there will be hyperinflation, economic collapse, and the final phase of flooding with Third World people. When the ignoramuses wake up, there will be an unprecedented counter-reaction.
In German:
Es stürzen “wissenschaftliche” Weltbilder ein
Eine Anmerkung zur Informationsfront: Es gibt ein neues, ausgezeichnetes Interview mit Andrew Kaufmann, von der Russin Kate Sugak (Екатерина Сугак), in Englisch.[1] Alle wesentlichen Aspekte (Virustheorie, Infektionstheorie usw.) werden erörtert und beleuchtet, Catherine stellt ausgezeichnete Fragen und Kaufmann ist auch ein großartiger Didakt. Eines ihrer Videos, das die Ergebnisse von Stefan Lanka präsentiert, wurde bereits in 21 Sprachen übersetzt.[2][3] Es tut sich was an der weltweiten Aufklärungsfront, das Wissen bahnt sich nun weltweit seinen Weg und ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten. 🙂
Da stürzen jetzt wirklich “wissenschaftliche” Weltbilder ein.
Beschreibung auf Rumble: “Andrew Kaufman and Kate Sugak on pseudoscience of Virology, Germ Theory of disease, contagion vaccine shedding and more”, 55 Minuten,
[1] Bei Odysee: “Kate Sugak interviews Andrew Kaufman”, 55 Minuten,
Auszug bei 53:13 (meine Kommasetzung ist nicht perfekt), Sugak findet anerkennende Worte für die Qualität von Kaufman’s Wissensvermittlung, woraufhin er entgegnet: “Well Kate, you know these scientists have like a trick, that they create their own language, right, to make sure, that no one else comes on their turf and takes their piece of the pie, and of course they make it very complicated so it makes them sound smarter. But in reality, we’re all able to understand these experiments, they are not very sophisticated and you know we can just use our own common sense and reasoning, we forgotten how to do that but we all have the abilitity to do that; and so I am very lucky that I can translate, you know, these scientific principles in a way that people are acustomed to thinking. But I firmly believe, that everyone is capable of understanding these principles and even learning this bogus scientific language if they wanna spend the hours required to do that.”
Zum Artikel:
“Meanwhile, the unvaccinated will inherit the Earth and be able to function at seemingly “super power” levels in society, thanks to their normal, healthy functioning brains, hearts, reproductive organs and more.”
Das ist eine der traurigsten und bedrückendsten Feststellungen, die ich jemals las. Vermutlich wird es jedoch so kommen. Nach und nach werden immer mehr Zivilisationsstrukturen zusammenbrechen, die Arbeitskraftausfälle werden sich nicht mehr kompensieren lassen. Überlebende Angehörige müssen sich um durch die Impfung schwerverletzte Familienmitglieder kümmern und sind dabei noch selbst geimpft worden. Wir erleben gegenwärtig den größten Massensuizid in der Menschheitsgeschichte, die größte jemals stattgefundene Menschenvernichtung.
“[…] at seemingly “super power” levels in society […]”. Das muß man sich mal vorstellen: Selbst ungelernte einheimische Hilfskräfte werden plötzlich zu einer außergewöhnlich begehrten Arbeitskraft, da sie zu den verbleibenden Funktionierenden (Ungeimpften) gehören. Bei aller Tragik und so (ungewollt) zynisch es auch klingen mag: Die Ungeimpften werden sich keine Sorgen mehr um einen Arbeitsplatz machen müssen, auf sie wird mehr als genug Arbeit warten und auch ein großer Chancenreichtum hinsichtlich der Tätigkeitsfelder.
Man mag sich nicht ausmalen, was jetzt kommen wird: Nach der Verdrängung wird eine nie dagewesene Massenpanik erfolgen. Dazu kommen die Hochinflation, der Wirtschaftszusammenbruch,und die Endphase der Flutung mit Drittweltvolk. Wenn die Ignoranten aufwachen wird eine noch nie dagewesene Gegenreaktion erfolgen.