If I hear the word “boomer” one more time…..

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A supporter of mine sells generators at construction sites all over the West of the USA. He noticed scads of Mexicans at these sites, and asked a foreman “What gives?!”

He answered: “I WANT to hire white kids, but they come to work one morning, and just do not show up again after lunch. They don’t even bother to quit. They just awalk away from the job. They gotta text someone or play a video game.”

I once granted a job interview to a kid in Millvale, Pennsylvania. During the inteview one of his little friends sent him a text. He stopped the interview with “Hold on” to text the other kid back.

As I just wrote, a Walmart manager in Houghton, Michigan told me his store offers $14 an hour to start, and yet “every department in this store is short. These kids don’t want to work.”

HE said it, not me.

And did I as a boomer do nothing as this country went minority? Hell no.

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

Do not let the jews divide and conquer us Whites for any reason. It is time for this boomer-millennial foolishness to end.


  1. Each generation has been getting progressively softer since the Depression.
    I try not to point fingers. There are good young people out there. We need to unite.

  2. Ho riletto la tua biografia.
    Forse ho tradotto male qualcosa ma mi sembra di aver capito che hai fatto una crociera…ma come marine??
    Non sono riuscita a comprendere questo particolare 🙁
    Comunque ho fatto il tuo stesso tragitto…tranne la Sardegna 🙂
    La nostra tappa era la Sicilia.

    • Transl:

      I reread your bio. Maybe I mistranslated something but I seem to understand that you took a “cruise” … but as a Marine ??I couldn’t understand this one detail. 🙁
      However, I did the same route as you … except Sardinia 🙂
      Our stop was Sicily.


      Hi. The verb “cruise” may mean a “pleasure cruise,” but “cruise” also has a military, naval meaning, which is traveling at a maintainable speed, not racing, and also it can mean visiting several ports.


      A cruiser is also a small warship.

      Sardinia was full of communists when I was there, Italian communists — pro-Soviet and anti-NATO. They would slash the tires of Americans’ cars.

      And so was Crete during WWII, heavily communist, as was pre-Franco Spain.

      A movement built on hatred and murder.

      • Grazie 🙂
        Messaggio della mia compagna(avvocato)di viaggio che ha creato un gruppo sul tema vaccini:
        “Buongiorno,con piacere ti comunico che mi sono candidata,avrei piacere se mi date una mano in famiglia (votandomi).
        Faccio parte del partito(Centro Democratico),ho il voto congiunto con uno dei capolista, il consigliere comunale ****, pertanto se vi fa piacere mettete il mio nome ed il suo sulla scheda elettorale.
        Per chiarimenti chiedete pure.”

        Osano parlare di vaccini,dittatura e poi si candidano nei DEM.
        È confortante questa notizia,non credi? Cos’è che non ho capito di tutta questa storia…John?!
        Il mio cervello frigge.

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