Zombie cops just listen as 22-y/o English girl tells of her hellish life post-vaccine

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Young girl, 22 years of age and her life has been totally ruined up by the jabs.

Thank God Britain beat the Germans, whose excuse in the jew movie “Judgment at Nuremberg” was always “We were just obeying orders.”

And what are these cops doing?

Anything to keep that paycheck coming and sustain for another year your probably mediocre marriage and pay for your bratty kids, if you even have any.

You are serving the Devil and selling him your soul. You oppress your own people, your own flesh and blood — fora rich paedophile jew who hates and despises you.







  1. Herr de Nugent kann ein Lied davon singen, was Verrat anbelangt, wie beispielsweise in bezug der Causa des seinerzeitigen finnischen Dissidenten Herrn H., den er und Margi bei sich Asyl gewährten, Kost und Logis übernahmen, zuzüglich vierstellige Kosten für einen Advokaten.

    Meine Mutter, die der Jutt tückisch meuchelte, lehrte mir bereits von klein auf: Der Feind liebt den Verrat, aber nicht den Verräter!

    Nun hat es Attila Hildmann erwischt – so kündete der Volkslehrer am 14. September 2021 auf seiner Seite.

    Der Volkslehrer-Kanal

    Ein Lagebericht von Attila Hildmann, der sich auf 20 Minuten erstreckt, und zwar:


    Alle Seiten und Kanäle gekapert! ?

    Neuem Kanal folgen: t.me/AttilaHildmannFreedom

  2. Ho condiviso la storia di quel Signore vaccinato con il buco sul braccio!
    “Esploso come le vostre comuni batterie”.

    Una risposta a mia sorella che si vantava del “giusto licenziamento” di una maestra perché aveva rifiutato il vaccino.

    Questo perché ora mi sono rotta le palle,questo perché estenderanno il Green pass a tutti;bambini e metalmeccanici.Sono le ultime fasce.

    Lo hanno già detto.Hanno già licenziato qualcuno.

    Ne ho seriamente abbastanza delle pecore.

    • Transl:

      I shared your story of that vaccinated gentleman with the hole in his arm!

      “Exploded like your common batteries”.

      This was a good retort I sent to [] who had bragged about the “justified firing” of a teacher because she refused to take the vaccine.

      This is why I am so pissed off — now they will extend the Green Pass to everyone; even little children, metalworkers, everyone. They are the last cohorts.

      They’ve already said it and already fired someone.

      I’ve seriously had enough of these sheep.

  3. In Romania nessuno chiede il Green pass…posso confermarti che un italiano viaggia tranquillamente per lavoro.Noi stiamo diventando come l’America;ci tartassano tutti i giorni.Solo che non sono una pecora,non mi bevo tutte le loro cavolate,non mi faccio intimidire,sono sempre più arrabbiata.Stanno aumentando tutte le bollette a livelli mai visti,si vocifera che verrà a mancare il grano perché gran parte proviene dal Canada.Prevedo ormai un periodo nero sotto tutti i punti di vista.E la gente fa finta di niente.
    Il lavoro è diminuito.
    L’azienda di mio marito non si è mai fermata come ora;nel suo piccolo ha sempre funzionato quando le altre avevano problemi.E’ il segnale che qualcosa non va davvero.
    Il Governo sta facendo dei strani movimenti economici per sistemare le case,per ristrutturarle sotto richiesta dei cittadini,a sue spese.
    Rapporto Banca/Stato.
    Sono milioni e milioni di euro.
    E da dove escono tutti questi soldi ora??!!
    È una trappola…
    Si troveranno tutti indebitati senza saperlo(a parte il mutuo).
    Io sono preparata al peggio…

    • Transl:

      In Romania no one asks for the Green Pass … I can confirm that an Italian can travel peacefully there for work.

      We are becoming like America her in Italy; they harass us every day. Only I’m not a sheep; I don’t slurp up all their bullshit, I don’t get intimidated; I am only increasingly angry.

      All our bills are increasing to unprecedented levels. There are rumors that wheat will run out because most of it comes from Canada. I foresee a black period from all points of view.

      The work that is available has decreased.

      My [family member’s] company has never stopped working like it has now; in his little company it always had work when the others had problems. It is a sign that something is really wrong.

      The government is making strange economic moves to fix the houses, to renovate them at the request of the citizens, at its own expense.

      Bank / State relationship: These are millions and millions of euros. And where does all this money come from now ?? !! It’s a trap…

      They will all find themselves deep in debt without realizing it (apart from the mortgage).

      I am prepared for the worst …

      • “Bank / State relationship: These are millions and millions of euros. And where does all this money come from now ?? !! It’s a trap…”

        These millions and millions are from the Northern European countries, sent down to Italy and Spain because of the Scamdemic….. and printed out of nothing; of course. And we, the normal people, get no compensated for this created crisis…..

  4. Nobody likes the police in UK , more like gay stasi. So lefty they destroy forensic evidence of muslim grooming gangs , tell the victims parents not to talk to the media. Nick Griffin was put on trial twice for exposing muslim grooming gangs . Bastards . I’d take a flame thrower to all of them.

  5. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Im Kommentarstrang des Artikels ‘Corona: Pandemie ist Lug und Trug’ (Überschrift des Artikels) ist ein durchaus wertvoller Beitrag eines Kommentators namens Unperson, der den Namen des Verräters von Attila Hildmann nennt – und einen Dokumentarfilm darbietet, warum es in Südafrika so weit gekommen ist, wie es gekommen oder genauer verdorben ist, und was uns in Europa blüht oder genauer dräut:


    Gekommen? Nein! Die Verderbnis in Südafrika wurde gezielt herbei geführt, und zwar von scheinbar unsichtbarer Hand – wem die Auflösung nicht gewahr ist, der ward im oben genannten Dokumentarfilm fündig.

  6. – Weiterer Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Von dem Kommentator namens Unperson anbei weitere deliziöse Einzelheiten des Verrats an Attila Hildmann sowie dem Verräter, die ebenfalls im Kommentarstrang des Artikels ‘Corona: Pandemie ist Lug und Trug’ (Überschrift des Artikels) des legendären Bloggers Vitzli zu finden sind, und zwar:


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