Class-action lawsuit against the US state of Hawaii, citing “45,000 vaccine deaths within 72 hours”

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Class action lawsuit against the US state of Hawaii: 45,000 vaccine deaths in 72 hours

A group of lawyers filed a giant class action lawsuit against the US state of Hawaii. One of the hired lawyers made a statement at a press conference and cited the unbelievable number of 45,000 deaths within the first 72 hours after receiving the vaccination as the reason for the lawsuit.

by  Günther Strauss


Renowned Hawaiian lawyer Michael Green made a name for itself last week with a class action lawsuit against the US government’s vaccination campaign, which he is demanding an immediate stop and claims for damages. The lawsuit has meanwhile also joined around 1,200 employees of the Hawaiian health system – paramedics, nurses and doctors – who have been campaigning for weeks against the “indirect vaccine requirement” by the governor and mayor of Honolulu. It is believed that thousands more citizens will join Green’s lawsuit in the US island state alone.

According to the plaintiffs, contrary to the official figures, there are now 45,000 fatalities in the USA alone as a result of the experimental Covid vaccinations. The US portal “”  quotes  Green as follows:

“The tests we saw by doctors across the country show that nearly 45,000 people who received these vaccinations were dead within 72 hours,” attorney Michael Green said at a news conference Thursday.

In addition, it is completely unnecessary to test asymptomatic people, as required by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – because they could not spread the virus either.

“First the carrot, then the whip”

In the Hawaiian capital, there is increasing resistance to the vaccinations required by the government, including among civil servants. In an emotional statement, fire chief Kaimi Pelekai reported that he had lost his job because he refused to inject “an experimental vaccine into my body that can kill people,” the fired firefighter said, according to local media. Even among the employees of the public transport companies, a number of employees are now going on the barricades; However, since the powerful Teamster union is involved in this case, the city administration does not want to risk mass layoffs: there are no fewer than 800 bus drivers and administrative employees who want to remain unvaccinated.

“Members have expressed concern that the vaccine is still under emergency approval,” said Wayne Kaululaau, President of Local Teamsters. For the Pfizer / Biontech active ingredient Comirnaty, the provisional approval was converted into a regular approval by the US approval authority this week – due to considerable political pressure. However, this does not change the concerns of employees. They don’t want to be vaccinated – even though it becomes mandatory for all Honolulu urban bus drivers by October 1st at the latest. The alternative are daily tests; if both are refused, there is a risk of punishment or dismissal.

JdN: The lawyer is a stereotypical Jew. Is Big Jewry afraid of an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism because of the Jewish origins of Covidomania?


  1. Black comedian Chris Rock, who got the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” around May of this year, now has COVID, most likely FROM the “vaccine,” yet he still urges people to “get vaccinated.” At the very least, this proves that the “vaccines” are totally ineffective at preventing COVID, and are more likely actually CAUSING it. Unbelievable stupidity – are the Jews paying celebrities to endorse these killshots?:

    From the article:

    “Chris Rock has tested positive for COVID-19, the comedian announced Sunday. Rock, 56, previously received the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine, he told Jimmy Fallon in May.

    “Hey guys I just found out I have COVID, trust me you don’t want this,” Rock tweeted Sunday. “Get vaccinated.”

    USA TODAY has reached out to his representatives for more information. In January, Rock said he “can’t wait” to get vaccinated against COVID after interviewer Gayle King noted that some members of the Black community felt “trepidation” about getting the vaccine.

    “Let me put it this way: Do I take Tylenol when I get a headache? Yes,” he said. “Do I know what’s in Tylenol? I don’t know what’s in Tylenol, Gayle. I just know my headache’s gone. Do I know what’s in a Big Mac, Gayle? No. I just know it’s delicious.””

  2. Interesting developments in Melbourne today — several hundred construction worker tried to storm their own union head office. They were angry at being forced to take mandatory vaccinations to work in the construction industry.

    The thuggish police arrived and threatened the workers with machine guns. It ended in a riot.

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