Smiling snake United CEO high-fives himself over firing vaxx refusers

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Smooth, oily snake…. Smiles like an Eagle Scout.

United was already “woke” before the Coronacaust and was visibly pushing straight white males out the door.

I am SO old I remember when CEOs with WASPy names like Scott Kirby were all conservative Republicans. My father was one of them.

Republicans like Presidents Nixon and Reagan, whom my father both knew, privately thought like most Republicans about the Blacks, for example.


As for this traitor Kirby, if only 3% of United employees refuse the vaxx, he is probably right that United Airlines operations will not be overly affected.

This guy is a classic psychopath cut from the same cloth as Justin Trudeau, Gavin Newsome, the Cuomos, etc., etc.

“Land of the free and home of the brave” my ass ….. “Land of the dweeb and home of the slave”!

It’s a reflection on how degraded the moral fiber of the workforce has become.

If more people saved part of their pay…were prudent, and did not take on debt so nonchalantly…. then Kirby wouldn’t be as smug. Half the workforce would have quit.

Kirby knows he is killing people. A pedophile, I suspect, at that level….. a trusted mass executioner.

The YouTuber comments show the dripping hate these doomed vaxxtards feel for those like us who will continue refusing the death jab and will survive the Coronacaust.

But these vaxxtards literally want us to die for not obeying.

Every cowardly collapse of the employees, as at United, will make the Jews even more eager to move toward their big goal, a total clot-shot mandate — or foe the refusers a prison camp, a work & death camp, their proud specialty since their glory days as Bolshevik NKVD killers.

Solzhenitsyn wrote that eight of the ten camp systems were run by Jews.


But a WASP traitor like Kirby is even worse.






      • It’s probably more than 5% who refuse the jew mutagen. A large loss of skilled employees will hurt them, even if their big bosses have enough bucks to ignore it. If a large number of employees vaxxx and die, that will be a heavy cost to them but they’ll try to get gov. Cheese for it.

          • And the NY governoress, Hochul, says all fired American nurses will be replaced by foreign nurses.

            In terms of achieving NWO [New World Order] goals, the Cohenavirus is the gift that keeps on giving.

            Global dictatorship, total censorship, open borders, white genocide, gun seizures, total economic and military chaos, booster shots forever for new “variants” forever until our blood consists of 20$ graphenme oxide and we become literal antennae…. (And suppose 3/4 of our military dies off? What will stop China then? One can ever resurrect the old rumors that UN troops from leftist Canada will be gunning down conservative, but disarmed Americans.)

  1. I agree this is an apocalyptic age. According to Hinduism, these are the last years of the Kali Yuga, which ends in 2025 to 2030.

    Several friends of mine who work for the railways have told me they are being put under enormous pressure by management to take the death jab. The pressure is enormous and unrelenting. Some employers in Australia are just constantly harassing their employees to take this poison.

    I’ll tell you why those construction workers who rioted in Melbourne behaved the way they did. One of their workmates was driven to commit suicide because of the pressure to take the jab, and he refused and took his own life.

    Truly evil things are happening down here in Australia

    • Thanks. I did not know about that suicide which triggered the Melbourne riots.

      I have an important question.

      I had read for years that Australian regime had radically restricted gun ownership and did all these gun “buy-backs” after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre (even though it was a professional hit job committed by the Deep State so as to get gun bans, and NOT by that blond, blue-eyed, mentally slow guy at all, a poor MK-ULTRA).

      But I also read an article that there might actually be MORE guns in Oz now than back then ……due to a loophole allowing Australians to buy and important foreign guns.

      What is then the real situation now?

      Do most Aussies have access to guns?

      Obviously, this is a very important question.

      You can publish an answer here, and/or write me at, which is safer. (I would also suggest a free account!)

  2. Dear John,

    It appears that there are around three and a half million legal guns in Australia, with perhaps four hundred or so thousand unregistered fire arms as well. It would appear that there is a grey underground market.

    There are most probably far more guns around that the authorities know about.

    PS I’ll send you another larger donation next week.

    I again commend you on your stance on the vaccine genocide. I saw a black women on the Internet who took the vaccine and gave birth to an abnormal baby.

    I fear a future catastrophe.

    • Thank you very much for this information, for your previous, generous donations, and for your forthcoming one, brother!

      Australia is a harbinger of what is intended to come upon us all. If a freedom-loving, unruly and heavily keltic country like Oz, descended literally in part from ex-convicts, can be enslaved and bend the knee, if this typical white, English-speaking democracy can submit to insane and tyrannical laws like a groveling slave, that means — for our carefully observing jew rulers — that EVERY white nation can be forced as well to commit national suicide via this clot-shot.

      The real issue is then spiritual for Oz with all its guns (and this applies even more so to America, yes, in spades!!!!!):

      Why is no one using them?

      What exactly are the enlightened, un-p.c. Aussies waiting for?

      They are being slandered, bullied, beaten, and poisoned right now. They are being genocided with the death jab RIGHT NOW.

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