FRENCH Un mème à utiliser comme bombe atomique?

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Pour ce mème puissant j’aimerais bien avoir la date, le lieu et le lien vers la vidéo de ce prononcement horrible.

(J’ai vu d’autres citations dans ce sens par ce rabbin, célébrant l’invasion musulmane de la France.)

Ou prononcé par un autre rabbin en France ..

Alors ce Touitou a-t-il vraiment dit cela?

Car s’il est prouvé (date, lieu, lien) et cru à fond par les foules blanches, les juifs seront déjà demi-foutus.
Car les deux instruments du génocide des Blancs que les foules réalisent sont désormais juifs: le Coronacauste par contrainte vaccinale — et l’invasion des violeurs et égorgeurs musulmans.


  1. A Third World War (Kikes exposed)

    Please share widely.
    Thank you

    “how is it that every little thing that happens is some Jew somewheres fault”
    Jus have iron-clad ethnic loyalty and work through nepotism to install themselves at the head of an ever increasing number of institutions in a society. This has happened through the ages.

    In the US today they occupy an incredible number of government positions local and national, and they have pooled their resources over the last 70 years to gain control of broadcast media. With this control they can surreptitiously control the ideas and thoughts of the average man and woman and reshape our society into something they prefer.

    They work together against all others and if you can’t understand the power of their cooperation you’ll scratch your head for the rest of your life.

    Ho letto molte pagine di questo sito.
    Incredibile,in tutti i dipinti c’è Baphomet/L’Ariete nascosto nel dipinto di Abramo e Isacco…(parla anche dei mormoni,dei testimoni di Geova,dei massoni).Stesso inganno.
    Ovviamente Leonardo,come tutti gli Eretici Giovanniti usano un doppio linguaggio(verità e falsità).
    Certo,il Dio nascosto,colui che non si può nominare…di nuovo Yahweh.

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