Biden heavily Alzheimering during friendly interview w/CNN: Karl Marx product placement on “X-Men”

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Biden clenches his fists trying to remember the name of the biggest US port on the West Coast ( which is Long Beach, California, part of greater Los Angeles)

Remember, Biden was visibly demented all of last year, so his selection by the Jews and maybe Chinese was deliberate.

The Duran duo speculate the PTB (the powers that be) want weak leadership and chaos so they can bring about a putsch/leftist revolution and dictatorship.

Curious — an Italian comrade spotted this — Karl Marx honored at an X-Men fighting school. (These are super-heroes who fight “the Nazis”….)

. As the Duran’s point out, Russia was also drifting in early 1917. … The tsar was a space cadet…. not respected or loved, and nobody fought to keep him in power. He was blamed for the pointless war (WWI) and many Russian defeats in it at the hands of the redoubtable Germans and Austrians.

So Nicholas II was at the front, trying to patch things up, instead of running his vast country.

The tsar with his cousin, George V of England

My speculation, however, is the Big Jews are negotiating with Donald Trump to bring him back —  IF he will agree to start a war with Turkey, Iran, Russia and China to crush these countries that are not under their control.
I SAY NO to any return of Trump!

Thumbs down — Trump announces new social medium for next spring…. “Truth”….

Only this can save us! No more half-measures! The Jew cancer must come out!


1 Comment

  1. Lol. Only the the mental left still supports communism — totally deluded to the fact the whole world has now dumped communism under Marx/ Lenin/ Soviet/ Maoist versions. The only commie shit-hole left is North Diarrhea, and they are starving & living in squalor. The left are trying to sell this as the workers’ utopia!

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