An angel woke her at 4:30 a.m.; hooked on the earthlings

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A lower-Michigan woman took this photo herself of an angel hovering over her SUV in East Jordan, Michigan, and showed it to me on her phone at the local bar and grill. This is very rare, but even then when it does happen, people are afraid to tell anyone but their closest friends about it due to the reigning atheism and mockery of our times.


A  local comrade told me a fascinating story.  (I am deleting some identifying details) He was friends for twenty years with a skilled work colleague from Wisconsin, a very solid guy of Polish but mostly Irish heritage and red hair.

I’ll call him “TD.”

TD told my friend the seemingly bizarre time that his mother woke him up at not even five in the morning in his native Wisconsin to say

“T, you have to call Uncle Ed’s house right now!”

Uncle Ed, his mother’s brother, lived with his wife in faraway New Jersey, 900 miles (1500 km) away.

Her son, T, was incredulous and asked his mother, who was pacing the floor furiously, fretting and despairing, “Mom, how can we call Uncle Ed and his wife at this hour?”


“I don’t know, but something is very wrong with Uncle Ed!”

So, obeying his mother, T gets on the phone at five a.m and calls his uncle’s house in Jersey.

It rings — and his very sleepy aunt answers with a weak “Hello?”

“Aunt F, this is T in Wisconsin. I’m really, really sorry to call you at this hour, but my mom is insisting that I call to see if Uncle Ed is all right. She woke up and then she woke me up and said it was very important that I call you.”

Speaking from a dark bedroom, Aunt F replied: “Well, Ed is right here in bed next to me” and she felt across the bed.

But his side of the bed was empty.

“Umm — he’s not here!”

“Well, Aunt F, please go check where he is. My mom says you have to find him. Something is wrong!”

The aunt got up, flicked the lights on, and began to search the house.

Ed was not to be found, but the front door was ajar.

She opened it, and there was her husband lying there, unconscious, out in the freezing cold on the stoop.

His habit had been to get up briefly around five, bring in the newspaper, then go back to bed.

But he had slipped on ice in the dark, hit his head, lost consciousness, and was now dying there of exposure to the winter frost.

Aunt F immediately returned to the phone, explained very quickly what happened, hung up, and dialed 911. The ambulance came, and Ed was saved.

So his mother had been right all along.

And her guardian angel, too. 🙂



……Love only the true you

A Scandinavian comrade and repeat donor asked why in this life I was not a vegetarian.

I responded:

Good question. It is important to remember that reincarnation means the interlife as well as the lives we live down here.

We — and our views and habits — can change a lot from one life to the next, and in some cases they really should. 😉

A person can evolve tremendously during an earthly life if they seek always to be spiritual — but they can especially grow in the interlife, when angels and even deceased and caring relatives can help you reflect on what you did right and wrong, and why.

In the military, there is also a debriefing after every major mission. Was the goal achieved? How many men did we lose? What did we do right? What went wrong? What needs to be fixed?

Jet fighter pilots from various NATO countries in a debriefing after a training mission in Alaska:


As  for me, I was absolutely appalled at losing the war, though I did have an escape plan that was arranged and carried out, not for me, but for a very small number of our best men and women down in Antarctica and the Andes.


I myself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”. (“Sich absetzen” in German means “to withdraw your troops.”)

“He who runs away can live to fight another day.”)

This vast, secret undertaking (comparable to the American Manhattan Project) is called in German the Absetzbewegung, which is a military term meaning “disengagement movement.” It means you strategically withdraw — conduct a planned, organized retreat — so as to fight and win on another day.
One could also call it a badger strategy — dig a hole, a burrow, and go into it.

A badger can be killed only if he leaves his hole. And you will be killed if you choose to go down into the burrow after him.
The wise badger waits patiently for his enemies to KILL EACH OTHER. Then he emerges again.
It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that will survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and in the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians like him, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

Excellent video by Robert Sepehr:


B: wondering if they will ever come back
John de Nugent After the dust settles from WWIII, when Russia and America are both gone.
They lack the power for anything but a dug-in, “badger” strategy. They are waiting for the two giants to destroy each other, which is all they can do.
B: I don’t even know for sure if they still exist.  
John de Nugent Look at this testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform. Does this general look like he’s “kidding”? Or that “Nazis” with super-weapons is a laughing matter to him?



It was awful: the incredible suffering of the mostly good German people during the war,

their even far worse suffering that came after it ….this is the theme music from “Hellstorm,” and it makes me cry.


….and the huge significance of the dreadful victory of the All-Lies — a new moral Dark Age, an unending nightmare for the entire white race.

Ashley Babbitt


For nine years I thought about what we did right 1919-45 and should keep — and also what I did wrong, such as the entire German-subjugation-of-Russia concept, which united all Russians of all ideologies under Stalin against us.


…..My moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism



Then also there was my appointment of General Friedrich Paulus as commander at Stalingrad. This desk officer had designed the brilliant three-week blitzkrieg that conquered Poland before Britain and France could lift a finger, a great achievement, actually.

Behind my right shoulder

However, as the Sixth Army commander, he dilly-dallied at Stalingrad and then surrendered to the forces of the total psychopath Stalin, causing the death of 300,000 brave German men, 200K of them in combat and 100K more in miserable captivity in the gulag.

Paulus could have broken out to the west, but he failed to act with energy and determination when the crisis of being surrounded erupted.

(This creature then went on to make radio broadcasts in German for the Soviet Union, which was at that moment slow-murdering his men in Siberia. MAIN THING for him was HE SAVED HIS OWN SKIN…. but then he died, too, and “faced the music” before the God who sees all.)


I had to learn self-compassion to forgive myself for the bad decisions I made, while remembering all the good we did, and how, though the Reich only lasted 12 years in Germany (it is now 88 years old old in Antarctica and the Andes), it was a spectacular and famous demonstration of what national socialism could accomplish to lift an oppressed white people up, and create actual happiness on this earth of ours, usually a “vale of tears.”

And through magnificent bravery and self-sacrifice, millions of Germans, whether they lived or died 1939-47 (in the war and postwar periods), grew spiritually to a huge degree.

One should never feel overly sorry for the three million German soldiers whose bodies died in the war. They went to a beautiful place, the temporary heaven, and some are back right now, especially as Americans, like me.

If America felt strange (not bad, just foreign) to you even as a child and before you were “red-pilled” with actual facts about the NWO,

…..this might be the case.

(I know that many thing felt curious and a bit like another planet to me in America, such as baseball (a very slow game), football (the opposite, that is, just a few seconds of action at a time, then regrouping), plus food like corn on the cob, or apple pie, or things like chewing gum, or the complicated-looking American flag… and baseball caps, blue jeans (practical but not beautiful, but now seen everywhere) …. and even the “feel” of the Marine Corps was a bit weird, an organization which I saw my father quasi live for, and then I also joined it.

It was about an elite whose goal was to be elite. 🙁

There was not much idealism in it, really, and a former US Army officer said that to me once. “In the Army it is about protecting freedom, democracy and America, and in the Marines it is ‘glory to the Marine Corps.’ ”

I felt the same way about military service in WWI and WWII — a soldier fights for his country, not for his own ego as Mr. Bad-Ass, or “Doctor Death.” 😉

But the Marines do have some egoic issues which make them somewhat disliked by other branches, though less than used to be the case.

But to go directly to your questions: I feel no need to copy-cat who I was.

I feel shame that as Adolf I never learned any foreign languages, or traveled outside of Germany in peacetime for many, many years.

My celibacy made me seem weird (and rumors of homosexuality or even bisexuality were a kiss of death back then for any rightwing/conservative politician). This seeming to be without any woman in my life facilitated many horrible rumors told by the jews and their lackeys. Look at this filth, old lies from the 1920s on that are still being spewed by jewry:

My vegetarianism was low-protein, it made me skinny, and it gave me flatulence, which in turn necessitated special pills. I was actually never “vegan,” because I ate some dairy, an occasional egg and some fish.

The fact is that humans are obvious omnivores, designed to eat both plants and animal flesh. At the Himalayan Institute (where I studied meditation and Vedanta 1994-95), an ashram which was on a strict vegetarian diet and used a lot of tofu and other soy products…


….the women looked fine on that diet, but the men looked emaciated to me as if they had AIDS. I could not see these guys in combat. And let us be clear that the white race is at war, a war of survival against exterminationist Big Jews.

What do Americans like and admire in a man?

A big, strong, strapping guy, a “he-man” (great word!) who eats a steak and potatoes, knocks back a few beers, is confident but has a sense of humor about himself, hunts and fishes, has an eye for the ladies, yet is married and faithful to his wife, and, if possible, cranks out good kids!

“Leave it to Beaver” was an excellent tv family-comedy series (1957-63) that typified the atmosphere of the Baby-Boomer years 1946-64, where “the man of the house” was a strong “head of the family” but also a kindly one who admitted his faults. (Actor Hugh Beaumont — both names are Norman, btw — was an actual minister, a clergyman, as was, later on, “Mr. Rogers.”) His wife was a homemaker who loved cooking and always showed him respect. A typically compassionate, feminine woman, she sometimes felt her husband Ward was too strict with their boys, discipline being part of the paternal role. Moms would say, as my mom did: “Wait ’til your father comes home” for your punishment. 😉

leave_it_to_beaver_03_04__beavers_prize from Tony Eveland on Vimeo.


Again, in the interlife we are supposed to change and not be the same person when we return, and ESPECIALLY NOT WHEN RELOCATING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY, CULTURE, MINDSET AND SET OF TRADITIONS.

My late webmaster Russ coached this team.


Donald Trump’s huge problem was that he is the totally unevolved, conflict-craving, big-mouthed and bullying General Patton still!

…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945)


Trumpatton had merely a six-month interlude (from his murder in December 1945…

… his rebirth in June 1946); but my interlife lasted nine long years, 1945-54, where I did intensive soul-searching to become a better servant of our race and the truth!

As Hitler, I seemed odd in some ways, coming across that way to many Anglo-Americans, and as way too “deutschnational.” I knew no other languages, and never visited any other countries voluntarily except in wartime (WWI in northeastern France), until my trip to Venice to see Mussolini, when I was already 45 years old!


I frankly have no desire to be the same person, or to eat pastry because he did 😉 or have flatulence because he did (from his vegetarianism). 😉

My goal is instead to be a better leader and man… and an American this time, changing this mighty superpower…so that this time we win!

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (June 28, 2010) Sailors and Marines man the rails aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan as it passes the USS Missouri and USS Arizona memorials in Pearl Harbor.

Former Marine takes down armed black robber 


And this time we MUST win!

Yes, I was a super-expert on Germany, just as Napoleon was exclusively about his country, France, but I was not a master at understanding the other countries.

It was really “Deutschland über alles” for me — but little Germany could never be “über alles” militarily, and especially not given the massive ocean of fuel oil that America possessed to run a modern, vast war machine. Texas and Oklahoma gave the US Navy the fuel for a two-thousand-ship navy!

Part of the US Navy’s armada on D-Day


As for us, we had to invade the immensity of Russia with horses and wagons!


I stood here in 1975 in Nuremberg and felt basically numbness, a “loop”…. from me to me….and a grim dissatisfaction that we lost.



I had already cried my eyes out, and it was pointless to dwell any longer on what could have been. By truly facing your flaws, you can finally forgive yourself — and you have to. A self-hating person is no use to anyone. No one can believe in you if you do not believe in yourself (….or believe again).

It is time to renew the struggle, and reach out this time to all men, women and children of our race and the others as well who suffer from jewry and want a better world, at least for coming generations.

We must not whine. We accepted this incarnation, and now there is a job to be done:

1) to destroy FIRST our own egoic mind, and then

2) the very incarnation of this demonic, egoic mind, the jewish, billionaire pedophiles who rule us and are closing in via the Covid vaccine for the kill.

And let us love our true selves. We are good and brave souls who came here to grow and become bearers of light, strength, and joy.

And if I — who was famous in several lives beyond the last two, including in Ancient Greece and Rome –can also admit my mea culpas — notwithstanding the greatest self-confidence …..


….then we all can swallow hard, ALL confess our sins, and all ask the white world (and those in our lives whom we let down) for understanding and forgiveness where we fell short, and thus grow up and change into a better person.

To bash oneself, of course — to “beat up on oneself,” as the Americans say — would also be egoic; it would be self-torture, self-bullying and a masochistic waste of time and energy. It is dwelling on yourself! It is self-pity, obsessing on yourself, and taking yourself out of the game! It is injuring yourself!

And, in time of war, to injure yourself to get out of the battle is a firing-squad offense.

We must change not from self-loathing but out of love, love for our true self,

..deep belief in our inner goodness,

..from obedience to our heavenly father,

..and in gratitude to our guardian angels and deceased loved ones — those who are pulling for us on the other side —  and compassion for our brothers and sisters in this world.

British WWII soldiers having a beer…. When they looked at the photo, a fallen comrade was with them.

Remember how Uncle Ed’s sister was gotten up by “someone”. 🙂

And it was not in vain. Our Reich 1933-45 proved forever what goodness, genius and endless talent to invent and innovate slumber even now in our great race, ready to re-awaken.

And the truth is that we must now innovate our way out of our current worldwide crisis.

From having been a German-only, politically based system, NS must now be transformed into a pan-Aryan religion. Or do you think they will actually let us win elections??????

This means a modern, fighting, organized faith, one not based on semitic and other myths, tales of gods, and mumbo-jumbo con games.

No, it must spring from our burning thirst for the hard facts, the cutting-edge science, all the truths both bitter and beautiful, and always come from our own tough, grown-up love of harsh reality,  aquesting to personally evolve, via these huge challenges, into the higher man and woman that we can be — every one of us.

On other planets, our race thrives right now.

We who are old souls come from these planets, yet we do whole incarnations here, switching off ….because if we get too much of this earthly bullshit, we get seriously burned out.


So, at times,  thoroughly exhausted, we take a nice, long 500-year sabbatical back on our own world. 😉



And so this earth goes to hell all over again…..

We incarnate here because we fell in love long ago with the earthlings. It is a lovely planet….

……and so many Terrans are strivers and seekers who can and do change when the great challenges come.


This Marine jumped on a grenade in Afghanistan to save his lower-ranked buddy….



U.S. President Barack Obama presents the Medal of Honor to retired U.S. Marine Corps Corporal William “Kyle” Carpenter during a ceremony at the White House in Washington June 19, 2014. Carpenter received the award for “conspicuous gallantry” performed while serving in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

Carpenter on Letterman; I would say this kid is having a GREAT incarnation….. strong yet humble, grateful and inspiring. It is for earthlings like this that I do what I do, and also many others who are starseeds.

Some earthlings can be horrible but also there are beautiful people here.

I urge you to watch ALL of this 11-minute video, and you can see how much his mother means to him, 😉  You will see just how wonderful earthlings can be, especially the Aryans.

It is hard but possible to lift earthlings up to the level of our worlds, because many of them have good hearts, as good as any of our white cousins who have long since attained a high and beautiful civilization, yes, millennia ago.


A local roofer of German blood, and stereotypically blunt as per his DNA strands;-) once said to me with a smile when I mentioned some local UFO sightings:

“You look like an alien yourself! ;-). And nothing made you extreme; you were born that way.”

Yes, an alien in love with these earthlings. 🙂


— 6 November 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France



— 2 November 2021 $10 in cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 31 October 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 30 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

Him in a previous life, also good at getting donations 


— 27 October 2021 $400 cash from fmr Marine Corps officer P in Florida, a donor and friend for twelve years

— 25 October 2021 600 euros from C in Germany

— 24 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 22 October 2021 $200 loan to keep the site going forgiven by P in Florida

— 20 October 2021 $200 via US Postal Service money order from K in Massachusetts plus the cost of $8.70 in priority-mail postage

— 18 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 10 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 6 October 2021 $50 cash from P in Florida

— 2 October 2021  300 euros from M in France


— 2 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

— 1 October 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida

— 25 September 2021 300 Euros via Paypal from M in France

— 18 September 2021 300 Euros via Paypal from M in France

— 14 September 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 September 2021 300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 9 September 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 5 September 2021 300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 31 August 2021 500 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

— 25 August 2021 300 euros via PayPal from L in the French part of Belgium, Wallonnie (whence Léon Degrelle)

— 22 August 2021 $41 dollars via PayPal from V in Odense, Denmark

— 20 August 2021 $200 in cash from local supporter

This is a new trend — locals supporting me.


As of yesterday, it was another slogan:

“AH was right.”

All I can say is the Afghan combat veterans here in Onto are shocked by the Afghan debacle.

— 19 August 2021 300 euros and card from M in France

— 14 August 2021 Australian $400 ( = US$ 300) from P in Australia and letter re mRNA Covid vaccines

It being a windy day, I placed paperweights on the contents. I always keep them near in case wind comes up. 


— 11 August 2021 300 Euros from M in Belgium

–10 August 2021 $500 cash from G in Michigan

— 4 August 2021 500 Euros (same in US dollars) from L in Québec, Canada

— 28 July 2021  400 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 28 July 2021 $200 with letter from M in Texas

This Texan, who previously sent me a great holster,

…donated, as he had promised, two hundred dollars ($100 cash and $100 via USPS money order) — and he wrote me a beautiful letter.


— 25 July 2021 $500 in cash from S in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


      • God can do anything but I am not aware of such a thing being normal.

        God can give us talents for a specific purpose, such as the gift for foreign languages I have in this life, but not the last one. Such gifts are not a part of another person reincarnating in me.

        It was so I could do something radically different this time, an outreach to all Whites everywhere, and especially to the Americans and the Russians.

  1. Posso comprendere l’amore per questo pianeta.
    Ora credo che l’America ha rappresentato per molte persone rinascimentali un traguardo,un canone di bellezza come la stessa Venere di Botticelli.
    La stessa Venere,la stessa Dea della giustizia con la torcia che rappresenta lo Spirito e l’Anima di questo continente super Bianco.
    La tua reincarnazione qui ha un significato preciso;un’idea superiore, una netta evoluzione e un grande traguardo.
    Non ci sono altre possibilità oltre questo continente,oltre questa idea di Libertà.
    Non ci sono altre persone come te 🙂
    Le mie ricerche forse sono servite a questo.

    • Thanks for the correction, which I applied to the text.

      I do not have detailed memories of most things like that, as with most people, esp. not regarding exact years and dates. After age five or so, if at all, the details of another life become blurry.

      And Mussolini is just not my favorite person. His unprovoked attack on Greece — not at all coordinated with us, his ally — weakened severely our war-deciding attack on the USSR.

      We suddenly had a massive problem in Greece and the Balkans on the eve of the fateful eastern offensive; many German tanks needed for service in Russia were diverted south and became worn out from 800 miles (1283 km) of hard driving and hard fighting.

      Then came the Italian North Africa mega-debacle.

      Mussolini was plenty of trouble as an ally. We might have won the war, had he just stayed neutral. 😉

  2. Probabilmente Leonardo non era vegetariano ma rispettava gli animali, soprattutto liberava gli uccelli in gabbia.
    È tempo che tutta la verità venga fuori.Hanno mentito su tutto,non solo sulla scoperta dell’America.
    Ci sono sempre stati i Gesuiti,gli Ebrei dietro queste menzogne…
    Dovevano mettere tenda anche lì con i loro tentacoli..
    Non credo allo sterminio dei Nativi americani(che non sono nativi) però credo al dominio di questi Religiosi per castrare tutte le “Conoscenze esoteriche,spirituali e materiali”.
    E questi sono il Vertice di tutto.

    • Leonardo soffriva di dolori reumatici dovuti alla Gotta quindi probabilmente fu costretto a eliminare la carne dalla sua alimentazione.
      Ora mi sembra tutto chiaro…

  3. Even if Italy was neutral I don’t think the outcome would have been different. With mega warmonger Churchill in charge in Britain there was no chance of a negotiated peace. Roosevelt was sending weapons to Britain and USSR even before Pearl Harbor. Once the US entered the war officially the huge industrial output changed the war in favor of the Allies especially as American factories were outside the range of German bombers. They could make arms and ammunition 24 hours a day with no threat of attack. Germany lost the war because of Roosevelt’s interference. That’s why Hitler and Goebbels called him “the great criminal”. And I think the traitors in the German high command did more damage than Italy. With Italian neutrality Germany may have been able to hold out for longer but would still have gone down in defeat because of Roosevelt’s warmongering. Has it occurred to you that with no North African theater of operations the Anglo-Americans would have been able to invade France earlier ? Hitler was critical of the Italian armed forces but still remained loyal to Mussolini. He did arrange his rescue by Otto Skorzeny did he not ?

    • Yes, I felt affection for the man. But I am writing as who I am now and what we must realize in retrospect.

      He and I both made major mistakes. And growth comes ONLY via facing our own follies.

      The only way to win the war would have been the course I rejected, a quick war of liberation in Russia, with Russian troops going over to our side.

      Once the USSR had collapsed, then the full force of the Wehrmacht could have gone into conquering the British Isles, with the pedophile half-Jew Churchill fleeing to Canada.

      And then Rosenfeld would have had no toehold in Europe at all.

      The isolationists would then have prevailed in America. And Franco would have done as he was told, the ingrate, and closed the Strait of Gibraltar, so the Jewmericans could not have entered even the Mediterranean to hit us from the south.

      And by 1946 we would have had an effective a-bomb with huge blast force to knock down steel-reinforced concrete structures, not just heat and radioactivity with relatively minor blast power.

      I have written on how the nuclear ingredients in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs used on Japan were from us. The jews had NOT succeeded with their vaunted Manhattan Project.)

      The jewmerican a-bomb with OUR German ingredients did not knock down a single steel building:

      Had we used this weak a-bomb that we possessed on England, on America, or even tactically on advancing Anglo-American troops, then the Allies would have sent thousands of bombers full of poison gas bombs to exterminate the entire German people, as they told us in a blunt threat they made in a meeting in neutral Switzerland. And by 1945 our Luftwaffe was far, FAR too weak to respond in kind. 🙁

      The key was getting the Russian people and military units to quickly rise up against the Georgians Stalin and Beria and the jews who had been crucifying them for 22 years.

      We had no chance in a protracted war.

      Mussolini was absolutely the key to our great victories in 1938 in Austria and Czechoslovakia.

      But his invasion of Greece was catastrophic, and done behind our back out of pure vainglory. Leon Degrelle said this as well, and he knew the man.

      From Greece, the Brits would have bombed and knocked out our oil refinery in Ploiesti, Romania, ending the war in 1941 already “with a whimper.” Its loss in ’44 is why the Battle of the Bulge failed — out of fuel.

      Goering told me in January of ’45 that with Ploiesti gone, taken by the Soviets, the war could not be won or even fought to a stalemate until our wonder weapons went into mass production.

      Americans do not realize that Mussolini never had legal and actual control over the Italian military. He told me that on every foreign trip he feared being overthrown by his Freemasonic officers. Degrelle said this as well.

      He was never more than the head of government under the king, never head of state as I was from 1934 on with the death of von Hindenburg.

      My great concern in 1934 was to gradually gain total control over our Wehrmacht. You cannot radically change anything if your military is against you.

      So Mussolini was great for us in peacetime, but a disaster in wartime. Margi and I translated into English for The Barnes Review Degrelle’s memoir, “Hitler pour mille ans,” which I retitled as “My Revolutionary Life,” where he analyzes the whole mess with razor logic.

  4. Mi manca il 2019 🙁 🙁
    Tutto quello che vedevo,le emozioni che ho provato,quel Natale…
    Questa storia dei vaccini mi ha distrutta,tutto quello che ho affrontato in questi mesi,tutto quello che ho visto 🙁 🙁
    Forse ho trattenuto tante cose dentro;sta di fatto che ieri sera ho cominciato a piangere senza un motivo e sono dovuta andare a letto per non farmi notare.
    Non credo che riuscirò a smettere di piangere e questo è un guaio per me..
    Ormai tutti i video delle proteste mi passano davanti e non riesco più a dare loro il giusto peso.
    Non voglio più…ho sofferto troppo in questi mesi..
    Ora sto respirando..e sto lasciando andare qualcosa,la rabbia soprattutto.
    Mi sento una stupida…piangere così,come se avessi perso una persona cara.
    Mi sento indifesa,DEBOLE e scoperta 🙁
    Ho bisogno di nuovo della tua lettura spirituale.Ti voglio bene 🙂

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