Sepehr’s fantastic video on Putin blasting wokism and a “Mein Kampf”-reading rabbi DEFENDing Adolf Hitler

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Putin is guilty mostly of naïvetë on the JQ, which he is rapidly losing.

To paraphrase a certain always drunk but witty British PM, every man should be a kind-hearted liberal at 20 and, like Putin, a hard-nosed conservative at 60. 😉

This is one of Robert Sepehr’s best. How long will YT leave it up?

One should remember that Putin’s ally is “Communist” China, but how communist really is it?

In reality, it is post-communist, and semi-NS, and it agrees with Putin 100% on wokism! It denounces zaibuos,” meaning “crazy white liberals”!

If JewTube takes this vid down, try:—ROBERT-SEPEHR-v2-1:a


  1. John, are you sure the mk ultra memories you have are not ‘implanted’ and that they really happened ? Can you make an atricle of everything you remember about it. We need to torture and kill these kikes behind it all and they need to suffer more than their victims. Blessings to you and Margi.

    • I am sorry for asking, John. Of course i know it’s real when you say so. Would you say they were all kikes the ones you saw behind the torturing or were there non jews too ? May the Gods bless you and Margi always.

      • It was real because I had violent nightmares for deccades, which two wives and my long-term gf in the 1990s all witnessed (and suffered from as well, being woken at 3 a m during a sound sleep by a man screaming — me)…. And why on earth would the jews need to “implant” memories in some involved method when they simply enjoy raping, torturing and killing Aryan children anyway, and have demonstrated this fiendish lust for three thousand years?

        There is a horror filter in our brain that makes certain drastic kinds of evil seem surreal, as in “This cannot possibly be happening in a civilized country.”

        My late jewish friend David Edovitz, as an American GI, witnessed horrors committed on German prisoners and told me: “I could not believe that my government was capable of such things.”

        Margi had a friend in Asheville who, when she laid out 9/11 truth, dismissed it all with “I would hate to think my government could do such a thing.”

        She had a relative who said, of the Rhine Meadows death camps set up by Eisenhower, “If this were true, it would have been in the papers.” (LOL)

        Others: “Americans don’t know how to keep a secret. This would have gotten out by now.”

        Umm, the Manhattan Project had 130,000 employees to build the atomic bomb, and it never leaked…….

        This refusal to believe is called repression, and it is called denial. It becomes “too much” for the brain.

        I myself could not believe it until I saw the movie “One Hour Photo,” and at the same time the Boston Globe had a huge investigative series on pedophile Catholic priests in Boston, at least 70. But neither could I explain my nightmares, and the terrible insomnia I had, two things which disappeared immediately AFTER I called the United Way of Rhode Island’s hotline for adults who were victims of sexual abuse as children.

        I went for a walk on the beach, a perfect day with a nice, salty sea breeze, seagulls calling, the white-capped waves rolling in …a perfect day to get some fresh air and regain my spirits….and suddenly I began to sob with deep heaves. Then I KNEW.

        If the Catholic Church could do this for decades (or in a few cases, for centuries), why not the CIA, founded (under the name OSS) by the fiendish Rosenfeld’s lackeys?

        After all, MK-ULTRA was revealed in the US Senate Committee hearing on Abuses by the CIA in 1975 in open testimony.

        Excerpts (and this whole article is “cleaned up” and very incomplete, with the worst stuff suppressed):

        ….CIA Director Richard Helms’s order that all MK-Ultra files be destroyed in 1973

        In December 2018, declassified documents revealed that the CIA made six dogs run, turn, and stop via remotely controlled brain implants, as part of MKUltra.[22][23]


        Now it was all aBOUT “finding more effective ways, during the Cold War and to stop communism, by conducting better interrogations.”

        Bullshit. And blame it on Joseph Stalin! Oh, we were so scared of the Russians, we had to rape kids.

        And they also blamed it on mythical “Nazis”!

        Yeah, like the Nazi Sidney Gottlieb! LOL….

        But Wiki did admit that the word “Ultra” referred to the highest secret clasfification the US Government had during WWII… for the most secret projects of this regime.

        Makes sense. The raping and killing of innocent white kids, yep, that just might cause the CIA a wee bit of a PR problem…..

        And, btw, the whole Jason Bourne film series was about MK-ULTRA, and in this case making a normal person into a mind-controlled super-killer.

        With me, I suspect, it was different — to create a puppet US president, a state governor, or US senator. Everything about my father’s strong political connections would have made that very doable. But at ten I ran away from home and from the programming. My will was too strong.

        The 2003 “Manchurian Candidate” movie was about creating a puppet president.

        The jews tell us via films exactly what they are doing….. knowing the goyim will laugh the truth off.

  2. Fat black negress “professor” at Rutgers University disses white people: “Dem white debils be holdin’ us down! Wen we wuz in Africa, we had flyin’ pyramids an’ sheeiitt befo’ da ebil white man came and oppress us! We gotta take dem muthafuckas out!”:

    This is what happens when Jews and brainwashed white liberals give 85-IQ savages the unearned and undeserved opportunity to become university professors. Just pathetic.

  3. Australian official develops Bell’s Palsy, undoubtedly after receiving a COVID shot, although of course that isn’t mentioned in the article:

    California governor and Don Henley wannabe Gavin Newsome missing for 11 days after his 2nd COVID shot, speculations that he has Bell’s Palsy or GBS due to the shot:

  4. Senile Joe Biden yells and points finger at reporter who dared to confront him on his lies regarding the possible payment of $450,000 to illegal immigrants who were TEMPORARILY separated from their children at the border, while trying to break into our country. Notice how lyin’ pedo Joe tries to make it sound like the children were actually KILLED – “…and they’re GONE, GONE!” What a despicable bastard:

    Poopy pants Biden:

    What a laughingstock our country has become – just pathetic.

  5. Never trust anyone:

    Around Blacks Never Relax

    4chan says:
    >chumps and scumbags went to war 80 years ago at the behest of kikes
    >had no problem killing their own kin
    >happily dropped bombs on Dresden
    >herded German civilians into death camps in 1946
    >then they came home, patted themselves on the back and called themselves the Greatest Generation
    Now this generation is getting physically and culturally erased from history and replaced with the very people whom they “saved” from Germans.
    It doesn’t get more poetic than that. I have a bottle put away for the headline “Last Allied WWII veteran dies” to celebrate.

    I bet he is a kike, wanting to emasculate whites, so that non whites will have 0 respect for us and kill us off even faster.
    Against all this madness, only a threatening presence works and the will, to do whatever it takes to defend oneself. Weakness will not get any attack to stop.

    We must remember, who we are

    The germans were right, back in the day, and even told it to the allies

  6. Jews “get goosebumps” when they see little aryan girls injected with the vaccine. I wonder why??
    “Only a vanished kike is a good kike” one comes to think

  7. Please share this far and wide. An analyst did his job and gave us the facts, now we should do ours and share the good work:

    An anon analyst analyzed over 50 database both international and national and examined over 800 scientific case studies about COVID. I confirmed through science we are being lied to and using the science crafted a way to end the pandemic. I wrote a 170 page paper with citations to all the claims here.

    Here the results

    Top 7 Major Points

    >1. If everyone magically got 100% vaccinated today the pandemic would not end
    >2. Because Big pharma cut corners and made a low-quality vaccine that encourages variants via evolutionary natural selection.
    >3. The vaccine creates COVID spike proteins inside the body and while they provide immunity against alpha, the vaccine does not work against the Delta variant (see point 2)
    >4. Unfortunately, the spike proteins created by the vaccine have proven to be toxic to endothelial cells (heart, lung, arteries, brain) and do cause side effects like blood clotting. (see point 2)
    >5. Young people have incredibly low risk of dying if infected while conversely old people have extremely high risk of dying if infected.
    >6. Age has the strongest correlation with COVID risk above all other factors.
    >7. Highly effective treatments do exist and there is massive scientific evidence that prove they work against COVID 19.

    Re uploaded it here:

    Ci siamo.
    Alessandro è arrivato alla fine delle sue ricerche,bloccato da FB,ovviamente.
    Maria Maddalena è figlia di Giuseppe(Giuseppe era già sposato quando fuggì con Maria).
    Maria Boeto fu accusata ingiustamente del complotto ordito ai danni di Erode il Grande.Era il primo figlio di Erode a volerlo uccidere.
    Fu accusata di adulterio…ma sembra che Gesù Erode (come scritto da Wikipedia)era realmente figlio di Erode il Grande.
    Giuseppe e Maria si sposarono solo dopo la morte di Erode il Grande che cercava il suo ultimo figlio e che non vide mai.
    Gesù è un Erodiano come tutto il potere ecclesiastico,nobiliare bancario che sta attivando il grande Reset.
    Grande Reset=Cusch o Seth(Allah)padre di Baal e Yahvèh…fuggito in Babilonia(questo è chiarissimo).
    Ecco il Sole visibile Baal e quello invisibile Yahvèh che troviamo nella simbologia Vaticana.
    Ecco come sono nati i Gesuiti.
    Ora ci vuole una forte immaginazione..
    Maria Maddalena sposerà Gesù e avranno uno o due figli.
    Ma questo evidentemente non era importante per gli Eretici e per i Giovanniti.
    A me interessa la figura di Salomè che ritroviamo spesso nei vangeli e la figura rivoluzionaria di Giovanni Battista e quella di Marta,come ultima sposa di Gesù.
    Tutto il resto è un grande inganno.
    Pietro,Paolo e tutti gli Erodiani che per secoli si sono spacciati come figli della Luce.
    5000 anni di Menzogne possono bastare.

    • Gesù non ha mai abbracciato la Religione Erodiana,il suo potere,quella forma di matrimonio tra consanguinei o quello che hanno fatto i Kurgan attraverso il Debito o peggio la loro deificazione attraverso Baal e Yahweh.
      Tutte queste Religioni sono sbagliate.
      Ecco il potere della Piramide e del grande Re Seth.
      Ora capisco che Giovanni è stato il punto di riferimento per gli Eretici,il pilastro dell’antico cristianesimo,come Religione di Enki(matriarcale e patriarcale).
      Nessun potere,nessun Debito,nessuna Deificazione,niente sangue versato.
      La Religione di se stessi e del proprio Spirito.
      Questo lo abbiamo detto tante volte ormai 🙂
      Quello che verrà..

      • Mi hai sempre detto che ci vogliono le prove per “dimostrare” qualsiasi cosa…
        La fonte Q è stata trovata, tradotta da Alessandro.
        L’unica cosa che so,io
        .. è che non ho mai smesso di essere fedele a Gesù.Non ho mai smesso di cercare la verità…
        So che alcuni semi di stelle hanno tentato di trasmetterla,di tramandarla per non essere condannati.
        Secondo Alessandro il Graal è la figlia(o le figlie)di Maddalena e Gesù.
        Secondo me il Graal non ha tempo.Non ha un’epoca…è solo un’anima che si è reincarnata per compiere una volontà.
        La tua volontà e quello che tu desideravi per l’umanità,da Kurgan,da Ariano nobile di cuore.

        • Transl:

          You always told me that it takes proof to “prove” anything …
          Source Q was found, translated by Alexander.
          The only thing I know, me
          .. is that I have never stopped being faithful to Jesus. I have never stopped looking for the truth …
          I know that some star seeds have tried to transmit it, to pass it on in order not to be condemned.
          According to Alexander the Grail is the daughter (or daughters) of Magdalene and Jesus.
          In my opinion, the Grail has no time. He does not have an epoch … he is just a soul who has reincarnated to fulfill a will.
          Your will is what you desired for humanity, as Kurgan, as a noble-hearted Aryan.


          Thank you, also a noble soul! 🙂

    Famiglia Orsini(Borbone)e famiglia Colonna.
    La famiglia Colonna ti dice qualcosa?
    Columbia in America?Colombo in Spagna?
    Questa rosa ricorda qualcosa,in questo periodo.
    Il Pentagono ricorda fatalmente(LOL) il castello della famiglia Farnese che appoggiò la compagnia di Gesù e tutta l’inquisizione.
    Gira e rigira abbiamo la famiglia Guelfa ORSINI(Borbone)Farnese e ghibellina dei Colonna.
    Questa storia fa venire i Brividi.
    La famiglia Farnese appoggiata dalle altre distrusse gli Hoheunstafen.
    Guarda la mano di Federico,Leonardo è stato ritratto allo stesso modo nella statua 🙂 🙂

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