Autopsies by German & Italian MDs show 42% of those who died within 3 days of the Covid vaxx died from it, and many birth defects occurred in babies of vaxxed mothers

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South Tyrol, Italy, the beautiful location of the shocking medical conference

An Italian comrade sent me the Italian article below with this comment:


Do you realize the good faith of all these German doctors? How many can we count? !! There are so many …

How many in Spain, too? (apart from the fifth column) How many also in France? And in the rest of Europe?

The German doctors could never have committed these claimed sinister “Nazi” death “experiments” on Jews.

How gullible are the idiots who believe that! I am ashamed for them. Yet there ARE so many Whites who let themselves be corrupted by the Jews… but they never had the “German Spirit”!

It’s another whole mindset.


[translated by me from]

HOW TO AVOID POST-VACCINE DEATH? Exclusive report on the Bolzano conference with the results of the autopsies on deceased, vaccinated patients

*** Bolzano/Bozen is a beautiful, bilingual, bicultural city in northern Italy, in the Italian Alps, once part of Austria, but taken by Italy after the Austrians surrendered in WWI.

The region is called South Tyrol or, in Italian, Alto Adige.

This is another whole controversial topic, and the Austrians are still angry over this, especially the North Tyroleans such as the family of my first wife.

However, the South Tyrol/Alto Adige area enjoys a certain political autonomy; the germanic South Tyrolians are a protected minority group, and the two groups, Italians and Teutons, basically get along pretty well now. 🙂


Mussolini, a brave soldier in WWI

Scientific speakers were Professor Arne Burkhardt, an internationally renowned German pathologist and the pathologist Professor Paolo Bellavite . About 200 guests attended, among them many doctors, motivated by the motivation to learn more about the adverse events of gene-modifyimg serums.

Professor Burkhardt has in fact conducted a scientific study based on autopsies of vaccinated patients who died a few days after the serum was administered .

During the conference, the German pathologist showed the results of this study. “Of the 14 patients examined, 6 showed a highly probable causal link between death and vaccination. We are carrying out further tests to be sure.”

*** 6 out of 14 = 42%

Professor Bellavite discussed a paper entitled “Understanding the Spike Protein Better ”.

“Only if we understand the mechanism of adverse reactions, can we also prevent them, ” said the researcher. The spike protein has its own biological activity. It does not function only as an antigen, that is, as a substance that stimulates the immune system.

It can also spread throughout the body, binding to receptors in various organs and tissues where inflammation and coagulation, clotting, can occur.”

Among the testimonies of the doctors present in the room, one by an Austrian gynecologist was especially striking.

He reported congenital malformations [birth defects] in children conceived by vaccinated mothers.



  1. Purtroppo mi rendo conto che siamo davvero in un sistema marcio:
    Mia [],pronto soccorso per Covid, febbre alta che non scende e tosse.
    Analisi,radiografia e dimissioni.
    Hanno firmato una carta prima di sapere l’esito.
    Casa o ospedale in un’altra città.
    Dalla radiografia emerge un polmone affaticato.
    Ritorna a casa,saturazione buona ma al limite.
    Il suo dottore non risponde per le medicine.
    Interviene il Dottore di sua figlia che controlla le analisi del pronto soccorso e nota il potassio a zero.
    Deve andare in ospedale perché il cuore può essere debole.
    Meritano una denuncia gli esseri del pronto soccorso, non hanno detto nulla.
    Ho fatto le mie ricerche,come sempre.
    Il Covid non colpisce solo i polmoni ma anche il cuore,il fegato,i reni.
    Terapia con glutatione,potassio,zinco,vitamine E D e altre(ci vorrà anche il Cortisone per la febbre)Questi dottori valgono meno di zero.Nessuno si fa avanti,sono degli Stronzi telecomandati.
    Come dice quel Bastardo di Speranza:Tachipirina e vigile attesa(Per morire).

    • 🙁

      Gesù descrive gli ultimi giorni

      Matteo 24:11-13: “E sorgeranno molti falsi profeti che sviano molti. A causa dell’aumento della malvagità, l’amore dei più si raffredderà. Ma chi persevererà sino alla fine sarà salvo.”

      • Il mio odio non può essere più misurato.
        Mio marito sta davvero male.
        Sai quanto è importante sua madre.
        In ospedale non ti fanno entrare.
        E tu lo hai visto con Margi.
        Odio questi dottori,queste capre…
        Tutto questo mi ricorda mio nonno,la sua solitudine.
        Si si,”lo stiamo curando”…
        Si si…ho visto come lo avete curato!Mio nonno respirava bene,parlava…si arrabbiava.Il cuore non ha retto 🙁

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