I address the human devil who knew the truth, sold his soul, and destroyed the West

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Winnie, between swigs from the whiskey bottle, understood everything perfectly well and even said it in public (or in private letters to his Aryan friends), but always he kissed up to the jews so his career would go forward.

Most Americans have no idea that much of Britain loathed this man.

Oh my, oh my, tell the wokies! A white supremacist….

an antisemite (not really, more their bootlicker)

War is fun for us aristocrats (and he was one, serving in the House of Commons — commoners — only because it had more power, especially financial)

He would know. The British Army had files on him saying he was a homosexual himself.

Islamophobic! (It all was true, btw.) 


*** Gee, Winnie, then in your next incarnation you’ll just love the London of today with its muslim Paki mayor.

Sadiq Khan, militant muslim mayor of the capital of Britain

The bobbies know today just who the real troublemakers are… the British people.



You with another professional liar


Oh, I was such a tyrant, a “guttersnipe,” an enemy of freedom and democracy, etc. but this is what you really thought about democracy (and, once again, you were right).


You knew with crystal clarity (especially as Home Secretary 1910-11, in charge of domestic security), that the jew Marx started, and other jews have run, largely led, promoted and financed communism since its inception in 1843.

You knew I was only a patriot serving my country AND that I wanted peace and friendship with Great Britain, and that I advocated an Anglo-German alliance in Mein Kampf !

Oh, the “international bankers,” eh? Sounds like Alex Jones. Do they by any chance avoid pork and work on the Sabbath?


I made 72 peace offerings to Britain.

Whatever happened to this soul when Churchill died in 1965 at 90?

He had consciously chosen the jews early in his career, and thus he had knowingly chosen evil.

He advised me in 1932 in a Munich hotel, via my press secretary, to drop the antisemitism in my own interest. In his, ever paramount, he got himself bailed out financially when going bankrupt, just a few years later, by the South African jew, “Sir” Henry Rakosch. Thus he kept his mansion, Chartwell, his top-shelf whiskey, and his cigars.

Then, by such an amazing concidence, he went all-out war-monger against Germany.

Maybe God reincarnated him as a Rotherham girl!

….“Darkest Hour” shows Churchill and the Norman-British ruling class at their most degenerate

I watched “Darkest Hour,” the jew movie glorifying Winston Churchill and being showered with Oscars and Golden Globes. How appropriate that in it a jew, Ben Mendelsohn, played the anti-German King George VI. 😉

Although this king’s own brother, the unfortunately abdicated George VIII, was Germany’s friend, his successor, Edward VI, is a vile coward who, for the sake of preserving the monarchy from the wrath of the jews, joins in with the media’s blind hatred of Hitler, and thus he selects Churchill, the fanatical enemy of peace, as prime minister.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Churchill (played very well by Gary Oldman) portrayed accurately — in many negative and disgusting ways.

But then again, nowadays the woke jewsmedia are also denouncing him as an imperialist, islamophobe and racist, so the gloves are off now on Winnie,  though his hatred of me is still okay. 😉

Warmongering Labour leader and jew-stooge Clement Atlee demands in Parliament that Neville Chamberlain step down as prime minister after the huge defeats of May 1940 (in Norway, Holland, Belgium and France) . 


Not one of these idiots in the London ochlocracy asks the real question — if this war against Hitler, a friend of Britain and especially of its empire (as my book Mein Kampf said over and over and over!)  was a wise idea.

Their only thought was who can wage the war better , and who can drag the Americans the quickest into their madness.

Churchill with his 1930s assistant, the homosexual Robert Boothby

Infamous London gangster Ronnie Kray, jewish, with his gay lover ,”Lord” Boothby, who was part-jewish….

What a nice jewish boy Boothby’s boyfriend was.



Ronald “Ronnie” Kray (24 October 1933 – 17 March 1995) and Reginald “Reggie” Kray (24 October 1933 – 1 October 2000), twin brothers, were British criminals, the foremost perpetrators of organised crime in the East End of London during the 1950s and 1960s. With their gang, known as “The Firm”, the Krays were involved in murderarmed robberyarsonprotection rackets and assaults.

The Krays were arrested on 8 May 1968 and convicted in 1969, as a result of the efforts of detectives led by Detective Superintendent Leonard “Nipper” Read. Each was sentenced to life imprisonment. Ronnie remained in Broadmoor Hospital until his death on 17 March 1995 [….]

Military service

The Krays were called up to do National Service in the British Army in March 1952. Although the pair reported to the depot of the Royal Fusiliers at the Tower of London, they attempted to leave after only a few minutes. When the corporal in charge tried to stop them, he was seriously injured by Ronnie Kray, who punched him on the jaw. The Krays walked back to their East End home. They were arrested the next morning by the police and turned over to the army.[10]

In September while absent without leave (AWOL) again, they assaulted a police constable who tried to arrest them. They became among the last prisoners to be held at the Tower of London before being transferred to Shepton Mallet military prison in Somerset for a month to await court-martial.

After they were convicted, both were sent to the Buffs‘ Home Counties Brigade Depot jail in CanterburyKent. However, when it became clear they were both to be dishonourably discharged from the army, the Krays’ behaviour became worse.

They dominated the exercise areas outside their one-man cells, threw tantrums, emptied a latrine bucket over a sergeant, dumped a canteen full of hot tea on another guard, handcuffed a guard to their prison bars with a pair of stolen cuffs and set their bedding on fire.[11][12]

Eventually, they were moved to a communal cell where they assaulted their guard with a vase and escaped. After being quickly recaptured, they spent their last night in military custody in Canterbury drinking cider, eating crisps and smoking cigarillos courtesy of the young national servicemen acting as their guards.

The next day the Krays were transferred to a civilian prison to serve sentences for the crimes they committed while AWOL.

 “I want you to write this down – and I want you to say that I am proud to have Jewish blood and that I am also proud to be homosexual. Have you got that?” (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/i-interviewed-krays-here-blood-6405389)


I made 72 desperate peace offers to Britain in 1939-41 to 1) create a formal alliance with the British Empire, and then 2) focus my Wehrmacht entirely on the ONE gigantic task I had set myself in Mein Kampf, the crushing of communism by the surprise invasion of Stalin’s massive USSR.

I over and over preached that the Germans and Anglo-Saxons were brother peoples and the British Empire was essential to the white race, or China would rule the world. I offered that if the British Empire had any military troubles anywhere on the globe, I would offer to send German troops in Royal Navy ships to aid Great Britain. Churchill rejected it.

Brothers — why did we fight? 

The Norman aristocrat of the Spencer clan is portrayed accurately as drinking morning, noon and night, which he did (just as I and Goebbels pointed out tirelessly during the war).

It was a life of endless privilege, heedless of the lot of the British working people.

Scene from the 1940 movie about the life of Welsh coal miners; “How Green Was My Valley” 

Winston pulls up at Buckingham Palace in a Rolls-Royce so the king can make him prime minister

It is shown clearly in this film how Churchill’s own party, the Conservatives, was full of people who saw him as both a good orator and also a man of terrible judgment and a blind war monger.

Among them were the foreign minister, Lord Halifax; the prime minister, Neville Chamberlain; and, initially, King George VI as well.

….Two different trailers for the movie, each showing disgusting and even bizarre aspects of the man


“We shall never surrender” — except to the jews, gays, pedophiles, Indians, Americans, muslims, and Chinese.


“We shall defend our island” but not from a negro and muslim invasion!

…..Callous snob

There are also telling scenes such as the one where his secretary, Miss Elizabeth Layton, shows him a photo of her brother in uniform, missing in action in France and presumed dead.

The narcissist Churchill just stares at her, and offers no words of comfort or consolation. (He seems to be pondering if she would be a security risk as an “anti-war” person.)

…..Weird nudism

Then there is this episode, the obese Churchill standing nude in front of this same female secretary.  (The strange maniac also did this in the White House in Washington DC to President Franklin Roosevelt!)

….”My Problem with Darkest Hour Involves a Bathtub, a Man, and His Penis”

 by Charles Mudede

[source: https://www.thestranger.com/film/2017/12/20/25633435/my-problem-with-darkest-hour-involves-a-bathtub-a-man-and-his-penis]

Gary Oldman as Churchill

…we hear lots and lots of Churchill. He does not stop talking, dictating, giving speeches.

Indeed, I can’t recall one moment in the whole movie when Churchill, played by Gary Oldman, is quiet and trying to think something through. He has no thoughts.

He only has a mouth that’s supported by a plump but obviously fake second chin. (Oldman is much too thin for the portly, whisky-swilling, cigar-puffing prime minister.)

My main problem with Darkest Hour, however, is a disturbing scene that happens somewhere in the middle of the movie and involves Churchill and his young and conventionally attractive secretary, Elizabeth Layton (Lily James).

What happens is this: Churchill is taking a bath and dictating something of great importance to his secretary through a closed door. Layton is in the hall, where she has set up a little table and a clunky typewriter.

Then Churchill suddenly announces that he is leaving the bathroom “in a state of nature” and that his young secretary should get ready for it. It’s going to happen. He is a busy man. He doesn’t have time to get dressed.

And out he walks as naked as Adam. The secretary lowers her eyes and keeps typing. This scene is supposed to be cutesy, but in our #MeToo moment, it looks exactly like what it is: sexual harassment.

This is not a laughing matter. An old and powerful man is forcing the sight of his penis on a powerless young woman without her consent.ry before it’s released. recommended [end]




…….Nice screenshots, anyway, which I made from the film showing the old, white and properly dressed-up London of 1940 (a country from “long ago and far away”)




……Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, and in entertainment)

When I think now of Dwight Eisenhower, it is the same thing.

An arrogant prick at West Point who knows he is in good with the Big Jews; in WWI, unlike the other officers, he avoids combat. This young, impressionable cadet of German blood (no, not a jew at all) got sucked into “the big time” under the aegis of jewish financier Bernard Baruch.


Bernard Baruch 


With his two puppies, one PM of the UK, the other US president



Henry Kissinger one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child who later killed herself using heroin, with her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island (Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion); next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.


…..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

IT IS DONE! ”The Nameless War” by Captain Ramsay [How Zionists use revolutions to destroy the Gentiles] – John de Nugent’s audio and online versions of the 1952 masterpiece by a British WWI hero, Member of Parliament — and Churchill’s irate political prisoner for 4.5 years in Brixton Prison!


…..The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron or Theresa May with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

…..Adolf Hitler’s love for the British people and desire for peace

…..My wonderful British grandfather and his eery “return”

Part 1 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBfrG5aMWj0

Part 2 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o3AwvcsDEA


…..Recent donations

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 12 November 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France


— 10 November 2021 250 euros via PP from C in Germany

— 8 November 2021 $40 cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 6 November 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France



— 2 November 2021 $10 in cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 31 October 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 30 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

Him in a previous life, also good at getting donations 


— 27 October 2021 $400 cash from fmr Marine Corps officer P in Florida, a donor and friend for twelve years

— 25 October 2021 600 euros from C in Germany

— 24 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 22 October 2021 $200 loan to keep the site going forgiven by P in Florida

— 20 October 2021 $200 via US Postal Service money order from K in Massachusetts plus the cost of $8.70 in priority-mail postage


  1. Die Covid Impfstoff Nebenwirkungen werden als Marburg Virus verkauft werden:

    Die Booster Impfungen 3 und 4 werden Rizin enthalten welches zeitversetzt final den Menschen töten wird, verkaufen werden sie es als das Margburg Virus!
    Absolutes Schockvideo


    Eine mögliche Marburg-RiVax-Endlösung?
    Die Erfindung der COVID-19-Pandemie und ihr offensichtliches Scheitern veranlassen mich zu der Annahme, dass es eine zweite Phase gibt

    -Bill Gates GAVI veröffentlichte am 22-Apr-2021 einen Artikel mit dem Titel „The next pandemic: Marburg?“. In den letzten Monaten gab es zahlreiche Artikel in den Mainstream-Medien, in denen eine bevorstehende Bedrohung durch Marburg hervorgehoben und auf die WHO verwiesen wurde.
    -Das Marburg-Virus ist ein relativ seltenes hämorrhagisches Fieber, das 1967 erstmals beschrieben wurde, es gab nur insgesamt 376 Todesfälle und seit 2005 nur 16 Todesfälle.
    -Primerdesign hat 2018 einen Einschritt-Real-Time-PCR-Test genesig® für hämorrhagisches Marburg-Fieber entwickelt. Warum sollten sie 2018 einen Test für eine Krankheit entwickeln, bei der es seit 2005 keinen größeren Ausbruch mehr gegeben hat?
    -Soligenix eilt derzeit zur Erprobung eines rizinhaltigen Impfstoffs RiVax® gegen das hämorrhagische Marburg-Fieber. RiVax hat von der US-FDA den Fast-Track-Status für die Vorbeugung von Rizin-Intoxikationen erhalten. Bei der Zulassung des Rizin-Toxin-Impfstoffs wird die Tierversuchsrichtlinie der FDA angewandt, sodass die Versuche der Phasen 1, 2 und 3 entfallen. Warum jetzt diese Eile, um einen Impfstoff zu testen, für den es seit 1967 insgesamt nur 376 Todesfälle und seit 2005 nur 16 Todesfälle gab? Der Hauptbestandteil des Rivax-Impfstoffs ist Rizin, ein Lektin und hochwirksames Toxin, das in den Samen der Rizinuspflanze produziert wird.
    -Zu den Aktionären von Soligenix gehören BlackRock Fund Advisors, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, etc.
    -Rizin ist ein Lektin und ein hochwirksames Toxin, das in den Samen der Rizinuspflanze produziert wird. Rizin ist sehr giftig, wenn es eingeatmet, injiziert oder eingenommen wird. Es wirkt als Toxin, indem es die Proteinsynthese hemmt. Es hindert die Zellen daran, verschiedene Aminosäuren gemäß den von der Boten-RNA übermittelten Botschaften zu Proteinen zusammenzusetzen. Dieser Prozess wird vom Ribosom der Zelle (der Maschinerie zur Herstellung von Proteinen) durchgeführt – der grundlegendsten Ebene des Zellstoffwechsels, die für alle lebenden Zellen und damit für das Leben selbst unerlässlich ist.
    -Ein Papier mit dem Titel Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus wurde im Januar 2021 von den NIH veröffentlicht.



  2. Brothers — why did we fight?

    Unvergessen: Unity Valkyrie Mitford


    (Auszug aus dem Metapedia)


    Am Tag der britischen Kriegserklärung an Deutschland, am 3. September 1939, unternahm Lady Mitford einen Suizidversuch, indem sie sich auf einer Parkbank im Englischen Garten in München mit einer kleinen automatischen Pistole in den Kopf schoß. Sie hinterließ einen an Adolf Wagner, den Gauleiter von München, adressierten Umschlag, der ihr spezielles NSDAP-Abzeichen (da sie als Ausländerin nicht Parteimitglied werden konnte, hatte Hitler ihr ein besonderes Abzeichen überreicht, in das auf der Rückseite ihr Name eingraviert war), ein signiertes und mit einer persönlichen Widmung von Hitler versehenes Foto sowie einen Abschiedsbrief an Hitler enthielt.

    In dem Brief stand, sie könne den Krieg zwischen Deutschland und England nicht ertragen und nehme sich deshalb das Leben. Der Suizidversuch mißlang jedoch. Die Kugel blieb im Kopf stecken. Die Ärzte wagten keine Operation, weil der Ausgang ungewiß war und sie zudem fürchteten, daß bei einem Mißerfolg die britische Öffentlichkeit an die Ermordung Mitfords glauben könnte. Hitler besuchte Unity Mitford persönlich im Krankenhaus.

    Zurück nach England

    Teilweise genesen, wurde Lady Mitford im April 1940 über die Schweiz nach England gebracht, wo sie mit ihrer Mutter auf der kleinen Hebrideninsel Inch Kenneth lebte, die dem Vater gehörte. Auch die britischen Ärzte lehnten eine Operation als zu riskant ab. Im Laufe der Jahre stabilisierte sich ihr Zustand. Aber ihre ursprüngliche Lebendigkeit kehrte nicht zurück, und sie war sehr vergeßlich.


    Unity Mitford erlag den Spätfolgen des Suizidversuchs am 28. Mai 1948 im Krankenhaus in Oban (Schottland).


    Unity Valkyrie Mitford wurde auf dem Friedhof von Swinbrook (Oxfordshire) in England beigesetzt.

  3. Please share this
    Just horrific footage of the #Waukesha #Wisconsin #Christmas Parade

    3 blacks killed a bunch of white children at a Christmas parade.
    There are videos of them mowing down 12-15 year old cheerleaders and dead little girls on the street. . Jewish media will try to censor it.



    Do what you can to save your race. Spread the truth!
    Expell or annihilate the parasite.

    White people can also be very un-nice:

    Dirty kikes and their tricks:

  4. Our best move here is to frame this as ‘MEDIA RESPONSIBLE’. that way it’s about the jews without triggering the general populations’ crimestop

  5. This one is for you, Mr John de Nugent:





    Our Purpose

  6. Jewish tactics exposed

    Kikes gloat about the dead white girls
    109 accounts removed.



  7. WW1 brothers kill each other, America makes Billions, jews don’t get their Israel
    WW2 brothers kill each other , America makes Trillions, jews get their Israel
    Gulf wars, West kills Muslims , Muslims hate the West , jews keep Israel

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