This negro felon killed five White girls and women, injured 40 at Waukesha Christmas parade

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Darryl Books has lengthy criminal history stretching back to the 1990s when he was convicted of battery. At the time of the car rampage, he had two open felony cases against him – one from July 2020 and another from November this year. Remember to blame the jews who brought negroes here from Africa, and the egoic-naive Whites who believed all the bullshit (never having had any dealings themselves with blacks) and invaded the South, whioc had peacefully and legally seceded. They killed 250,000 brave Confederate soldiers on their own soil, whose policy was to safely keep the Blacks under tight control.


‘Rapper’ SUV driver, 39, who plowed through crowds at Waukesha Christmas parade ‘killing five and injuring 40’ TWO DAYS after being released on $1,000 bail for battery

  • Darrell Brooks Jr., 39, is in custody; he is the driver of the red Ford SUV that plowed through crowds on Sunday
  • Brooks was bailed out of jail on November 19 after posting a $1,000 cash bond on charges of battery, disorderly conduct and resisting an officer  
  • The charges relate to an incident on November 2 but it’s unclear what the details are  
  • On Sunday, he is believed to have plowed through crowds at 4.39pm in his red Ford SUV, killing five 
  • Among those killed were members of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, who perform at the parade every year
  • Another 40 people were injured including twelve children – several people remain in the hospital 
  • Brooks’ criminal history dates back to 1999 and includes felonies and misdemeanors in different states 

I and Margi have driven through Wisconsin 13 times to get to the Mayo Clinic and back. You cannot find a nicer people, and they are heavily German, hard-working and law-abiding.

More witness accounts detail a dance team of young girls “between nine and 15 years old” who may have been hit by the vehicle.

One Twitter user posted a video in which a dancing child enjoying the parade was nearly hit by the speeding vehicle.

Kowalski told Fox: “This is the most peaceful loving town. Everyone is so friendly. I know people say, ‘You would never expect this to happen here.’

“But this is one of those towns. You would have never thought this would happen.”


This is what Southerners understood about the blacks. They cannot think ahead about the consequences of their acts. Their view was that raw fear is essential.



  1. Here’s a YahJew article on this, written by (((Scott Bauer))) and associates. Notice that there are no photos or descriptions of the perpetrator – he could be a white male, due to the total lack of information about him. However, as soon as I read this article, I knew it had to be a NIGGER, because only a NIGGER would do something like this:

    Here’s another, more descriptive article on this tragedy:

    Anglin says this was clearly a racial hate crime, and I agree:

    In a just, Jew-free society, this FILTHY NIGGER would be made a public example of, as a warning to other FILTHY NIGGERS to never try something like this again. Use your imagination as to what that would be. I’d be happy to administer the punishment.

    • Right.

      For our ancient Greek cousins, revenge was a divine commandment.

      Dr. Pierce once said to me:

      “Every time a ngr commits a crime against our people and you pick up the phone instead of a rifle, or just type something, you have lost more of your manhood.”

  2. I used to work near Waukesha many years ago. It was a beautiful city full of Milwaukee white-flight refugees.

    If public transportation comes to your city, get out fast. These rolling petri dishes enable non-whites to get around without the demanding responsibility of car ownership.

  3. Ich will keinen Rassenkrieg sondern eine friedliche Separation.

    Eins will ich den linken Snowflakes ins Gewissen schreiben:

    “Kommt es zu einem Rassenkrieg, wird die Hautfarbe eine Uniform sein, die man nicht einfach ausziehen kann”

    • Transl:

      I do not want a race war but a peaceful separation.

      I want to write one thing into the skulls of these leftist Snowflakes:

      “If there is a race war, the color of your skin will be a uniform that you cannot takn off easily.”

  4. Alleged former “Man in Black” CIA hitman named Joseph Spencer gives a warning about the future. Take this with a large “grain of salt,” but he apparently did predict a fake pandemic years ago, although his prediction was off by a few years, and he says that a fake alien invasion will happen in 2024. That is something I have also been predicting for years:

  5. The bravest of the brave. God bless you John. Telling it like it is, doggedly.

    I went to the brewfest at the fairgrounds and they were chanting, “Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse!”

    Someday we will proudly shout “De Nugent, De Nugent, De Nugent!

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