Pot pourri: “It’s a felony,” Demoncrats laugh as they destroy Trump ballots in Pennsylvania; surge in both leftist and rightwing desire for American regions to secede

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— USA stealection
— Covid vaxx just like the JFK files — keep it all classified. Anyway, why are you asking? Just trust (((the science)))!
Vienna city bus deletes its s electronic signs with the route number and destination and declares: “To vaccinate is murder.” The cops are questioning 19 possible bus drivers who could have done this Crime of the Century…

— GERMANY Head of a German hospital in Chemnitz, Dr. Thomas Jendges, “commits suicide” after speaking out publicly against the VAXX mandates in Germany. It was probably murder, made to look like a suicide. That’s him speaking in the video:https://bestnewshere.com/head-of-german-hospital-commits-suicide-theres-no-virus-its-a-dictatorship-disguised


Chemnitz mourns the loss of Dr. Thomas Jendges (55), the head of the Chemnitz hospital who “fell” from the hospital building on Flemmingstrasse Tuesday morning. “He died from his injuries.”

Dr. Jendges was appointed managing director of East Germany’s largest municipal hospital in April and has been the sole managing director since October 1st. He leaves behind a wife and a son. The background to the accident is still unclear. So far, however, everything points to a “tragic suicide.”


— USA The Secession Solution? These regions absolutely would be viable….
But there is a big difference, racially and politically, between black & brown Demoncrat cities in the Heartland such as Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Detroit and Flint and the politically “red” white suburbs and exurbs.
Only open white supremacy can save this country, that is, full-on apartheid and a two-child policy for non-whites.
If we said we will send the 40 mio Blacks back to Africa and the 70 mio Mexicans back to THEIR shithole, they wil fight us tooh-ansd-nail.
THAT is the Impossible Dream.
14/88 means this: a realistic goal that ensures white victory, not a glorious defeat. No more “1945”s! More “1940”s!
They get to stay, under open white rule, and have safe neighborhoods, good schools, and decent jobs.
And two kids, max.
No guns.
Video surveillance cameras everywhere and monitoring their online activities.
Saltpeter in the Blacks’ food. 😉
Many good Blacks admire Hitler…. and want him to crush the niggahs who ruin everything for everyone.

……Community policing

Your support is needed now financially.

I have now exactly TWO donors.

A German and a Frenchman. Honor and glory to them!

But how about YOU?

Do you seriously think that a modern, high-tech police state with every means of surveillance cannot find you when the mandatory vaccinations, just announced in the once wonderful Austria, begin?

You sit on your money while this website faces extinction! And the end of my mission, on the verge of the launch of the new Aryan faith, will be entirely due to your cheapness!
At least have the good taste to not whine when they come for you — for you did nothing when I asked for your help.



    • Yes, a well-known fact. Ballot-stuffing, they called it.

      Even the Cook County (Greater Chicago) cemetery residents voted.

      Of course, Lyndon Johnson was JFK’s running mate in 1960.

      The joke goes: “Now when Ah dah,” Lyndon said, “I wanna be buried in the Cook County Cemetery, so Ah kin continue tah participate in the political process.” 😉

  1. Bill Gates is a crypto-Jew. The story of how Gates, with the support of big Jewish money, stole the DOS operating system from the two Aryans who actually created it is remarkably similar to how Mark Fucktardberg stole the original idea of Facebook from those two Aryan brothers who actually created it:




    Bill Gates Sr. displayed typical Jewish threat tactics to help fellow Jew Howard Schultz steal Starbucks from its original owners. Article comes with video of two stupid bimbos fawning over Gates Sr.:


  2. Traugott Ickeroth [1] tells in this German interview [2] (within the first 4 minutes) that Hitler knew about the energy intersections surrounding the earth and therefore had his Wolfsschanzen built on such paths, so that the energy of National Socialism is transported in all directions.

    Ickeroth has repeatedly referred to the following over the years: Hitler is said to have had angelic abilities (if I reproduce it correctly), regarding his state of consciousness development and his talents, otherwise he would not have been able to achieve what he achieved. From a certain time, however, he is said to have met an entity whose advice he trusted, but who advised him wrongly. From then on, several of his wrong decisions are said to be due to the fact that he trusted the advice of this doubtful entity.

    The only thing that comes to my mind concerning wrong decisions is that Hitler, after the 100% justified defensive war against the de facto offensive deployment of Russia,[3] which was already planned in the 19th century (expulsion of all Germans from East Germany, Pan-Slavism), should have withdrawn from Russia and Ukraine again (before: rearmament of both peoples and construction of an anti-Bolshevik protective wall). Also his numerous peace offers to Poland and England were in the end all in vain, because the NWO wanted the war of annihilation against Germany absolutely, in my opinion he had not recognized the satanic nature of the rulers of the Anglosphere or did not want to believe it for too long.

    Ickeroth pointed out only recently again that to this topic, to the meeting with the wrongly advising being, even whole books would have been written, that one could not discuss about it however publicly, since there would be ( analogously ) no freedom of opinion/free discussion.

    He means, by the way, that Jane Roberts would have been energetically drained by Seth. I am skeptical about this. The fact is that the Seth material contains classic anti-German historical lies, presumably out of unscrupulous marketing opportunism on Seth’s part. That aside, however, the remaining 99.99999…% is of the highest quality. Like many holistic authors, Jane Roberts chose a sometimes violent childhood. Against the explicit will of her parents (!), who wanted to send her to a completely normal secular school, she is said to have even insisted (with great uproar and tantrums) on being allowed to attend a Catholic elementary school, i.e., the experience of classical organized religion was given, including the cult of guilt (“sinful self” etc.).

    This, along with other family circumstances, caused Jane Roberts to develop blockages that became severe on a physical level towards the end of her life and which she was unable to resolve, ultimately rendering her completely immobile ( arthrosis) and causing her to pass away at the age of 55. Seth, as I said, exercises oppurtunistic lying power when he joins in the repulsive anti-German history lies, but he was most likely not responsible for Jane Robert’s debilitating state of health.

    Who represents whom is known to Ickeroth, listen for example to [4], which explains how the struggle between Reptiloids and Norse began and (((who))) supports the Reptos in their Earth conquest struggle.

    [1] https://traugott-ickeroth.com/liveticker/
    und https://t.me/s/TraugottIckerothLiveticker

    [2] “Traugott Ickeroth – Kontrollstrukturen der Menschen & Erde – Menschheit am Scheideweg Kongress” (57 min), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNH_ZSqxooU

    [3] “Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov” (50 m),

    [4] https://bewusst.tv/2-allstern-kongress-4-6/

    Interesting article from Veterans Today, in Sevastopol the following allegedly occurred in the 19th century: “Where do epidemics come from?”, https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/11/19/where-do-epidemics-come-from/?mc_cid=ed7e0d68bb

    In German:

    Adolf Hitler, die Wolfsschanzen und das Energienetz der Erde

    Traugott Ickeroth [1] erzählt in diesem deutschsprachigen Interview [2] sinngemäß (gleich innerhalb der ersten 4 Minuten) daß Hitler um die die Erde umgebenden Energieschnittpunktepunkte wußte und deshalb seine Wolfsschanzen gezielt auf solchen Bahnen bauen ließ, damit die Energie des Nationalsozialismus in alle Richtungen transportiert wird.

    Ickeroth hat im Laufe der Jahre immer wieder auf folgendes verwiesen: Hitler soll (sofern ich es sinngemäß richtig wiedergebe), hinsichtlich seines Bewußtseinsentwicklungsstandes und seiner Begabungen, engelhafte Fähigkeiten gehabt haben, andernfalls hätte er nicht erreichen können, was er erreichte. Ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt soll er jedoch einer Wesenheit begegnet sein, deren Rat er vertraute, die ihn jedoch falsch beriet. Von da an sollen mehrere seiner Fehlentscheidungen darauf zurückzuführen sein, daß er dem Rat dieser zweifelhaften Wesenheit vertraute.

    Mir fällt bezüglich der Fehlentscheidungen nur ein, daß Hitler, nach dem zu 100% gerechtfertigten Abwehrkrieg gegen den de facto Angriffsaufmarsch Rußlands,[3] der bereits im 19. Jahrhundert geplant war (Vertreibung aller Deutschen aus Ostdeutschland, Panslawismus), wieder aus Rußland und der Ukraine hätte abziehen (zuvor: Wiederbewaffnung beider Völker und Aufbau eines antibolschewistischen Schutzwalls). Auch seine vergeblichen zahlreichen Friedensangebote an Polen und England waren letztlich alle umsonst, da die NWO den Vernichtungskrieg gegen Deutschland unbedingt wollte, er hatte meines Erachtens die satanische Natur der Herrscher der Anglosphäre nicht erkannt bzw. zu lange nicht wahrhaben wollen.

    Ickeroth wies erst neulich wieder darauf hin, daß zu diesem Thema, zur Begegnung mit der falschberatenden Wesenheit, sogar ganze Bücher geschrieben worden wären, daß man jedoch darüber nicht öffentlich diskutieren könne, da es (sinngemäß) keine Meinungsfreiheit/Diskussionsfreiheit gäbe.

    Er meint übrigens, daß Jane Roberts energetisch ausgezehrt worden wäre von Seth. Ich bin da skeptisch. Fakt ist, daß das Seth-Material klassische antideutsche Geschichtslügen enthält, vermutlich aus skrupellosem Vermarktungsopportunismus von Seiten Seths. Davon abgesehen sind die verbleibenden 99,99999…% jedoch hochwertigst. Wie viele ganzheitliche Autoren wählte auch Jane Roberts eine teilweise heftige Kindheit. Entgegen dem ausdrücklichen Willen der Eltern (!), die sie auf eine ganz normale weltliche Schule schicken wollten, soll sie sogar (mit großem Aufruhr und Wutanfällen) darauf bestanden haben, eine katholische Grundschule besuchen zu dürfen, d.h., die Erfahrung der klassischen organisierten Religion war vorgegeben, einschließlich des Schuldkultes (“sündiges Selbst” usw.).

    Dies zusammen mit anderen familiären Umständen führte dazu, daß Jane Roberts Blockaden entwickelte, die gegen Ende ihres Lebens auf körperlicher Ebene stark ausgeprägt waren und die sie nicht mehr auflösen konnte, wodurch sie letzlich vollkommen unbeweglich wurde (Arthrose) und mit 55 Jahren verstarb. Seth übt wie gesagt oppurtunistische Lügengewalt aus, wenn er in die abstoßenden antideutschen Geshichtslügen einstimmt, aber für Jane Robert’s schwächlichen Gesundheitszustand war er höchstwahrscheinlich nicht verantwortlich.

    Wer wen vertritt ist Ickeroth bekannt, man höre beispielsweise [4], in dem erläutert wird, wie der Kampf zwischen Reptiloiden und Nordischen begann und wer die Reptos in ihrem Erdeneroberungskampf unterstützt.


    [1] https://traugott-ickeroth.com/liveticker/
    und https://t.me/s/TraugottIckerothLiveticker

    [2] “Traugott Ickeroth – Kontrollstrukturen der Menschen & Erde – Menschheit am Scheideweg Kongress” (57 min), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNH_ZSqxooU

    [3] “Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov” (50 m),

    [4] https://bewusst.tv/2-allstern-kongress-4-6/

    Interessanter Artikel von Veterans Today, in Sewastopol soll sich angeblich im 19. Jahrhundert das folgende ereignet haben: “Where do epidemics come from?”, https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/11/19/where-do-epidemics-come-from/?mc_cid=ed7e0d68bb

  3. Bill Gates’ GAVI says a Marburg pandemic will be next:


    Bleeding and clotting caused by COVID jabs to simulate a Marburg pandemic, thereby justifying mass vaccinations using a deadly Ricin-based “vaccine”:


    Jew Bill Gates and his Jewish wife smirk with glee as he says the next pandemic “WILL get attention this time”:


    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson, wrote a book called “The Marburg Virus” in 1982:




    Stanley Johnson’s paternal grandfather was a Turk and possible crypto-Jew named Ali Kemal Bey, a member of the Jewish-infested “Young Turks” communist revolutionary movement to overthrow the Ottoman Dynasty’s monarchy, and which later engineered the Armenian Genocide:





  4. At school I was brainwashed via compulsory study of the “Holocaust” and to feel sympathy for the poor jews and their brave little Israel… and guilty for not helping jews/Israel ENOUGH.

    But it’s the big jews who cause the world’s problems. They might think they are invincible now. But when people wake up to them, they are in for a kicking.

    The Big Jews will be responsible for destroying their own Israel via their greed, corruption, and evil ego.

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