Spiritual reading: plan what needs to grow

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November 28

Plant something today. It might be an actual seed, a thought, an intention, a tree, or you could plant some love or a wonderful idea in your own or someone else’s heart. Whatever, and as much as you feel moved to plant, do so. Today is perfect for earliest beginnings, for conception and the most initial nurturing.
So if there is anything you have been contemplating doing, beginning, see if you can start it today.
It is also a really good day to spend in nature. There are days and times when the planet and Her other beings stay put and provide you with a foundation of support and love. And there are other days when your world really feels alive with energy and connections. Today is such a day, so please, go out if you can and be part of it. For you are, you know.
It is not as if the trees and the squirrels and the birds and the deer and the lichen and the waves are part of something different from you. On the days when they are vibrating at a higher level, it is very likely that you are too.
All of nature holds great wisdom and love for you, and while it is extraordinarily important for you to connect with that for your own well-being and growth, it is also important for you to join into it as a full-fledged and equal member of the tribe of beings currently inhabiting earth.

Sometimes it is the receiving that is critical; sometimes it is the giving. Occasionally, on days like today it is possible to join in an uproar of energy with your fellow beings, a celebration of nothing more or less than your shared lives. Which is really quite a great deal to celebrate. You are all in this together, you know.

Think of the seed planted today, in a moment of unity, and surrounded by the power that this massive merged energy can create. It will be off to a good start, no matter what kind of seed it is.
At very least, please take a few moments to contemplate your most cherished dreams and how you might move them just a little closer to fruition today through your intent and synchronicity with the great forces of the nature all around you.

If you fnd yourself feeling out of sorts or unable to function well today, try to take a few moments outside. Trees, the wind and bodies of water will hold the energy you need in order to get on track most quickly and successfully.

This could be an amazing day; your participation in it is much needed. Please, please join with the greatest beings of your world today in this unplanned affirmation of life. Even if only for a few moments, here and there…your open-hearted expression of yourself is the most important thing you can do for—yes, yourself—and for all the others who will be celebrating this day, this moment, this connected and awesome experience, be it reality, illusion or both!

Many, many blessings. (E. West)


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