December 1
Stay in your center today, remind yourself of your values, of the way in which you wish to live and then be guided by that. Don’t do anything rash, and try your best not to say or suggest anything on the spur of the moment. You might end up thinking that you were nuts to have done so…. And then, having to undo something you probably should never have done to begin with.
Mantra is especially helpful today—of any sort. If you don’t have one you like, make up your own. Use it to keep yourself from being pulled up or down or sideways. And use it to deepen into the place where you can smile despite any weirdness around you. Free-form prayer, when practiced in an ongoing manner, can yield the same sort of protection and support today.
Take good care of your physical being. Try not to get too hungry, cold, hot or dehydrated. In other words, pay attention to the messages coming from your body. They should be much more reliable than those emanating from mind or emotion. In attending to those needs, you will reinforce your grounding and thus, do much to keep yourself on course.
Today will not necessarily feel like one where much spiritual progress occurs, but in fact it could offer you a most important and valuable opportunity. If the day is successfully navigated, if you can manage not to get knocked too far of course, you will be able to see just how much stronger you are now than you were quite recently.
And this is so important for you to recognize, to know.
So sally forth and head straight for the center of your being today. Take shelter there using mantra, prayer, consciousness, and resect for the needs and desires of your physical body. You’ll weather it well. And if you don’t, be assured that another day will bring you another opportunity to practice. We say this—if you do become aware that you are feeling, doing or saying things that seem a bit far out, this is very much a step on your path. Just seeing yourself in the process of losing yourself is a great thing, so take heart.
And if you feel calm and centered to begin with, we suggest that you attend to your body’s wishes with a little extra indulgence, and that you practice some sort of prayer or chanting or contemplation or even just quiet time.
You can also work to stay on track on a purely material level today, making your way through a list, getting things done, being on time. It may be that for some of you, this is where the challenges lie.
We will be there all day with you. Please don’t forget to ask for help if you feel any need. It is right here all the time, just waiting for your call.
Blessings. (E. West)
Eine Pflegeschwester packt aus und sagt ganz in aller Offenheit, daß es bei der Impfagenda seitens der Regierung nicht um die ‚Bekämpfung‘ eines wie auch immer gearteten Virus geht, sondern um Verabreichung von Todesspritzen.
Erschütternde Wutrede einer Pflegekraft am Limit
– Nachtrag zum vorherigen Beitrag –
Der deutsche Blogger namens Vitzli berichtet folgendes über das Schicksal der obigen Pflegeschwester, und zwar (Anmerkung: in der Kommentarspalte pflegt Vitzli stets klein zu schreiben):
schon rausgeflogen:
„Nach Corona-Wut-Video: LMU Klinikum schmeißt Pathologie-Mitarbeiterin raus.
Mit teils wirren Aussagen ätzt eine Mitarbeiterin des LMU Klinikums gegen die Regierung. Die junge Frau, die in der Pathologie arbeitet, will laut eigener Aussage eine Bewegung starten. Das Klinikum hat bereits reagiert – und die Mitarbeiterin freigestellt.“ (münchner abendzeitung)
Quellenangabe – aus dem dortigen Kommentarstrang habe ich im übrigen den obigen Beitrag entnommen – bei Vitzli handelt es sich offenbar um einen sehr aufmerksamen Aufklärer 🙂