Will Obama — in his de facto third term — “pull a Galtieri” and start WWIII? His fake daughters by Dr Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

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Obama’s campaign treasurer in 2008, Martin Nesbitt of Chicago, and Malia “Obama” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Nesbitt) America was ready in 2008 to try a black president, but not a black AND gay one…..

“To pull a Galtieri” in Latin America means when an unpopular politician starts a war to try to unite the country behind him. Leopoldo Galtieri was the key general in an unpopular military junta ruling Argentina.


He attacked the British Falkland Islands in 1982, claiming they were Argentinian, but Britain defeated him and Argentina’s junta fell.

The question, as the US eggs Ukraine on against Russia and sells it offensive weapons, is are they going to try a Galtieri, since Biden is dreadfully unpopular?

I am starting to realize that my old personal enemy, the bisexual illegal alien Barry Soetoro, is very definitely the one running things again. And he HATES Putin for having seen right through him and having thwarted the US plan to destroy Russia.

Obama also hates me as one of the very first bloggers to expose Obama as an illegal alien, a bisexual, as the son of a jewish mother, as the murderer of three of his gay lovers, as the murderer of Ashley Turlton……

White mother of three, Ashley Turlton, a congresswoman’s chief of staff on Capitol Hill, was roasted alive in her BMW for her knowledge of the gay townhouse that Obongo and fellow bisexual Rahm Emanuel frequented.



…..and as the son of the black nationalist and Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis.

For eight straight years, Obama and the FBI made my life a living hell. And now this same creep is back, running things behind the scenes.

It is time, White America, to take out the trash.

My war on President Obama — and his war on me

……Are Malia and Sasha “Obama” the natural offspring of Martin Nesbitt and Dr. Anita Blanchard?

First thing to understand is this:

The jews want their presidential puppets to be radically blackmailable and thus totally controllable.

The more one knows about Lyndon Johnson — murderer, rapist, crook, Kennedys-(plural)-killer and crypto-jew via his mother — one can see this….

And the disgraceful private life applies also to both Bushes, to both Clintons (Bill and almost-prez Hillary), to Obongo, and to the Bidens (Joe, his brother James and the wicked son Hunter)…

Non-stop scandals.

Bottom line: If the MSM had wanted to, at any time, it could have opulled this info out of a drawer and run wiht it. It could have destroyed any of these puppet presidents in one 24-hour news cycle.

And that is the power the jews want — blackmail power.

You must be degenerate and do degenerate things for the Big Jews to feel comfortable with you.

Moving on….

FACT: Michelle (or maybe is it Michael?) admits to the ultra-Establishment BBC the following:

Now, read this:

Malia & Sasha Obama Were Loaned By Their Real Parents So America Would Accept The Fake First Family

*** JdN The article below is not by me but I find it interesting and somewhat persuasive. But I have made it clear before that I am not “wedded” to the theory offered below that Michelle O is a trans.

I will, however, note that Joan Rivers stated without a trace of irony or a smile that Obama was “gay” and Michelle a “tranny.” She was not in comedy mode. Why would she do that? Liberal Hollywood liked, no, LOVED the Obamas.

It is clear that Obama was a flaming, open homosexual in high school. Maria Pope knew him and said it was an open secret.

He was also CIA at 21, renting a suite of rooms at the Karachi, Pakistan Hilton.

He was also being groomed to be the first black president, and was made the editor of the Harvard Law Review without having written one single article for that publication.

The Deep State has the means and media to do many things.

This James Fetzer book goes among other topics into the death of the real Paul McCartney of the Beatles, crippling the lucrative pop group just as it was soaring, and the creation via surgery of the second McCartney, using another very gifted English singer, to keep the money train chugging along.

It is both shocking and highly convincing, and involved months of surgery done in Kenya. And then one can see why the Beatles stopped performing live, because the “new” Paul was three inches taller than the real one.

John Lennon of the Beatles on Judaism; James Fetzer book “So I suppose we never went to the moon”


I know this briefly made the rounds last year…but I’m not sure everyone saw it and I have been meaning to post a blog about it and just get it down in black and white for safekeeping and also so the facts are preserved. I don’t want anyone to forget how cheated and lied to we were by this last presidential puppet they installed. I mean, they took it to a whole new level with the creation of Barry Soetoro.

And I feel like we are constantly inundated with so much info that sometimes important details that should be preserved are swept away with the tide and forgotten about…never to return.

I saw the video that Fisher of Men did on this titled “I Found Malia and Sasha’s Real Parents”.

So just to note…he’s the one who originally made this connection. After he made that video he was visited by the secret service and is now in prison on trumped up charges….they say he is a “domestic terrorist”, but we all know that means he’s simply a threat to them.

So people in the alternative media have wondered for a long time who Malia’s and Sasha’s real parents are (being that Michelle is most likely a man). This is a great piece done on the topic in 2013 by Eowyn at Fellowship of the Minds. Definitely worth the read.

But just a few basic points from it. None of the Ancestry.com or genealogy sites have any record of either girl.

Ancestry.com has no birth records for Malia or Natasha Obama. In fact, no birth records can be found on either girl ANYWHERE.

There are no pictures of the Obamas with the girls when they were babies. (Actually only ONE single photo has been found — and I’m no expert on Photoshop,k but it doesn’t take an expert to see that it’s a very sloppily flung-together photoshopped picture. It’s almost embarrassing to look at really…they did such a bad job.)

This is the only pic that can be found of the Obamas with Malia or Sasha when they’re young. And this looks extremely photoshopped. See how they pop out of the background like that? Not natural.

And then also, there are ZERO pictures to be found ANYWHERE of a pregnant Michelle Obama.

So here’s where it all gets interesting…Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt are a married couple who have been close friends with the Obama’s going back to their early Chicago days. Martin Nesbitt was the Obama campaign treasurer and close friend… and his wife, Dr. Anita Blanchard, is the woman said to have quote on quote “delivered the children of Obama” (remember that semantics matter here).

So Dr. Anita and her husband became Sasha and Malia’s “godparents”. They are both very tight with Valerie Jarrett and crew going back to Obama’s beginning in Chicago.

So last year, the youtuber Fisher of Men looked this couple up (after seeing a 2008 NY Times article which referenced them..and he made a very interesting discovery. In his video…when he put the following picture up on the screen (the pic straight below) my jaw dropped.

Because the resemblance is so shocking. (Sorry it’s a tad blurry. It’s a screenshot off his video) After seeing this pic….I started paying attention.

The older girl Malia is a dead ringer for Martin Nesbitt and the younger girl Sasha looks just like Anita Blanchard.

The pics below are collages I made from pics I found of the girls and the couple, just doing image searches.. just to show some more comparisons.

Malia looks like dad and Sasha looks like mom.
The next pic is a picture I found of Martin Nesbitt with Obama that really struck me because his awkward posture and stance reminds me EXACTLY of awkward Malia Obama and how she holds herself…her posture when she walks, her long gaping strides, etc.

The way he holds himself in this pic is Malia to a tee. She has a very distinct slumped over awkward posture when she walks…like her dad Martin here.

Martin was Obama’s campaign treasurer and there are many photos of them together online, that date way back. They are obviously VERY good, longtime friends.

The next pic is a screenshot of a “friendship chart” that is part of the 2008 NY Times article which is the original source for Wikipedia’s assertion that the girls were delivered by Anita Blanchard. No other records or sources indicate their birth. This is the only reference.

A Wikipedia entry states that Malia and Natasha Obama “were both delivered by their parents’ friend Dr. Anita Blanchard at University of Chicago Medical Center.”

Wikipedia’s source for that assertion regarding the birth of the Obama’s daughters is referenced to the article by Jodi Kantor titled “Obama’s Friends Form Strategy to Stay Close,” which was printed in The New York Times on December 13, 2008.

The article is about a group of Obama’s closest friends in Chicago, among whom are Valerie Jarrett (who was recently Obama’s senior White House adviser) and a black man named Martin Nesbitt who is now, according to NYT, a “real estate executive”.

Martin Nesbitt’s wife is Dr. Anita Blanchard. They are the girls godparents.

So Fisher of Men saw this juicy tidbit and began comparing photos. He nailed it….and now he’s in jail on BS charges.

This next pic is a screenshot of an interesting comment I saw on Fisher of Men’s original video about this. Someone commented saying that South Park actually did an episode where the Obama’s had to rent someone’s kids to run for the presidency.

If this is true, then it kind of seals the deal in my personal opinion. They love to tell us what they’re doing in the sick adult cartoons that are so popular among the masses. If anyone can find that South Park episode plse let me know.

I I think I found the South Park episode the commenter was referring to. It’s Episode 12 in season 12, entitled “About Last Night,” which originally aired right after Obama was elected. This is how the episode was described by the website screen junkies:

“Meanwhile, back in Washington…
…two presidential candidates, one the landslide winner, the other the defeated maverick, face off in a motel room, then exchange high fives and greet each other like old friends.

Apparently McCain and Obama, for the last ten years, have been planning a heist together to steal the hope diamond, by way of electing one of them president. In “Ocean’s Eleven”-style their diabolical plot is further uncovered and we see Sarah Palin is really an undercover British agent who just puts on the dorky accent and folksy style, and Michelle Obama is merely a random sassy black woman who is posing as Obama’s wife.

A few anonymous others dot the scene, and they end up pulling off the caper in kick-ass way, with of course a few traditional heist hitches, executed in classic South Park style.

“I love happy endings”

They fake their deaths by placing dummies in a plane rigged to blow, and as they cash their winnings and head off to island destination unknown, Obama decides to stay with Michelle and start a real family as the first family And little Ike is revealed to be the mastermind behind the whole thing, as he explodes the plane through remote detonation and declares them deceased on a computer he hacks. “Boom, Baby.”

And just wow….looking back at this episode it’s absolutely incredible how they were laughing in our face in plain view.

This is just a 29-second clip of the above mentioned “South Park” show…but it epitomizes the entire thing. Check out this clip from the episode of Obama and McCain behind closed doors right after Obama wins the election. In the episode they go on to steal the “Hope diamond”. Interesting name for a diamond, no, considering that “Hope” was Obama’s slogan?

The fake marriage is also referenced in this short video clip of the episode here.

You can watch the entire episode here.

So moving on… I have never been one who pays much attention to the photo comparisons of ppl saying “so and so is so and so” because I feel it’s often used by shills to discredit the truth community, but this one is so striking it’s way too coincidental to ignore.

Especially after the article (written by an establishment approved journalist insider at the NY Times) which states that Dr Anita Blanchard delivered “nearly all the children” of Obama’s closest family and friends. Add to that that they are the girl’s godparents and have been friends with the Obama’s since their early Chicago days when Barack was probably being groomed for the presidency. What better way to stay close to your loaned out kids than being their godparents?

Oh and look! They even went on many vacations together. Michelle is not even in this photo. Of course Obama had to hold the girls hands just in case there was any doubt about who they belonged to. And look at the cute little girl Martin Nesbitt is holding…also note the older girl walking next to Nesbitt….could these be Malia and Sasha’s sisters? They sure look like it to me….I guess when you have multiple children, loaning out a couple for 8 years is no big deal.

Here are a bunch of pictures to compare their faces. They are DEAD ringers for their parents.

Oh look dad is also partners in crime with evil Rahm Emanual. Shocker.​​​​​

And of course his best buddy Barry…or whatever the hell his name is. When you have fake kids how can we even trust that your name is real?

People may call this “fake news” but let your eyes and your common sense tell you what’s true. These girls are the SPITTING IMAGE of this couple….this couple who just HAPPENS to be their GODPARENTS.

Let this abomination, this absolute pathetic fakery remain on the record…written in stone before the American people. Let it not be forgotten.

Btw, my longtime WN friend “Pete the Greek” (photo) spoke with this gay guy, Larry Sinclair, in the video below. Sinclair is sincere, brave and real, and having seen Obama murder other gay lovers who might “talk,” he felt that his best chance of survival was to go totally public.




— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 300 euros ( = same in US dollars) from M in France

— 26 November 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Chicago

John Kennedy and Jackie in Chicago


— 25 November 2021 85 euros via PayPal from M in Texas

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 12 November 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

— 10 November 2021 250 euros via PP from C in Germany

— 8 November 2021 $40 cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 6 November 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France



— 2 November 2021 $10 in cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 31 October 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 30 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

Him in a previous life, also good at getting donations 


— 27 October 2021 $400 cash from fmr Marine Corps officer P in Florida, a donor and friend for twelve years

— 25 October 2021 600 euros from C in Germany



  1. People voted for a black, gay, jewish, muslim murderer, with a communist father. And a friend of Israel…

    Jobs is what people need, Barry. You should leave politics alone and stick to what you’re good at, sticking things up your arsehole.

  2. https://www.dnaindia.com/world/report-who-is-bill-gates-ex-girlfriend-ann-winblad-who-melinda-allowed-him-to-meet-once-a-year-2889069/amp
    Non riesco a trovare di più,ma sospetto che Bill ha continuato questa frequentazione(si dice che Melinda ha dato il permesso a Bill di rivederla nella sua casa privata una volta l’anno). LOL
    Ma dai…chi lo farebbe?
    E scommetto che i figli non sono di Melinda (o possiamo dire UOMO Melinda) perché nessuno dei tre figli ha preso della madre.Che strano.
    Sono tutti chiarissimi.
    I Giudei mentono spudoratamente,il matrimonio eletto e l’uomo di compagnia/per non dire altro 🙁
    A me viene sempre il Dubbio viste le circostanze che stiamo vivendo 🙂

    • Transl:


      I can’t find any more on them, but I suspect Bill continued this dating (Melinda is said to have given Bill permission to see her in his private home once a year). LOL
      Come on, who would believe this is all it was?
      And I bet the children are not Melinda’s (or we can say Mr. Melinda’s) because none of the three children took after the mother. That’s weird.

      They’re all very clear.

      The Jews shamelessly lie, the chosen marriage and the companion man/to say the least /

      I always doubt everything I read these days that we are living in.



      Wikipedia confirms this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Winblad

      Personal life
      Winblad is the ex-girlfriend of Bill Gates. She met Gates at a Ben Rosen-Esther Dyson computer conference in 1984 and they dated until 1987.[11] They have remained friends ever since.[8] When Bill Gates was to marry Melinda Gates, he had an arrangement with her that he and Winblad could keep one vacation tradition alive from their dating years. Every spring, as they had done for over a decade, Gates would spend a long weekend with Winblad at her beach cottage on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where they would ride dune buggies, hang-glide, walk on the beach, and share their thoughts about the world and themselves.[12][13]

  3. The only black politician I’ll listen to is one who opposes gimmegrants, all wars, the gay agenda and speaks out against the zionst jew bankers. Anyone else is a puppet. Either having their strings pulled or someone’s hand up their arse.

  4. Michelle Obama does indeed look suspiciously masculine in many pictures. However, if she really is a transsexual, then at some point in her life, she must have undergone a sex-change operation. People in her environment, such as family, friends, neighbors and classmates must have been aware of that. An investigative journalist could easily check that. Pictures of the young Michelle all show a girl. If you go to Google Images and search for “michelle obama as a young girl” you will find that out. See for example the third picture on the first row with the little Michelle with her parents. You can also see Michelle as a teenager in a ballet suit if you search in Google Images “michelle obama’s visit thrills dance team at her alma mater” (first row, second picture). That is a typical female body.

    As for there not being pictures of the Obamas with their little children, if you go to Google Images and search “why barack obama dedicated memoir to wife michelle” you will find plenty of them.

    Hope this helps.

    • Thanks.

      Of course these “Michelle-as-a-girl” pix could very easily be faked by a Deep State that has billions of dollars.

      I also recall well, years ago when this article first came out, and Michelle was First Lady, that there were no pix of her at that age.

      Problem fixed….

      And then you have this: at 36:50


      I am not sure about Michael/Michelle, but the daughters do strongly resemble Nesbitt and Blanchard.

      • That video is about Obama’s welcome to his new Joint Chief of Staff Chairman MICHAEL Mullen, whom he addresses with “Michael”. His wife is nowhere to be seen.

        As for pictures of Michelle Obama with a suspicious “bulge” in her skirt,that could be a sanitary napkin. Women can menstruate into their fifties. During Obama’s presidency, Michelle was 45-53 years old.

        • Maybe…..

          The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the two-million-man US Military, and should not be getting “buddy-buddy” and first-name-basis with his subordinates. Does a president say “Mike” to a four-star general officer at a public event?

          Maybe…. But a hundred times I heard Reagan say “Nancy and I” or Clinton say “Hillary and I.” This refers to the First Lady. But “Mike and I”? This is where one would expect him to say “Michelle and I.”

          I did add the following up above to the article’s second segment about the Nesbitt-Blanchard/borrowed daughters theory, just below the title.

          *** JdN The article below is not by me but I find it interesting and somewhat persuasive. But I have made it clear before that I am not “wedded” to the theory offered below that Michelle O is a trans.

          I will, however, note that Joan Rivers stated without a trace of irony or a smile that Obama was “gay” and Michelle a “tranny.” She was not in comedy mode. Why would she do that? Liberal Hollywood liked, no, LOVED the Obamas.

          It is clear that Obama was a flaming, open homosexual in high school. Maria Pope knew him and said it was an open secret.

          He was also CIA at 21, renting a suite of rooms at the Karachi, Pakistan Hilton.

          He was also being groomed to be the first black president, and was made the editor of the Harvard Law Review without having written one single article for that publication.

          The Deep State has the means and media to do many things.

          This James Fetzer book goes among other topics into the death of the real Paul McCartney of the Beatles, crippling the lucrative pop group just as it was soaring, and the creation via surgery of the second McCartney, using another very gifted English singer, to keep the money train chugging along.

          It is both shocking and highly convincing, and involved months of surgery done in Kenya. And then one can see why the Beatles stopped performing live, because the “new” Paul was three inches taller than the real one.



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