Spiritual reading: nothing real separates you from the truth; great new Sepehr video on NDEs

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December 8

Oh dear ones, the extent of the opening of celestial energies is truly breathtaking. Everywhere, everywhere, all around and within and through every atom and every particle of worldly existence the charge of the divine is growing and expanding and becoming impossible to miss.

For so long now, human beings have compartmentalized and separated themselves from the Oneness.

You know this. For those of you who are committed to a continuance of that stance, it is and will be very possible. But if you wish to end your isolation from all that is, if you wish to live as part of the Oneness in more and more and more moments, that too is very possible.

In fact, in this time, it is simple if you but allow it.

The divine is shining out, singing, dancing, beaming from its ubiquity, as if the veils had all dissolved. You need seek not, nor strive, for it is all here.

You are here. You are It. As is everything and everyone you behold, every breath you take, every sound you hear, every thought you have.

We know that you have wended your way to the point where you understand that this is true at all times.

You have striven, you have prayed, you have sought, you have practiced. And you have all forgotten, as we do. And recalled. And forgotten again.

The thing we want you to know and contemplate and allow for yourself today is that there is absolutely nothing which separates you from the visceral experience of this truth. Nothing real.

You may step back from it in thought and action and fear if you so desire, but the presence of the divine in all is more powerful and tangible than it has been in aeons and we urge you to open, open and open again. Fill yourself to the brim, and then learn that you have no limits, no brim at which to stop.

If you make for yourself a practice today, let it be a mantra, let it be a prayer, let it be an affirmation to open to that which is. You may find that some murk and mud rise quickly to the surface, but understand that they will yield swiftly if you stay open. There is no way that the dark or the confounding or the obscuring can hold if you are willing to be in the light.

It is much, much too powerful to be held back by anything but your desire to avoid it.

A strange situation, isn’t it? Where all that might stand between you and perfection is your willingness.

Think on that concept, if you must think at all. What does it mean to be willing?

As the sun recedes in the northern hemisphere, transcendent light is literally pouring from every molecule on and within your planet. Wake up, dear friends and bathe in its sweetness. Let its rejoicing become yours and give yourself and all of creation the gift of your own extraordinary light.

We send you great gratitude for your ever-present beauty and all of our blessings and love to you today, every day, every hour, every second.  (E. West)



Or, if you fear death, you will take Pfizer booster after Pfizer booster and antidote after antidote to, as the same jews promise, stave your death off.
This is also a way to control the dying.
But how about this — not fearing death at all, and doing what has to be done to end the jew problem once and for all!? So we can reincarnate to a better world?

Near Death Experience – ROBERT SEPEHR

Premiered 17 hours ago

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A near-death experience is a profound subjective experience associated with death or impending death which encompass a variety of sensations often including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, , visions of deceased relatives and religious figures, warmth (love), and the presence of a light. Robert Sepehr is an Anthropologist https://linktr.ee/RobertSepehr Robert Sepehr is an author (also available through other book outlets) http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00… Thank you for supporting Atlantean Gardens https://www.patreon.com/AtlanteanGardens


george40 nelson
I had an uncle who passed away a few years ago . He was extremely demented and non-verbal. At his bedside were his 7 children and his wife. He suddenly lit up, sat up in bed, and was able to greet and name each member of his family as he could years ago. He hugged each one and passed away within the hour. Everyone was astounded.
Robert Roselle
When they said the world would end in 2012, mine did. I lost my best friend/teacher, my father. But his moving on always stayed with me. He was long into what was at that time a 16-hour coma, and the only thing keeping his body functioning was a life-support machine. I couldn’t be there in person due to the circumstances at that present moment, nonetheless I asked the residing nurse to put the phone up to his ear so I could whisper thru tears my goodbyes. And just like any other time we had spoke, I ended with, “Pop, I love you…” and as lucid and clear as any other time we spoke together on the phone, he replied, “Bobby, I love you, too….”
Nurses, Doctors, etc rushed back to his side after witnessing this only to declare him legally dead mere minutes later. I’ll never forget this. .
Consciousness lives on, MOVES ON, I believe in higher realms and frequencies. Herr Sepehr, thanks again for your time spent aiding humanity’s greatest awakening yet since our golden age. You truly are our light in this world of darkness and chaos. Bravo. Sending you all love and light always. 💚
James Fleming
I had an o.b.e [Out of Body Experience] in ’99. It was amazing. Still blows my mind till today what I experienced. Glad you touched on this topic. You’re the man, keep it up bro.
Jim Jones
Absolutely loved Dr. Greyson’s  book After. Gave it to multiple family members already. His research, compassion and dedication for the NDE subject is out of this world!


JJ Allin
Bravo Robert! This one hit quite close to home for me. My Father passed this year from a sudden accident/fall where he fell and broke his neck. His heart stopped 3 times, and each time they managed to bring him back, but he really messed his neck up so there wasn’t much they could do except make him comfortable while we waited for the inevitable.
The inevitable took about 3-4 hours. During this entire event he was “unconscious” and on a very minimal drop of fentanyl. The last 90 minutes were spent waiting for a hospital chaplain to arrive. As we waited his heart rate dropped very slowly so we knew time was running out. Once the chaplain got there, we said a prayer for my father. At the moment we all said “Amen”, my Dad’s heart stopped. Not a second before, or a second after.
It was as if he was there, hearing us, and once we gave him permission to leave… He left! (and when he did.. that weird heavy feeling just lifted).
Even crazier: on the night that my dad passed, my wife received text messages from my 78-year-old mother’s mobile phone at 3 am while she was fast asleep.
The first message was a picture of my father that had been taken of him by my Mom after his last “accident/fall”. My Dad had dementia, so the idea was to take a picture of how bad he messed himself up the last time he fell to remind him when he forgot. So, I’m not sure what it all means. I figured he was signaling to us that he knew what happened to him. He was just saying, “Hey it’s me, and I know I fell and died”..
It was very much as if an 80-year-old man who doesn’t understand smart phones managed to get 3 messages out.. Made me chuckle, honestly.  This world will never bore me, and thank you again for all the hard work you put into these videos.


The brain is like a filter that our mind see thru. It clouds our true experience. That is what I believe!
Mark Lingerfelt
I throughly enjoy seeing you interact with nature! When my mother passed in 2001, when she died, she came to me, waking me up, smiled, then went away. She did the same with my nephew.
She took care of him after school and would sometimes call him Mark ( my name) instead if Jon (his name). I really miss both my parents.


John Palmer
I’m really looking forward to this, Robert. I’ve been thinking more and more about what happens when one dies, as I’m getting older. Thank you, Sir!
J Vandervest
Great presentation! I have had memories from inbetween lives as well as out of body- – and this content matches up with that. I found Dr, Grayson very open-minded while maintaining a rational and fair approach.


My cousin had Alzheimer’s, and the week before she died she regained all of her memories. It gave my cousin’s daughter a lot of peace knowing she had her momma one last time. I think it was a beautiful gift.
William Paul
I count myself lucky to have had two NDE’s about 6 years apart. I left my body and observed everything the doctor was doing to resuscitate me during the first NDE and the paramedics on the second NDE.
I then went on to meet my dead relatives and have an experience that is beyond anything I ever imagined. This I know – we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and the material body is a temporary suit that we use for this experience.
On the second NDE, I was made to relive the death I experienced in my past life and came away with a clear understanding that hell is a man-made myth and that reincarnation is the reality for all of mankind.
I had a near-death experience after a motorcycle accident. It was AWESOME….almost like you would imagine Zen….quiet, just ME being there.


Prometheus Ask not
Robert, your honesty is like a fresh breeze in an overheated space ✨😎👍🏻 “Quoth the Raven, nevermore.” “Nevermore” because we can never hold on to what we have or who we love. Ravens are very smart birds.


I died for 1 minute 39 seconds during my car crash, but nothing flashed in front of my eyes. I had no flashbacks of my life in those few seconds, nothing. I was then in a coma for 18 days, having vivid dreams of reliving my accident and what was causing me to lead up to that point (being alcoholic and having a messed-up past). Only during my dreams were there flashes of afterlife, caring creatures telling me I’ll be alright and that my time here is not yet done. These whispers weren’t my hospital visitors, since I only had my mother who read books to me, and never saying the words I repeatedly heard.
Ever since that crash and waking up from my coma 4 years ago, I have been making BIG jumps in life from negative to positive, brom being someone that wouldn’t think about things I’d do and what they would cause,  not thinking about feelings of my own and others, not acting like someone who had a responsibility in life. That all changed from that day onward.
Is there something after life ? I still doubt it, but that voice still rings clear in my ears every now and then when I dream, which is scary but also comforting. It’s very weird. I have been dabbling in magic shrooms and that voice has been vivid in the trips I make during that. Maybe it’s all connected. Maybe my brain is so fucked up though. Who knows? 🙂 Love the video!



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