Wow — amazing to sometimes make yourself read anti-white, leftwing drivel

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Neander-mouthed Arab/Algerian “journalist” Nabila Ramdani always defends her race to the hilt (saying here “Muslim women WANT to wear the burkha”).

But Whites who defend their interests are always evil.

Her article below (about Éric Zemmour, the rightwing jewish writer running now for president of France on an anti-Muslim platform) is so riddled with inaccuracies —  slanted wording, downplaying or omitting the truth, and spewing outright lies — that one can only go “wow.”

And a double-wow when you read with shock that she is published everywhere…..


Nabila writes regular columns for The GuardianThe ObserverThe Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The London Evening Standard, CapX, UnHerd, and France’s English newspaper The Connexion.

She also produces features and news stories for a wide range of other Fleet Street publications, including the Sunday TelegraphDaily MailMail on SundayMirrorDaily ExpressSunday Times, and Sunday Times magazine.

Nabila’s work also appears in the US in The New York Times and in French newspapers like Le MondeLe FigaroLe ParisienMarianne, and L’Express.

She contributes to Middle Eastern outlets, including Arab News, The National, Newsweek Middle East, Asharq al-Awsat, al-Arab, Middle East Monitor, Middle East Eye, Gulf NewsDaily News EgyptThe Gulf TodayAl Jazeera NewsThe Majalla magazine, and Think, the new Qatari current affairs corporate magazine.

Nabila’s articles are syndicated worldwide.


Nabila is a prominent political commentator for both television and radio. She regularly appears on the BBC News Channel, BBC News 24, BBC World News, BBC ArabicSky News, Sky News Arabia, Al JazeeraChannel 4 NewsITVChannel 5 NewsAl ArabiyaCNNPBSCBSNPRAmerican Public MediaRussia TodayVoice of RussiaMonocle 24 and other international channels and radio stations.

In the UK, Nabila regularly participates in flagship current affairs programmes, including the BBC’s NewsnightDateline LondonThe Daily PoliticsBBC BreakfastWoman’s HourTodayYou and YoursPMBroadcasting House, and Sunday, the Sky News Press Preview, Sunrise, The Live Desk, and Boulton & Co, ITV’s Good Morning Britain, Al Jazeera’s Inside Story, and BBC Arabic’s Seven Days.

She has worked on the other side of the camera too, producing documentaries for prime time television in the UK for Channel 4 and ITV1.

Nabila also has experience working for French TV and radio stations such as France Télévisions (France 2, France 3 and France 5), Canal +, France Inter, Europe 1, RTL, BFM, among others.

*** Here is the article now, and, oh, yes, the “Great Replacement” [of the white race by brownies] which Zemmour denounces is a silly, paranoid myth…. But five minutes later, leftists like her say the replacement is not only true but something to celebrate!

Her most egregious falsehood: the Arabic Algerians defeated the white French army in the Algerian War of 1954-61.

From the French conquest in 1837 to the day they left in 1962, the French crushed the Arabs, whom they came to know and to loathe. Their greatest general during the conquest was Count-Sylvain-Charles Valée.

Lieutenant-colonel Lucien de Montagnac wrote on 15 March 1843, in a letter to a friend about Fench methods:

All populations who do not accept our conditions must be despoiled. Everything must be seized, devastated, without age or sex distinction: grass must not grow any more where the French army has set foot.

Who wants the end wants the means, whatever may say our philanthropists.

I personally warn all good soldiers whom I have the honour to lead that if they happen to bring me a living Arab, they will receive a beating with the flat of the saber….

This is how, my dear friend, we must make war against Arabs: kill all men over the age of fifteen, take all their women and children, load them onto naval vessels, send them to the Marquesas Islands or elsewhere. In one word, annihilate everything that will not crawl beneath our feet like dogs.[17]

And when the Algerians rose up against France in 1954, it was not at all as claimed by Ramdani:

 “Algerian nationalists’ victory in a brutal eight-year war against France[….]”, 

“After years of bloodshed, de Gaulle infamously presided over France’s defeat in Algeria in 1962 […],”

Encyclopedia Britannica says the truth: the French kicked the Arabs’ butt for seven straight years.

One of my friends in Algeria, who later served with me in the US Marines:

The French slaughtered the muslims in a kill ratio of 10 to 1!


The human cost of the war remains unknown, particularly on the Algerian side. Some estimates put French military losses at 27,000 killed and civilian losses at 5,000 to 6,000. French sources suggest that casualties among Algerians totaled between 300,000 and 500,000, while Algerian sources claim as many as 1,500,000.

As I wrote to this Arab woman:

Are you a deliberate liar?  France crushed the Arabs 10-to-1 just to make a point, then it abandoned Algeria, which was 90% Arab, for the excellent reasons that President Charles de Gaulle said to his assistant, Alain Peyrefitte :

The jews and the Arabs — who can stand either of them?

Since Algeria is legally part of France [a département, like a State in the United States], and not a colony, all the Arabs there have the legal right to move here.

So if we maintain ‘French Algeria,’ in the end we will have an Algerian France! But we are a white, Christian, western country! So let them become independent and then we are rid of them.”

But under the president of France after de Gaulle, the Rothschild banker Pompidou, and then Giscard d’Estaing (with whom my second wife, Brigitte, spoke at Harvard), the immigration law was changed to let these Arabs in!

Now France is 20% arab and negro!

I have had dealings with Algerians in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France nd near Marseille, a huge and ancient port city that is a third Arabic now.

Some Algerians are okay, but even the good ones contribute very little. Most, however, are anti-white racists.

And they make a big thing of being muslims,and how they would never touch pork, but then they go out and get drunk!

To a Frenchman, who is proud of the beauty of his tongue, the Arabic language sounds like an alien, a monster or a freak talking!

And the music sounds like a hundred angry mosquitoes!

The French and the Arabs are utterly incompatible.

The latest crime was in Reims, France, where once the kings of France were crowned.

Here too the German Wehrmacht surrendered on May 7, 1945 — a disaster for the white French, too, and for all Europeans!

And it was here that a Mohamed Nouasria, an Algerian, 36, for no reason except hating Whites, just stabbed a French bicyclist ten times in the arms, legs and face while trying to stab him in the belly, chest or throat to kill him. The poor man lost work for ten days recovering, but how long will the shock last?


And it all goes back to the Cro magnon-neanderthal conflict.

ARABS ARE NEANDERTHALS; Whites are Cro Magnons — enemies for 30,000 years!

ISIS executioner Abaaoud

A Cro Magnon family in ancient France


.…Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites)

The rhinoplasty “de-sinisterizes” them. Between their yellowish-brown skin and their hooked noses, every healthy instinct in us as descendants of the Cro-Magnons — of the Ancient European Whites — and of Nordic settlers such as the Baltic UFO people, simply recoils before such features that bode us ill.

Cro-Magnons in the Old Stone Age — they had large brains 10,000 years ago, were as tall as Whites today, and lived a long time. No welfare system protected the weak, dishonest, disloyal, incompetent and lazy. No loser could pass on his genes — no woman would have him. And in clans of 17 to 25 people, no one could fake their resumé or photoshop their photo.

Zia,  daughter of the clan chieftain in the Discovery Channel/UK Channel 4 docudrama “Ice Age Columbus,” scathingly rejects a hungry male clan member who wants HER food. The resentful loser, a forerunner of Carlos Porter, later murders another clan member and is driven off into the forest, exiled, to die there. 


Beorg cherishes his daughter


Then he orders the murderer to leave the clan, and go fend for himself, usually a death sentence..


The Baltic UFO from 10,000 BCis an established fact.  A Swedish company searching professionally for sunken ships for their treasures found, photographed and examined it. Then it was declared off-limits. No one is to know that Nordic aliens crash-landed in Northern Europe, and the survivors then spread out, interbreeding with and adding a huge IQ boost to the already intelligent Cro-Magnons.   


Swedish divers examined the craft carefully down in 285 feet of water, a sometimes dangerous depth. (A friend of mine, Eric Gramm, died in 1971 during a 200-foot dive  to retrieve an anchor.)

An interesting opening on top. The Swedish governmentm, under US/NATO pressure, now lies that this is a natural rock formation.

As it crashed, it skittered along the bottom of the northern Baltic Sea, called the Bay of Bothnia.

The highest incidence of blond hair and blue eyes in Europe is on both sides of the crash site. One can assume that other craft did land safely — on land nearby — and their occupants survived, emerging and spreading out to find food, water and shelter. Eventually, of course, their ship batteries all died, and they had to “go native,” adopting the Stone Age lifestyle of the Cro-Magnons to whom they were related in order to live.

Note also the arrogant look in the semite’s eyes (showing the pic again). He thinks he’s “the sh–t.” Both neanderthalic religions, Judaism and Islam, are full of a sense of chosenness, of self-importance and swagger. Now, with his nose bobbed, this semite figures he is ready to pork some blondes.


In military aviation (Air Force, Navy and Marines), there is a friend/foe radar detection system to tell a pilot if a jet flying right at him at high speed is out to help or to kill him.

OUR racial friend/foe system needs to be switched on!

Joseph Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany. Stalin was a racial neanderthal, though probably not a jew. As a Georgian, he was genetically related to the jews, (just as Arabs and Armenians also are). In fact, fearing jewish power, the Soviet ruler had many thousands of individual Soviet jewish officials executed in three huge purges in the 1930s (the “Moscow show trials”), the 1940s (the “Cosmopolitan” trials) and yet again in the early 1950s (the “doctors’ plot” trials). Finally, before Stalin could ship ALL the jews off to Siberia, the jews poisoned HIM.






  1. “Now France is 20% arab and negro!” This figure is much too low; it may have been true in the 1980s, but in the meantime the situation in France has changed completely. A song from the time when there were still French people in Paris: “Jouloudji : J’ai le mal de Paris.”,

    There was a video a few years ago of a tourist who wondered where all the French had gone, she filmed many places and locations and was surprised to see only Arabs and Negroes.
    What else is there to be charming about cities and countries when you see the same people everywhere you go? In remembrance of old times, a French version of a classic [1]: “Take Back Our France”,

    [1] Original: “Take Back Our Future” (political cartoon),
    resp. “CY B E R N ∆ Z I Take Back Our Future (Mirror)”, and
    “BANNED FROM YOUTUBE: C Y B E R N ∆ Z I – Take Back Our Future (music video)”,


    In German:

    Weitaus mehr Ausländer in Frankreich

    “Now France is 20% arab and negro!” Diese Zahl ist viel zu niedrig angesetzt, das galt vielleicht mal in den 1980er jahren, aber mittlerweile sind auch in Frankreich die Verhältnisse vollkommen gekippt. Ein Lied aus der Zeit, als es noch Franzosen in Paris gab: “Jouloudji : J’ai le mal de Paris.”,

    Es gab vor einigen Jahren ein Video einer Touristin die sich wunderte, wo all die Franzosen hin sind, sie filmte viele Plätze und Orte und sah verwundert mehrheitlich nur noch Araber und Neger.
    Was soll denn noch reizvoll sein an Städten und Ländern, wenn man überall wo man hinkommt überall dieselben Menschen sieht? In Gedenken an alte Zeiten, eine französische Version eines Klassikers [1]: “Take Back Our France”,

    [1] Original: “Take Back Our Future” (politischer Zeichentrickfilm),
    bzw. “CY B E R N ∆ Z I Take Back Our Future (Mirror)”, und
    “BANNED FROM YOUTUBE: C Y B E R N ∆ Z I – Take Back Our Future (music video)”,

    • Thanks.

      The official figures for non-whites are about 10%, but in the big cities it is, of course, huge. In the countryside as in Germany, Britain, America or Canada, it is still very white, though whites are aging and there is no reason for any optimism or complacency, minus the new movement I am about to start.

      I call it Boomsday -. a combination of “Boomer” and “Doomsday” — the awful moment when the white Baby Boomers of 1946-64 have died out or are in wheelchairs. Then you will see the white percentage of the population really plummet, and France, England, Canada, America and Australia will be just 20% white, gunless, rightless and targeted for official hate campaigns by the media and regime.

      In other words, a Boer future.

      Now, add to all this the vaxx crisis.

      We must now fight with our backs to the wall, having ignored every warning since the days of Lindbergh in 1941!

      Or my own since 1919.

      However, Sun Tzu, in his The Art of War, a classic since it was written around 200 BC, said that troops on their “death ground,” that is, with their backs to a river or mountain, can become the fiercest of all warriors, for they know that escape is no option, and only victory can save them.

      We are actually on the verge of the most glorious epoch of heroic war in human history, when the revulsion toward the jews can erupt and worldwide, not just in tiny Germany.

  2. We are under attack from the blacks, browns, and the white left. Orchestrated by the big jews for money. It will get a lot worse for our children before whites fight back. Slowly the whites are waking up. A small country like Britain was able to conquer 1/4 of the globe. Just imagine what a global white force can do to our enemies.

  3. The graphic with the reshaped Communist fist stopping the vaccine fist is also impressive. Malcom Little (aka Malcom X) pointed out in his biography that the German word for revolution is “Umwälzung”. And he is right: This word describes so figuratively that nothing will be as before, because in the course of an Umwälzung all structures are broken up. Just look at the photo of a (Straßen)Walze (a road roller), and you will know what “Umwälzung” means politically:

    A race against time is now taking place for everyone, more and more surviving vaccinated people are waking up and now the vaccination bus roll-commandos are appearing in front of the schools to create facts; this will represent the crossed red line for the majority. On [1] the following was written (excerpt): “[…] I do not continue the whole thing, December and January will be blatant and an unprecedented hardship for all! As I told you, they are closing the bag now! There are too many truths coming to light and they have to be quick now to avoid being exposed and […]”

    In the course of the collapse, there will also be an end to distractions, people will talk to each other again and find their way to each other. And when survival will be secured, then the search for the meaning and the understanding of one’s own existence will become overwhelmingly great, they will inwardly cry out for the meaning and orientation.

    Mankind will be faced with a sea of unanswered questions and will search for answers, people will set out with open hearts in search of world views that give meaning. At the latest then your (JdN) server capacities must be double secured, because everything will go over search terms/search inquiries and the John-de-Nugent material will play a central role.

    End of the sermon 🙂

    [1] December 9, 11:47 Uhr,


    In German:

    Perfekte Beschreibung!

    Auch die Grafik mit der umgestalteten Kommunistenfaust, die die Impffaust stoppt, ist eindrucksvoll. Malcom Little (alias Malcom X) wies in seiner Biographie darauf hin, daß das deutsche Wort für Revolution “Umwälzung” ist. Und er hat recht: Dieses Wort beschreibt so bildhaft, daß nichts mehr sein wird wie zuvor, da im Zuge einer Umwälzung alle Strukturen aufgebrochen werden. Man betrachte nur das Foto einer (Straßen)Walze (engl.: road roller), dann weiß man, was “Umwälzung” politisch bedeutet:

    Es findet jetzt für alle ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit statt, immer mehr überlebende Geimpfte wachen auf und jetzt erscheinen vor den Schulen die Impfbus-Rollkommandos, um Fakten zu schaffen; das wird für die Mehrheit die überschrittene rote Linie darstellen. Auf [1] stand folgendes (Auszug): “[…] Ich führe das Ganze nicht weiter aus, der Dezember und der Januar werden krass und eine nie dagewesene Härte für alle! Wie ich Euch schon sagte, sie machen den Sack jetzt zu! Es kommen zu viele Wahrheiten ans Licht und sie müssen jetzt schnell sein, um nicht aufzufliegen und […]”

    Im Zuge des Zusammenbruchs wird auch Schluß mit Ablenkungen sein, die Menschen werden wieder miteinander sprechen und zueinander finden. Und wenn das Überleben gesichert sein wird, dann wird die Suche nach Sinnhaftigkeit und dem Verständnis des eigenen Daseins überwältigend groß werden, sie werden innerlich schreien nach Sinnhaftigkeit und Orientierung.

    Die Menschheit wird vor einem Meer an offenen Fragen stehen und nach Antworten suchen, die Menschen werden sich mit offenem Herzen auf die Suche nach sinngebenden Weltbildern machen. Spätestens dann müssen Ihre (JdN) Serverkapazitäten gesichert sein, denn alles wird über Suchbegriffe/Suchanfragen gehen und das John-de-Nugent-Material wird eine zentrale Rolle spielen.

    Ende der Predigt 🙂

    [1] December 9, 11:47 Uhr,

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