Tolle and race

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The childless Tolle and his Chinese wife

A comrade and repeat donor wrote me:

I have a difficult question for you:

I was into Eckhart Tolle for a decade before I even watched TGSNT [“The Greatest Story Never Told,” about Hitler], much less before I knew who you were.

Both he and David Icke are (as I’m sure you know) notorious Hitler bashers.

They espouse the idea that we are “pure awareness” devoid of any racial identity.

How do we reconcile that ? Is it possible that they are right and we are wrong? And that perhaps our identity is entirely predicated upon a reactionary stance rather than the highest truth?
I wonder what the Buddha or Lao Tzu [who founded Taoism with its famous yin-yang constrast] would have said.
Sadly my heart sinks a bit thinking about it because I think they might say it’s another shell of egoic identification.
But I’d be reluctant to publish that publicly, or I’d feel like I’d be contributing toward making people wobble in times when many are already losing their fortunes, livelihoods, and even their minds.


Okay, good question.
First, as I have often written, but perhaps it bears saying over and over, if the white, male, blue-eyed German (!) Eckhart Tolle EVER, EVER said the truth about race and the jews, he would be instantly cancelled, as you obviously grasp.
Second, identity is a key issue. We are not white except in this body, this DNA, this physical dimension.
But this physical dimension is important. This is where we grow, learn, mature, create, love and become heroic through challenges.
And let us face the obvious fact that many “mere whites” are a traitorous, lying, selfish, cowardly POS!
I cannot believe what has happened to the once-vaunted white work ethic, but too many business owners have told me the same thing:
Young whites simply do not show up for their shift. And they STEAL from the till.
A white cook leaves a filthy grill and unwashed dishes for the next shift — an absolute taboo, a total no-no in the restaurant business.
I said to one restaurant owner, who knows who I am:
“When I first became an open white nationalist in 1978, there was a huge difference in behavior between the average white man and a ghetto black. But today….”
He completed my thought: “….and today what you have is white niggers.”
A friend of mine and donor who sells electric generators at construction sites once saw Mexicans everywhere, and asked the foreman:
“What’s up with all these wetbacks? Why don’t you hire white kids?”
He said: “I would — and I have tried to! They come in in the morning, work half a day, and never even show up after lunch. They don’t even have the common courtesy to quit. They just disappear. The Mexicans stay, and they work hard all day. The white kids want to text and play video games.”
Our race and our nations are beautiful things but ONLY when we are also spiritual.
And I can say —  after 42 years in this Cause — that merely hating jews and blacks does not make a person better at all, not one little bit.
In fact, all that hate diverts Whites from taking a hard look at themselves.
My life and efforts have been devastated by white nationalists who slander me and are rank narcissists, monstrous ingrates, or even outright psychopaths.
My goal is to take the 90% that is valid in Tolle and apply it. 😊
But it must be about turning whites back into Aryans, that is, back into noble men and women again, into young gentlemen and ladies, not just pale-faced assholes who get off on mocking other races — and trashing other white nationalists!
The egoic mind in Whites is why this once mighty race is now facing genocide:
— denial of reality,
— denial of duty,
— contempt for loyalty, and
— zero love for their fellow white man or woman.

As my mentor and my dearest friend, Dietrich Eckart, said,


“We are bidimensional beings with one foot in this world and one in the other.”


— 10 December 2021 $5 in cash from M in Florida

— 5 December 2021 $90 donation via PayPal from H, a previous donor

— 4 December 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

Menhirs, prehistoric sacred boulders in celtic Carnac, Brittany, France

— 3 December 2021 500 euros (same in US dollars) via PP from S in Germany

Castle Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany; I was here with the Marines in 1979 with a NATO “Reforger” exercise nd went through the town of Angeln, whence the “Anglos” in Anglo-Saxons. The last Reich president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, ran the last German government from here in May 1945.

— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 300 euros ( = same in US dollars) from M in France

— 26 November 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Chicago

John Kennedy and Jackie in Chicago


— 25 November 2021 85 euros via PayPal from M in Texas

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 12 November 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

— 10 November 2021 250 euros via PP from C in Germany

— 8 November 2021 $40 cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 6 November 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France



— 2 November 2021 $10 in cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 31 October 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 30 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

Him in a previous life, also good at getting donations 


  1. Who you are today is due to your parents = Their DNA. A gimmegrant arriving in Britain isn’t British unless they have White British parents/ancestors. A gimmegrant’s “British” history starts when his feet touch our soil. .
    British history before their arrival means nothing, as they took no part in it. Don’t/won’t speak fluent English = not British; don’t celebrate our culture = not British!

    Don’t like British history = not British.

    They are xxxxxxx gimmegrants living in Britain ( or use whatever country you like). They have made up races, Anglo-Bengladeshi, Anglo-Jamaican, Somali-British, lol.

    You can’t just adopt a nationality, culture, or history like a football team!

    “White niggers” try to imitate what they see on TV as they have NO White role model.

    A dog born in a stable isn’t a horse, and the same applies to gimmegrants.

  2. Hey John, what do you think about white women who have went with non-whites? Me, personally, I could never be in love with a white woman who has been sexual with a non-white. It’s something deep inside like they are polluted forever. The true spiritual bonds are forever disconnected. This modern culture is destroying everything sacred. A war needs to be fought to destroy modern culture. A war against the destruction of the sacred, beautiful and good.

    • I would say they are young souls, reincarnationally….. the way libtards (not leftists) are, all “peace-and-love.”

      I had a nice gf, a natural blonde, who previously had been married to a black guy.

      Good person, just a young soul… oblivious to our racial and jewish concerns…. They just don’t get it…..

    • Is love possible between two different races ? Yes i think it is but the anti white agenda is also real, so people of other races who want to be with an Aryan must be very pro Aryan for it to succeed. Males of other races are more often anti white than females of other races, so if males of other races want to be with Aryan women they should prove their loyalty/Aryan spirit before being accepted.

      • Actually i think only Aryan males being with non Aryan females should be accepted if it is love. I can’t accept non White males being with white women. John, what’s your opinion ?

          • True, our nature is against it. It turns my stomach to see a black or middle eastern male with a white woman. And even more if it’s a jew with a white woman. Somehow a white male with a non white woman is less offensive.

          • Yes, because the sexual act is a kind of submission, a sort of invasion. 😉

            The pagan Ancient Greeks and Romans were much more “tolerant” of bisexuality than the Christian West, but only a slave would be a “bottom.”

            It is a primal thing.

      • Men of other races should be taught that the higher race must not be diluted, which is in no one’s interests.

        The survival especially of Nordic national socialists is the guarantee to non-whites that the rulers will be noble and highly skilled, and their lives will be prosperous and safe under a Greater Aryan Reich.

  3. Men of other races seek out white women as it means they are accepted into that chosen society. Today it’s been weaponised by the left and Jewish charities. They claim to stand with us against Islam yet flood us with Islam and other gimmegrant invaders .

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