Spiritual reading: physical well-being; “people from other worlds”

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December 13

Like yesterday, it will be good to focus on horizontal movement of energy today. By this, we mean that the most favored exchanges of energy will occur within the confines of your plane, between you and other people, animals, plants, and the like.

On other days, the energy flows powerfully up and down and through you in a vertical stream; those days call for different kinds of engagement.

Today will be, in fact, a wonderful day to immerse yourself in physical well-being. Perhaps your own, or possibly that of others. A good day to rescue a stray dog or help a ‘blind’ person across the street. It will also help to eat well, drink lots of water, stay warm and dry, and get enough sleep.

You might also want to paint your toenails or get a haircut. Can you believe we are advising this? A little out of our range, but the point is that there is a broad scope of focus this day supports, ranging from saving life to beautifying some small aspect of your physical being.

Although it will probably bring you some interesting and useful experience to keep an eye out for anyone/thing who needs your help on the physical level, make sure to tend to your own needs today.

Be generous and gentle and kind to your body. Treat your body the way you know it deserves to be treated. Don’t push it or disregard its clear communications to you. Be respectful and honor it in your actions and thoughts.

Baby it a bit, especially if you have a tendency to ask it to tough things out for you much of the time.

We wish you a lovely day in form. May you see the great beauty in your own physical self, and in all the other beings and forces around you. It is truly astonishing when you can stand back and take it all in without entanglement, with simple clarity.

May this feed and nurture you today, just as you feed and nurture your own body.

Blessings. (E. West)


……VERY quiet help Germany got

As I have stated, there are multiple forces at play that are far above the level of us surface earthlings.

Were any of them to openly fight for NS Germany, OTHER forces would have openly fought AGAINST Germany and FOR the Allies.

Then, either they would have cancelled each other out — or the world would have been destroyed –to no one’s advantage.
So NO, Nordic aliens were UNABLE to just swoop in and clobber the other side.
Same thing as with the Korean and Vietnam Wars: they were kept limited by the two superpowers, Soviet Russia and the US, so that Korean and Vietnamese issues did not lead to an all-out, nuclear armageddon.


In fact, the excellent movie “The Bridges at Toko-Ri” shows a US Navy admiral saying the Pentagon shut him up for talking about direct Soviet involvement in Korea. Why? Because thanks to jews like the Rosenbergs, the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons just as we did.


Dr. Hermann Oberth was a respected Austro-Hungarian-born German physicist and engineer, internationally-known rocket pioneer, and head of the US CALTECH Laboratories until 1955. Considered one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics, Oberth eventually came to work for one of his students, former SS officer Wernher von Braun, who was developing space rockets for NASA.

SSP Disclosure and the Vril Society https://youtube.com/watch?v=gme0sJLh5yI
Oberth wrote about alien spacecraft in a 1954 article titled “Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World” published in the Sunday newspaper supplement “The American Weekly”, and in 1974 he said: “We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have had help.”
Asked by whom, he answered, “The people from other worlds.”
Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony https://youtube.com/watch?v=eLPedQdHAKc
Is there a Galactic Federation? https://youtube.com/watch?v=ofWhszoC4F8
Anthropology of Occult Secret Societies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tVEL…
Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00…
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  1. In 1941 the Soviet Union had the worst autumn mud imaginable, and the coldest winter in decades.

    I’ve always believed that something supernatural was at play.

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