The elder Duran, who in his late forties just had two twin daughters, just did a video on the new Russian demand that NATO be basically dismantled. I cannot republish it since it is behind a paywall.
But I commented two things:
1) @theduran Brilliant and highly informative and useful as always. And as a onetime father of small kids myself, two daughters, I salute you for continuing to perform at the same extraordinary level as before. 🙂 My wife and I view you and the other Alex almost as family — watching you both every single day, and we feel you and he are of the highest integrity and erudition, and have such a nice chemistry too. 🙂 You are the kind of refined and good people we would have over and be honored by it. 🙂
2) If only the US would and could accept gracefully that its hyperpower days are over. Its old WASP elites (to which my family belonged, having come here from England in 1635 to help found the colony of Rhode Island — btw, to be a bastion of freedom of religion) might have been able to accept this.
After all, the British accepted losing their empire, as did the French. The Russians lost the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. But no one went hubristically haywire. “No one stays on top forever,” mature people know.
But not the new American elites [I am speaking of the Big Jews, but not wanting to harm the Durans’ situation online with Locals and YouTube]. They are egomaniacs, they are blackmailed billionaire pedophiles, and they are of unparalleled ruthlessness.
America is totally controlled by another force, not the WASPs, but one which has an unlimited ego. It specifically HATES the Russian people per se (which is why it atrociously exterminated the tsar and his entire lovely family, a shocking and revolting crime), and we all know what and who this elite is.
They want to rule the entire planet, including China and Russia. And their principle at this juncture, seeing the Russo-Chinese axis rising inexorably, and slipping entirely out of their domination, must be, to quote from an old science fiction movie:
“Kill it before it multiplies.”
In other words, either they crush Russo-China NOW — or they lose world domination forever.
So I absolutely see WWIII in the offing.
“That would be insane!”, you say.
Yes, it would indeed be stark-raving insane!
As mad as was the Catholic Crusade that sacked Constantinople and devastated the Byzantine Empire instead of retaking Jerusalem from the Muslims. Catholic Christian slaughtering Orthodox Christian….
As nuts as were the horrific CENTURIES of the wars of religion, Protestant Christian versus Catholic Christian. But they happened anyway.
The Spanish Armada, the St. Batholomew’s Day Massacre (and its precedent treachery!), the Thirty Years War, which killed one in five Germans….
But now we “advanced nations” have our nukes.
I do see WWIII coming next year. Only a great spiritual upheaval can end this madness of an America ruled by psychopaths.
A donor to the Durans replied:
I responded:
@theduran, @Tony_Wicher Not really. And you are setting up a straw man, since I never postulated simplistically “Good WASPs versus Bad Jews.”
The rulers of both England and America are a MIX of WASP billionaire pedophiles and billionaire Khazar pedophiles, both luciferians. I mean by that actual satanists, that is, above 33rd-degree Freemasons. [Btw, the third attached photo is the synagogue on Mossad asset Epstein’s orgy island.]
As a former US Marine NCO (infantry and also military intel) I am not afraid in the slightest to state my opinions, face death, or kill pedophiles who deserve it. And I state my views VERY, VERY EXPLICITLY on my own website. But I am not going to go further than that HERE — on the Duran duo’s videosites — out of consideration for them.
You should HAVE READ what Joel Stein, not a marginal person, said —
….found in my comment above, and in fact he BOASTED about it. Read especially the LAST SENTENCE AT THE LINK. But here it is – yet again – AND at the original source, in his 2008 article in the Los Angeles Times, a leading American newspaper, of course.
Who runs Hollywood? C’mon
DEC. 19, 2008
I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.
How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.
The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood. [….])
….[final sentence]
“But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government.
I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Ponder that.
……A wedding invitation in 1572 to come and be mass-murdered
In the name of Gentle Jesus, and of “God is Love,” let’s invite fellow Christians who worship God differently to a big wedding in Paris, then seal the courtyard off, bring out archers and soldiers, and then kill 30,000 of them, both there and all around France.
Insane? Sure, but insanity is normal amongst earthlings. 😉
The pope, Gregory XIII, had a gold medal struck to celebrate “the massacre of the Huguenots” and sent to the king of France
Le persone litigano per le “stronzate” pompate dal loro Ego.
Ho sempre odiato i litigi,le accuse,le prese di posizione e la guerra con persone che fanno sempre le vittime e ti accusano davanti a tutti(il classico comportamento di un Ebreo).
Sono riuscita a smorzare il mio litigio con [] solo con la rabbia visto che il dolore mi stava distruggendo.
Ho distrutto un quadro.
Ho distrutto il mio quadro preferito con un pugno.
È stato molto istintivo.
[] ha capito,mi ha chiesto scusa,non lo aveva mai fatto 🙂
“A volte sono un lupo arrabbiato sempre in guerra”..
Gli ho risposto:”Io nascondo la mia rabbia”..e quando esce fuori è come una bomba.
Le persone dovrebbero usare bene la rabbia,con le persone giuste e per le giuste motivazioni.
L’Ego distrugge tutto..e non risolve mai nulla.
Io penso tutti i giorni a questa guerra mondiale,tutti i giorni.
So che è un grande pericolo e allo stesso tempo una benedizione,così le persone si sveglieranno davvero.
Visto che neanche la pandemia li ha svegliati.
E tu sei la nostra benedizione più grande 🙂
People fight over the “bullshit” pumped out by their Ego.
I have always hated the quarrels, the accusations, the stances they take and the war with people who always play the victim and accuse you in front of everyone (which is the classic behavior of a Jew).
I was able to quell my fight with [] only with anger as the pain was destroying me.
I destroyed a painting.
I destroyed my favorite painting with one punch.
It was very instinctive.
[] understood, he apologized, he never did it again. 🙂
“Sometimes I’m an angry wolf always at war” ..
I replied: “I hide my anger” .. and when it comes out it’s like a bomb.
People should use anger well, with the right people and for the right reasons.
The Ego destroys everything … and never solves anything.
I think about this world war every day, every day.
I know it’s a great danger and a blessing at the same time, so people will really wake up.
Since the pandemic hasn’t woken them up either.
And you are our greatest blessing. 🙂
Thank you.
No pain, no gain! 🙂
I don’t believe the Austrian and German governments will enforce vaccination. They are playing with civil war if they do.
Three problems with that:
1) massive chemtrails, obesity and low-T to make men docile
2) almost no guns!!!!! and no military draft any longer
3) They don’t need to grab people and forcibly throw them down and vaccinate them on the sidewalk. They just cut off your money, ban you from food shopping, and confine you to your house to starve to death….
I believe it will backfire and make millions of new anti vaxxers if they try it.
Regarding the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre – this type of blood-lust is typical of any of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam:
Judaism is the original Neanderthalic, Semitic Abrahamic religion, with Christianity and Islam being merely later offshoots of the original poisonous vine. All of them are false, primitive Semitic religions based on fictitious characters, and all of them are focused on blood, the shedding of blood, human and animal sacrifice, and intolerance of other religions. The world will never be at peace until all three of these toxic belief systems are wiped out completely, and the world is ruled once again by Vedic Aryans, as it was in the distant past.
I basically agree, though the Keltic Druids also did human sacrifice, and, very rarely, certain Ancient Greeks.
But no, Jesus was not fictitious, any more than was Governor Pontius Pilate, or the destruction of the Second Temple…..or the Christian-hating, all-around psychopath Nero, blond and blue-eyed, btw, having the Christians burned alive, or devoured by lions. (The jews had urged Nero, via his wife Poppaea, to blame the Christians for his incompetence as ruler during the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64.
Jesus as depicted by underground Christians in the “Nunziatella” catacomb in Rome, based on the eyewitness description by Peter, Jesus’ first disciple, who, like Jesus, was from Galilee, the District of the Goyim (Galil ha Goyim).
Jesus (center) and his apostles in the catacomb of Santa Domatilla:
Anglin’s two recent articles []
Sorry, but this is for me too many grave accusations without hard proof. Basically, this is all “reacing,” painting someone with a tar brush using facts that may mean little or zilch so as to make him and Auernheimer out to be villains. I truly can see innocent and alternative explanations for all these accusations.
Hey, one of my great-grandmothers (blond and blue-eyed) had the name Berlin. Was she jewish? Some Berlins ARE. So maybe I am a jew? 😉
I had jewish friends in elementary school, and accidentally dated two jewish women.
Ahhhh-HAH! 😉
My dad insured Hasbro (Hassenfeld Brothers) toys.
Ah-HAHH! 😉
He hobnobbed with Reagan, a neo-con shill for Israel! And Israel attacked the USS Liberty!
Ah-HAHH! 😉
My dad had a mansion.
Where did he get his money, hmmmmmm? FROM THE JEWS! 😉
We descend from the Normans, Vikings, but some Normans did mix with the jews!
OMG! 😉
So I could actually be a SELF-HATING jew! 😉
Cambridge English Dictionary
proof noun (SHOWING TRUTH)
B2 [ C or U ]
a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true:
[ + that ] Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who stole the goods?
I have a suspicion that he’s having an affair, though I don’t have any concrete (= definite) proof.
If anyone needs proof of Andrew Davies’ genius as a writer, this novel is it.
“How old are you?” “21.” “Do you have any proof on you?”
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.
More examples
The police have no definitive proof of her guilt.
There’s no absolute proof, but all the evidence suggests (that) he’s guilty.
I’m glad I had the forethought to make a copy of the letter, as proof of what had been promised.
incontrovertible proof
Do you have any kind of proof of purchase?
But, comrade, if you just do not like Anglin, you need not read him. I am not going to have a war with him.
Sun and serpent and fertility worship was what aryans did for several thousand years. Until the semites started to subvert our minds with all kinds of “new” religions. We need to reconnect to our true roots.
Charles Frederick Oldham – The sun and the serpent; a contribution to the history of serpent-worship
Ophiolatreia: an account of the rites and mysteries connected with the origin, rise, and development of serpent worship in various parts of the world
James Fergusoon – Tree And Serpent Worship rations%20of%20Mythology%20and%20art%20in%20the%20 1st%20and%204th%20century%20after%20Christ.pdf
ATLANTIS, EDDA and BIBLE 200,000 Years of Germanic World Culture and the Secrets of the Holy Scriptures %20Years%20of%20Germanic%20World%20Culture%20and%2 0the%20Secrets%20of%20the%20Holy%20Scriptures%20by %20Hermann%20Wieland.pdf
Kris Kershaw – The One-eyed God Odin and the (Indo-)Germanic Männerbünde
Wilson Thomas – Swastika the Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations
Jurgen Spanuth – Atlantis – The Mystery Unraveled
OdinsRaven: Thank you for these links – very interesting! Where did you learn about these books? I’d like to learn more.
Restore white supremacy!
Paolo e Pietro,Erodiani che saccheggiarono i poveri per i ricchi,anche a Roma.
E diedero alle fiamme Roma perché Nerone si stava rivoltando contro il Senato,contro alcune famiglie romane potenti,contro i Farisei del Tempio.
Come?con la sua riforma monetaria!
Tocca la moneta,il debito e sarà guerra!Il Fuhrer né sa qualcosa 😉
Più che cristiani erano Zeloti,mercenari assetati di potere.
Ecco perché ora dobbiamo capire tutti questi eventi,le azioni di certi uomini che sono passati alla storia come “Dittatori e pazzi”.
Ora siamo in guerra proprio con i Gesuiti Erodiani e i Farisei del Tempio.
Gesù probabilmente seguì le orme di Giovanni che pagò con la vita le accuse mosse contro gli Erodiani(e anche Gesù con l’ultimo discorso politico agli Idumei e Zeloti nel 68).
Gesù (Erodiano o romano)era in buon rapporto con Nerone e non voleva nessuna guerra.
Se fosse diventato Re dei Giudei avrebbe bilanciato il carattere non solo dei piccoli Ebrei che lo seguivano ma anche dei Romani,come avrebbe fatto Giovanni Battista.
Di entrambi era emerso davvero il lato “ariano”.
Impossible to know much for certain about Jesus, as I said in my last life…. except, ironically, for the things which the Talmud concedes with clenched teeth:
— that He was real,
— a very powerful teacher,
— He performed authentic miracles,
— He was half-Aryan via the father (with Mary, who was jewish, and of royal blood, having been pregnant out of wedlock); the Talmud claims a Roman officer, “Pantera,” was the father, buttressing my view that Jesus looked Aryan, not semitic;
— and He became a fierce enemy of the Pharisees, who both hated all goyim and exploited cruelly the little jews. .
The Talmud was written by the grandsons of men who personally knew Jesus of Galilee, which means in Hebrew “Goyim District.”
Impossibile sapere molto con certezza su Gesù, come ho detto nella mia ultima vita… tranne, ironia della sorte, per le cose che il Talmud concede a denti stretti:
– che era reale,
— un insegnante molto potente,
— Compì autentici miracoli,
— Era mezzo ariano tramite il padre (con Maria, che era ebrea e di sangue reale, essendo rimasta incinta fuori dal matrimonio); il Talmud afferma che un ufficiale romano, “Pantera”, era il padre, rafforzando la mia opinione che Gesù sembrava ariano, non semitico;
— e divenne un feroce nemico dei farisei, che odiavano tutti i goy e sfruttavano crudelmente i piccoli ebrei. .
Il Talmud è stato scritto dai nipoti di uomini che hanno conosciuto personalmente Gesù di Galilea, che in ebraico significa “distretto di Goyim”.
Tempo al tempo 🙂
Alessandro ha detto che in Italia c’è una censura incredibile sulle sue scoperte,anche se alcuni sacerdoti ora lo stanno appoggiando.
In effetti Alessandro è stato chiaro.
Le sue scoperte e le sue fonti sono molto reali..e ora sono oggetto di verifiche all’estero.
Gesù era molto ariano grazie agli asmonei(a sua madre) e amava Giuseppe come padre adottivo(Se Maddalena e Gesù fossero stati fratellastri di parte di padre sarebbe scoppiato uno scandalo).
Il Talmud e le malelingue dissero che Giuseppe era suo padre perché Maria era fuggita con lui a causa delle accuse di Erode,di fatti si sono sposati solo dopo il divorzio.
Erode ha sempre creduto che Gesù fosse suo figlio,il suo ultimo erede al trono.
Qui resta il dubbio.Non importa.
Di tutta questa storia secondo me è importante sua madre Maria Boeto,figlia del Sacerdote Alessandrino Simone Boeto e Cleopatra.
Egitto 😉
Sua madre non era Semita/Neandhertal.
Sangue matrilineare.
I Neandhertal non sono i veri Ebrei o Sumeri CRO Magnon,per la precisione.
Questo è importante.
I veri Ebrei non adorano Baphomet,il Talmud e non sono una setta religiosa appartenente a Set.
Appartengono al regno del Sole/Aton.
Questo è evidente in tutte le culture ariane sparse nel mondo.
Dice anche che gli Erodiani contribuirono alla loro estinzione.
Ho trovato anche questo:
Re-sacerdoti di Israele la cui dinastia regnò sugli Ebrei per 126 anni. Essi promulgarono il Canone del Testamento Mosaico, contraddistinto dagli ‘Apocrifi’ o Libri Segreti degli Ebrei Alessandrini, i Cabalisti, e conservarono il significato strettamente letterale del precedente. Fino all’epoca di Giovanni Ircano essi furono Ascediani (Chasidim) e Farisei; ma più tardi divennero Sadducei o Zadokiti, sostenitori della regola Sacerdotale come contraddistinta da quella Rabbinica.
Chi sono allora quei manichini,quei rabbini travestiti di nero?
Mosè era un seguace(traditore)del culto di Aton, come suo fratello Akhenaton.
I Sacerdoti di Aton sono i Druidi e vestivano di bianco.
Perché i Sacerdoti si vestono di Nero?
È il culto di Set.
Come i Gesuiti.
Per questo Gesù attaccò i Farisei..
Gesù era il mio pezzo mancante dopo Akhenaton 😉
Si, Maria Maddalena è arrivata in Francia con suo figlio Lazzaro e Marta(sorella di Maria)Alessandro nomina anche una Sara(ma non è importante).
Leggilo bene.
Giovanni Battista è il Messia.
Solo una potente classe sacerdotale bianca poteva arrivare a questa profezia.
Ecco perché ho pensato ai Druidi e Gesù era probabilmente un iniziato,grazie a suo nonno Simone.
Gesù era diventato anche Sacerdote del Tempio.
Druidi 😉
Mark Arian 1947.
Mi piace immaginarlo sempre vestito di bianco con tutta la sapienza di un Druido.
I Druidi erano molto potenti in ambito religioso,amministrativo ed erano grandi guaritori.
Non lasciavano nulla di “scritto”.
Ecco perché poi erano così complicati da capire 🙂
Bellissime immagini,grande articolo.
Luciferase,molto evidente nel corpo.
Ormai ci sono milioni di motivi per non fare questa vaccinazione.
Sono cruda;è meglio morire subito per non subire eventi avversi irreversibili,Grafene,Hydra immortalis e luciferase.
Non si può convivere a lungo con tutte queste cose..
Che vita è?
Tutto questo è paragonabile alla tortura lenta 🙁
Ho avuto un piccolo litigio con mio marito per questo Soggetto qualche tempo fa.
Non credo più alla meritocrazia.
Questi esseri hanno venduto la propria anima per il successo,anche nello sport.
Basta guardare che fine ha fatto Ayrton Senna per aver detto la verità,per essersi opposto a questo sistema diabolico.
Hai ragione,questo è un pianeta di bugiardi..e noi tifiamo per loro.
La tua Mercedes deve tornare nelle mani giuste..
I had a little debate with my husband over this subject some time ago.
I no longer believe that meritocracy is what happens.
These creatures have sold their souls for success, even in sports.
Just look at what happened to Ayrton Senna for telling the truth, for opposing this diabolical system.
You’re right, this is a planet of liars… and we cheer them on.
Your Mercedes has to get back into the right hands .. 😉