@theduran Great info. The problem is the US is led by psychopathic megalomaniacs. They wish to rule the world or, failing that, to ruin it, because they are insane.
Toying with nuclear war proves it…as does reviling a no longer communist Russia which is culturally and genetically Western, democratic, capitalist — and that pulled out of Eastern Europe, and sincerely wanted our friendship.
And what folly to seekwar with a nation that defeated rhe Mongols, Poles, Turks, Swedes, Napoleon, and the legendary war machine of the Third Reich.
I read somewhere that Patton believed we could have and should have turned loose our war machine on them at some point in 1945. He wanted to keep going all the way to Moscow and crush the Stalinist regime. Do you know if that is true?
Perhaps that was the only time they could have been defeated. But maybe only if we joined forces with what remained of the German military? I’m curious about your thoughts on this.
Not a question of my thoughts.
Patton said it in his diary and to other generals, visiting dignitaries and the press.
I suppose it was an impossible political decision to make at that point though, right?
And if it were possible, what would have been the benefit to the USA and to the world?
Truman, unlike FDR, was very anti-communist. And since we alone had the atomic bomb, the timing would have been perfect. But the jews loved communism; it was their baby.
Ask Mike King how much aid the USA supplied to Stalin. If not for that, the Germans would probably have made it to Vladivostok. Also it was the American heavy bombers that destroyed the German factories.
Wow, I’m so scared. 😉 We haven’t had a real winter in Denmark since I was born — lol.
Ormai so che questo è il passo successivo…
Davvero non mi spaventa più nulla ormai..
Forse sto accettando tutto,veramente.
Anche il libero arbitrio delle persone.
Devo solo ringraziare Dio per te.
Ho ancora una speranza.
E non morirà.
Sono davvero fortunata.
Hai ragione,ora ci vuole una grande spiritualità per andare avanti.
Una grande vibrazione,come quella che tu trasmetto e che io “percepisco” anche qui 🙂 🙂
E mi piace.
You’re right, now it takes a great deal of spirituality to move forward.
A great vibration, like the one you transmit and that I “perceive” here too and that I like. 🙂
Oggi ho scoperto che una mamma che ho conosciuto ai tempi dell’asilo dei bambini e sua figlia frequentava anche la scuola elementare con loro ha lasciato l’Italia per lavorare in Spagna,senza il Green pass.
Lei afroAmericana…
Questa coppia viveva la nostra situazione e tutto il disagio di questo paese 🙁
Mi mancheranno…
Matteo adorava quella bambina dall’asilo 🙁 🙁
Ci passavamo i compiti della scuola.
🙁 🙁
Sono proprio giù ora.
Tutto per il Green pass 🙁
Qui non c’è più futuro..
Immagina questa coppia “mista” Bianco/Nera delusa da Trump.
Credevano in lui,nonostante fossero ormai in Italia da molti anni,lei aveva lasciato Santo Domingo.
Lui era preoccupato,aveva rischiato il posto di lavoro prima della pandemia ma lo aveva recuperato poi in tutta sicurezza.
Io avevo intuito poi un certo distacco dalle persone…e suo marito ci aveva confessato le sue paure e il suo disagio:
“Mi fanno sentire fuori posto e in colpa”.
Imagine this “mixed” Black / White couple disappointed by Trump.
They believed in him, although they had been in Italy for many years now, she had left Santo Domingo.
He was worried, he had risked his job before the pandemic but had then recovered it safely.
I then sensed a certain detachment from people … and her husband had confessed to us his fears and his discomfort:
“They make me feel out of place and guilty.”
Un’altra amica della Polonia va via,ritorna al suo paese:”Ci sono troppe restrizioni qui”…
Lei è vaccinata.
Ora le restrizioni passeranno anche per le Edicole e i tabacchini.
“Ci avete distrutto tre volte il Tempio” ..
E noi siamo diventati pecore…