Demon boy Trudeau defames truckers; puffs up ego of his Covitards

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It takes a special kind of human turd to accuse patriotic, blue-collar Canadian truckers (99% white!) of “vandalizing war memorials” and “stealing food from the homeless.”

This is a human devil.


As I explained in this 2007 speech. ..


….the Ancient Greek word diabolos, whence our words “diabolic” and the word “devil” itself, means literally “a slanderer.”

The Parthenon; the Ancient Greeks invented just about everything that makes up our civilization, and all these words we use today are Greek: history, mathematics, architecture, strategy, theater, comedy, tragedy, philosophy, democracy, tyranny, chemistry and physics.


The Greeks were the product of Indo-Europeans, who in turn were stranded nordics from elsewhere in this galaxy.

The Spartans were the most nordic of all the Greeks.

Helen of Troy was the wife of a Spartan king

The Jew film director Zak Snyder ordered that all actors in “300” wear dark contact lenses and dye their hair jet-black.

The actual appearance of Leonidas actor Gerald Butler:

Specifically, to slander in Greek meant literally “to pierce.” It refers to the pernicious effect on a person’s honor who is the victim of vicious slander. It runs you right through.

“Dia” in Greek means “through” or “across,” as in the word “diameter.”

“ballein” is the origin of our word “ballistic” (as in “intercontinental ballistic misile”, a Reich-German invention), and also our word “bullet.”

What all this refers to is that you can be the most upright and even noble citizen, and have 50 pounds of shining, steel armor on for defending yourself in war in a manly fashion, yet some asshole with two flapping lips can harm you from a nice, safe distance by talking shit about you, or typing it with a pseudonym.

But, still, it takes two: one to slander, and the other to CHOOSE to believe it and then to deliberately spread it.

Every smarmy Canadian leftard who spreads this slanderous Trudeau sewage about truckers vandalizing war memorials and stealing from the homeless is just as guilty as Demon Boy himself.

What is the Great Sin of earthlings?

They lie. They like lies. They lie to themselves, to others — and about others.

And that is what multi-party democracy is among lying earthlings: non-stop lying.


But national socialism is the opposite, the willingness to be truthful.



  1. All the politicians in White Christian countries hate their own people. Why else would they allow diversity to dilute and eradicate the indigenous people? Gimmegrants love diversity.

  2. This turdeau article reminds me of a Muslim thing , arguing with me about how wrong I was to oppose gimmegration into the UK. Turns out she was an Afghan living in Canada. A shit hole from a shit hole turning Canada into a shit hole. Blame the politicians who work for the big jews , Soros and Co.

  3. Our subjectivity is rooted; theirs is not. Their subjectivity is a surface thing, like a tumbleweed. Wait ’till the wind blows, and we’ll see what becomes of it.

    • Hatred and lies have power, too. In fact, Stalin would argue that they are better ways to rule men than love and truth.

      On the other hand, his huge bolshevik empire collapsed totally after less than four decades.

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