Forget SWIFT — Jew-West sanctions Russia’s Central Bank to crash the ruble, boost inflation, and overthrow Putin; fake news of Ukies’ “heroic resistance”

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This was Jewmerica’s “nuclear option” and it will harm the West more than the East.

Alexander Mercouris, living in London, adds that his fuel bill just went up by 54%.

Also, much of the world’s wheat, corn (maize) and soybeans come from Russia and Ukraine. Expect these prices of key foodstuffs to soar.

Next stop: a false-flag cyberattack to crash the electric power grid by Western spooks on the West, to be blamed on Putin.

Finally, Russia is more than self-sufficient in food and energy, has $750 billions in financial reserves, and tons of gold to back its ruble currency, plus Putin’s invasion of Jewkraine has a 73% approval from the Russian people.

And Russia can always switch its oil and gas to Europe and the US off — and sell it all instead to China, North Korea and India.
And what could the US Navy do? These countries are all land neighbors.
And they all have nuclear weapons, too.
In the end, the world will dump the dollar — and Jewmerica will be unable to print new dollars by the trillions, backed by nothing but the Pentagon and its threat to invade and regime-change nations who reject the dollar, all to pay its bills with money backed by nothing. America will again have to live within its means as it did 200 years ago and stop interfering everywhere.
Jewmerica has just f—ed itself.

The UP of Michigan is looking better and better every day as a place to survive.

But do not call me if you never sent me one thin dime as this website has undergone months of hacking.

Why would I want to aid a self-centered moocher like you to move to my town?

How did my site overcome two lengthy hacks in tbe last two weeks?


By deeds, not words.


@theduran A VERY close and trusted friend of mine since 2008 said he has just chatted with two Ukrainian former girlfriends, and they say there is NO “heroic resistance” to the Russkis.

In fact, when the nebbishy jew Zelensky ordered rifles to be passed out, criminals and trashy local people used them simply to rob others, or to threaten neighbors they have feuds going with, not to fight the Russians.

And the law-abiding neighbors keep THEIR rifles at the ready only as protection against the local riff-raff…..

The Ukies have no love for the regime.

I also posted:

@theduran Great video as usual. 🙂 Alexander M., may I say that I hope you are not working yourself to the the bone, to the point of exhaustion, given your parental responsabilities while in your forties (?) and the worry and stress we all feel over the grave world situation.
You are a vital person and so “sto lat,” as the Poles say — “May You Live a Hundred Years.” 🙂
Maybe reduce the quantity and frequency to keep up your outstanding quality?
Maybe let Alex C. keep cranking out his superb daily reporting while you husband your health? Just suggestions by a sincere admirer and donor.
As for India, as we know, it is ruled by the religious conservative and Hindu-nationalistic Modi. He would be as revulsed by Biden’s wokism as are the (publicly) Orthodox Christian Putin, or the Saudis, for that matter, or Bolsonaro in Brazil. They find this Biden-Demoncrat party to be disgusting with its radical LGBTQ, transgender, defund-the-police, sex-ed, drag-queen, open-borders agendas, whereas Modi and the others all got along just fine with the patriotic conservative Trump.
And everyone in politics knows Biden is illegitimate, a crook, a man who was a dim bulb all his life and now is senile on top of it!….that the Covid vaxx he is pushing is a disaster, and that the truth is that Biden outright stole the election and is not the real president but a usurper.
Only the bullyable countries and leaders are obeying the ineffable gangster Biden, such as Germany’s Scholtz, England’s Bojo, and France’s Macron.
The Marines used to have a cynical expression about the villages in South Vietnam and a “winning the hearts and minds” program which the Pentagon was pushing:
“If you have them by the [testicles], their hearts and minds will follow.”
BoJo, Scholz, Macron — just terrified puppets.


  1. Dear Mr. de Nugent,

    I thought you may be interested in this video about Ukraine. I found it interesting.
    Around 8:00 minutes the host mentions your friends, the Duran.

  2. This Russian invasion of Ukraine is much ado about nothing, in my opinion. The Jews who own Ukraine, Russia, and the United States will come to a power-sharing agreement of some type, and it will be “business as usual.” According to this DS article, it’s more of a low-level conflict than an “invasion,” with very little actual fighting:

    It will be a similar situation when China decides to invade Taiwan – a lot of threats and posturing from the West, but no military action. The North Korean invasion of South Korea is the one to watch out for, as it will put the 28,500 U.S. military personnel stationed in South Korea in harm’s way, and will necessitate a U.S. military response, which will likely then lead to escalation, possibly including the U.S. use of tactical nukes against the huge 1.2 million-man North Korean army. This will then result in a combined Russian / Chinese nuclear attack on all U.S. military facilities, and WWIII.

    • Thanks for this and your previous comment and the theory regarding North Korea.

      My dear, late friend Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS division Leibstandarte AH, who for years published a great newsletter (“The GANPAC Brief”), said North Korea was China’s perfect tool for the purpose of tormenting the United States.

      However, I do expect the Ukrainian situation to get much more violent as well.

      My paid website monitor and writer Francois, who watches for hackers, has stayed in touch with two Ukrainian former girlfriends. I have seen pix of one of these attractive women. They told him that eight years of total [jew] control, since the Maidan CIA putsch of 2014, of the Ukrainian media and government have brainwashed “8 in 10 Ukrainians under fifty to hate the Russians.”

      All Ukraine’s poverty is because of the Russkis and the tyrannical Putie, you see… The KGB of Evil Vlad also did the Holodomor, too, not the jews

      But it is the treacherous muslim fanatic Erdogan of Turkey whom I am watching the most.

      I think he will switch sides suddenly, closing the Dardanelles to Russian warships (so they cannot defend the two Russian bases in Syria, which protect it from IsraHell) while letting the US Navy pour into the Black Sea, AND he will show the Jewmericans the top-secret Russian S-400 anti-aircraft/anti-missile system which he bought from Russia.

      The Pentagon is just salivating to get at and take this apart so they can know how to defeat Russia via a first strike on the Russians’ own S-400s (and S-500s) and thus, they imagine, the Jewnited Snakes can “win” a nuclear war while suffering only “acceptable” losses, such as “only half the US population dying.”

      This is, of course, lunacy. But egoic people do lunatic things every day. Radiation, nuclear winter, electric-grid collapse, fuel shortages, supply-chain and water-system failures will kill off 90% of the survivors of nuclear blasts.

      The Van Rensburg Prophecy marches on to fulfillment, with islamic Turkey triggering Armageddon.

      If I cannot stop it, then fine. The Fourth Reich, intact, will rule whatever is left, as Van Rensburg said.

  3. According to Henry Ford’s _ The International Jew_ Louis Marshall, the leading Jew in America, who had the ear of President Wilson, destroyed a trade treaty between the United States and Russia that had existed for many dacades, because Russia refused entry into their country of American Jews (who eventually took the country over and killed the Czar and his family).

    Henry Ford objected to this action by saying that Jews had no right to make American foreign policy.

    Do the Jews not make American foreign policy today?

    I believe the time has come for White Americans to take their country back!

    • Good point, and this is why President Wm Howard Taft lost re-election, too — he had refused to economically sanction Russia over supposed antisemitic pogroms there, which the Jews themselves had provoked by horrendous acts of ritual murder of slavic children, swindles, usury, “fencing” (dealing in stolen goods), etc.

      The Big Jews backed against the incumbent Taft in 1912 both former president Teddy Roosevelt — who was rockstar-popular, and thus would go on to split the Republican vote with Taft — and Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat, who thereby won.
      Divide and conquer…
      Then the jew-puppet Wilson rammed through the catastrophic Federal Reserve, the IRS (for submission, surveillance, blackmail, and war financing), the direct election of US senators (violating the entire spirit of the Constitution), and later on US entry into WWI — via fake-news Gernan-atrocity stories without the slightest foundation — and the concomitant crushing of all civil liberties under Attorney General Palmer as “sedition.”

      Then the marionette in the White House approved the atrocious Treaty of Versailles, which radically violated his own hypocritical “Fourteen Points” of Jan. 1918, with the purpose of making the innocent German people poor, weak and starving forever… while next door the Bolsheviks, via bloodbaths of mass executions, were turning Christian, gentile Russia into a massive jew-run war machine… all this when what the West desperately needed was a super-STRONG Germany to stop the further spread of marxism under the blood-dripping Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin!

      Wilson was the ultimate goy sell-out politician.

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