Kalinka; reincarnation — and simultaneous lives

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The Kalinka is a kind of cranberry tree in Russia (and Ukraine), but it also means “beautiful girl.” 😉

In Slavic paganism the red berries meant blood, family genetic traits and heritage.

The song “Kalinka” ( Russ. “Калинка”) is the best-known Russian song of all time. People think it was a genuine folksong, but it was actually written in 1860 by the composer and folklorist Ivan Petrovich Larionov 1830-1889 and was first performed in Saratov as part of a theatrical entertainment that he had composed. Soon it was added to the repertory of a folk choral group.

The song celebrates a Kalinka or “snowball” tree, with a speedy tempo and light-hearted lyrics. Singers and dancers many a time get into a frenzied celebration of song and dance while performing this song. The actual content of the song cannot be translated, as it possesses many Russian expressions and words that contain double meanings…. and have no equivalent in other languages.

This 1965 performance by the Red Army Chorus is considered to have been the best ever.



A German comrade sent me this, and I added details:

Reincarnation: A 24-minute masterpiece, “One Step Beyond”: Nightmare. (rare episode)” (1961), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k-I0K1uUOE

An artist has inexplicable visions of a woman, it goes so far that he even addresses his partner by another name, and his reincarnation memories break through more and more.
Finally, they both set off for a coastal village, where he meets his partner from his previous life again, whom he had to leave at an early age due to the war.

are and real as they are; there are alternative lines of personal development.

The following Twilight Zone episode from 1986 [the second series] is, in this commentator’s opinion, one of the greatest introductions to this subject:

A family man who fled to Canada at a young age to escape being drafted into the Vietnam War experiences more and more breakthroughs of an alternative reality and finally gets a visit from another self who was actually drafted, went off to war, and now is a maimed, dying war veteran in a wheelchair who craves to know how his other self is doing:

Intro: What if your fate split off into two different versions of you that lived two different lives from the point you walked away from your intended destiny?

What would happen if that other version of you that lived the life that you turned away from, were to show up one day to tell you all about it? And what if there was a way to make it so that you were able to somehow combine those two paths into one, the good and the bad… all together… as it was meant to be…

The guy is a real beta, btw. He ran off to Canada claiming his motive was that the war was evil, but his alternate self pussied out in combat in Nam and cried like a little girl.

This agrees with my own experience that many vets, if tough-minded, come back from combat okay. The bigger problem for combat vets comes if the war turns out to have been pointless, with men dying by the tens of thousands for nothing, benefiting only the jews and military contractors. . )

(LOL! Every house has a chair that all the clothes get put on. 😉 )


Cliff DeYoung as both the draft-dodger and the legless veteran [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_DeYoung

Margaret Klenck [an American actress of German descent who later became a leading Jungian psychoanalyst! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Klenck

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