Zelensky appeals to American jew leaders for no-fly zone, calls Russian incursion “pure Nazism”; Israeli “ex”-commandos killing Russians; Putin’s army finds illegal US bio-weapon labs

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…..Oh Gawd — after Putin says he will purge Zelenskyland of  “Nazis,” the jew calls HIS incursion “Nazi”…





….Former Israeli soldiers are fighting in the Ukrainian Armed Forces to kill Russians 


The Russian website Novostivl-ru reports that former Israeli military from the elite units of the IDF, such as the famed Golani Brigade (https://en.wikipedia.org/golani_brigade), are fighting on the side of Ukrainian troops and radicals, including groups recognized as terrorists in Russia.

As it became known, we are talking about a group of “volunteers” who decided to join the Ukrainian troops.. At the same time, given the apparent absence of any criticism from Israel, this should clearly raise a lot of questions about interference in the Russian special operation.


…..Jewkraine : making illegal biological weapons for Jewmerica? (Remember how in 2003 we declared WAR on Iraq and smashed their country over supposedly producing biological and other “weapons of mass destruction”?

….. Good Canadian WN on GAB

CanadianPM_JT The anti-justin!


  1. Ukrainian Parliament member Kira Rudik, a bottle-blonde with black eyes and giant Neanderthalic mouth, nose, and lips, is almost certainly a Jewess, and says she’s fighting for the New (Jew) World Order of democracy. What an ugly woman, inside and out – she has a face I’d like to punch, even though she’s a woman. She’s not worried about the Russian invasion, because Putin takes care of the Jews, whether they are Russian “oligarchs” or Ukrainian politicians like Rudik and Zelensky. It’s the common non-Jewish Ukrainians who will suffer and die in this conflict, while Jews like Rudik and Zelensky walk away unharmed.


    Kira Rudik:


  2. What is it with Jews and Nazis? Lol. I saw two jews once arguing, both calling each other a Nazi! 😉 This fact didn’t stop the jewish Stern gang from asking the German Abwehr (Military Intelligence) twice for weapons in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1941. Why? To attack the British forces there and drive them out of Palestine.

    In return for the Jewish help in killing nearly 400 British personnel, the jews would be given the Palestinians’ homeland, Palestine.

    And they sent a letter bomb in the post to Mr. Churchill!

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