The Greco-Roman gods and goddesses, renegade Nordic aliens

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“Diana the Huntress,” by Guillaume Seignac


I believe, and have stated on my blogsite since 2011, that we are not alone in the universe. Even the Pentagon now admits this, and just released 1,500 reports on alien encounters to the British newspaper “The Sun” under the FOIA.

UPDATED My battle with egoic minds over aliens began in 2011; Defense Intelligence Agency releases report on harmful alien encounters: 42 medical case studies


I also believe that the “gods” were real but not gods at all, just advanced and sometimes selfish human aliens. Many were very tall and Scandinavian-looking, and mated with earthlings. The “goddess” Diana (in Greek “Artemis,” a daughter of Jupiter/Zeus) stood head-and-shoulders above her nymphs, her ladies in waiting.

Once she as discovered bathing nude in a steam by a human, a hunter named Actaeon, who was out with his dogs.

Because the earthling, either stunned by her beauty or simply being insolent, did not cover his eyes chastely and turn away, in a rage the goddess shape-shifted him into a stag, a male deer — and though the hunter fled for his life, his own dogs caught up with him — and mauled him to death.
The “gods,” IMO renegade human aliens, could be very cruel to earthlings…but also do good things.
Guillaume Seignac (1870-1924) was a French painter who often painted gods and goddesses:
I surmise that his fascination with the Greco-Roman gods may reflect something in one of his past lives, perhaps in Rome, Greece or both.


    • I will look into this “Acts of Pilate.” It is entirely possible that Governor Pilate sent off a report about Jesus, and other matters, from that rebellious, troubled and troubling province which would commit two huge uprisings against Roman rule.
      Unfortunately, there is a plethora of apocryphal Christian literature, writing sometimes called “pious fraud.” A technical word is “pseudography,” meaning in Greek “fake authorship.”
      The intention is good, of course, but it is basically inventing stuff.
      Btw, dear brother, please post more than just the links. Readers have no major stimulus to open mere links. I would prefer videos and articles to be introduced and their salient message described so that readers get curious and actually open the link. Thank you, of course, as always. 🙂
      More and more, I see Jesus as a starseed who made understandable mistakes in dealing with the basically hopeless and incorrigible Jews. 99% of His teachings went right over His disciples’ heads.
      (I was amused to read Eckhart Tolle joking: “Only a Buddhist can understand Jesus.” Tolle does quote Jesus and especially some of His most mysterious sayings, such as “blessed are the poor in spirit,” “love your enemies,” and “turn the other cheek.”)
      In the end, the self-appointed apostle Saul, AKA Paul of Tarsus, was able to hijack the whole thing and use it to glorify the Jews, and reaffirm that they are “God’s Chosen People” to the gullible goyim.
      Yet the Jews, by rights, should be the sinister villains of the story, having hated, defamed, framed and caused the horrible whipping and bloody, excruciating murder of Jesus of Galilee [with Galilee, lit. “Galil ha Goyim,” meaning “Goyim District” in Hebrew!]
      Had Jesus — who was beyond brilliant and also multilingual, not to mention a performer of genuine miracles (which the Talmud concedes!!!!) — put His very profound and key teachings down on paper, and not just put things out orally to a bunch of illiterate peasants and fishermen, going way over their heads, Saul could not have hijacked the whole thing and rejudaized it.
      There is a good reason why things are put down on paper and signed and witnessed by a notary, in this case so they could not be twisted into something pro-jewish ten or twenty years later by a cunning subverter who was a Sanhedrin agent.
      And yet enough of the true Jesus does shine through in the Gospels to create a religion which is far better than atheism and which does show the Jewish leaders in a very negative light.
      Even Saul could not get away with denying the jews’ kangaroo trial of Jesus and making threats against Pontius Pilate to bring about His crucifixion.
      The skeleton of the story is based on well-known public events which forever will brand the Jews as exactly what they were and are, psychopaths, liars, character assassins, blackmailers, and Christ-killers.
      I will add two mysterious Jesus stories:
      He instructs Peter to buy a sword. Then when Peter uses it on a slave who is part of the party come to arrest Jesus, Jesus heals the slave and restores his sliced-off ear.
      Also, Jesus, about to expire after hours of agony on the Cross, says in a loud and clear voice in the Aramaic language to God in heaven:
      “Eli, Eli, lama sabakhthani?!”
      This means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
      This would suggest that something had not gone according to plan, to say the least.
      I have no doubt that this quotation is accurate and not apocryphal. Being puzzling, it is not at all the kind of thing which supports the narrative of Jesus being God, that is, God the Son. Jesus is saying He does not understand something.
      It is in there because there was dead silence as a locally very famous man died, a religious superstar. It is in there because everyone heard it, and the final words of Jesus, a notable man, began to be circulated.
      And this is exactly what a starseed might say, an earthling in the flesh who actually incarnated here from a far higher Nordic planet on a mission of mercy, and then found the earthlings obdurate, bizarre and incredibly hard to change, the common experience of all starseeds.
      It is not just the Jews down here who live in spiritual darkness.
      The Romans said it 2,000 years ago:
      “Mundus decipi vult” — the world wants to be lied to.
      The Jews only thrive because of us.
      And so our Third Reich was almost doomed from the start, one tiny pinprick of light in a sea of darkness.
      Of course the world united against us.
      My SS telephonist 1940-45, Rochus Miscch, found a pessimistic remark I made to be worth reporting to posterity as we moved in January 1939 into the beautiful New Reich Chancellery, which I and Albert Speer had designed:
      “The only way I will leave this building is feet-first.”
      And six years later it came true.
      There is no point in politics when people are wicked.
      Aldous Huxley was right: Earth is the hell of other planets.
      One might also call it a penal colony, run by the kapos, by certain ruthless inmates.
      And now we all see it. Hell on earth.

  1. The Scythian — Study notes on the historical Jesus
    based on the works of
    Professor Badiny, Jós Ferenc,
    and other esteemed scholars
    Fehérlófő tankör
    (study group)

    This PDF book interprets the Jesus story using biblical and talmudic and other sources within the context of the conflict between the Roman and Parthian Empires.

    Some excerpts:

    3. We read in Acts of Pilate (9.3) that the Jews,
    fully aware that the Parthians are Rome’s
    archenemies, argue their accusation of Jesus
    to Pilate stating that the magi came from the
    East to greet not the king of the Jews but their
    own king: “We know that Caesar is king, and
    not Jesus. For assuredly the magi brought gifts
    to him as to a king.”

    The term that best defines Jesus’ torture and
    death is satanic cult-style ritual killing. When we
    examine the events surrounding Jesus’ trial, torture
    and crucifixion, we need to keep three facts in mind:
    1. Roman authorities grant the Jews jurisdiction
    only over Judean Jews and only in Jewish
    religious matters. Since the Jewish high-
    priests, Caiaphas and Annas, do not consider
    Jesus either a Jew or a Judean, they argue that
    Jewish religious laws apply to everyone in
    Judea, including foreigners (other than
    Romans). Pilate, however, disagrees and, since
    he does not find evidence of Jesus breaking
    any Roman laws, refuses to have him executed.
    2. During Jesus’ time, executions in Judea are
    lawful only by order of the civil authority who,
    in Jesus’ case, is Pilate. Pilate, however, does
    not order Jesus’ execution. Therefore, killing
    Jesus is an unlawful act. And since the act is
    intentional, it is murder. Further, since the
    murder is planned, it is premeditated murder.
    3. Church dogma claiming that it was the
    Romans who crucified Jesus is untenable. It
    would be suicidal for soldiers in any army to
    ex-office execute a civilian, especially in
    peacetime, without signed orders. Such
    breakdown of discipline is unthinkable in the
    Roman Legions, especially on the part of a
    Tribune (roughly equivalent to a Colonel—
    elected by the Council), as propagated by the
    Church. Condoning such behavior would turn
    soldiers into an uncontrollable mob. And since
    Pilate does not sign any order of execution, no
    Roman soldier in his right mind would take
    part in the events that follow. That leaves the
    permanent mercenary guards of the Temple of
    Jerusalem as the only armed personnel who
    could have carried out Jesus’ unlawful torture
    and killing.

    The timing of Jesus’ crucifixion is reported to be
    of utmost importance to the high-priests of the
    Temple of Jerusalem. … Passover …
    “humane treatment,” which is prohibited by Article
    40. This Article implicitly requires that Jesus be
    tortured to death. Accordingly, the timing and
    intensity of his torture has to be orchestrated to
    bring about his death at 3 pm.

    Aftermath of Jesus torture and crucifixion
    Tiberius’ letter to Pilate (Editorial Catolica S. A.
    Madrid, 1975. p. 474). Emperor Tiberius’ letter to
    Pilate (Delivered by a detachment of 2000 Roman troops):…
    Tiberius’ orders were to shackle Pilate, Caiaphas,
    his father-in-law, Annas, and all the other high-
    priests of the Temple of Jerusalem and their
    accomplices, and bring them to Rome. …
    He is so jolted by the gravity and
    viciousness of this crime, he sentences even his own
    son-in-law, Pilate, to death, along with the other
    perpetrators, and has them all executed.

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